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☘️ What NO-ONE Tells You About The KonMari Method – How To Find The Click Point | Declutter With Me

Jun 01, 2021
If you've been using the Camry


and you're really frustrated because you're just not getting the results you wanted and expected, stay with me because I've finally found the secret sauce, which is how to get to that elusive




she talks about and you do it by eliminating things even if they generate options. I'll tell you exactly how I did it exactly


I mean and how you can do it too. Come on, hello guys, I'm Nora and I started the program. Camry


five years ago, you know, before all the cool kids were doing yeah, but I was very frustrated because I never in all that time got to this



that she talks about.
what no one tells you about the konmari method how to find the click point declutter with me
I mean, honestly, I barely caught up. I did


hurt me. a lot of my stuff, but I still felt like I had too much. Myspace still felt messy, but then I broke down with this desk and today I'm going to see if I can replicate the beginning with this bookshelf here and I'm also going to share that I didn't, it was a struggle, but I figured it out, so, like I mentioned, you do this by removing things even if they spark joy and at this point you may be wondering, "Okay, but how do I know the difference?" between things that spark joy that stays and things that spark joy, that goal is all a matter of context, it all depends on the environment you're using us in, like why should I be in that space, because I


there's a big difference.
what no one tells you about the konmari method how to find the click point declutter with me

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what no one tells you about the konmari method how to find the click point declutter with me...

Between the things that spark joy and the things that bring joy back into that space, everything that was on my desk previously technically sparked joy, but the desk still felt messy no matter what I did, it would always end up messy, because You know, I would end up with papers everywhere and I just couldn't keep it organized so a few weeks ago I sat down and decided I was going to start over and once again I went over everything, decided on some things I was going to get rid of and put everything together. I put back the things that still brought me joy but still bothered me, so what I did was I started taking things away and that's when I realized that that was the magic that was what I was going to do.
what no one tells you about the konmari method how to find the click point declutter with me
I took things away and even though they bring me joy, they just weren't working at my desk at the moment when I dealt with my desk, it seemed a little sterile even though I felt like I had reached that slippery spot that I could almost hear. I knew something was still missing and I knew it had to be a plant right when I looked at the desk it looked white and bearish and it just needed one thing to brighten it up a little and get it done. I feel a little more vibrant I guess, so that's what I did.
what no one tells you about the konmari method how to find the click point declutter with me
I went out, bought a plant and that was it, as soon as I put the plant in the space, it clicked. I've had this setup for a few weeks now and it's been a lot easier to keep organized as at the end of each day I'd put things away and think why wasn't I doing this before, but for some reason like this this has clicked for me so that eliminates things even if it sparks joy, you know, think about the context, think about your space, for me, it's usually decorative pieces, things that are really just decorative.
I think removing the doors really makes a big difference so you can focus on the essentials like the utility items and then slowly, one by one, you could add some decor pieces back in. These solutions target, you know, fix the pain. We will all have small discomforts in our spaces. Some of them can't be fixed, but do everything you can and then you'll catch up. the click point, being good scientists, I want to see if I can replicate that feeling with this bookshelf. You can see that there are some things on the floor that have been waiting to get on this shelf for a while.
I feel very messy, I still have some things on this desk here. Things have been piling up. I'm hopeful, but I'm not sure this will work because this is a larger space and I think bookshelves, unlike desks, require a bit of styling. I guess there's a little more involvement, so I'm not sure how this will work, but I'm excited to at least try to see if I can hit that click point again. watch one last clip on this base just for old times sake. I hope to paint these walls white, but that's a project for another day.
The first thing I did was take photos. I recommend you do this if you want. I am taking on a


