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What Katt Williams DIDN’T Say, The UNDISPUTED Breakup, & Shaq's Beef.. | Funky Friday Shannon Sharpe

Jul 03, 2024
You're going to drop some bombs, assume that, if they ever say anything about me, take it to the bank, the bank, you're the north star for athletes, but I'm three different people. ESPN. First it's Club sh Shay and I'm Shannon Sharp. What you see in Night Cap you have three different versions of yourself, but it's the real Shannon who suffers behind all of this. To be honest, the real Shannon probably isn't one of those I could call one of my Night Cap EPS at 2:00. in the morning when I call I wait for the answer there is no vacation until I take a vacation he is a narcissist he is a control freak call me


ever you want but you also call me successful H you want to be in a relationship I share on social media


I want you to know, so when you see, oh, a spicy or you know, coming out of, we never see him post any woman, he just got all the damn dogs, red flag, uhhuh, I haven't closed my eyes to another. the woman's house in 31 years this is what we call it game I no longer call them groupies they are no longer vultures I was a very good football player I won Super Bowls I am in the Hall of Fame but this is 20 times the magnification of what was as an athlete in June I lost my job in October the complex says that the most entertaining sport The personality that I am number one was that the straw that broke the camera back if someone else had to say what to omit to say I want to have it true, but We're supposed to be teammates, you better than me, the real Shaquille O'Neal, we have to talk about it.
what katt williams didn t say the undisputed breakup shaq s beef funky friday shannon sharpe
I hate it when black people argue with black people. Me too, you guys have talked, we haven't, even though you know he downplayed my career I'm fine, would you ever have a barbecue? Yes, they pay me enough, but I want to roast even eight, even if I'm on a colony on the moon. I'm going to pay to fly back and I'm going to light his ass up when the cat said you let him lie I said cat I have no reason to believe he or she will come on the show lying let me tell you what you


't know I digressed that interview, right? like cat chose you damn i been trying to align cat for a year not gonna lie i started criticizing people professionally when cat showed up now you had no choice but to take club sh Shay on serious, but this is what Tell people that if he had a cat he could climb from the moment he got out of the truck to the moment he sat down, he made 100 million before we continue on this show.
what katt williams didn t say the undisputed breakup shaq s beef funky friday shannon sharpe

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what katt williams didn t say the undisputed breakup shaq s beef funky friday shannon sharpe...

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toay to get 10% off your first month. would be Cam Newton the Su Mr the Boog here with another episode of


Friday and I promise I really promise to give good content for the masses, but most of all, I promise to keep it Funky for your butts now that they were.
what katt williams didn t say the undisputed breakup shaq s beef funky friday shannon sharpe


't lie or the artist didn't lie when they said it's been a long time and I know CH listens, I manifested this, I got over it, I texted DM via email, I sent the message through a crow and all that for this guest special here. a proud HBCU alarm through Savannah State, you may have seen them on your favorite late night show and another favorite club show as well. Shay may have seen it a couple of times on ESPN or even Fox at the end of the day. I present to you some and I present to the rest the Hall of Fame, one of the best to ever do it.
what katt williams didn t say the undisputed breakup shaq s beef funky friday shannon sharpe
Uncle Shanah, appreciate that introduction, brother, brother, nephew, good man. I'm good, if you're good, great life, good life, it's really good. I know it's you in the you in you up there, it's not the you up there, a lot of hard work, camera, um, I just take the same approach with what I do now as when I did what I played, um, I'm very , it's, uh, me. I'm obsessed with it and when I'm looking to hire people, I'm looking to hire people, the first thing I look for is passion because if you're passionate about something you'll jump out of bed eager to do everything else. things I can teach you, but if you're not passionate about what you're doing, you're not going to be good at it when you say look higher, that's a different kind of cloth talk right now, it's a subtle Flex it.
I may have overlooked some of you Baldies, Fades Caesars or dreadlocks, no, I think the thing is that now I have to look at myself as a businessman. I see myself as a corporation. I see myself as an entity, um, no. I don't see myself as talent because Talent, you gave me a check now as a company, as a corporation, as an entity, we are in partnership and yes, sir, I can provide you a service, you provide me a service, we work together, we collaborate together, you have in Enter how you would like to configure it.
