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When Rich Kids Were Never Told No As A Child

Apr 28, 2024
dad. They have no reason, dad, she's fine, yes, we're not going to do them, is that her? Pay it up, get up, can I talk to him? No, I'm going in the car, I'm going, I don't know, come in, come in, dad, dad, we resist violently. you want to let him come back you have a limp you didn't tell me why you put me in the car because you were going to jail why Jesus Christ understands why I'm going to jail finally her dad came but she was disappointed because she didn't reject the charges with wads of bills, but who asked him to obey the police, but then he realized that he might be in trouble, so he began to discuss legalities with the officers, the officers explained to him the seriousness of his actions and emphasized that his reckless behavior was putting lives at risk, but for this


kid, as long as no lives were harmed and everything was fine, his argument seems to be that they shouldn't arrest her


she hasn't hurt anyone yet, you could have killed the others and me, but I wouldn't.
when rich kids were never told no as a child
I did. So what are you talking about? Thank God, you didn't thank God, did you, you're just being me. I'm going to ask you one more time why I'm here. You're going to go to jail for reckless driving, DUI, hit and run, why, and reckless driving, why, reckless driving, because the speeds you were going and the stop signs you could easily have. you killed someone you had no regard for other people's lives, okay, DUI, you want to charge me with DUI, but you have nothing, we're going to let you right now, you're going to pass, sure, you're going to check that now, but why that?
when rich kids were never told no as a child

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when rich kids were never told no as a child...

You say that before because you're drunk. No, I'm not a friend, this is me. She was eventually charged with DUI for reckless driving, resisting an officer with violence, and fleeing the officer. She will have enough time to think about the consequences of her actions. What started out as a regular day of water patrol in Escambia County for Florida Fish and Wildlife Officers Ellie Burkin and Christopher Lug took a strange turn


they were turned away by the operator of a pontoon boat traveling under a bridge. This gesture offended the officers, prompting them to pursue the pontoon.
when rich kids were never told no as a child
It is true that insulting the police is not a crime and could also be covered by your freedom of expression, but you better not make offensive gestures while actively committing a crime put it in neutral what was that about what was that about deceiving us you are not in neutral put it in neutral put it in neutral here's a here's a v just put it in neutral I'll tell you what man if you get any attention we'll go find out what's up that's it don't grab the boat just sit down whose is it boat, uh, it's Freedom Boat Club, but that's what I work for, okay.
when rich kids were never told no as a child
I don't want anyone grabbing life jackets or anything else I'm asking for. I want him to do it well. Yes sir. Life jackets where you want them. All life jackets are in the back. Listen to me. I don't need to listen to myself. I need nine life jackets your registration a throwable object and a fire extinguisher all good throwable officers conducted a safety inspection on a boat checking the required safety equipment they found alcohol and discovered that all passengers were under 21 years old and , therefore, they were minors. The operator underwent sobriety tests and was arrested. For boating under the influence, the officer then took advantage of the situation to educate teens about the seriousness of alcohol consumption and reckless behavior on the water, emphasizing the risks and legal consequences.
He emphasized the need for responsibility on a ship, especially considering potential navigational distractions and danger. poses for everyone on board and nearby, so I know they have enough jackets for everyone, where's the rest? Yeah, well, I know there's only three in there, so, uh, yeah, we'll get to the second part, sir, not just. let him take the keys if there are some under the seat let him take them can you get up for that yeah BR so we want to I'm not going to make them count we don't have many look St I'm not being picky I just can't see through St four five that's good that's good that's good do you want to involve it or do you want me to bring it up here you're okay, would you feel comfortable?
That'll work, do it, do it in the Back here let go but I'm going to split up for just a second CU I don't have to worry about crashing all of you okay, in the end the officer took the passengers to shore and talked to the teenagers about compliance with the law since then. Underage drinking is just a memory meter, he set them free, this is everyone's ship, yes sir, okay, this is where it's supposed to be right, the switch is off or the key power off is still in, I think it's good. Okay, he's getting arrested for bouncing under the influence, so okay, okay, I don't know if he has anything else or homework he needs to do today, but he's not coming back today, so okay, do you have any questions or anything you guys? two of you just work here only you two realize I know you did what you did you may think that's why we turned around um it definitely caught our attention but you guys got up from the wheel and walked towards the center boat while cruising in the middle of a bridge when our boat which is a bigger boat has a bigger boat weight and he sat there and did whatever he did no one drives the boat you know if that weight


if anyone comes over you guys are turning a corner where there are blind corners in both directions. where fools


stop so all that stuff happens while you're oh yeah no I get it I'm voting I'm fine I didn't walk away at all I just had to control the ship. at all times um you stood in the middle of the boat and held up two fingers how did you have control of the boat?
I just one of them um but no, I had a hand back in the day bro, yeah sir, you had both of your hands up in the air because I promise you, I waved back thinking you were waving at us and then I said, I guess There's more to it, so for the flipper who was boating under the influence, the officer emphasized how that behavior endangers everyone on the boat. especially in the middle of a bridge with potential dangers, let's hope he learns his lesson after a few nights in jail. If you like the video, hit the like button and subscribe for more engaging content.
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