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Who Left These Cows On The Baseball Field? - The Gus & Eddy & Sven Podcast

Jun 07, 2021
try to get back to the last of us online no dude people are crazy it's like you can't even play that's like a fortnight for me yeah I just wasn't willing to spend a fortnight because I was away for two three months and then everyone got too good, yeah it was like most of the kids were at the level that the pro streamers were in the first few months, too high and it's like they were You're too good, it's because again . I would dive into it if I were a kid. I would like to be the best possible.
who left these cows on the baseball field   the gus eddy sven podcast
I think that's why I never liked him. I really enjoyed a fortnight for part of it, but I never got to I love something and that's the first example of a game where I actually felt old and a bit angry because I felt like I was never good enough at the game, like everyone They were kicking my ass. I never learned to do it. to do the build battle, she jumped in very late after the metaphor, it was like already, yeah, like there was no battle, like when I started playing, people were still saying oh, it's great if we get to this point in the map and we built this base and I'll put a window here and do that, it was a lot of fun and no one did it once, yeah, I just hated it and it was all my flaws.
who left these cows on the baseball field   the gus eddy sven podcast

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who left these cows on the baseball field the gus eddy sven podcast...

It was like I didn't want to do this, yeah, what's the At this point, I thought, oh, I should put a brick wall here, yeah, make like a big Fortner, yeah, the inside and then people would feel threatened by That, it was great and nobody like nobody really knew how to do it. Like staring, running too, so it was like all this was a great foundation, but once people learn how to improve, there's no stopping it, you know. , weaken it at all, so it's like I just don't know, that's why I like it. pub G a lot more, I think overall, although I think it's an inferior game, yeah, it just is, but I liked it better with that approach because there was a much lower ceiling, you know, for less skill, so that's why I love the blackout.
who left these cows on the baseball field   the gus eddy sven podcast
Yeah, yeah, if you guys didn't know that people listening, Blackout was Call of Duty, because you had to buy a game like a $60 game and then there was like a season pass and then there were microtransactions for it, but it was like it's a fun, solid game that I really enjoy. We used to play it with a friend in college and pretty much every game for months we had fun doing the same thing every game. dropdown, go to the middle of the circle right away, which is usually like yeah, it still makes it three circles and we just get in a car and all the cars appear at a 45 degree angle to a road, and so we were taking a car to the middle of the circle, we put our guns away and sat in the back of a jeep, yeah, just sit and wait, we drink and wait for people to come in, come out and cover them up, and it was a lot of fun. also because we did that together too and it was like once they sat down you're ready it's like imagining how angry you would be you just get in a car and you're about to start it you say okay where we had it and let's just finish it Right away, it's the worst thing ever.
who left these cows on the baseball field   the gus eddy sven podcast
A similar comment comes from a college friend of mine. Colin, hey, Colin from Colin Griff's said that if you were trapped inside a video game and you had to beat the game to escape, what game would that be? I don't mind dying breathless as long as I just want to live in it, yes that would be cool because I would die for it but you had to do it too in order to escape. Although I would like to live there, yes, well that's the thing, don't escape, don't win, good Kush, don't go to the castle, yes, but it would be difficult to live there because all the ladies in the game look like that, yes. like you go and say hey I have to go talk to the lady who dyes my clothes and she'll be like I think I love the SMR character in the game, that's the lady I chose.
I just wish it were different, don't you? a guy, oh wait, that's yeah, the pink-haired guy, yeah, yeah, well I guess he'd be gay in the breath, answer dad, guys, no, I like what I always think about that, like it's so easy to live in a world of video games. and like being lost there, but he's talking like you're trying to get out, though yeah, like, what is it, he's asking what would probably be the easiest, like pong, but you gotta be on it, like, what you do? I'm just like the palette. I would do anything other than GTA, that would be stupid, yeah that's basically real life, oh you live.
I make flowers, flowers like that company game you made or whatever, you just have to be flower petals, honey, you know, there are no enemies, peggle, yeah, there you go. I'm thinking what is Qbert Qbert somewhere he jumped whole blocks, well you get dizzy. I know he has a little something in his trunk. I didn't know he was going to the bench, okay. She says all games are fine. I miss myself, although strange, as if he were excited. like a new game was coming to mobile because I remember I had one of the first iPhones when it was released and that was holy, like there was a new game in things, yeah, it used to be the marble maze and it had won the first iPod.
So it was like we just looked at it, remember there was one where it was the guy who would like a meteor to fall? You definitely try to jump on them at the right time and then, oh, I said, jump, love. doodle jump jelly car jelly jelly car all the music you failed like crazy we have about jelly car man that's amazing very good music I remember one of my favorites was the stick fight and it was when all those like you had a castle in one The boys side and stick they ran, you had to throw it up in the air to kill it, the same name is the current stick fight, um, no, I don't know if it's the same name, but it's very different gameplay-wise, okay , it was like Stick Defense or Fight Man Guy 2009.
I think I remember how exciting it was when they started making triple A titles and porting shitty mobile versions because I remember Assassin's Creed coming out. I had the first iPhones, what do I do? you have a video, this is a video game, you know, remember, uh, my name was Gang Starr, it was like the poor man's GTA on your iPhone, it ran at 10 frames per second, it was like a really small sandbox game, you know, they have games from GTA. about them, yeah, but this was like 2010, yeah, something like that, this blew my mind, star, was it?
Yeah, Gang Starr, damn yeah, it's so weird how at certain times in your life I guess it's like everything and then you just stop playing. literally four yeah it's a waste it's a waste of my life but you had fun along the way Gus I didn't even make them see it's not about the destination it's about the journey oh let's look at the question here so many questions to make videos. We already gave all the answers, yes, and in every


