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What To Order At Panda Express - With Menu Review

Apr 17, 2024
flavor city family,


's up? I'm about to enter Panda Express and continue the topic of fast food


s, wish me luck, knock on wood, this is going to be difficult because the things at Panda Express are not pretty, they use a lot of sugar. of flavor enhancers and one thing is interesting about


: inside it will say that you don't use msg stick for a couple of minutes and I'll tell you why that might be a little controversial, but the good news is that we're going to find something. so you get it, that's a little healthier in



, so let's talk less and eat more, let's do our thing, we have successfully


ed everything in panda


, we have to start with the granddaddy of them all, check it out, brad, chicken original orange, raise your hand if you were guilty of eating this in the past, Brad, of course, it's crunchy, it's buttery, it's sweet, I mean, this is everything your taste buds crave and more, let's have a piece of this Crispy chicken here, oh yeah, I bet, oh, come on, my taste.
what to order at panda express   with menu review
The buds are partying right now, a super crunchy sweet touch of um chili. It's really nice, but we have to break down the notes here, so we'll start with something interesting. The amount of sugar perhaps in the orange chicken could be the highest on the


. Why put this mixed with that sweet orange sauce on a serving of orange chicken? There are 19 grams of sugar. I'll give them some credit. It's real cane sugar. They're not using high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup, so that's kind of impressive, but 19 grams. of sugar, my friends barely make it to five teaspoons, so imagine five white teaspoons of sugar here for me, that's a little high, it's like orange chicken with the type two diabetes side, a little high, right? but when Brad and I were doing research for this video there's an asterisk on a lot of these ingredients or dishes that says this dish uses a proprietary dough and sauce and it basically says we're not going to tell you everything that's in it, but it has something like flour. wheat, eggs, spices and the sauce has something like water, sugar and soy sauce, but


are the other ingredients?
what to order at panda express   with menu review

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what to order at panda express with menu review...

They could be flavor enhancers. I'll show them to you later, so I'd like to know the other ingredients in the secret sauce. Does anyone else think it's criminal? They don't have to list the ingredients. I know some places like Burger King. Don't put the ingredients. Shake Shack. Don't put the ingredients. There is nothing proprietary about your orange chicken sauce. I'm not going to rip it out and make my own bobby version at home, so don't worry, that's a little worrying, but for me what I find most worrying is the sugar at 19 grams, but man, the amount of sugar What's there for me is too much, but it's really very tasty, but I would just say no to that fried rice.
what to order at panda express   with menu review
I love fried rice. I have several fried rice recipes and our new cookbook. I have fried rice with wild rice. I have keto cauliflower fried rice and I love it because of the flecks. of soft scrambled eggs and vegetables mmm, they cook good rice, short grain rice, fluffy, not too wet or soggy, and the taste is really good when I pour it on myself, the thing is, I was a little surprised to see this if you take out my notes here, normally you wouldn't see journalist Bobby have so many red highlighters, yellow highlighters in a fried rice, but if we look here, to be honest, when it comes to fast food, I'm one hundred percent fine with almost all the ingredients. there, but you know, when you walk into um panda express and you see in the little window, there's no message, well, my friends look at two ingredients here under the fried rice, disodium enosinate and disodium guayamulate, the only reason I know which are others. forms of msg is because I have seen them at other fast food places and have done my research to be sure that they are not using monosodium glutamate right in the message, but rather they are using another form of msg called disodium inosinate or disodium guanuli.
what to order at panda express   with menu review
We're putting that in the fried rice. Fried rice is delicious on its own. The thing about these things is that they are called exciogens. Its main job is to excite your taste buds. It sends the signal to your brain saying this is good. I want to eat more, so yes. They don't technically use msg, but they use its cousin in the form of those two things, so I would say no, you'll want to stick with white rice or brown rice, but I'll tell you. why there's a surprise ingredient in there in a second so it's a bit of a bummer before we move on to a main course here maybe the chow mein uh let's give a shout out to my guys at Seed they're constantly mentioned in these videos of fast food


s because if you are eating this type of food you probably need a little help when it comes to gut health and to be honest everyone needs help because in my opinion your gut health and your microbiome are the backbone core of your Health, the point is that I have researched this exhaustively.
Most probiotics on the market are overpriced and a waste of money because they die in the stomach. Stomach acids kill live bacteria. The good thing about seeds is that there are two capsules in one. The external capsule is the one that only dissolves in the stomach and because that external capsule is made from pomegranates, it is high in fiber. What are foods rich in fiber? They're prebiotics, so it's a prebiotic, so the internal capsule that actually has 24 strains of bacteria. it passes through the intestine to the colon and can carry 24 strains of live bacteria that are not only good for intestinal health, not only are they good for bowel movements, if you need help like that, they are also good for the immune system, skin and much more.
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Try this, it's completely risk-free. In my opinion, there is no other probiotic on the market like the seeds, so try it using my link. below let's go for this this might be one of the healthiest protein options on the


