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What pros know about APERTURE that beginners often ignore.

Apr 15, 2024
You point it at a light source, it creates


is called a solar star, which are spikes of light that are created by the


blades and you can use them in a very creative way. There are two things you need to do, although to maximize the appearance of these Sunstars, you first need a very small


, so using a very small aperture like F-16, for example, will increase With these sets from Sunstar, you may lose a little sharpness, but it's worth getting these stairs from the Sun. Secondly, you have to place this light source partially behind something, so you have to partially obscure the Sun with an object, a tree, a rock, a person, a lighthouse.
what pros know about aperture that beginners often ignore
Having this light source partially obscured with a very small aperture will create these solar stars. You can really use them to achieve a creative effect in your photos. It looks wonderful if the amount of light is very low and enters your camera with a very small aperture. With an aperture like this, you may need to use a tripod. I hope you use this


ledge on how to control aperture the next time you take great creative photos and get them right.
what pros know about aperture that beginners often ignore

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what pros know about aperture that beginners often ignore...

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