ing project. I always do it if I can, if I remember, sometimes I dive into a project like that, but if you can do it, it's great when you can look back and see how far you've come. You have that motivation to keep going and in fact, as you'll see later in this video, this was exceptionally helpful for me, it only took me a few minutes to remove things and as I went along, I was just trying to visualize what I wanted the space to look like. obviously tidier, just cleaner, lighter, more airy overall, I also cleaned my standing desk which added to the pile and then gave everything a good cleaning.
This is the point in the process where I feel completely overwhelmed and regret everything, so I'm basically what I'm going to do is try to go to everything, see what sparks joy, separate all the eyes according to color and try to be really honest with myself about what I really want to put back on the shelf and what you know belongs somewhere else or just Sam and Scott were in the next room so I put on some noise canceling headphones to help me focus a little more and then I went through everything one by one and I really got serious about what really brings me joy recently and this is going to sound absolutely ridiculous, but I feel like I completed level one of minimalism or something.
I've gotten rid of a lot of superficial things. over the last few years and now I think I've evolved or something and I'm ready to share another layer. I said maybe I'm finally becoming an adult. Well, I want to emphasize that this is not the final result, but what I have done is separated everything by color and just put them on the shelves basically to have some floor space because it was starting to get a little tight in here, but make sure What other things do I have? around these are just two notebooks, this is technological equipment, I have tax documents and business cards, they are here and some things that I am saving, but I'm not sure where exactly to put us here, so this is something like this.
Memory things I'm going to save these are things that belong somewhere else, so don't save any, but they don't belong down here in my office, these are all the things I'm going to throw away or recycle, it's a pretty big amount. a lot, but wait until you see how many things I'm going to donate and save. I'm very surprised, stop in your tracks, you will if you know me, this is, this is the stack, it may not look like much from above. but it's big, there are as many notebooks and diaries as there are pens, pencils, washi tapes.
I am very surprised by this, if I had seen this pile before I started sorting I would have thought this was all that was on my shelves, it's always like I don't. I don't know if anyone else posts this but I never think I have much until I get it all out and then it's everywhere and I'm horrified to get rid of this amount of stuff when I'm like a notebook and a huge planner and Addicted to articles Stationery. I'm so impressed with myself, obviously, coming back here, obviously this is like I said, it's not the final setup, it looks a little simple and I guess I got rid of some things, so what I'm thinking is, yeah I have. a little bookshelf upstairs where I have some books that I haven't read yet or books from the library or something like that, but I also have some books on there that I've read that I know I'm going to keep, so I think I could take them down and put them in here because I also have a handful of books here and it doesn't really make sense to me to have some books up here and some books down here when I try it, I'll try it.
I might regret us, I think we'll take them all down and then I think no, that's too messy, it looks too crowded, but I'm going to try, yeah, I almost immediately started to regret this once I took them down all. It seemed like a lot to me, but luckily it all worked out in the end, as you'll see, but after that I started putting things together little by little. I'm someone who really likes visual simplicity, what I would call a quarter of a book, I think. It may be a bit of an introverted trait. I think introverts tend to process a lot of things mentally, so if there is a lot of stimulation it can become very overwhelming and exhausting, so I try to keep things as simple and minimal as I do.
I could and I try to think of different ways that I could combat that feeling of overwhelm and that feeling of like too much to process, so basically what I did was try to stick to color blocking patterns, you know, symmetry and then alternate. Discuss that a little bit later in the video. I'm just leaving a lot of space around things. I will say that