I have my people telling you this is the best way. I think we can sell it to the viewing audience to the listening audience and we collaborate and make it work well so that I'm a fan and also. a content student M on the last one I would say correct me if I'm wrong, probably 3 months mhm where I saw a v, saw DraftKings and then all of a sudden I started seeing a silhouette of a part and an African American man, I don't know who it is , but you have your own production company, how long and how were you able to do it.
He's been on the job for a while. One of the reasons I signed on to the volume is because I stated what I wanted. be and what I wanted to do with what I had and at that time I only had Club Shay, but I knew it was something that could grow with the right infrastructure if it had the right backing if it had the right people who wanted to push it and distribute it the way it was. which should have been distributed, so when I had the conversation with Colin, I explained what I was looking for from all the companies that showed interest, they all still saw themselves as talent.
I said I'm not Talent, so when Colin said how about this, I'm willing to partner with you, provide you with the infrastructure, show you what it takes to become a production company and in the process, you're under our control, we distribute it , we both benefited and I think the thing has been beneficial for both of us, as a partnership should be. They don't feel like they are being taken advantage of. I don't feel like I'm being taken advantage of and we both have the opportunity to grow. Now that I have my own balance and can grow and the money that I have been able to earn in the last six or seven months I have been able to recover it in my company and provide it. knows how to hire more, knows photographers, editors, graphics people and things of that nature, so now we are looking to get into scripts and non-scripts, we are going to start looking at making television shows, making game shows, looking to do things like that. nature is correct, all this talk about content where traditional media is almost outside the window MH outside the door MH when and I have said it numerous times and on numerous occasions and I haven't even gotten into my questions, but you are the North .
Star for athletes mhm because you can't have a conversation without someone mentioning look what Shann is doing mhm what she has been able to do is not only informative content but also entertaining content and you can't deny that and even when it was having the dog Black and Mild and Hennessy the H. I'm on that pig, you know, you've always embodied it, yes, but as you know or as I'm learning, you have to be able to cut it and cut it. Not only in front of the screen but also behind the screen, in the boardrooms and at the negotiating table.
I think the issue is Cam. What I tell people. I am three different people. I'm the Shannon Sharp you see on ESPN First. tap I'm the Shannon Sharp you see in Club Shay and I'm the Shannon Sharp you see in Night Cap. I have a personality or Persona that suits everyone and you have to understand where you are and when there is a time in a place for everyone says personality to show their head and what you said you have to be, you have to be willing to understand when and when not with people, well you don't do that anymore, well there's a time and a place for that, I guess What happens for me is that when I did that the first time I never thought it would do what it did and in the end At the end of the day, one of the reasons they started calling me Unk was the information I was spreading and the way I elaborately tried to intertwine people to not only be informative but also entertaining in the same process, so even if that guy at the family gathering or cookout who might have had the shoes on and you were laughing at his appearance you understood Everything he said had a lot of wisdom, yes, now my question for you is: do you get lost with those? three different personalities because my question is who is Shannon?
You see what I'm saying, you have three different versions of yourself that present themselves to the world in many different ways, but it's the real Shannon who suffers behind it all. To be honest, it's probably the real Shannon who's suffering behind it all. the real Shannon is none of that because off camera I'm very quiet I'm the most outgoing introvert you'll ever meet um I don't really like going places um I don't really like doing anything that I remember uh probably about 4 months after my ESPN Standard Stephen called me and said brother, I want to ask you something.
I said what's up brother. He said this is all you do. I like what you mean. Brother said. You don't talk about anyone. don't go anywhere you don't want to go anywhere you don't want to do anything is this really who you are am I I've been in relationships where their girlfriends or friends will say it must be great hanging out with Shannon he's so funny and they'd just look at him and say that it is nothing like that, that when he comes home he eats, he goes up the stairs without the television on, if he watches television there is no sound, it is nothing like what you see on television and I am fine with the fact that I have always been like that, people have a perception, perception is their reality, but it's not always the truth M, so I'm very happy with who I am and how I live my life, ladies and gentlemen, we're on a roll. like no other and I'm only here for a short time, not for a long time or should I say Shannon is not here for a long time, here for a short time and I think that's what bothers me so much. people who have a lot to say about Shannon Sharp have never met Shannon never had a conversation with me they tell me what I like who I'm dating what I'm doing but they've never seen me go out they've never listened to anyone I mean one person says this and then someone else picks it up on social media and takes it and follows it like it's true so tell me the time you had a conversation with someone you had a conversation with Shannon Sharp or someone who KNEW Shannon Sharp they can't , we can relate, but it seemed like that's what I see, well, you know, it's getting too big, let me say this, oh, well, you know, everyone got it.