this is just the teriyaki chicken and I have to give it credit look at the color of this bun. I would call dibs on that piece every day. I love it. color of the marinade when it caramelizes and this is actually one of the healthier options hmm wow that's a nice piece of chicken I thought I need to cleanse my palate here with some dripping accessories for panda express they are using thighs chicken, chicken breast. it would never have that texture and to be honest, there are chicken thighs, there is a little sugar, soy sauce, soy oil, but there are none of those flavor enhancers, none of those other names for msg, sugar doesn't it's just as high as other options and there are no nasty preservatives so grilled chicken would probably be my go to for Maine and then I'll tell you what rice to pair it with in a second but we have to go with this Beijing beef no I know, Brad, look it's almost similar. fried Beijing chicken legs doesn't look like the most appealing right, it looks like those chicken legs that are fried, the Beijing beef has some napa cabbage in there, super fruit, oh man, super fried topped with that sauce for to be honest.
That could be a leather shoe and you wouldn't know it's covered in so much dough and so much sweet sauce that it's cleanly sweet. Keep dripping. Honestly, it could be anything battered and fried and you wouldn't know that wasn't good. In my opinion, and it is not good, I was wrong before too. I said the orange chicken had the most sugar on the menu. Sorry, it's now been surpassed by Beijing beef, which has a whopping 24 grams of sugar. Fortunately, it's sugar. and high fructose corn syrup, so it's both, there's six teaspoons of sugar here. I'm sorry, if I ate another piece my taste buds would fly out of the water, that's crazy, but unlike orange chicken, there's a lot of nasty stuff in them.
There are ingredients and flavor enhancers here in the form of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate, two very unpleasant preservatives normally only seen in cheap deli meats and cheap bacon. Bradley's favorite number five yellow and number 40 red are banned in other countries, but we make it here because the FDA generally considers it safe, but as we're learning, they generally consider it safe. It's just the company's job to hire their own. scientists to determine if it's safe and the FDA doesn't even care or have to enforce it, so of course, I'm going to say it's safe because it's better for your bottom line: hydrolyzed soy protein and corn core protein, great flavor enhancers, and carrageenan, a highly inflammatory emulsifier that's really bad for your gut, just say no to the Beijing beef bar with the teriyaki chicken if you need a little more excitement in your life, the orange chicken it's a better option than Beijing beef, that's not good, so what I would do again is buy my delicious chicken thigh teriyakis and then you have two options, you have white rice.
Which I say never eat it because it is white rice. White rice, my friends, is just brown rice that has been stripped of its bran and fiber. Therefore, white rice, in my opinion, is a dead food, it has no nutrients, at least it still has complex carbohydrates. intact, my only question, man, they make good rice there, short grain, slightly al dente, that's very good, if you brought this type of rice home to make fried rice, it would be a because fried rice is made better with leftover rice that is a little dry, that is good rice, the problem is that if I look at my notes here, the express partner explained to me why this steamed brown rice has soybean oil, but the white rice is just white rice without oil, I don't know whether to put that. that to help it cook and stay separate, I have to keep them separate, I don't know, but it's probably a touch of soybean oil.
I'd rather you get the complex carbs instead of the simple ones, so brown rice, teriyaki chicken, right? like uh larry david and curb chicken teriyaki boy I would be chicken teriyaki boy this is my favorite food if I had to eat at um panda express but we're not done eating me yet right brad look at those noodles veggies they look good. I don't think I've ever eaten chow mein in my life. We might as well start with the best one, which is really tasty. It is cooked in cottonseed oil. One of the most processed GMO agricultural oils out there.
It has caramel coloring. The color of the noodles, but it has ingredients that I normally see in cheap bread. Monoglycerides are a derivative of trans fatty acids which are a preservative and the data is usually made for bread to help the bread rise faster and then there is yellow number five, yellow number six, potassium carbonate. good news, bad news, unfortunately, the best bread, the best chow mein of my life, which is the first, it's also the most toxic, so say no to that, so we'll go with this guy here, these are the super green ones Yes, super. greens, what is that?, look at this, what is brett?
I think they gave me a quarter of a cabbage here, holy cow, are you kidding me? At first I thought it was a dumpling. I don't want that cabbage, do it, you got it. to reset your donut, yeah right, so super greens are basically just a ton of broccoli, some shredded cabbage and a quarter of a cabbage here, okay that's super greasy, to be honest the seasoning is pretty weak , which is a little strange because when you expect there to be msg and super green steamed vegetables, well, politics of course is not that message, but it has that unpleasant flavor enhancer called disodium inosinate and disodium granules.
The thing is they're very tasteless they're hijacking my taste buds they're not even putting enough if they're going to poison me just put a little extra poison in there guys that's crazy that's not good so no I know why they add that it doesn't even taste that good, that's a big no-no and the ultimate one. but not least i wanted to


chicken stickers and was told it hadn't been on the menu in a few years so i guess this was my backup the chicken egg roll ok the chicken egg roll Hen is not something I would get either, that's right. too many ingredients for an egg roll and my cat once again we get the double dose of the message we get the yeast extract we get the cottonseed oil so no I wouldn't choose that I was going to buy the chicken sticker because it's the most clean So, my friends, it's not the best news here at Panda Express.
I just got a quadruple dose of msg which means I have to drink a ton of water and have a healthy meal for theintestine tonight. Let me cleanse my palate, so once again, keep going. teriyaki chicken with brown rice ditch the super veggies uh that's it where the fast food train should go to the next subway walk your way leave a comment below let us know we love making these videos For you, I love it. poisoning my body just for you ah I like subscribe share spread that flavor city love of a very windy day here at panda express we leave you as we always do hashtag keep cooking crazy love and peace later

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