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What’s your English level? Find out with this test

Apr 23, 2024
Have you ever wondered




of English is? Well, if you are looking for a fun and interactive way to discover




, you may be in the right place. I say you might be in the right place because the truth is, you will win it. I don't really know precisely your level of English from


video or any YouTube video, however,


is a fun way to get a rough idea of ​​your level. Hi, I'm Keith from English Speaking Success and the Keith Speaking website. Academy, well my goal here is to help you develop your speaking skills in a fun and professional way and if you are taking I Els to help you face the examiner with confidence now it is very important to know your level of English mainly because then you will be able to study that are appropriate for your level if they are very difficult you become demotivated if they are too easy it is boring right and also if you are going to study a face-to-face or online course it helps you choose the right one Of course, it can also help you concentrate on your weaknesses, things you don't yet know properly, and of course, it can help you set realistic goals, which means you'll be more likely to be successful in your English learning,


ever your level is today.
what s your english level find out with this test
I want you to be happy with this, don't compare, be happy and work slowly step by step to improve. This video will help you with that. Let me explain how it works, so I'll ask you 30 questions. most of them in the form of multiple choice questions will be based on your knowledge of the language including vocabulary, grammar, idioms, collocations and also a little bit on your listening ability and then the questions start very easy and then they get harder and harder basically on the CFR from A1. to C2, the way to do it as you look at the questions, take note of which ones you got right and then at the end look at the total and if you score one to five you're probably a beginner level A1 if you score. between 6 and 10 you are probably a lower intermediate level A2 if you get a score between 11 and 15 you are probably a B1 intermediate level maybe an i The four to five if you get a score of 16 to 20 you are probably a B2 level Upper intermediate I The 5.5 to 6.5 if you score 21 to 25 you're probably a C1 haray and that's Advanced IL 6.5 to 7.5 and holy moly if you're 26 to 30 you're probably a C2 , who is a proficient user of English.
what s your english level find out with this test

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what s your english level find out with this test...

