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What’s Behind the World’s Heaviest Door?

May 28, 2024
This is going to sound like a strange question, but


are heavy


s for bank vaults? They have heavy


s to protect the valuables inside, although we know that true wealth is an offshore bank account so billionaires can evade taxes. The bunkers have giant glass doors so that the people inside are not harmed by the deadly pressure waves from the explosions, but


is this door for the largest and


hinged door on the planet? Well, I can tell you that it is not to protect anything from within, but to protect the outside


from what was.
what s behind the world s heaviest door
Behind this welcome to the facility, activate the doors that now enter the facility. This door located at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is an absolute monstrosity of specialized concrete and steel, eight feet thick, twelve feet wide, almost a hundred thousand pounds, it's half the mass of a blue whale. in just a fraction of the space and unlike a vault door or armored door, this particular door was more of a shield and from 1979 to 1987 what it protected was the rtns2 or rotating target neutron source, the sequel at that time in In the 1980s, this machine was the most intense source of neutron radiation on the planet for almost a decade.
what s behind the world s heaviest door

More Interesting Facts About,

what s behind the world s heaviest door...

This machine behind the




door shot billions and billions of high-energy particles and various materials and structures. Why, for the future of nuclear energy, have we not done this? cracked nuclear fusion energy, but if we do, the inside of a nuclear reactor will probably look like this: a kind of nuclear metal donut with magnetically confined star-like plasma, many millions of degrees inside this plasma will It will throw off fusion fuel like deuterium and heavy tritium isotopes of hydrogen and then this reaction will be used to heat the walls of the reactor and then, like in a normal power plant, that heat will be used to convert water into steam, the Steam will spin the turbines and the spinning of the turbines will generate electricity, but of course, much easier said than done, the radiation here alone is enough to damage, destroy and mutate all these materials around me.
what s behind the world s heaviest door
We simply have to understand how radiation can change materials before we make the reactors, if the reactors themselves cannot do so. If we manage the conditions we need, then this reactor will not work, so we need to study them beforehand, but how is that done? I mean, the radiation flux here alone is enough to cause instant death, uh, wait a second, alive once again, it's important to check how materials behave after they've been irradiated because something doesn't have to look different in the exterior to, in fact, change substantially on the inside, like you changed substantially after clicking on that Reddit link you shouldn't have.
what s behind the world s heaviest door
Could you fit that much mayonnaise anyway? So to demonstrate this small difference between internal and external properties, here are my balls, I bought these normal looking rubber balls from vsauce's curio box, which I highly recommend, they both look identical on the outside and bounce like rubber balls. eraser. However, it is to be expected that while this is a normal rubber ball, this one is not, although it looks the same, it has butyl rubber inside, which has a molecular structure that responds very differently to energy , so while they both look the same, they are not. bounces the same, in fact beetle rubber is used all over the world as a shock absorber, so knowing how the internal parts can change the behavior of materials now, instead of thinking about my balls, think about the metals that radiate inside a nuclear reactor at the fundamental level in which metals are composed. of networks of atoms and atomic bonds the specific structure of these networks determines what metals do and how they behave, how strong they are and how they respond to conditions such as heat, as we said inside a nuclear reactor, these metals will encounter particles of high energy. that will crash into these networks when that happens, voids and defects will be generated, bonds can change, and atoms themselves can transmute into completely different atoms as particles like neutrons collide with nuclei, just like the internal molecular structure of a rubber ball can change the way it bounces.
High-energy particles colliding with the network of metals inside a nuclear fusion reactor can change the behavior of those metals at a fundamental level; In fact, we now know that these metals will accumulate a lot of damage in a possible fusion reactor and quite quickly the metallic walls closest to the plasma will splinter and erode from the inside. The materials themselves will lose hardness, ductility and resistance and today we only know all this because What was behind the heaviest door in the world, close them tightly, now my doors seem a little small in comparison, I am not envious of the door now we return to the rt rtns2 at that time the most intense neutron radiation source in the world to simulate Inside a working fusion reactor, RTNs would first be launched with a heavy particle accelerator isotopes of hydrogen, deuterium and tritium into some other material that had those same isotopes deuterium and tritium embedded, then, through a reaction of specific nuclear fusion, many neutrons would be generated, what scientists call whoa, then all these neutrons were funneled down and fired at a rotating targets that would experience a flux of quintillion neutrons per square centimeter, what scientists call that, they are many neutron guys over nine years and 500 different experiments.