I was like I said, you know what I am. I'm going to start responding to people with podcasts that have a lot to say about me when I see the Kelsey brothers say something negative about Joe Rogan or Joe Rogan says something negative about JJ Reck when I start watching them argue, but what they do is understand the Money is right and there's plenty to go around, that's what I keep telling you if you stop spending your time on what I'm doing or what you think I'm doing or what you assume I'm doing and create better content.
Don't get mad at me, well you should bro, you have a podcast, get a microphone, get a camera, create your content properly. No, I don't worry about what someone else is doing because it's not my competition. m my competency is to create continue to create better content um when I started Club sh Shay um during the pandemic, you know, I reached out to all my friends that I had like celebrities, I said bro, I need you to do me a favor, I said. I'm starting a podcast and I really need you, whatever you need, so I started reaching out to my brother and then I reached out to Floyd.
I approached Ice Cube Snoop Dog's masterpiece. I'm talking about all my heavyweight friends and they made me a solent. they showed up, so that gave me credibility, camera, um, I won't admit that Travis Kelsey showed up, and then you know, I just started, I'm not going to lie, I started talking to people professionally, yeah, I was like, hey,I haven't had that I have news for your sister I have news for your brother You're not popping mhm like you think because that's when you came out of uh uh Cat Williams M uh uh Cam Newton Marshon Lynch uh like everyone Monique when you check out Steve Harvey's list like These are great deals in entertainment, you know, space, of course, will come.
I would appreciate it if we didn't talk about Blas BL. Yes, you see what I'm saying now. One thing I respect about the cat. The wine. with a lot of receipts, yeah, and it wasn't like I was staring at an iPad to keep me on track, man, his mental focus throughout the whole process was so admirable because I'm like, no, you said this about this person or that person said that and he had studied cat , I had studied every interview that I had done, conversation that I had, I had studied because a lot of things we didn't mention in the program where I was talking about it, but if you notice, he was like he was doing this, he did this a lot. to remind everyone everything that someone had said I had a question it didn't happen like that because I asked S I said s cat one time I accused you of stealing a joke he said he said I didn't steal the joke because the timeline doesn't match and I think he said something to the effect that if you look at how his joke ended, how mine ended, the cat came back, he refuted that I want credibility, I want a guy, I want people to be able to share their story without me interrupting them.
I think sometimes people in our position do what you and I do and want to hear his voice instead of the guest's. Well, I can go home and listen to myself talk if I wanted to, if that's what I wanted. I listen, I think for the most part people tune in to watch my group because they want to hear what the guest has to say. He let the guest speak. People say, well you reject Amanda Seals and all I said was Amanda, do you think a kid correcting a teacher in front of students could have been anything other than racism, that's all and people missed, well , you didn't turn down, I asked Mo'Nique Monique said Oprah asked her to go for an interview so she would leave. she read for a role, she went and read for the role.
Oprah ended up getting the role. I said Mo, did you ever think they were looking for a big black woman and it wasn't because the industry was against you? She said, my brother. I didn't think about it that way, but look, they don't do it, they don't mention it well, because not like that. I have to try. I have to try to do something to try to stop this momentum that Shannon this wave. that Shannon is traveling, so either way I can try to undermine him or make it seem like him. I'm not a journalist. I never told anyone I was a journalist.
I said I'm a talker, but what people are upset about. What happens to me is that, for some reason, people come to me and I don't look at them with a critical eye. I have no predetermined notions or preconceived notions and they open themselves to me. That's what bothers them, because if you look at a lot of these people who have been on other podcasts, they don't get the views that they get when they come to Club Shay, right, because that's a testament to you and the environment or the atmosphere that you toast, it's very comfortable, people want to Present their story in a way that, like you said, you let them talk, but you also like this person that you've become more team or they're firing artillery at you, yeah, Amanda seal M, you are insensitive after Mo, wherever they say CU.