Basically kind of an IELTS eight and nine, these are approximate scores and remember, actually this video is just for fun, but to give you a rough idea of ​​where you are at, okay, let's start at the beginning, starting with quite a few questions. easy, okay, questions one to five are. around the beginning level A1 I will ask you the question and I will give you four answers, choose one and I will give you about five seconds to answer and then I will give you the answer, okay, let's start with question number one, you know your friend. at work and your friend asks you how you're doing how would you respond a it's later than usual B I'm fine, thanks and you C Business bus as usual D You're welcome, the correct answer would be B I'm fine, thanks and you, without However if you put C as usual, you actually get two points because it is an excellent answer, it shows that you have a higher level, let's move on to question number two, question number two, you are talking about your daily routine, which sentence correctly describes something you do every day? the sentence is Breakfast in white at 800 a. m.
what s your english level find out with this test
Is a am eating B eat C like D eating and the correct answer is C have breakfast at 800 a. m. next question question number three you plan to meet a friend in the city who asks your friend what time we'll meet tomorrow and you say let's meet at 7:00 B I have two brothers C it's next to the bank D I'm fine thank you and the answer en see you at 7:00 good question number four are you in France H Paris and tell your friend about the famous place you are visiting in Paris which sentence is correct a I am at the Eiffel Tower in Paris B I am at the Eiffel Tower in Paris C I am at the Eiffel Tower in Paris Paris D I am at the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the correct answer is it is the Eiffel Tower or the Eiffel Tower Paris does not have a determinant, it is in Paris next question number five you are describing your ability to speak English to a new classmate which sentence is correct a I can speak English B I can speak English c I can speak English D I speak English and the answer is B I can speak English excellent take note of how many you have let's go to the next level question 6 level A2 correct question six you are telling a friend another friend about a trip you took last weekend which sentence is correct a I am going to the beach b I went to the beach C I went to the beach D I have gone to the beach the correct answer here is C I went to the beach do you want to use the past simple to talk about that trip last weekend question number seven listen listen carefully what do you think this person is doing go straight, turn right at the traffic light and You'll see it, it you will see right in front of you turn right B watching a movie C asking for a traffic light D giving directions the answer is D giving directions go straight turn right at the traffic light Etc question number eight okay in question eight when you talk about your work Which of the following is correct a I am a teacher I work at school B I am a teacher I work at school C I am a teacher I work at a school D I am a teacher I work at school and the answer is C I am a teacher I work at a school next question number nine you are discussing plans for the weekend with your family what sentence would you use a I think I'll go fishing B I'm going to go fishing C I'm going fishing D I could go fishing, what did you say if you said a point if you said B a point actually if you said c one point or D one point if you said all you get two points because they are all correct the thing is with multiple choice if there is not enough context Sometimes some of the different answers can be correct I think I'll go fishing you know that you are undecided it is likely that I am going to go it is a plan that you have I am going to fish it is a plan that you have arranged it you have it in your agenda I could go fishing it is a future possibility all of them are correct question number 10 in question number 10 you are comparing your hometown to a new city you are visiting what would be the correct sentence my hometown is blank that this city a more peaceful B peaceful C more peaceful D peaceful way and the answer is more peaceful peaceful we would use more peaceful peaceful does not really exist adjectives normally with three or more syllables you will put more in front, most is the superlative for more than two things, but here we are only comparing two things correctly, peaceful, no, you could say much more peaceful, but not just peaceful, great , that's the end of level A2.
what s your english level find out with this test
I hope you keep a note of how many you are right let's go to the next level which is B a correct question number 11 is good the first one for this block in B1 what are you going to do today after work the answer I leave blank some friends for dinner a meeting B I meet C meets D I meet and the answer is B I meet some friends for dinner is the only one that expresses the future present continuous to express a future idea a future activity that is scheduled and organized I already notice that even though the the question asks what are you going to ask you can use different future forms in the answer you don't have to imitate the form of the question it depends on the context as always question number 12 question number 12 what were you doing when I called you yesterday when I called you blank dinner ready a I am preparing dinner B I prepared dinner C I was preparing dinner D I am preparing dinner and here the best answer is C I was preparing dinner when we are talking about an activity in progress when another interruption that we normally use was receiving is called past continuous tense I was doing something when another activity happened I was making dinner when you called correctly question number 13 question 13 are you planning a weekend trip with a friend in Winter H lovely how lucky which sentence is correct a if it snows we will stay inside and watch B movies if it snows we stay inside and watch movies C if it snows we will stay inside and watch movies D if it snows we stay inside and watch movies and the answer is C if it snows we will stay inside and watch movies it is called first conditional clause first is the second clause in simple present tense with Will and this is to describe things that could happen or probably will happen if it is snowing in winter it could happen in that condition this is what we will do very well next question 14 a friend is not well so he is sick what advice would give to you should see a doctor B you should see a doctor C you should consult a doctor D you should consult a doctor and the answer is D you should consult a doctor should and should are