ing the click point required a lot of adjustments. I'm NOT good at designing things that aren't a strong point of mine, so this was a very long process, just seeing how things looked, moving them around, moving one thing at a time, it was tedious.
I'm sorry I've been on this for hours. I'm just not happy with us, the problem is that I have too many things that are different colors the desk was fine because most of the things are white this is not fine it's not time for dinner so I'm going to call it a day and will come back to us rescan speak properly and what's new eyes hopefully tomorrow what progress has some progress been made day 2d fluttering the shelf day 2 of this egg fish this is how I roll Yesterday I spent so much time on this I was really discouraged I decided to give up for the day because I had spent hours and then looked at the before photo that I took and realized that I had actually made a lot of progress because by the time there is dough everywhere it doesn't feel like I had a good night's sleep this morning.
I saw clutter everywhere on the floor again, a little discouraged, but then I looked at the bookshelf and all the hard eyes were really happy with how it looked. I think I had been looking at it for so long yesterday. I'm going to make some more adjustments and that should wrap it up, yeah, always take before photos. It really made a big difference for me during this project, other than getting away from it a little bit and I would also say take pictures like For some reason, things look completely different in a photograph. When I thought I was done I took a photo and then looking at it I realized something was a little out of place and then I was able to fix it so here. images as you go, if you feel like a space just doesn't click, take a photo and you'll usually be able to see in the image what's wrong, so as you might notice, the day before I really thought I'd never get it . okay, but now, after a few final adjustments, you're about to see me realize that I did it.
I heard like, "Oh my God, I'm done." I can't believe it worked. It worked honestly. I was skeptical. I did nothing and certainly all day. Yesterday I didn't think I would get to this click point, but I did. I'm going to stop talking and show you what it looks like, okay, so let me explain it knowing that I prefer To achieve a kind of visual simplicity, I chose blocks of color for the most part so that it didn't look like a big mess of things and then also I alternate so that some of the types of buckets they have are quite full and then the one next to us.
It will have like one or two little things, so this one was nice. This is the first one I made. It clicked for me instantly and then this one, I just put that thing in there, it's a toy from my childhood that I loved and then again it fills this one up a little bit, keeps it a little bit more empty, etc. until the end. I also tried to keep the darker kind of things towards the background, like it had all the darkness. The colors on top just feel very heavy and then yeah, it was just a matter of, like I said, blocking the color, trying to keep it symmetrical again, this is just me, just those are the things like I prefer, but yeah, a lot of it was just playing with us until I got it right, but that took a long time, let me show you what's actually on this cover, it's at the bottom here, it's some of the things that I do.
I want to keep it, but I don't necessarily want to keep it on display, so some of the props, a lot of those are the following, it's where I keep all my tech gear and I'm used to that. I used to have it here and reach it here, so I left it there, but it looks much better moving it over here. So this one is just for things that are going to sell out very soon, so the bottom part is like school things to climb and then the top part is just some creams for my mom every time she comes back and then here, so I just put two spare notebooks in here and then all these plastic folders are my text documents and then I put the magazines in here.
So that's there and let me show you the standing deskbecause I cleaned some of that off, but I did it, I put some things back on and this is it now, so this is the air as a user manual, so I think what I'm going to do is basically tape it on the part. bottom and these were things that bring me joy, but I couldn't get them to work on the shelf, so I left them here for now. I think they look good, it's a little messier than I would like, so this right here is not a starting point. and then all these things are still there, these are the things that really occupy the time afterwards, like after a decoding project, you always feel like you know you've done it right and then you turn around and realize you have to do it. deal with all the mess you made.
I added a few more things to the donation pile, so two more books, one at the bottom. I know I'm not going to read again and David Allen is doing things. I love that book, highly recommended, but I have the ebook version so I'll be getting rid of the physical copy. I'll get rid of this guy too. I think I'll put it in there and the Harry Potter books. I don't think I'll get rid of them, but. I think I'll save them and save them for exploration when I'm older, so that's all that's on the screen.
I'll just put before and after shots so you can see the difference, but that click. The point actually exists after five years. I found it. This is if it's about finding what sparks joy, but then removing some of those things, if it doesn't spark joy in the environment it's in, you can always move it somewhere else, but really. look at your setup, the environment, how you use that space, how you want it to look and keep tweaking things and you don't have to do it like I did, which was basically trying to condense everything into a short frame. of time, but over days, weeks, months, just tweaking things until you get to what they usually are, if you feel like your space is still cluttered, starting to remove things, even if they spark joy, doesn't necessarily mean that you have to get rid of anything except It may not work in that particular space, so there is a click point.
Try it yourself. Let me know what you think. If you want to see even more of my


ing videos, I'm going to a playlist of my decluttering videos with me. Comment if you've ever gotten to that Tillich point and if not, do you think this will work for you? You know, get rid of things even if they spark joy until next time. Gaurav Neil goes crazy with I Guess Becky Michigan Slows Down.

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