It has become a messy spectacle. He, he, no, he, he's not, he, he's not for people, uhhuh, you see what I'm saying, I do, I do and uh, I don't have anything bad to say about Amanda. I thought we had. Great moment, I'm sorry, once we conveyed what we used AED, I mean she was there for 3 hours, I'm sorry, she didn't feel like she had a chance to say what she said, she wanted to get it off her chest. um I was probably one of the few that gave her the opportunity to share her story and tell her side.
I didn't interrupt her when she said what she said about Isa Ray and said some of the other things she had said. let her talk because I but only once did I say and I told you and I like it and maybe it's because I'm from the south but correcting a teacher even if the teacher was wrong what man listens I'm like them they they they they do what They allowed it and that was the only thing I did other than that I let her speak freely I didn't say anything about it I didn't say anything when she said the guy like I said you are a revolutionary and she was reprimanded and had to apologize.
I could have said well, Amanda, if she had said you were a revolutionary, how would you have felt? You can't automatically assume just because you're the same race, everyone responds to that. word exactly the same, correct, so you have to be careful, especially in a professional setting, now that we had the cookout. I could call you the final word. I could call you. I could call you the end all day, but you have to understand the setup of what you're in and what you can and can't say, let me tell you what you didn't know. I received a suspension from that interview.
Did you definitely do it? Because the truth of the matter is that Amanda Seals spoke in regards to uh Isay. Uh-huh, I had already filmed, okay, the trajectory of that Club Shay interview made Issa and her team not want to take our show, so I haven't done it out of respect, oh, that's what you did know, but that's I just want to say. a domino effect yeah, I knew what I don't know, I wish I had, I wish her interview had happened and then she had a chance to talk because I see from Issa's side and it was just a face check, right?
I don't want to look, you have to go back and correct because that interview was when we did the issa interview Amanda's interview I'm not sure when they published it or filmed it, it hadn't been published yet so I didn't do it. I want to do you a disservice, but with that being said, Isa R, please let's back up, give me a chance to respond, you know, but do you ever go back or how many times have you seen the Cat Williams interview? Damn, I am. I'm trying to think on camera. I think I don't really like watching it because I'm absorbing it while they're talking and a lot of times and I think I went back and watched like 30 minutes and like, damn, because I went back and I was like, damn, he said what was he saying with so right that I said, but Kim, I didn't do it, I didn't do it, I didn't know. was going to I didn't know it was going to cause this kind of Wave um I didn't think it was going to move in the direction I'm glad it did um I understand what comes along with that L, but if you, if you remember, he said it, he said , this will take you to another dimension, he definitely did, he said, but that, but my mom said, but it's power in the tongue, yeah, now he says, he told me and and my boy Jordan. he's over there he said now they're going to come for you I said they can't come for me so I didn't say anything true he said they're going to come and they're going to say a lot of different things and there's going to be some people that you thought you could get that aren't going to come. now and that absolutely has happened, that absolutely has happened, they were so excited, thanks for reaching out, we can't wait to sit down and a day later they can't do it and then they don't call, they don't follow up, etc. so I understand what's coming with an interview like that.
Did I expect it? No, I expected it all. the negativity that came out because you know I had Steve Harvey Steve Harvey had had 8 million views if he had been Coach Prime if you knew I had a lot of comedians and some of the comedians had attacked other comedians but nothing like this I didn't expect all the bitri came especially from some people and I'm not going to say we were friends but I'm saying we were Chorus we were friendly with each other um some people that I I have that, I've kept it behind the scenes and watch them attack.
Oh, I wouldn't have let him do this. I wouldn't have said that, but you know what took me a long time because when I play when I play when you play sports you understand that Atlanta fans, even though they're from Atlanta, they're going to have a little bit of resentment towards you because you beat a team or you know that certain bases of fans will feel certain that way and I felt that the better the player is, the more bravery and hate he will receive from the opposing fans. I understood it, but in this situation I can honestly say that I was not expecting the level of vitri and the suddenness, that's what really gave me the suddenness because it was like when the camera dropped it like a cat.
I keep calling when when Dro the cat it's like he's suddenly gay now, but I'll say this and I wouldn't say anything in front of you. or in your absence, I wouldn't say it in front of your face, right, that was the thing, but this is my tape, okay, that came out in January, January 3, right, yeah, the competitor in me, I said oh oh I wasn't even prepared for that golden ruby ​​you know what I'm saying because it's like me that he's almost like the cat chose you, did you feel like he had that platform to say?
