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What Marvel and DC NEED To Learn From Invincible and The Boys

Jun 29, 2024
We live in a time where the superhero medium has been the most divisive in a long time, arguably Marvel and DC have been releasing questionable projects and making even stranger decisions in recent years and they have left a very sour taste in many. The fans are talking, although I think things are not as bad as others think, especially with the upcoming Marvel and DC rosters, it is no secret that we do not live in a superhero media utopia, despite all this, there are two superheroes highlights. projects not made by the big 2, but because Amazon is


and the


, these two projects are universally celebrated and are proof that the superhero medium does not have to be past its prime, which is why I would like to compare them with the distant ones.
what marvel and dc need to learn from invincible and the boys
Marvel and DC's most controversial projects lately and discuss in


aspects these two giants can improve if we compare and contrast these four there is something that we guys must keep in mind and a little Invincible are also darker parodies of


Marvel and DC have already established that almost all of the guys' characters are obviously parodying another character, and while Invincible is much less so, it uses your perception of what a Superman Faith figure is and twists it through all of that to say I don't want to. Marvel and DC will become a parody of themselves, oh DC already was.
what marvel and dc need to learn from invincible and the boys

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what marvel and dc need to learn from invincible and the boys...

I think it's also important to say that I think they're both making great strides to improve their quality. Questionable Marvel projects that no one has really asked for are starting to become a thing of the past if there are any upcoming projects or anything to look forward to and with the DC reboot I have a lot more hope than ever for their future so I want to talk about a key feature of both shows that they fully embrace that both Marvel and DC apparently would like to refrain from blood and violence. The blood and other disturbing images on the


are really only part of that show's identity.
what marvel and dc need to learn from invincible and the boys
Can you really start your third season any other way than with an Ant-Man sex scene? I don't think so. So things like that, while they're probably one of the hardest parts of the TV show for me to watch, they're a key part of the guys and it wouldn't be the same without them. Am I saying we


every project to be equally disgusting? Hell no, I'd be a fool to suggest that, but there are definitely some projects that can benefit from the R rating, which is why I think Invincible is a better role model for how we could implement Gore into the MCU and the DCU, the odd one out. and perverted.
what marvel and dc need to learn from invincible and the boys
Sex works well for guys, but it couldn't for anything else. Invincible allows its fight scenes to embrace gore, devastation, horror, and reality. No episode better exemplifies this than the season one finale, however, that would be too much to ask. As mind-blowing as that is in live action, I think they should aim to have Gore on a similar level to Deadpool one 2 and Logan, the occasional project that fully embraces the dark and gory stuff. It's probably too optimistic to think they ever would. go that far, but at least this is a step Marvel is already taking in the right direction with Blade if it ever comes out and of course Deadpool 3 Blade wasn't originally Raid R but now it is, they recently released a The TV MA show on Echo Kevin Fogy was talking about how brutal and harsh the show was, however it never actually made me feel gross or really accept the brutality, this is something the original Daredevil Netflix series did so well. , so it's always been confusing why they went back to work, but obviously these are lessons they're


