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Jun 06, 2021
but what's strange, I'm returning to my YouTube channel. I'm here with my sister Lexi and my brother. Basically, today we are going to play who is my


brother. So who is my


brother? No, I'm not, that's a lot. of a prize to give, then what you have to do is answer questions about me and whoever gets the most correct will receive the prize of my favorite brother, if you lose, you will have to do whatever I want for the rest of the day so what do you have to do? , you have to make my personal contacts and press the like button if any of your brothers are as weird as my brothers, but they are weird, no, yeah, yeah, a little bit, okay guys, let's get into it, ready, ah , here we go.
who s my favorite sibling brent rivera
First question here we go, what did you hate most about high school? So we're off to a great start, okay guys, ready, yeah, three, two, one, being the weirdest, they're really Lexie, wait until you see mine, you were awkward, unpopular, so both. The answers are true, so which one are you going to choose? So we won, so you're both wrong, right now you're just looking down on me. Okay, no, the correct answer was that I should wake up early. Oh well, not everyone, not me. Am I unhappy or am I the weirdest, there you guys are bad, here we go next.
who s my favorite sibling brent rivera

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who s my favorite sibling brent rivera...

What quality in a girl is most important to me? Okay, guys, ready, okay, three, two, one, a kind personality and a beautiful smile, well, that's it, I feel terrible, but. I think that's pretty accurate on Kim Kardashian's butt, well I mean Kim's case but it's good but at the same time I think Lexi gets the point here because I'm okay with losing so Lexi is winning 1- 0 right now, okay? Okay, I can't believe Badgett. The next question is who is mom's favorite. Okay, everything to be honest, here we'll do it like this later, guys. I know.
who s my favorite sibling brent rivera
I know the answers. Let me know who you think is mom's favorite. How did she do it? I even understand what you're doing I just want to see who you think is my favorite okay okay bomb it's our live audience for this one three two one me becquer becquer it's not my show Lexi wins without a point you know what I wouldn't do brilliant love Me I see as a newcomer to the runway the correct answer was me, I know the correct answers, I love you all, this mom just answers, okay, I have to go have fun, my soda, wait, wait, did she answer even though yes Did she tell me so that no one finds out?
who s my favorite sibling brent rivera
The point is, we'll just get on with whatever. Where does everyone know it's true? There is no next question. Do I like Selena Gomez or Ariana Grande's war more? Okay, here we go three, two, one, Selena, Selena, you two are right, nice, sorry, it's two. one, Lexie is winning, okay guys, let's move on, here we go, what's my biggest phobia, okay, okay, here we go, three, two, one, being alone forever, okay, as much as that's a ditch towards me again, that's true, okay, I'm. scared let's go to the plane realistically and bring one he says you are afraid of that okay so I think you two are ready for this so it's three to two here we go next question what is my most embarrassing moment? thank you Lexi Bryce is starting to be my favorite you just know hello here we go three two a very embarrassing moment when they called you a leather jacket and I went to sneak in without paying another guy said hey another jacket and I was wearing a leather jacket for him The first Maybe I was really nervous about wearing this leather jacket because it looks cool, but I was a little afraid that people would say something about how I'd never worn a leather jacket before and then they'd catch it, hey, in the luggage and I .
Okay, what is this PF Changs indigestion? Had an episode so I once ate PF Changs rice too fast and almost died so it was pretty embarrassing. Oh no, they were both really embarrassing. I'll give them both the point, so the score is now four to three. They both got a point. Okay, so this next one is a little complicated because I am an amazing person, but what is my worst quality? Should we make a list? er, oh, you're funny, no, just one, okay, here we go, three, two, one, really loud, sometimes, okay, I'm having it, I can't even hear out of this ear, overheating, what, okay, first Nothing, I love food, but I don't overdo it. very loudly and that's true, but you know I was looking more to worry too much about others and sometimes forget about myself, that's what I was, that's what I was looking for.
I agree that I am loud sometimes, right? I'll give Brice that point and the next question is what do I like to do in my free time? Okay, here we go three two one. Oh, driving cars. Okay, that's very true. I like driving cars. Isn't it wrong? I know. Hit me. in bed it's fine, that's also very true. I feel like I'm just keeping them company. I feel like I'm not bothering them, but I do see where you're coming from, so I'll give you one point and then you're absolutely right. I like driving cars, so I'm not going to do it guys, so the score is 5 to 5, it's getting closer, okay, which makes me more uncomfortable.
Okay guys, here we go, yeah, write three, two, one, when you shit your pants, okay, no. Let's see, you can't give them these things because they don't matter, that makes you feel comfortable, yeah, but I've never done it before, guys, I would never poop my pants before, oh, she's making things up, dr. mom because she is the one who does the laundry. I swear, what are these random hugs from Bombay? That's true. Well, yours is definitely fine. Yours if I don't understand the point, nobody understands it. I think so, no one has a point here. Can't. throw mom on the bus like that, okay, it's going to kill me, okay, if I couldn't have any superpower, what would it be three, two, one, nan, smell farts, so you don't get embarrassed, that would be cool, the superpower of not smell farts?
I mean, my farts don't really smell, so I don't think it's a big difference, but they're invisible so you can spy on Shan and Camilla. Oh, that's true. Yes, our Shana can be a little thing. It is not like this? Yes, she would. She'd probably prefer to be invisible for Bryce to get that point, so now it's six minus five. Rice is winning, here we go, but I'll let this question have two points, so whoever answers this question right will take the favorite brother trophy. What was the date Ava and I first met just a month into the year?
Well we got my three two one May 2014 May 2015 Oh wow we actually met in April 2015 so Lexi was wrong so congratulations Bryce. you're my favorite brother Lexi you're not my favorite brother I'm going out so you know what that means Lexi has to be my personal assistant for the day Lexi I have my first request here Lexi massage my feet massage my feet that's it I'm talking about guys , This is gonna be great. Can I give you more than one? So I have a list of things that I see you can do after this, but make sure to like it, but if you have weird


Also, because I like the button below, also subscribe to my channel and don't forget to put post notifications. If you subscribe and set post notifications, you could be there next week. Shout out and we're almost at 10 million subscribers, so subscribe to Lexi. channel go watch her channel Bryce doesn't have a channel but yes she has a channel and the link will be in the description below and yes thank you so much for watching congratulations the price I'm bringing my favorite brother to you .

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