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What is Schrödinger's Cat? | Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains...

May 02, 2024
Three years later, in 1929, he discovered that the universe is expanding and we applied Einstein's relativity to show that we possibly have a The big bang, which would later occur 50 years before we had the supporting data and most of the What we now know, understand and love about quantum physics was discovered in the 1920s and we knew all of that before the neutron was discovered and before the Texas instrument was made. a calculator, uh, yeah, and why is that? Because that means these guys had to work on that math, oh I should say okay before anyone made a calculator, exactly, exactly, uh, exactly, by the way, I had a friend who had the first scientific instrument calculator.
what is schr dinger s cat neil degrasse tyson explains
Texas and I knew it was the first because it didn't even have a model. number on it, wow, it predates the model, it would eventually become the ti-35, but I remember us all crowding around it looking at it, it was one of those moments you never forget. Okay, I love the image of a group of nerds cradling each other. and then you know you think they're looking at a magazine or something and then you split up and they're around a calculator like, look at that, can you believe this? Welcome to the geek verse cosine do cosine again now I'm a tangent man, so I'll go ahead, we have to leave it there, okay, we passed the time on this one, but quantum physics deserved a few extra minutes, we gave it, I think absolutely fine, until next time.
what is schr dinger s cat neil degrasse tyson explains

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