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What's the Best Late Night Snack?

Jun 09, 2021
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ing, but first, kudos to Brittany McKenzie Brittany, you represented that merch in the wild with the hashtag Merchicality and no, you didn't give yourself a 30 Mytical gift card. com. You can go get some more shine uh color changing cups working those bang bangs working those nose rings bet I wonder if the left nostril is jealous of the right nostril because it doesn't get pierced all the way, it can May you be happy you did it. They won't poke me Hello guys, Hello, you like it Where is that?
what s the best late night snack
Where does that voice of yours come from? Oh, it's coming from my hoodie. I'm available. Yeah, I'll never find that joke. Steve. Yes, the day has finally come. You are losing. you like my hoodie stevie be kind i love your hoodie it was a bumper sticker and now here we go we will make it a hoodie because we are increasing kindness towards humanity you wear that thing outside two will happen things, one not. getting hit by a car, listen, that's not like that, I'm not saying it's a guarantee, but it definitely reduces your chances of getting hit by a car, Stevie, and the second thing, if you accidentally get hit by a car, the person is It's going to feel really bad when they roll up and they see you in that hoodie like, oh God,


do you mean when they roll up, you mean when they back up there, yeah, when they back up on you, oh, that was a person and then they say oh? man, it was nice, it was nice, I have a nice one, be nicer to people
what s the best late night snack

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what s the best late night snack...

Plus, it's still a bumper sticker if you want it to match your car, like one does when putting that rubber bumper sticker on your car. be a guarantee against your own road rage, yeah, uh, although a lot of times people with those Christian fish in their cars get a little angry at people, so maybe we should, maybe that doesn't always work with Christian fish ,




s, late night snacks. Okay, let's choose between two, yes, we'll debate which thing you like


in each of these combinations. Do you snack late at night? Like in normal life.
what s the best late night snack
I try not to do it. Here it is. You know, the whole stay. The stay at home lifestyle has uh, that's where it's really infiltrated. I'll stay up later on the weekends and just watch trash and then I'll go out to the kitchen and at least one of my teenagers will be there making a complete meal like lily and lincoln at like 1am 2am are in there pretending they're making like macaroni and cheese and then putting things in them lincoln has started doing this for his late night snacks where he has an omelet like he always starts with an omelette you have to start with the omelet and then move on to candy and he will put candy in like he has a twix when you say candy, I think I'm thinking like Yeah, but you're thinking chocolate, chocolate, okay, it's back, spread peanut butter and then put twix on it, rolled it up and microwaved it.
what s the best late night snack
I'm on board and, um, I just go in there when someone's whispering. To see


they are creating, what the mythical kitchen of my house is like, you don't need me to eat cereal, Cassie eats cereal, that's how she eats a bowl of cereal every night. I don't, I don't know what I can' I don't understand that, right? Yes, it doesn't work for the cereal, it doesn't work for me, I want something tasty, I need the sweetness and I need the crunch and I need the milkman, but like one night like when you remember when we liked not being in the house like going out that's my part Favorite thing to go out to go to the bar but then the food afterwards that's why the free tacos the street tacos the fast food that you don't eat unless you're intoxicated a point where you think it's okay, you know, wake up feeling like we'll be back to the cheese, we'll be back there, yeah, leftover pizza vs. leftover chinese food, oh pizza all day, all night, leftover chinese food, uh, if we always have my family tend to forever get way too much food like you come to a party in the mclaughlin house, what they are going to do is there will be as much food as there will be, you will not get more than 50 on the food that was provided to you at that time.
We just buy too much food and think, oh, but the kids will eat it, we'll eat it. When you do that with Chinese food, you go in there for a half-satisfactory meal, yes, and then you say I don't. I want to come back to this again. The pizza is always good, although yes, he and I don't heat the pizza. I eat it out of the refrigerator cold. I like it cold. I like cold pizza in the refrigerator. Cassie likes not to put pizza on. in the refrigerator will put it in the box and not in the morning room temperature, yeah that's also my ideal for Cassie and I to be two for two, oh okay I like it a little cold, I don't know if there's anything . it just transforms into something that's completely different when it's cold yes it hardens yes I usually do it if I have time I like to put it back in the oven it depends on the brand for me it depends on where it's going I'm talking about fast food pizza and not like that thin crust, frou-frou thing I'm talking about, like Papa John's, I mean the New York pizza industry by the slice is based on the principle of taking the pizza that was cooked. and then cook it again, and that's the principle I operate on, it's not like the last time we went to New York, we went like a big late night pizza, that one, that one, we didn't go to that one. pizza place we thought was old but they just made it look old and then there was a line yeah yeah but it was still really really good mozzarella sticks versus quesadillas for leftovers not okay okay just a snack night.
I like mozzarella sticks. because the commitment is less and then you can when you finish eating a mozzarella stick I still need something sweet to be able to go. You know, I can also go somewhere else. I think for a late night snack the mozzarella stick might be perfect. late night snack because, first of all, cheese in general is the


