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What's With Our Obsession With Bubble Tea? | Part 1/2 | Talking Point

Jun 06, 2021


tea samples at Wing Wine. He is a food scientist, which means he analyzes the composition of food products to determine their chemical properties and make sure they are safe. This time I ask you to review our favorite


tea, so


is it in our bubble tea that makes basically all of us want it so much? We know that we definitely have sugar inside us, so the more you drink, the more you will crave sugar, however, most of us didn't realize that it contains caffeine and caffeine. How much caffeine do I mean? Is the same?
what s with our obsession with bubble tea part 1 2 talking point
Like these other drinks like coffee and energy drinks, as you can see here, a cup of bubble tea contains about 100 to 160 milligrams in a 400 ml serving, which is a cup of bubble tea, it's pretty similar with your coffee for a single 250 ml servings are around 30 to 160 milligrams, while for energy drinks it's around 40 to 250 milligrams and you'll see carbonated drinks or caffeinated drinks, we have a range of 35 to 70 milligrams in terms of caffeine. Shall we get hooked? You know, we keep wanting more, so basically when we feel tired, because there's a signal in your brain that's sent to your neuron to tell you it's time for you to rest, so caffeine will block those signals.
what s with our obsession with bubble tea part 1 2 talking point

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what s with our obsession with bubble tea part 1 2 talking point...

However, when the effects of caffeine wear off, you will feel tired and they will start to crave more caffeine, so you will stay alert in this case, that is why people will start to develop dependence on caffeine, this is how it works . It still draws you back, yes, but is it bad to have too much caffeine? Of course, definitely because if you take too much, that will have caused other events like hypertension, headache, dehydration and sometimes you will have elevated heart rate as well as your hybrid pressure, but these effects are very individual, those that Those who are most sensitive will be pregnant women and older children and those who have a history of heart attack.
what s with our obsession with bubble tea part 1 2 talking point
What surprises me is the fact that we usually don't want our kids to start drinking coffee until I don't know if they're 15 or at least 18, but we're still okay with them drinking bubble tea. It's finally starting to make sense to me why I've been feeling the way I have for the past two weeks, feeling overstimulated, then crashing and feeling more tired than usual. Okay, I think I'm finishing my third cup of bubble tea of ​​the week. and you know


it's been a bit of a struggle the last half of this drink has been painful I'm feeling a bit more I guess lethargic on a day to day basis not sure if it's a tea or if it's just me so apparently it's not just It's sugar that we should be worried about now and if bubble tea companies are targeting young people, I wonder what all that caffeine in the drink is doing to our kids, I decide to check it out. with a pediatrician dr.
what s with our obsession with bubble tea part 1 2 talking point
Lim Young-chen is a father of three young children and does not recommend caffeinated drinks for children under 12 years old. Many of us won't think about giving our kids a cup of coffee, but when it comes to bubble tea, actually, quite a few parents are pretty okay with it, what's your response to kids already being very active and energetic? They really don't need any more stimulation beyond the fact that caffeine also has a lot of problems with young children. they have it too late if they excrete it a little more slowly, it can cause anxiety, they can have trouble sleeping, they have insomnia and all the problems that come with insomnia.
Where it is okay or not to drink bubble tea I would say that, in general, the elementary school age is probably still something that I would avoid bubble tea for most children, the reason because they are still growing, the toxic dose of Caffeine is actually around 20 milligrams per kilogram for an average 25 kilo child in lower grade, for example, that would be equivalent to just five cups of bubble tea and that's pretty easy to achieve if no one is looking, We know that quite a few kids and students would want to drink bubble tea when they are studying for exams, so if they need a little bit of that oomph, knowing what you are drinking is very important, I mean, once you are in the 12 age group years, like a mini adult level, then maybe it's not harmful per se, but be very aware that you shouldn't take it past certain hours, so I'd say probably between 3 and 4 p.m. m.
From now on you should not drink too much caffeine because it could affect your sleep and, if not, sleeping well how you prepare for the exam, so it becomes a vicious circle. I've learned that our love or addiction to bubble tea comes down not only to clever marketing but also to the things that are inside the drink, I'm not just


. about sugar, but also about caffeine levels, which can be as much as a regular cup of coffee and even more than a can of soda. That's definitely something to think about, especially if you have kids who love bubble tea if one can't stop. drinking bubble tea, is there at least a healthier version?
I'm in search of the elusive healthy bubble tea I once thought about doing without pearls. We're trying to convince people to drink a healthy version of bubble tea and I finally figured it out. What drinking bubble tea three times a week for a month has done to my health. Well, basically, a couple of changes. Three important things. First I give you all the bad news.

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