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Which Power and Conflict Poems Compare Well?

Mar 10, 2024
Hello everyone and welcome to this video, what I want to talk to you about are the


that you could choose to


in the




group. Now, in some ways, all the



, so I was reluctant to make this video, but there are many. Some of you asked for it, so I thought I would give you some good advice now. One of the ways they could compare the poems is through the use of language structure and form. Obviously, that's what they're going to write about on the exam, but you could choose your comparison poem based on that, so let's say my last duchess is the named poem, you could say, okay, that's a dramatic monologue and so does it. are the poppies, so I'm going to compare them, let's say Storm on the Island is the named poem, you could Think carefully, that's a long stanza, so I'm going to compare it to my last duchess,


is also a long stanza.
which power and conflict poems compare well
Let's say that London is the named poem. You might think it's full of metaphors, so I'm going to compare it to a fabric that's also full of metaphors, that's not a bad approach, but there is a problem with the fact that you should spend about 45 minutes on your question of comparison of poetry and if you choose your comparative poem with this method, then what will happen is that you are going to write for about 10 or 15 minutes and you run out of good ideas. A better way to do it is to compare by themes and that helps us to obtain the highest marks in the exam the poetry answer is divided into six limits in the highest band what What you are looking for in your answer is a conceptualized answer in


you present a concept, an idea or a line of argument to explore.
which power and conflict poems compare well

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which power and conflict poems compare well...

It is an interpretation of the text in which examples are used to illustrate that interpretation. Now for me, in a 45 minute exam. I think this is the perfect amount of time to present a two-sided or two-part argument, so for example you could choose to compare Aussie Mandias to my last Duchess and in the middle of your answer you would write about how they present the can. of man and then in the other half of your answer you would explain how they undermine that suggested


. You would do this by writing about the structure and form of the language and also referring to the context, but what I am trying to suggest to you is that if you have two or perhaps three three-part arguments, one line of argument then that will really help you get the highest grades because what many students do is simply choose random fragments of the poems.
which power and conflict poems compare well
Oh, there's a simile there. there is a use of dramatic monologue, there is some rhyme and there is no type of cohesion. The highest grades are when you have a theory, an idea that you present with a one-line introduction and then jump right into it. So what? What I'm going to do in this video is suggest poems that I think you should compare or could compare because they lend themselves


to this two or three part argument format and whether you agree with my combinations or not, I hope you can see that This A way to compare poems by not only having many isolated ideas but also a coherent story line is a good approach to your planning and your choice of the second poem, ozzie mandias, if that were the name of the poem, I would compare it to my last duchess and is complete.
which power and conflict poems compare well
The answer is in my guide on, the gcse literature guide, why, because they both present the man as powerful through a number of different techniques through the use of structure, through the use of form, through the use of language, but they also use other techniques to undermine. that power, so yes, my last duchess presents the man as powerful because it is a dramatic monologue and we never hear the person being spoken to, so the form represents the power, but then there is a lot of enjoyment and the use of a long stanza suggesting that he actually is. it's not so powerful that it can't control itself it's this big burst of emotion that spreads aussie mandias is presented as powerful through the use of biblical language but undermines it through the changing sonnet form used throughout Now what do I mean by line type? of argument, I would spend half my time on the exam writing about how these poems present man as powerful through the use of language structure, I would say then, but that is undermined by the poet's use of structure of language and form ii, which talks about power. changing and handing all the time in automandius and uh the dutch the duke is not so controlled after all in my last duchess and I would explore that during the second half of the exam so what you have is a two sided argument where my suggestion is they present themselves as powerful, but actually the poets subtly undermine this presentation of power so that one line becomes my introduction and then the entire response explores that concept, that theory, that idea rather than just picking things at random. here and there to compare the light brigade charge I would probably compare it to the exhibition.
I think they both question the causes and highlight the futility of war, but in charge of the light brigade there is more of a sense of glory and patriotism than the exposition, so there is a similarity in what they do. But there is also a difference. I would compare the kamikaze to the prelude to stealing the ship. I think they both present the power of nature and everything that happened in this video, guys, is in my individual poetry analysis, so check out the playlist this video was on during the robbery. On the boat we have this boy who thinks he's all-powerful and then he sees the mountain and realizes the power of nature, so it's really a two-sided argument, but if both poems do the same thing, there's this idea of that nature is powerful. so I would explore that and then there is the idea that man is weak and I would explore that for the war photographer.
I think I would compare it to poppies and see how they both relate to the internal impact of the


, but one is about a personal impact and how much it hurts the mother whose son is at war, the other is about frustration at the lack of impact national of the war in the population of the storm on the island and the emigrated, I talk about what the place is like. It's powerful in these poems but also how nature is powerful in these poems again two similarities but two different parts of my line of argument reviewing the story is a bit complicated but I think I compare it to London.
I would write about The Power of Identity challenges the power that controls and defines our identity, but of course looking back at my story we get the feeling that education is to blame, whereas in London we get the feeling that it is upbringing that is to blame. of religion, human greed and government. There is also a difference between the bayonet charge and the remains, I think I would compare them. Both refer to the personal impact of conflict or war, but of course the bayonet charge looks at the impact on the soldier, while the remains look at the impact on someone left behind, not in the war zone, so one is in the war zone and the other in the civilian sphere.
Then I would look at London and knitting. I think there is a lot of similarity between these. Both criticize various types of power, but religious power. The power of the government. But I think the fabric explores. a positive alternative, the nature of the images and that sort of thing suggests how things can be better if we hold them loosely like knitting, whereas London doesn't suggest such an optimistic or positive alternative, so that's the video, Guys, I hope you found it useful. If you agree with my poem comparison points, what you need to have in your head is the idea of ​​a story line, an idea probably with two different sides or two separate parts that you can explore throughout your answer and, by Of course, you don't just write about the plot of the poem, then explore it through the poet's use of structure and form of language, it's a very complicated thing to do, which is why you know where the highest marks are awarded, but if you want To use my suggestions for which poems compare


, I want you to remember that you have 45 minutes, so many times you need numerous points of comparison, similarities and differences, but they need an overarching theory, which is why writing with the story line. with two different points seems to be a good idea, subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and thanks for watching.

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