Hey, listen because cat, don't you? He just likes you. Don't sit down, you see what I'm saying, camera. I've been trying to get the cat lined up for a year. I tried to line it up for a year. People don't know it, but the cat doesn't like flies. He normally takes the bus every time he takes a tour bus almost everywhere he goes, so he wasn't going to be on that side of town in Los Angeles in California, right hand of God. . I go to my agent's office on a Friday. mhm I'm getting off the elevator as I'm getting off the elevator a lady is getting on okay she said hello I said hey how are you I'm Shannon Sharp she tells me her name it's like I've never seen you here before I said yes my lawyer is here Marvin , she said, oh, I love Marvin, I love Allison, who is his daughter, she said, oh, I said, I've never seen you here, I said, I've been coming here three, four years, I've never seen you, she said. oh man, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just won't meet you, she said today is my last day, I said what she said, yeah, today is my last day, I said you got a new job, she said, uh, I go. being the tour manager for Cat Cat Williams, wow, I said I've been trying to get a cat for a year that was a Friday, the next Friday, a cat sitting in that chair, look at God, the next Friday, a cat sitting.
I've been trying to line up the cat. for a year, next Friday, after meeting his cat sitting in the chair, he walks in, I say anything you want to talk about, I'm here bro, let's talk about everything, oh, really, Boom, the thing was if you go back and look. the interview I'm in after I introduce him we take a sip of KC we laugh and we talk and you know we do our thing I'm getting ready to leave he's leaving I have to make a split second decision C cam do I roll it up again o I let it go for 30 you gotta let it go knowing what I know you know what I'm going to say that's all I let it go it was like I was doing a comedy show at the club Shay he was doing stand up but he was actually sitting down.
I let him go now he's calm. he got what he wanted off his chest during the first 30 minutes. Now I can go back and I can go back to where it all first started. Dayton Ohio and so on and so on, but that happened and then yeah, I reached out, so you know I was able to get Monique. I reached out to Mo'Nique, uh, and people say Mo'Nique is difficult, she wasn't difficult, she, you. I know she told me some of the things she would like. Hey, we're going to accommodate you as best we can. We did it.
You know, Gary Owens and Lavale Crawford. It's just been a snowball effect and I told the team. You know, Amanda, you know that she wasn't happy with the way the interview turned out and I'm sorry, Amanda and your fans, that they weren't happy with the way the interview turned out, but I said out of 140 interviews if we can. you only have one, someone is not happy. I said now if we can get two 280s, we are doing well. Do you think about your journey of who you are becoming and what you have become in the media?
Do you think people will respect you? for the work that has brought you here Pro Football Hall of Fame, multi-time Super Bowl champion and possibly the best or one of the best receiving tight end. It was before your time, let's talk about that. Yeah, right, as an athlete we weren't used to a receiving tight end, it was Mitch's first game, yeah, I followed the Aussie Noms and the Kellen Winslows, uh, the guys that were more receivers than blockers, um, and you know, believe. The thing is that for me CAM doesn't, because of the success that I'm having, people automatically assume that he had to do something because you hear how everyone would know that you got this role in Hollywood, you had to have done something, so now all of a sudden, My podcast is moving up the ranks, so people automatically assume, man, look here, man, I don't play like that, mhm, I don't, um, I've never been propositioned, I've never been approached, um, I go, I work hard, I try.
To create the best content possible, I try to create content that I feel my viewing and listening audience wants to see and hear, and that's the team that I've put together, our job is to try to create the best content but no, no, because it feel because think about think about my Ascension camera. I lost my job in June in October. The complex says the most entertaining sport. Personality. I'm number one, yes, sir. Come on Stephen A, get me on the first take, thanks Stephen A. I can't thank you enough and I'm sureand who doesn't Joone, but because of his seriousness, some people don't really joke around. like that and you know what hey, hey Shar, I'm not up for that today, okay, EAS up, hey man, I'll leave you, you know what I'm saying, I'm not trying to prove that it doesn't make sense, man says he wants that and when a man tells you and that's what you have to see.
