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What's it actually about? | Civil War (2024) Review

May 19, 2024
19 states have succeeded in reinforcing the United States Army, hey guys, so I just got a priest screening of Alex Garland's Civil War. It's a solid film, probably one of the best in recent memory, although it reminds me a lot of his previous work, 28 Days Later. the world in chaos the road stumbling crazy events along the way and the military doesn't care if you're on their side or not you're just at their mercy you don't know which side they're fighting on someone is trying to kill us we're trying to kill them. I've heard people say that this movie in the chilling casual nihilistic nature that many people have on screen reminds them of Apocalypse.
what s it actually about civil war 2024 review
Now I thought it was kind of fascinating, there are hints of Moody acoustic music reminiscent of The Last of Us on its soundtrack and there are a lot of cuts of 70s era music, like something that might have been playing on a radio in a soldier during the Vietnam War. The team of war photographers we follow is on a mission to get an interview. President Lee Joel Sammy and his entire performance is phenomenal, each of the characters feels like his own world of reasoning, but they are all driven by something and we will return to that.
what s it actually about civil war 2024 review

More Interesting Facts About,

what s it actually about civil war 2024 review...

Lee is a hardened, dead-eyed legendary member of the press played very effectively by Kirsten Duns Joel is the eccentric partner in crime and a compelling character played by Wagner MOA Samy is a wise and resourceful advanced member of the team who just doesn't You can get away from this line of work, you know, Steven. McKinley Henderson is someone I love watching in a lot of interesting thrillers and sci-fi, whether it's Alex Garland's previous work as the developers of the miniseries or her role in Bose's Fear Do You Ever Wish She Were Dead ? or Dune. I need to move on and if I've learned anything about the roles he plays, he'll either be the most lovable, level-headed guy in the room or potentially the scariest.
what s it actually about civil war 2024 review
We are all that wisdom, wit, and carefully chosen words that are ultimately used against the protagonist. we have Lind, a girl who aspires to be a war photographer and is apparently eager to throw herself into the deep end and experience the casual terrors of everyday life during this Civil War. Lynon is played by Kaylee Spany, who's


not new to this. Alex Garland's work, in fact, she was also in the developers of the miniseries. I just didn't recognize her at the time. In fact, there are quite a few cast members in this movie that came straight from the developers.
what s it actually about civil war 2024 review
I love how the movie pushes the characters. In Us Online, shoulder to shoulder with other soldiers as storms of bullets crackle and explode everywhere, nothing is certain and this movie does a great job with some of the moments that made my stomach rise into my chest and I give that sick feeling that makes me say oh no with wide eyes cinematography we follow these characters closely and the cinematography does a good job of putting some of that pressure on our shoulders the camera is often at eye level following from close from one situation to another that keeps We are close to danger and unable to escape when someone hides behind cover, so there is a camera as if we were there with them when our characters are in the director of photography of this film is Rob Hardy and he already did previous ones.
I work for Alex Garland on Annihilation exmachina and, curiously, Mission Impossible Fallout with close and terrifying intensities. I often received flashbacks of Katherine Bigelow's tense active scenes in her films. There are times when soldiers shout a variety of orders and responses while changing positions. While the enemy is right in front of them, the camera hangs back and the photographers urinate as they do so and try to stay out of the way while getting substantial shots of the situation, just like our main characters, we're not completely tied down by anything. means, but it never really allows us to escape anything that's happening.
I think the writing works for the tone this movie has, it's unexpectedly funny for most of the movie with the believable attitude of the workers and all that can change quickly. dime as soon as the effects of the Civil War suddenly reach them or they run into it. I really like the way this movie handles its themes and the way everything comes full circle, the characters depend on their own circumstances and you can understand that. In sense without even knowing their backstories, that's also just good acting, but the different things they say can constantly influence


you think about one character or another.
I realized that this is not a political film in the sense that I might have expected, honestly. I'm not sure


I was expecting besides the obvious anti-war message in the cycle of nihilism; In fact, much of what happens in the world of film is quite vague and left mostly to the imagination. This is a tense character-driven story that focuses on the toll a certain obsession can take on why everyone is here and can't get away on their own in the first place. I feel like going in blind and figuring it out on your own is part of the experience with this movie, but in a way.
Right now I'll explain what I think are the themes of this movie: Every shot is surprisingly loud, they act almost like jump scares, esp. in the first sudden event above, and it's quite jarring, so if you're sensitive to loud, sudden noises, you've been warned that the explosions are larger than they should be. Our characters often smile as they hide behind a covered like storm chasers who find their Rush in the middle of the chaos they chase it they say they are dangerously close they look towards that Abyss this is a story about the sensationalization of the spectacle the spectacle of War I imagine it as a spectacle in general, from acrobatics to jokes and worse in a world surrounded by death and inescapable bloodshed.
Pay attention to the things people are willing to do to feel alive. That's all I have for you today, if any of what I've said up to this point interests you then this movie is definitely worth a watch if you made it this far in the video. I appreciate you, take care and have a good day. See you next time.

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