episode we have had, a YouTuber has asked us how to get to YouTube. What is the recommended amount of dedicated RAM?
Let me see. Hey, Sven asks Jomama 198. I guess all of us, I'm really having trouble with my garbage disposal. He's stinking up the whole house. How can I clean it without risking my precious fingers or risking yours? Well, I'd say you'll probably find a lot more junk that you can put in it and the sheer amount of it. of trash and dough would probably weigh it down and push the stinky trash even further in, giving you at least a week or two before the new trash starts to smell and then once it starts smelling like you find trash new like me.
Thinking about bananas and fish or something, I was going to say: stick your whole fist in it. Oh well, we're trying not to risk our fingers completely, so sink the fish in it, is what I'm saying and then push it down and then while you're getting the pressure down, flip that bad boy over, okay, just you know, push it and they'll cut it off, so yeah, push on it, you like to turn your hands along with the thing so you can't hear, just in case. Don't do that in case one person likes the way I solve it, please do it buddy.
I always used to be afraid of it like it was a garbage shovel. I remember one time I was at a friend's house and his mom dropped a knife. There was an accident down there and it was like I was so little and it was the panic that she turned it on and it was cooking, you know, and she just screamed and I always thought she was going to die, okay? What the heck is a garbage disposal down? you're just not supposed to put food in your food that clogs your disk, it's fine, you put it there and cut it.
I am an idiot. Were you ever scared by things like those around the house when you were a kid? Well, yes, I won like my dad, yes, my dad, sure, wait for my list of dads, yes, I was a father by quarter. I always used to be so scared like every night, I was so paranoid about the silliest things, I was so worried. kid, so first I would like the whole family to be upstairs sleeping and before I go upstairs I used to go check the common plug-ins and make sure they are fully plugged in and turn off the lights and triple check the doors and things like We were never murdered, So who's who's kidding now, guys?
I was going to say like some OCD thing, but my brain thought, oh, like ODST, yeah, have you ever had any tics like that or anything like OCD? No, I did, yeah, I still like it I like it honestly I do this a lot I like it I feel like I have to crane my neck all the time mmm that's me that's basically mine right now I remember what you told me the story about when we went to the set filming movie when you've been to a restaurant before oh yeah, I think I did, I'll say it again, it was so short.
For years I've been breaking my elbow as well as my shoulder and if you're an Audio Listener, I'm sorry, but I'm reaching out and hitting him from behind and he breaks my shoulder and we were, it was a shitty session like we were going to do this I'm even excited, okay, I know the shitty things you said. that in the


, but yes, thank you, I said it. Well, I always broke my arm like that and if we were in Laguna Beach and we were trying to find some kind of restaurant or coffee shop that we could go to film this video and, yes, I've seen it.
I'm super unpleasant in the video as I am in many of my characters. I'm just screaming and I'm all over the place like that, so I walked in and it was me, Sven and Sabrina, and I was. Well guys, no one is here in this restaurant, it was like some kind of wine bar, it's like no one is here, we're just going to shoot the footage, they'll probably kick us out and we'll leave, okay, okay. so we ordered two glasses of wine which were like 17 dollars each, it's the cheapest wine and we were sitting at the table waiting for the waitress to bring us our things and I was just waiting for an opportunity, the sun is setting and then , casually, I came back and reached out to close my shoulder and without looking I couldn't have made it any stronger, I just cleared the tray of wine glasses and then she snuck up on me. behind us with the wine I didn't even hear her coming and it was from her perspective that it looked like she was coming after me and I just went towards you and every glass broke and there was wine everywhere.
She had a pole. to the tray on the floor was in the corner, who knows in that other corner, get it, no, brother, brother, Rose right there, no, but I just erased the thing completely and it was glass and we were the only ones there except for four different ones. the waiters standing around God and I was like, "Oh my God," I thought there's no way I'm filming the video there after that, so we helped her clean up glass shards and clean up the wine and it was like almost $40 for the wine and I said I


him a $20 tip so it was like 60 bucks and we


right away and then we left but God that was terrible man yeah that's just that moment in which I just hit.
This will scare me because how do you explain that? Sorry, it was just a windmill on my arm, yeah, I don't know, pray, bully, yeah, well that's it for the podcast, wait, check it out, that's it for the pot, yeah. you

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