The signs you have to look for when a man says, "Hey, leave it alone." that leaves that alone leave it alone uh now I ask you this, would you ever have a barbecue? Well, I let someone roast me or I'm roasting someone. What Tom Brady did on Netflix, yes, they paid me enough, but I want to scratch Stephen. A I told Stephen A, even if I'm in a colony on the moon, I'm going to pay to fly back and light up his ass, but Stephen, they were so easy, I have to catch Ste though, I mean, who?
It's all like me, boy, it's hard because they do their research and come back and get things. Did you see the Brady I made? They towed it, but who, but who took the go-ahead, who actually drove it like Nicki Glazer. woman woman the white girl yeah uh Tony Hein Cliff uh Ross I don't know if he could do that because he was a glove for punishment, now granted. I'm pretty sure the contract was not disclosed, yes, they broke it. bread with it, yeah, but damn, because a lot of times they do keep it specific to you and maybe he didn't care that much because a lot of it went to Jezelle, but he's like, yeah, he probably gave her some. ammunition for her, but it's hard because at the end of the day the kids will see it and see someone saying things about her mom, so even if you and her don't, I mean, I'm sure she does.
For all you know, it's great to do what they can for the kids, but someone still says something bad about their mom, so that's probably what bothered them the most, but for the right price, yeah, I'm sorry and, but I saw him go out of character one time when the old man was talking about I don't know I remember his name he was talking about uh Mr. Robert CRA said hey, don't say that again EAS but, obviously you know who you are and what you've done in these media knowing what you know MH understanding that the media is ruthless this program is sponsored by better help we all carry different stressors big and small when we keep them bottled up it can negatively affect us therapy is a safe space to let off steam it is useful for learning skills Positive Coping and How Setting Boundaries Allows You to Be the Best Version of Yourself is not just for those who have experienced significant trauma.
If you are thinking about starting therapy, try better help. It's completely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and fits your schedule. Simply complete a short questionnaire to be assigned a licensed therapist and change therapists at any time at no additional cost. Get it off your chest with better help, visit funky today to get 10% off your first month. I've seen and I mean, quote, linear media which is television, podcasting and bickering and cutbacks, you know, shooting back and forth, envy and jealousy, uh, that's probably what's been the most Disappointing for me, um, but I think you know.
What I've learned, I'm learning as I go to accept it and just, okay, they're going to say what they want to say, uh, I understand that as I start moving up, people are going to start taking even more photos. uh and so you know what I'm learning man I just got I'm learning and that's what you know. I remember having a conversation with a cat and I asked him why don't they shoot you but they're shooting me I said I didn't say anything you just said what you said it was on my platform he said why can't you say anything and that was a rumor and They don't want me to do it.
Come back with the direct hits. I thought, "Okay, but you already learned that." I'm learning, camera, it's a professional, it's a great process because I'm looking at people. I'm like you've never met me. You even said anything, you haven't talked to anyone that I know I'm talking about personally and for you to say what you're saying, I'm learning now that this comes with the territory so I just have to accept. I just keep my head down and realize what I'm focused on trying to accomplish, so I put it like this, you've been covering sports for a while, mhm, right, and even sports that I wouldn't have agreed with your opinion about me. look what I'm saying, does it happen, yeah, the same way that someone says something about you that you're not right, you know, okay, have you ever had an encounter with a person that, like you, man, you said this like I?
I haven't done it yet, let me tell you what guys most of the time 90% of guys like, man, you're tough, but you're fair. Kevin rants. When Kevin first rants he was traded to Phoenix, um, he was there, he was in the hotel standing there. in the hotel lobby and I remember getting out of the vehicle and I looked at him and said damn, that's a tall guy and as I walk up he turns around and I said man, what's up? KD, he said man, uh, let me scream. You're right, quick, he said man, you have a problem with me, I said no, I said why do you say that, he said man, it's like when you talk about me you talk with so much passion, right, I said KD, have you ever listened?
I talked about any topic I wasn't passionate about I said I don't say I think I do a great job critiquing your game I don't know you off the court I said You know I had a conversation a couple of times ago with your mom I talked to her uh she came to the show I said brother, I never had a problem with you I said I don't know you well enough to have a problem with you uh and that's what I'm trying to do, I mean, I have kids very close to your age, so I'm not going to have to go and come.
