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Whitney Cummings Gives Jimmy Kimmel 'Red Flag' Dating Test

Jun 01, 2021
This is a complicated dress, why is it old? It's a complicated dress okay, yeah, that's good for the viewers at home. I have to make some adjustments to protect you with the truck. No, no, come on, let's give the people at home what they came to do. see your legs give them a gynecological exam yes, they asked for it um this book is called I'm fine another license means you're not fine I know this might surprise some people, but I don't have it "Together friends, you don't know because it seems to me that you've got it all right, really yeah, I'm hanging on by a thread, Jim, well, I didn't get it because it seemed to be you, well, you're very successful, obviously." I have a lot of jobs, from what I can tell, you're working on things, you're producing, other people, you're writing for other people and for yourself, you're reading a book, you're on tour, you're, you have.
whitney cummings gives jimmy kimmel red flag dating test
I'm so funny, you're so funny, well that's the reason all these things come together is because you're so funny, you don't feel like it, oh that's so cute. I think I wanted to write a book that sort of revealed all the kinds of flaws and insecurities and mistakes that we make. I think many of us aim to have it all together. You scroll down Instagram and see everyone's grea


hits. Nobody really shows them. You know what happens behind the scenes and I. I wanted to make it socially acceptable to talk about our not-so-good times, our embarrassing times, our embarrassing moments, and I did that with this book, which means I'll be single forever, I mean, I really did start because it sounds like.
whitney cummings gives jimmy kimmel red flag dating test

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whitney cummings gives jimmy kimmel red flag dating test...

I mean, yeah, are you worried about, yeah, revealing so much? Yes, I revealed a lot in this book about eating disorders, body dysmorphia addiction, I don't know why you guys don't laugh, you're hilarious, it's made a lot of things very weird for I like people in general. I feel like they now think I'm a safe place to admit all their weird secrets, oh no, and embarrassing behavior. People now come up to me in airports and tell me strange things they do. I was me. A woman ran up to me in an airport and said, Hey, I go to stores and buy clothes I don't even want so other people can't have them.
whitney cummings gives jimmy kimmel red flag dating test
I'm going to go find a movie theater that is one of the craziest things I've ever heard. I scream through it like it's a driveway. She just says: Hey Whitney, I can't stop stealing. Don't advise them anything. I mean, look, I'm not a psychiatrist. I think he's a pretty obvious comedian. You know, we read the book. There is a lot of useful information there. I'm trying to make a fun self-help book. I find that when people are depressed or struggling with something, a lot of self-help books are gloomy and boring. They just make it worse. I want to write a fun self-help book so people can laugh and cry and get into medical type stuff.
whitney cummings gives jimmy kimmel red flag dating test
I did this and added a few things in there. My therapist quickly realized that. I have something called codependency which manifests itself in me having the ability and inability to talk, first of all, but also to see red


s in the name, you've met some guys that I've dated, you know, okay, my Pickers are fine, but I like my The brain will automatically turn the negative into a positive just to justify being in a terrible relationship and that's not a good thing, that's a bad thing, aging man. I see that I will meet a guy and say: oh, he is married, oh no, I'm not afraid. of commitment you can't be trusted on the streets so he made me start


ing the guy I'm


to find out his subconscious and find out who they are and my producer said he could do it with you oh yeah .
Can I ask you a question? Do this? At what time? And only the first day. I try to do it the first day. Well, that won't help anything. If they questioned me on the first date, I'd say, "Hey." I'm going to the bathroom. I'll never go back when things get tough. Give me the test. Do you know it well? Yes, do you have a pen? I'm about to borrow at some point. I do, yes, good. I'll sign the book, Kimmy, you failed this. The idea is that Freud came up with this test and essentially what he does is discover things about someone's subconscious because they will pretend to be people who are not right.
I pretend I have thirty people. I pretend that this is the way to get the truth out of someone and in a sneaky way so that you don't discover, after two years of


, that they have a secret family. You know this is a good way. Alright. I feel like there is a lot of pressure. There's a lot of pressure, but I hope you're watching. I'm going to try to answer honestly, okay, the first thing I need to know is what your favorite animal is. Oh, monkey, definitely, monkey, okay. I need three reasons why it is your favorite animal.
Well, them. throwing poop is free or throwing holding on and trying to make adjectives it's okay to smoke I like it when they smoke but the only animal that smokes they know well what's up with the monkey oh I like it they're funny I think they're funny they seem smart yes and they're a little crazy funny smart crazy crazy okay what's your favorite item of clothing? No? It could be a suit. It could be a pair of my socks. Anything. It could be a wedding dress. Yes. Dress. That's me. do you know what underwear is I have a tank top that has the colors of the Jamaican


and I only wear it because my wife hates it so much I don't know what I bought like 12 of them and because she throws them away immediately and then I just produced another and she doesn't know where they keep them, so what are some three adjectives to describe that tank top?
It's horrible, I would definitely be one of them ridiculous, annoying, yes, I think I already failed the test, no, no. I'll tell you what they mean in a second. Okay, the last one is what is your favorite body of water. It can be an ocean, a swimming pool, a glass of water, a stream, a mine, it was the new river in Virginia because they did rafting. I know what mine is, okay, mine is Silver Creek in Idaho, okay, yeah, tell me three things that describe that Creek, it's placid, clear and full of trout, is that word truffle, abundant, abundant, troubled , yes, yes, yes, then it's Silver, it's a, it's a, it's. moving now a little bit, but not much, it's very soft a little bit yeah, okay, so what does this basically do?
It also helps you understand the difference between the way you perceive yourself and the way other people perceive you, so the former tells you how. you perceive yourself as a monkey monkey, yes that's right, funny, smart, crazy and throws poop, if you throw Harry in there you have, I mean, practically, my Twitter timeline or your Tinder, bye, yeah, okay, and then your item of clothing is how other people perceive you. Okay, your wife is ridiculous, yeah, yeah. She would have pressured you to go for something besides the tank top, but she just wanted to hear a lot about it and imagine you and okay, I did.
The third is the way you view sex. Wow and it moves a little but not much they have seen you let me have that book Wow it's all here all the secrets of life in this book it's gone I'm fine and otherwise hello I'm



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