food the planet has ever come up with. I mean, I think most people would agree with that, you can dip it in things, but then when you fry the cheese, you're done. This, you've taken the best food in the world and done the best processing we could think of.
Do you have mozzarella sticks in your house? No, of course, no, yes, you would have to get like a bag of the frozen ones and so on. put them in the toaster oven or something. We have them in our house. Sometimes I think I can't have Trader Joe's version. I could be wrong, but no one in my house has discipline, but we have discipline not to buy. thing, but once it's almost like it's supposed to be eaten once it's in the house, so we don't operate, there's no discipline once you buy something like, oh, let's get this big bag of candy or let's get a lot of those mini uh. chocolate bars one day one day will last in my house at most here's something else I don't like about mozzarella sticks you need marinara sauce and then you have to get the marinara sauce and you have to heat it up that's just an extra step that doesn't you gotta have I like ranch okay I can get ranch cookies vs. ice cream now this is a sweet we're getting into sweet territory here I love ice cream definitely ice cream another reason why I don't I don't have it at home because now I will eat half a liter if you said my answer would change but I have to go with ice cream.
The ice cream is great. Do you know what my wife says? Doesn't she see me? very excited about ice cream, she says I just don't understand ice cream well, okay, we recently ordered pints of jenny, you know, jenny's and the rows, and since you can order them at postmates, they come in pints and you can also order them as a set of ten sugar cones or whatever cones you want and the pints you've been to Jenny's, right, no, I don't think I have where it is, uh, it's in Hillhurst, oh, I definitely haven't been, it's how long has it been?
That's been there for a few years, but they have, as you know, gourmet flavors, one of them was like a vanilla sticky cake or something and it's cream cheese ice cream with vanilla cake and caramel swirls and then they had a peanut . salted chocolate chip butter like this type of ice cream is next level what's the other place there's one downtown that's great they make the weird flavors too uh there's nothing what's not um what's that place salt and straw salt and straw yeah it's kind of like that, but it seems like the mistake that salt and straw make, I think they're going to have a lot of really interesting flavors for us and then two of them are not good, well, you have that too. to do like this on Jenny's list they had honey and lavender and I thought that sounds delicious, but if you're going to have a pint, you have to make a big choice, it's a big choice and you can't have the whole thing.
I love lavender flavored things exactly you, but you can't, you can't get a pint there, although I like the pint in general, because I want to listen, I'm just going to have a pint, but then I'll eat the whole pint and then it'll be gone and that'll be it, that's what I'm going to do okay, okay and normally I'll do it and maybe I'll say I'll be half the pint and I'll eat it twice, but um Keep a whole gallon of ice cream. It's just that I have banned it at home and there are periods when I think: you know what?
I don't bring cereal into this house, I can't do it. Cassie tried it for a week and she couldn't prepare it. and every day she talked about cereal, I couldn't attend at that time, she is my soulmate, yes, I think so. Bagel Bites vs. Pizza Rolls. This is interesting. I don't have a firm opinion on either one. We've never eaten I've only had pizza rolls There's a lot of them like on this show like fried shells but like a bite of a bagel it's like a bite of a bagel it's like ingredients wobbly on something but you guys don't have enough experience with this a bite bagel is a chip, right, no, they're like little pieces of bagel, little mini bagels with things uh marinara and uh cheese and pepperoni oh, but like prepared by someone at a party, but they're not consistent no, no, you freeze them , you're on a stove, you just put them in a toaster oven or oven and heat them up.
Bagel bites sound better than me, they're not, they're not. They are not better and they are not because they are not as consistent and there is a consistent bagel involved, they are very good but I will say the problem with bagel bites is that you get pizza mouth which is what you want when you burn the top . I have to look because you really are for both of us, yes, yes, okay, and that hurts that feeling that pizza is the worst feeling. Ramen versus specifically kraft mac and cheese, these are the other thing my kids will make in the middle of the night will be ramen or mac and cheese and they kind of rotate between you, it can't be what you're doing, there's nothing better than the mac and cheese because of the side and cheese, I think they go second to ramen.
I really like ramen, but again macaroni and cheese, cheese is my weakness, so could you put cheese on the ramen? It's not good, I'm a big fan of popcorn, okay, what about the and we have one in the sandwich, it's not satisfying, salmon in your belly, eat enough and no, that gives me a stomach ache. If I eat too much popcorn, well, you should know. your limits, but this is a bologna sandwich versus pb and j, but I would take this as what I never thought about doing a pb and j after hours, never and I like to say, but since I won't do it, I won't do it. spread I don't like that's not fun it just looks like you're doing it you're doing you're making a sad lunch in the middle of the night you know you have to go a sandwich isn't going to happen after hours well, but if you had to choose between the two pb j that I have eaten unlike bologna, I have eaten boy, if I could do the math on these definitely 5000 bologna sandwiches in my life because I ate one almost every day almost every day for most of my studies, Have you ever had one at night, well, what I discovered once was that I know a lot of people like fried bologna sandwiches and I'm not talking about that, I just put bologna on it, my mom put bologna on it, American cheese and mustard. on white bread and that was a sandwich and I loved it, it was a sandwich but then I discovered that you could put a single piece of bologna in the microwave, have you seen what happens to one of those?
What's wrong with them? The central part goes up and then the edges go down and up. I love seeing that guy as a lava lamp. Your kids eat in the middle of the night like Blank's kids. Yes but no. They don't prepare themselves, they don't prepare the food themselves because no, I don't know if they know how to do it. They just like to poke around and then Jesse will come down. In fact, the other day she was like that. like a shepherd came here in the middle of the night it's like they robbed us again you know, yeah, yeah, every morning, every morning, I look, uh, during the summer, when they weren't there, when they weren't in the school, it's like getting up. every morning and I try to figure out what they did because they didn't clean it up.
I mean, let's be clear when you say they are cooking meals. You said that Lincoln takes an omelette, puts snickers in it, and puts it in the microwave and that's more advanced than what my kids are doing, in fact, I feelI need to tell you about this of course I don't really trust my kids to turn these on for everyone for dinner that's one of your things send a positive message loud and clear with the be nicer to people neon hoodie available now at

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