very similar but should does not need two should needs two should is a little stronger but it's okay to get advice, but you don't say "I should" say "I should see a doctor" the only one that works grammatically "you should see a doctor" 15 question number 15 so you are telling a friend what to buy in a bar which sentence best matches this image can you buy something? coffee and some bottles of water B can you buy some coffees and some bottles of water C can you buy some coffee and a little bottle of water D can you buy some coffee and some bottles of water and the answer is B can you buy some coffees and some bottles of water the main thing here is the coffee as responsible is a cup of coffee one coffee two coffees some coffees that is a cup of coffee to drink coffee as countless will refer to coffee powder right a bag of coffee powder or a bag of coffee beans here are four countable coffees great, that's the end of level B1, if you're ready, let's move on to B2, let's go to question 16 and this is level B2, remember, keep a note. of how many are you answering question 16 correctly, this is a grammar and pronunciation question, so look in particular at the accent and grammar, listen carefully and tell me what is the best question for this answer, so the answer is that Vanov painted this painting in 1850, which is the best question: who painted this, when was it painted, who painted this painting, what did Vanoff paint and the answer is, when was it painted, that is the best because you will notice the stress: Vanov painted this painting in 1850.
We are emphasizing 1850, which means the question is when, rather than who or what he painted. Difficult now question 17. Remember that you have five seconds to answer, so you are talking about your experiences with language learning. Which sentence is correct? I have learned English for two years B learned English for 2 years C I am learning English for two years D I have learned English for two years the correct answer is I have learned English for two years, of course, we use four with a period of time, so two years is four and it is present perfect tense, okay, question number 18, so you are speculating thinking why a friend didn't come to class yesterday, which of these is not possible in this context because he might have forgotten about class B . should have forgotten about the class C cannot have forgotten about the class D must have forgotten about the class just what is not possible should have forgotten about the class should have forgotten means that he didn't do it but you think it was a good idea that I should have done it and here that doesn't make sense because you are speculating why they didn't come right question 19 you are giving advice to a friend who is feeling overwhelmed by work what is the correct sentence use a phrasal verb for this context a you should leave a hobby to relax B you should take up a hobby to relax C you should take up a hobby to relax D you should take up a hobby to relax and the answer is take up a hobby which means take up a hobby question 20 listen carefully and tell me when this story happens listen carefully so I get home, I knock on the door and suddenly I have a strange feeling that a surprise was going to happen, when? a story takes place a right now B in the future C in the past D is never hypothetical again, so I arrive at the house, knock on the door and suddenly I have a strange feeling that a surprise was going to happen and the the answer is C in the past is the classic case of using the simple present tense to describe an activity in the past a story in the past cool, let's move on so we're really upping the game now that we've reached level 21 question type C1 Which of the following people regrets not having applied for a job?
D if I know the vacant position, I will apply and the answer is C, if I had known, I would have applied the third conditional, let's move on to number 22, which is the best missing word. Too many people live below the poverty line. is a the poverty line B the poverty line C the poverty line D the poverty level okay, the correct placement here is the poverty line, we talk about the poverty line, that line that separates people who are in poverty and those who are not, the number 23, here is the context you are discussing the long-term impact of a decision made in the past which sentence does this correctly if I do notwould have moved to London I wouldn't have spoken English so fluently now B if I hadn't moved to London I wouldn't be speaking English so fluently now if I hadn't moved to London.
I wouldn't be speaking English as fluently. If I hadn't moved to London, I wouldn't have spoken English so fluently. Now the answer is B, this is a mixed conditional right that talks about the decision in the past to move to London in the past and the impact now is that if I hadn't moved to London I wouldn't be speaking English, so fluent now because it's now win a did everything possible to win B did everything possible to win C did everything possible to win D did everything possible to win Now, how good are you with your idioms?
Well the answer here is C, he tried his best to win and if you subscribe to my 150 idioms of course you would know my friend let's look at the collocations of question 25 which sentence has the correct collocation a we should take drastic measures to combat climate change B we must take strong measures to fight climate change C we must take strong measures to fight climate change D we must take strong measures to defeat climate change and the correct placement is a drastic measure to take drastic measures, which means big significant measures, okay, okay, we are now reaching the C2 level, let's separate the competent ones. from the advanced this is where it really happens right question 26 are you ready?
Imagine you are at an international conference and you are networking with professionals from around the world, you strike up a conversation with someone who seems to be avoiding questions about their work, how would you describe this person's behavior without being too critical? Well, would you say she's beating around the bush B keeping his cards close to his chest C getting on the bandwagon D letting the cat out of the bag for 5 seconds the answer here? the best answer would be that they keep their cards close to their chest, true, they are not revealing all the information they have, they may be evading your questions, certain number 27, it is a vocabulary question, but we are really increasing the anti so imagine that You're writing an article for an international magazine about the resurgence of interest in traditional folk music around the world, what's the best word here to fill the gap.
Here's the quote: Traditional folk music has experienced a remarkable blank


