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What a Supermarket in Japan is Really Like

May 08, 2024
This is


a Japanese




like, so today I'm at Life Supermarket here in Tokyo and I'm super happy because I always wanted to show you the inside of a Japanese


and I finally got permission, so I'll take you and show you some of my favorite items, like this like the prices included so without further ado let me take you and tell you


yeah I have full access to the supermarket or in Japanese Supa you don't know. How long have I been trying to make this video continuously? Let me know in the comments how Supa compares to your country and if anything surprises you anyway, the meat and potatoes, so that the first thing you notice when entering a Japanese supermarket, you will probably pass by the produce section with all the vegetables and fruits and all that, which is actually a pretty important thing, but today we're going to skip that for now, maybe we'll come back to A little bit later because I want to show you this first, so the first thing you'll see is this wonderful seafood section.
what a supermarket in japan is really like
You can see all this fresh fish. Seafood in Japan is very popular for cooking at home and, as you can see, you can easily get it fresh in the supermarket. There is a whole section of whole fish of various sizes, but being in the city, some may consider it extravagant, as a large AO eel costs 15,000 yen, red snapper costs 3,000 yen. However, 580 yen and the isai snapper costs 6,800 yen. If you ask the workers, they will kindly clean the fish however you want. Plus, they have a tank here where you can order super fresh fish. They even do EKGs, a Japanese technique done when cleaning fish to help maximize freshness.
what a supermarket in japan is really like

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what a supermarket in japan is really like...

In addition, the supermarket also offers pre-cut fish at reasonable prices. Oh, and I love their tuna section, which offers a variety of parts. They have Toto red meat tataki and minced tuna. I mean a set of fatty tuna, medium tuna and red meat for 3580 yen. There's a pretty good deal in town and since we're talking about seafood, I have to take you to the sushi section and if you just look around, they have all these different styles of sushi, but you can also get the sushi pie or you can get a piece of cake here and then you can get a lot of different sushi items.
what a supermarket in japan is really like
Having a wide variety of sushi is common in Japanese supermarkets, not only do they have Nigi sets which are quite popular when you want to splurge on your lunch or dinner but they also have Dawn kaisen which are more affordable at 798 yen or rolls like this for 680 n. Sometimes they even sell real wasabi so you can grind it fresh at home and it's great to be able to see sushi being made safely. in front of you, so it's