ing and hopefully, Daredevil Born Again can be just the right amount of brutality.
I'm also pretty sure that after the success of Daredevil and Wolverine they will be much more. open to more R rated projects as for DC looking at their lineup I think the only projects that I think could benefit from a full rating are obviously Swamp Thing and maybe Paradise Lost, the authority could maybe benefit from it but I feel that they would do it. I'm not making enough profit to justify passing on the darker items. One big thing Marvel and D could benefit from is diving deeper into animation. Invincible understands this, so there are people who don't think Invincible's animation is good. which I personally couldn't disagree more with, but either way animation allows for unique stories that can't be told as easily in live action.
The guys actually did an animation project. I haven't seen it since it's not canon, but not yet. I think what makes animation special is that it's generally cheaper to produce, but can be much more stylistically different and give Marvel and DC a breath of fresh air in their storytelling. Fortunately, they are both showing that they are interested in animation and want to do it. Take it seriously, I recently finished animated series called Creature Commandos. which is on the horizon in all honesty, I hope they give it a miss for not being as amazing as X-Men was, but it's still cool to see them getting interested and literally the day before going to record this voice over at DC. announced a Blue Beetle animated series that will follow the 2022 film, this also means it will likely be more up to the new X-Men 97 animation standard.
Marvel has other upcoming animated projects on the horizon, as well as Spider- Man, the first year of Marvel zombies. and what if season 3 was a big part of what makes X-Men 97 and Invincible amazing? Let's hope these other projects can live up to these Amazing Stories. Speaking of the writing, what the boys and Invincible do so well is the writing. its characters, as well as the rhythm of its story and its writing. I know those two sound a little disconnected, but let me explain them both. Invincible and the boys make you invested in the characters from the beginning and take you on the same roller coaster as them.
Go on, I think Invincible is a better example of this, as it is again more directly related to Marvel at DC. One of the biggest and most common complaints about the MCU Disney Plus shows is that they feel like two-hour movies that were stretched out to deliver. the six-episode quota of Disney plus this results in the viewer being less attached to what is happening, since everything suddenly becomes an arduous task, while with a program with a pace that is as good as it is


, viewers will be much more involved with what's happening and as a result connect with the characters, it's best not to say that all Disney Plus shows are bad at this.
I think the Hawkeye show is based on character work, but shows like Ekko you can tell they were struggling to meet that quota, I mean look at the final run. time compared to the rest of the show, of course, there's more that goes into making shows less SLO to get through, like having more interesting and compelling dialogue and conflict in addition to the beginning and end of the show. The Boys is absolutely stellar with this, there are so many tense moments and conflicts between our protagonists and antagonists throughout each season, not just at the end of each season, these examples I've given really just come back to a simple concept that the shows Marvel have been lacking for the most part, to entertain audiences, shows must be inherently entertaining.
This sounds obvious, but stay with me, this can be achieved through fight scenes, comedic dialogue, or literally anything that people might find really interesting and that fits the story, however, as a result of the fans. Finding these projects lacking in luster, many were forced into the dilemma that they had to keep up with all the programs or else they would be left behind, to which most people simply stopped trying, which is completely justified, it became nothing better than the task. and a task to keep up with to give credit to Marvel, although they have gone on record that the shows will no longer be necessary to keep up with the movies, they are just bonuses if you enjoy the character or the show itself. interested, which I think is the right thing to do.
I hope you noticed one thing while watching this video. Almost all of the problems I described in this video have been recognized by Marvel and DC and steps are being taken to fix them. improving their franchises, that's why I said at the beginning that I don't think things are really as bad as most of the people who flock to Marvel seem to think and these aren't even all of the improvements they're making, these are only the relevant ones from invincible and the guys have dedicated themselves to releasing fewer projects a year to have higher quality in each one, they are focusing on the characters that fans really want to see like the Fantastic Four I even finally did the Netflix shows Defender Cannon Daredevil my beloved welcome home to DC Snider's controversial reign ended a long time ago and after a period of not really knowing what to do, James gun took the wheel.
I think DC has a lot more pressure since they haven't released a project yet, but I'm hopeful that we'll see the formation of a big DC Cinematic Universe; However, only time will tell if their Redemption story comes to fruition or if they will fall under the pressure. For my part, I look forward to seeing what happens and I hope for the best not only for Marvel and DC but of course for Invincible and for the boys too. I'm a little worried about how quickly Invincible season 3 is moving forward. It's great, don't get me wrong, but I just hope they aren't. sacrificing animation for a more consistent release schedule, on the other hand, the guys came out saying that season 5 will be the last season, which I was worried that it would end up like a show like The Walking Dead and have like 11 seasons. and it will lose its fan base along the way, but yeah, that's all I have for now.
I have other videos where I talk about video games, but I'm looking to talk about other TV shows like Fallout that are coming up. Soon on this channel, so stay tuned. I have some other stuff coming up if you want to subscribe, wink wink, that would be great, but that's all I have for now so I'll see you around.

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