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When Entitled Karens Think They Are Above The Law!

May 02, 2024
talk to me too quickly? The wind is very crazy right now. No, thanks. I don't trust you, ah, this is what we were waiting for, all it took was an invitation to sit in the back of the police car for her inner Karen to emerge, trying to get out of the wind and stuff to talk with you and I didn't want to go into the houses it seems like the wind you can stand the wind look this is all mine look at all the things outside okay, did you take anything from inside the house? I mean, you can look, there's a lot of stuff here, right?
when entitled karens think they are above the law
It's supposed to be here, yeah, it seems to have a lot of stuff in that car, more than people would normally have in the back of their car, it's almost like it's moving, yeah. They said you were in the house, but the point is you can't, you're a victim, you've been an officer, so she was evicted, but she also took it upon herself to return to the house to take any items she considers hers, but okay apparently this is a yard thing No. I walked into the house


wouldn't come back so I haven't gotten out of my way things suddenly take a turn H, this may be the reason why the police know her so well, I swear to God, don't do it, I was Of course she was not in the house, we


you are right, she is not currently on the ground being arrested either.
when entitled karens think they are above the law

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when entitled karens think they are above the law...

Hi, I'm Karen Turner. Hello, I'm Karen Z Turner, Port Commissioner. authority of New York and New Jersey you're just here you're just here as the right trip no I'm not fine I'm here as a concerned citizen and friend of the mayor oh and yes you heard that right his name is genuine Karen what's the reason Why were


arrested? The driver has all the information that he will tell you. No, no, no, no, I need to know. No, you don't need to know. Karen's daughter was on her way to her house for Easter Sunday accompanied. by several friends, I'm not going to tell them, he is the driver of the car, he is over 18 years old and the police stopped them and confiscated their car


Karen arrived at the scene to pick them up, however, his natural seriousness soon became evident.
when entitled karens think they are above the law
Are you a commissioner? Yeah, it wasn't long before Karen showed her credentials clearly expecting the cops to get on their knees and say sorry, okay, so if there's a problem, I guess there's no problem, well, I


there's a problem. registered vehicle okay, let's hear the reason why they stopped them first of all now don't call me miss, I'm commissioner, thank you commissioner, because of why they stopped. With all due respect, this is impacting me because I have more people coming. I returned home even


that didn't work, she decided to play the victim card, how could the police be so inconsiderate as to cause inconvenience?
when entitled karens think they are above the law
Yes, I want to know what the problem is, it's more because of the way you just approached me. and your behavior you know what's right, that's it, I'm being honest with you. I want to know why I just don't appreciate your behavior. You are being very demanding of me. No, I'm asking you a question, what is it? They didn't say yes, although she could just ask her daughter's friend why they confiscated her car, she insists that the police tell her who, well, she won't have the right to know what's going on. No, I can explain why that is my daughter, your daughter has not been summoned, she was not the driver, this is not her vehicle, it is not your vehicle.
I hope you have a very good holiday weekend, too, because you ruined it for a lot of people without even decency ruin nothing do my job Yes you did, yes you completely ruined Easter for a lot of people, you bad cop, how dare you do your job when I have chocolate eggs to eat? Shocking, it's shocking that you can't even message me. I'll just do it. For safety reasons, on the high speed road, I think we should all get off the road. Apparently the worst thing you could do to a Karen is give her permission to do something.
You can watch this clip now. Sorry, okay, that's pathetic and you're a disappointment. and you're just following along, so that's a disappointment too. I will speak to the police chief and I will speak to the 54th mayor. Unfortunately, this lovely lady had to resign as commissioner after this incident because of what agency officials. She would only describe it as deeply disturbing behavior. Oops, I have all the information correct. I have all your information, honey. Wait, if you love our videos, make sure you check out Retrocast and if Retrocast isn't your thing, don't worry, we have another video on akimbo for you.

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