Scientists around the world use this to determine what would happen to certain materials within a nuclear fusion reactor perspective and what they learned specifically is that we cannot rely on existing data from previous fission reactors when hit by the types of Neutrons that are generated during fusion reactions, metals become brittle, superconductors swell to the point of failure, and harmless atoms can become dangerously radioactive through a process called activation. This is absolutely critical information. Imagine a reactor wall that weighs as much as the heaviest door in the world and is more radioactive than all the radioactivity released by the Chernobyl disaster in total and because of the accumulated damage you have to replace it. every two years, good luck finding a place to put it.
You see, we need to know these results before we make any of our fusion reactors. It may mean that new technologies are needed. Radioactive waste is a much bigger factor than anyone thought or even that. In practical terms, fusion energy is not going to work, that's why we need to do this science before doing the engineering and that's why you need something like the rtns2. This is all fascinating, but if you're still watching this video, I can guess. what you're probably thinking you're thinking hey kyle, I actually don't care at all what the rtns program in the 80's has to do with informing future fusion reactor wall design.
I want to know what happens if I put my face in front of that beam okay, nuclear weirdos I know you're thinking about it if I calculate that for you you'll be happy okay, it'll show you why you need the heaviest door in the world I'll be right back and on my calculator Hey, yeah you press the like button on the video right now, I'll tell you a joke. Thank you. Did you know that they initially based the design of the world's heaviest door on your mother? He got him arya. I'm not even sure it was a Joke we should work on that I don't need a calculator to tell you that if you stand with your hand, body, or head in front of the world's most intense source of neutron radiation, you're dead. , instant death, instant fatal dose, you may not drop dead right there depending on where you get hit, but it will be the last mistake you make.
I need a calculator to tell you exactly why you need the heaviest door in the world, based on an article I found about how specialized concrete mitigates resistance. of neutron radiation of the exact type of energy we are talking about, yes there is a scientific paper for everything, even behind six feet of concrete, which is less than the heaviest door in the world, you could still experience it as 1 100 trillionths part of one rem equivalent dose of radiation per square centimeter doesn't sound like a lot and it isn't, but remember we're dealing with a quintillion neutrons per square centimeter, so if we do the quick and easy calculations of 10 to the power of negative 14 times 10 to the power of 18, just add the exponents together and you get 10,000 rem, that's instant death times 20.
That's why you need the heaviest door in the world, something that's over eight feet thick with concrete. and specialized steel, you can't just let an rtns like lightning go out into the environment where it could accidentally vaporize kevin, who just happens to be walking outside, so what was behind the world's heaviest door? Well, it's the closest thing I can think of to a real death ray that for almost a decade allowed scientists around the world to safely study the future of fusion energy. I didn't think you'd learn all that with just one photo I found on Pinterest.
You are welcome? Close my doors which are definitely big enough now as I leave the premises. Oh, we're still here, thank you. Many thanks to the vera nerd facility staff for their direct and substantial support in the creation of this video. They make everything I do possible, they like the video and they subscribe because they don't want to be shot down by drones if they want to. to join the facility if you want to put on a silky white lab coat which we are actually doing if you want to watch the episodes early if you want to chat with me every day in our private discord if you want to watch the episodes early which I can already said or not, go to Kyle Hill and join the facility today as you can see there are literally hundreds and hundreds of hundreds of you and I have no idea how I'm going to spend my time if you support us enough.
You have your name in arya in every video, luckily, what am I going to talk about? You know, this big door actually appears in the first tron ​​movie. So many little things I learned just from a viral image that was shared on reddit and imgur. and things like that, so if you have any images that you want to know the scientific history behind, send them to me. I'm always up for hearing more, but Kyle, why didn't you go to the door and take a look? because I called them and they didn't let me in the door blocked my way metaphor thanks for looking

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