imony. a fusion with a contemporary genre that has revitalized and preserved its essence an enigma B metamorphosis C juer position D anomaly metamorphosis B is the answer and those of you who speak Latin languages ​​can probably guess that correct metamorphosis basically means a change now then 23 23 28 Come on 28, so I'm reading for you. I want you to read this paragraph and then tell me what the writer is implicitly suggesting. I will read it with you. Okay, while technological advances have undoubtedly helped reduce carbon emissions, we shouldn't do it.
Becoming complacent by assuming that technology alone will absorb our environmental responsibilities. What is the writer implicitly suggesting? A technology has not significantly impacted carbon emissions B Technological solutions should be the sole focus of environmental policies C despite technological progress, individual and collective actions remain crucial D environmental policies have had little or no effect on carbon emissions technological advances five seconds you didn't know it was going to


your reading too, so the answer here is C despite the progress of individuals and collective action remains crucial, right, we can't just rely on technology to do it. It's true.
Question 29 comes here. You're explaining to a friend why you like studying English because it's cool, right? and you want to express that learning a new language allows you to meet interesting people and helps you. you understand different perspectives which idiom best sums up the benefits you feel from learning a language correctly a goes beyond B It's the best of both worlds C it opens doors D hits the nail on the head the best answer here is it opens doors gives you the opportunity to get to know yourself , people understand the points of view, the last question, would you believe it? and it's a question of placement, what is the correct placement, just when someone doesn't know what to do, they can say, "I don't have the smallest one." idea what to do B I don't have the slightest idea what to do c I don't have the slightest idea what to do D I don't have the slightest idea what to do well the best answer here, in fact, the only answer is C I you don't have the slightest idea, we talk about the slightest idea, you can also say the slightest idea, but none of the others are C, that's it, that's the final question.
Take a count, add up how many you have and


out what level you are at. remember if you have 1 to 5 A1 if you have 6 to 10 A2 11 to 15 B1 16 to 20 B2 21 to 25 C1 25 to 30 are you competent in C2 like me most days at least so there I hope you have enjoyed it and wonder what score you got. Let me know in the comments below and not only the score, but also what level you are at and do you think you really have that level? Is it that precise? Remember that your four English skills may be at different levels, it is very, very normal, right, for someone's reading and listening skills to be higher than their speaking and writing skills.
This was more of a test of knowledge than those skills, but if you want a perfect test, not a perfect one. but it is a more precise test. I suggest you check out Test I and take it. It will help you identify exactly where you are, especially if you are going to do well abroad or study in an English-speaking country. University now the most interesting question is now that you know the level you are at, what are you going to do with it? Well I'm going to suggest two things: first, start looking for and studying materials at your level or slightly above, second, focus on your weaknesses look at where you made mistakes and focus on those weaknesses now you can do it by looking at the internet you can browse


many good materials ignore the bad materials there are many of those too and you can set up your own Study Plan Absolutely, you can also visit my website, Keith Speaking Academy, where there are different courses focused specifically on IELT training, but to develop your speaking skills so you can speak English with much more confidence.
Go from being a struggling English learner to being a Speak English Confidently If, for example, you are at a B1 intermediate level, type IELTS four to five, my fluent grammar course would be ideal for you if you are a B2, perhaps C1 , around IELTS 6 to seven, then my conversation success in IELTS will get a B 7 plus. The Gold course would be ideal for you. You can check all the details in the links below. If you are interested in the Gold course, click the link. You will find a big discount for you. Whatever you decide to do, I will always be here to help you. support you in your English learning journey, especially with your speaking skills, so thank you very much for watching and taking the test.
I hope you enjoyed it, give me a like if you remember to subscribe, turn on notifications and I will see you in one of my courses or and in the next video take care my friend all the best now bye

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