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What is Pink Floyd's Greatest Song?

Mar 15, 2024
wish you were here and Dark Side of the Moon and the wall I mean, honestly, I'd probably listen to metal and animals, you know. like a listen, uh, like a record listen, um, but, for a


, uh, I think someone said High Expectations here and I have high hopes, so I had high hopes higher up on my list, but I had that on my top here, um. I'm going to say this again here, uh, my Beatles Christmas sale is going on right now, my Christmas sale, uh, I've got my ultimate package, it's $109 total. Four of my courses are on there, there might be training out of ear if you want to be able to decipher these


s by ear like I'm doing.
what is pink floyd s greatest song
I mean, I don't have to listen. I mean, these songs are easy to decipher. with the exception of uh, you know, a couple of these songs that have augmented chords and inverted chords and things like that, um, most of the songs are pretty easy to understand, uh, my ear training my biato music theory book, so you can find out. What are you doing? I have a section on chord progressions for composers and music theory for composers, which I think is one of the best things I've ever done. I made a video about this and if you're a Composer you should really re-watch the video I made about it.
what is pink floyd s greatest song

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what is pink floyd s greatest song...

The thing about music theory for songwriters is, instead of writing songs that just use the same chords over and over, you know, how are you going to hear things like? um, yeah, anything that's out of the ordinary, right, foreign, that kind of thing is when I'm looking for something that's not standard, a borrowed chord, something like that, that's something that's going to inspire me to write a different melody and not just use the same one. four, five and six or things like that, this is


's in my biato book, the music theory part and these things are really important, it's important to have a great ear, so you use the ear training course and you get a great ear.
what is pink floyd s greatest song
That when you listen to these songs the first time you can decipher them, not only can you decipher them but you decipher them well, that is the real key, okay? Why is it important to figure them out correctly with the right investments and things like that? or like I would like you to hear um have the right vocals when you play


ever instrument you play uh when you're when you're when you're trying to learn a song what you want to do is you want to learn with the right bass movement, if there's inversions and things like that, It doesn't really sound like the song if you don't figure out those little details and that's what my ear training course teaches you to do is listen, oh.
what is pink floyd s greatest song
It's not just C minor to E flat major, it's C minor to E flat major with a G in the bass. These are the kinds of things that are important when I started playing. I didn't know anything about what I was doing, but I knew when. I looked at a book and we're talking about the mid-70s. I started with America. I learned in America. Some called I never found the first song I learned and knew the chords in the book weren't right. One of the things. is that it was played on a 12 string, it wasn't until I played a 12 string for the first time, which was when I bought my first guitar that I said, wait a minute, this sounds good and then I started playing things and I realized realized that they were different inversions at the top of the neck played with 12 strings.
These are things that, um, uh, having a great ear, that's why it's so important to train your ear, work on your ear, be able to distinguish these things, the subtleties of music. That's why I created my ear training course which has all these different modules to train your ear to be able to learn the things that you're listening to so you can discover songs, so if you're playing Shine In You Crazy Diamond you're playing the right chord, there you get the open strings, the open G and the open E in the lick and you get the chord in the right place on the guitar, so someone says Rick, you're a um.
Don't rule out songs with long, low intros. I'm not discarding my best songs here, shining, crazy diamonds, I have a five minute intro. I mean, come on, but like a song, when we talk about songs like what is a song, what is it. a song, you know, uh, it's something instrumental, a song, right, this is kind of a discussion to have, uh, take five a song, you know, take five Dave Brubeck is a song, it's a melody, right? I think of a song. It's got lyrics and singing, so I want, I want the sun for me, a strong song, a great song, it's got a tight shape, okay, it can have a five minute intro, but that's not a tight shape, okay, and that introduction introductions serve their purpose. and when I listen to it I just listen to these things because I love, you know, I love Pink Floyd, but if I had to say if I were a judge and I said I'm judging this, who am I to judge?
Pink Floyd, however, I would say for me it's my personal opinion, that's what Comfortably Numb is. I wish she wished you were here. These are perfect songs, money, these are very tight shapes that have, um, they have very tight verses. in the choruses they have repeated sections, um, uh, the thing about Comfortably Numb is that it's a very advanced form because the chorus is very long and the chorus really has two parts, it's very sophisticated, so for me it just plays everything and it also has this amazing pair of guitar solos that are in two different chord progressions that are two of the best solos ever played okay once again my biato ear training my entire biato christmas bundle is on sale go to um, you can. go to my website or visit and you can buy it there.
Get it as a Christmas gift for yourself or someone. It has my four courses there. Interactive book. Training to be out of earshot. Not being a beginner guitarist. my quick lessons Professional guitar chords um leave what you think in the comments section I know some people are going to say Echoes because I saw it 100 times but I think it's from the same person who wrote that in the comments section uh thanks for everything the super chats you guys are amazing uh uh very quick here Finn uh Finn uh Mason thanks for the Christmas package there you have it Mason, you're welcome Trevor thank you very much don't overlook the songs not obscured by the clouds um uh uh allele uh it's like that as you say allele allele uh how about High Hopes nylon electric and wonderful pedal steel outro Royal Albert Hall the pulse performance was fantastic yes absolutely it was uh thank you all for all your super talks um I'll be back here one more time before Christmas, um, but if I don't see you before Christmas, Merry Christmas and um, leave your comments in the comments section.
I'd love to know what you think of my choices on this, you guys are the best, see ya.

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