fun to be able to show you all these different products and all the things that you can get in a Japanese supermarket, so this section here, if you just look, goes all the way down the aisle.
what a supermarket in japan is really like
These Japanese cuisine sauces have ponzu miso and suyu, which is a mixture of Dashi and soy sauce. Hay SOI no suyu is Michael's favorite, his mother even uses it. They also have a light colored suyu like this one and this one is a Dashi made from flying fish the soy sauce section is crazy I love their premium section from different manufacturers this one is gluten free and no Tamar this one is dark soy flavored Dashi they even have soy sauce designed for egg over rice you even have these unique soy sauces like a college show you have Kaki Oyster Soy Sauce I show you ninu which is garlic I show you so there are so many different varieties of soy sauce and then, oh, I just want to show you this one here, this one here is Kuru, which is like a vinegar like a Black Vinegar and it's cranberry flavored.
I drink it all the time. It's supposed to be very, very healthy. I put it in my smoothie, mix it with my greens and everything and it just adds a little nice flavor. Now let me show you the Miso section here. You usually find the lighter colored miso called Shido miso super dark red miso and the ones in between those two that are considered red miso. Michael switches brands, but this has to be his favorite marui tanita shoko miso, oh and for ease of use they also have a freezer. dry flakes and liquid bottles now let me show you one of my favorite sections, bentos and soai deli, so just look at the variety here, it has all kinds of different ventos and the prices are quite reasonable, also look at this one, this is the Rose KATU and it's a great deal in the Bento section, you will find all kinds of bentos, traditional pigsty bentos, oversized bentos and organic bentos.
It's quite fascinating to see all the different creations in the traditional pigsty area, you can find grilled bentos. fish with garnishes and this one with fried fish on rice with garnishes I love yakiton bentos like this and also oyakodon bentos like this super siiz bentos at least this is what they think in Japan it looks like this this is chicken fillet with shell off and this one only has a lot of stuff for only 598 years, this healthy bento is in the organic section only 390 yen. Organic bentos usually come with brown rice and lots of vegetables. This section is without a doubt my wife's favorite.
Me not so much. I also have non-Japanese bendo like bmop and gapo. Now let me take you to the soai delicatessen section in Japan. Delicatessen soai products are often bought as side dishes for home-cooked dinners, especially as they require time and effort to prepare such as fried products and yakit toti, you can even get yakit toti here and my favorite is skun, so yakit is a Very popular Japanese zoai dish and you can usually choose between fish with salt or tat sauce and check this out, they even have these dishes for parties. Fried chicken I run, it actually has two types of potato wedges and shrimp O Meal Deal right here, so one of my favorites here is this one, it's wagu and it's a mini ball, so you have this like minced meat all over it, like a crispy fried beauty, so one thing I should note about all of this is that the prices listed today may be a little different depending on the season or weather, so take it with a grain of salt, now we are here at the meat section and As you can see it's not like your western meat section which means you won't find a lot of thick meats, you'll actually find a lot more sliced ​​meats because in Japan a lot of people like to make Shabu Shabu or skaki , so the meats are actually a lot leaner here and people in Japan like stir-frying more, so you'll find a lot of these meats sliced.
Just look at this fresh ex and you can see that you have nothing like sirloin or one of the steaks that you have cut for me, what I love of course is the variety of wagy meat in the Japanese supermarket, this lovely one is Nagasaki beef iigu and this is black haired wagu from Kagoshima and the best part is that they offer free GUI which is a pure wagu fat and is used to cook their wagu, it has a unique sweetness and umami flavor. Japanese-style Yakiniku barbecue is often eaten at home, so you will also find bite-sized sliced ​​meat, unlike Korean barbecue, the meat is never served frozen and is impossible. to cut it that thin at home, so people usually just buy these meats at the supermarket.
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I love pasta sauce with Japanese touches like kodro cream sauce and Yuzu kosho peppercorn cream cheese sauce. Japanese supermarkets have so many different types of sauce it's mind-blowing since many people in Japan like to eat their Yakiniku meat. In fact, you find many T-type sauces for yakun niku. Here it is produced by a luxurious yakun niku chain called jojoen. This one has a buttery flavor and this one doesn't have a burnt garlic flavor. only yakun niku sauce, but you can also find various Sukiyaki soups, steak sauce, yakit sauce and the list goes on. The only thing they don't have at least now is my Tokyo Premium Community Hot Sauce poop, which many of you already know.
It's just fire, you can get it for yourself or a friend in Pao at tokyohot Sorry, I couldn't help but move on. You'll also find lots of different condiments here that you've probably seen at M's, like videos of eating out of a refrigerator. we have a lot of seasonings that she has so one of my favorite seasonings is a yukos program and I love using it on my Oden. Here you can find Japanese Nat fermented beans in so many different shapes and flavors, so when you hit Level Two in your Japanese era, you know, it took me a little while to get here, then I finally fell in love with natto and Japanese supermarkets have such variety that, you know, has no comparison compared to the rest of the world and this one here.
It's like my tamago batter, so it has a built-in egg flavor that makes it super creamy and less stinky. Nat comes in different sizes of beans, this one is a large size bean and this one is small, they even have a version too called hiy Wy personally, I'm not a fan but my wife and son like it, this one comes with rice sauce Koji and this one has so much flavor in a big supermarket sometimes they also sell these old school packets so this place Here's the Oden in the fish cake section at a time when I was trying to go on a diet and wanted try to lose some weight.
All I ate was Odin in fish cakes and it actually worked, but I don't. I don't know how healthy it was, but it's actually a great place to go to a Japanese supermarket and one of my favorites are these pre-packaged Odins. All you need to do is heat it up and that's it, you can also buy individual items. to add to the Odin set or create your own with your favorites for those of you who have kids or maybe some family members who are kids at home, this is the perfect place to go because you can get them snacks here or bring them. as souvenirs so in Japan one of the most popular characters is umon man they have so many different varieties in fact Wolfie loves them he usually eats like these cookies right here and he also eats them like the ones supposed to do vegetable cookies.
Be pretty healthy Michael doesn't think so, but you know they have vegetables, that fooled me and then here they have all these little Japanese snacks and little individual packets so you can take them like chips. It's actually a great memory. or if you're just going on a trip with your kids, maybe if you're going from tourist place to tourist place, then you can see them because you know they're a little hungry, you don't have to stop. like the comini or anything, just have it in your bag, it makes it very easy to travel with kids. Oh, and I can't forget these little craft treats that kids can make.
They have many different types and again, they are perfect for souvenirs. We're talking about rice and in Japan there are hundreds and hundreds of different types of rice, but the reason I bring them here is because they actually have individual sized packages. I see they get different types of rice wrapped individually. Actually, it is a very good souvenir gift for those people. who want to get something that they know a little bit special about Japan but not so touristy, it's like local Japanese rice and you can get them in bags and they come in little colorful packages and people will be excited to receive them if If you look closely you can see the flavor chart on sweetness, firmness and stickiness so you can choose based on your preferences and when it has this brand it means fresh cut rice called shein and just a quick little note is that you have these microwave safe packets. of rice too, which you know, during myyouth here in Japan, I loved it.
I guess I still use them now, but they're great if you're in a pinch and you just want some rice, you can grab one of These packets pop in the microwave for 2 minutes and that's it, and then in this section, here are traditional snacks Japanese to drink, they go well with a beer or some sake. You can see here that you have dried fish, fish, dried squid. healthy and one of my favorites are these little eggs, they are like my goat when I go to the S-shin and I'm having a beer and I have just some of these little quail eggs that are usually marinated in soy. sauce or some type of similar sauce, they have these are so delicious my other favorite dishes are the grilled octopus sting raen skewer and the cod cheese just to name a few so we are in a moment to show you all of these different .
Places you can go to a supermarket if I did. I'll miss anything you want to see, maybe for an upcoming video, let me know in the comments below, this is the sweet section, which is also one of my favorites, check this out , I mean a fruit waffle, small slices of meon, unbeatable. that and then you have this Nama suffers Dora has like the cream of the uncle and you have a sule like everyone like a pancake in the middle like a sandwich in the middle Japanese jaes people like silky egg pudding and they even sell red beans cigars paste this is whatab bemoji and this one is called fruit trifle so it's a complete tour of a Japanese supermarket.
I hope you like this video and if you did, please support me and hit the like button if you want to see more. supermarket, so let me know in the comments and maybe we can have a second video and all said, if you want to see more videos like this or something, Japan hit the subscribe button and the bell button. I'll see you in the next one

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