I don't come and go, but I say what I say. I like to think that I keep everything I can. on the court, but I think the thing is Cam, who I talk to with so much passion, when I talk, people take my passion personally right now, we have to talk about that, you in a situation with Shaq, right, he came out with a hint of displeasure and I heard your response mhm, but his was more of a different situation, the passion of whatever and I think you got that right because I don't think you were essentially talking about that any more than Gilbert uhhuh You Dig and then We came back to it, guys, did you talk?
We have not made it? um Shaq feels the way he feels and it's perfectly okay to feel that way. I haven't said what I said. I still think Shaq is a phenomenal basketball player even though you know. he minimized my career. I'm fine. The thing is, what I can do cam cam is that when I put my head on a pillow at night, I know that the only thing I could get out of my career was three Super Bowls a week. Hall of Fame and at the time of my retirement in all the tight end records that's all I can get out of my career that was my competition a seventh round draft pick that made the last cut was the last guy to make it the team made the Hall of Fame, that was all I could achieve and that's why I was able to come out with the season I had last year and not look back because I didn't feel like that man if I had worked harder if I had eaten better if I had rested if he hadn't chased women.
Man, I feel like he could have gotten so much more. I was able to walk away because I did everything I could and the only thing God allowed me to do. get was what I got, I think which is frustrating for me and I've dealt with it in multiple situations. I hate it when black people argue with black people, bro. Me too, you know what and I'm learning. that I don't have to have an opinion on everything publicly, some things I can keep to myself, right? He may have felt or thought the way I thought about Shaq at the time.
I didn't have to verbalize it, yes, I did. I met Shaq on occasion, yeah, uh, when we hooked up, yeah, um, but I didn't have to say what I said at the time and if he and I apologize for offending him, then I don't know, but the apology doesn't. It doesn't matter because the thing is between then when you say that someone you know that if I offended you you know that it only matters to you because the person is equally offended even though you didn't mean to do it with the apology of yes, so that's it. where I am with that I don't I don't have any ill will towards Shaq I don't have any problem with Shaq uh he's a phenomenal businessman he's done amazing not only on the court but he's been even better off the court.
If you can believe it, given what he accomplished on the court, but his business in Amman is something that needs to be studied, junior Bridgeman Michael Jordan, uh Lebron, those guys, I mean, you look at a guy like a junior Bridgeman who didn't do much . money and was able to Parlay for Shaq to do what he's been able to do, those guys should be studied, the NBA should bring in guys like Shaq and Junior Bridgeman and those guys that played those sports and have become successful, bring them back , so the younger guys might understand what it takes because you're not going to play this, the likelihood of you playing while LeBron James isn't very good, so watch your money and then think about the new transition to the next phase of your career.
In life, I also talk about this, since we are talking about different sports. There is an unspoken truth about the NFL versus the NBA MH. I see NBA players as what we call each other. You know what I am saying. You see CP3 hanging out with LeBron KD. training so you don't see that with football players if they don't share the same agent if they don't share the same university if they are, it's a little bit better than me because you know they have a college tight end where Kelsey, uh, you have the summit past, where Bon Miller brings in a lot of those guys and they work on the technique, but I would like to see some of them get together and try to build businesses and try to build something that you know.
Pretty much what you and I talked about on our podcast, that's where I am right now, um, and for me it's that I like a lot of the things that I do now, and it's that I intend to be able to give. and I have one requirement when I give is that you never say where it came from because I don't give it to get Applause because if you give something in the hope that someone will mention it, you gave it for the wrong reason, so that's it. The only thing I've asked of the people and the things I donate to is that you never mention where the gift came from as we close this whole segment bro, now 140 episodes of Shay uhhuh and counter, yeah, who's your dream?
Guess oh Oprah. Tyler Perry President Obama President Trump President Biden LeBron you've never been able to get LeBron no Denzel Viola Davis Jay-Z Meg the stud Drake Drake KRA Lamar I mean can I can I go home can I go home but you know we're on I always have This discussion with our iconic Saga and podcasting team can get complicated because everyone's fishing in the same group, you see what I'm saying and as much as I'd hate to admit it, it's like they do, Shay. I don't really want them to do a funky Friday because it's like I know I respect you enough to know that and I respect your work that you don't ask the questions that I know you know what I'm saying so it's like can I think outside the box? and bring out a different version of that person that they're not normally used to?
You know, but it's a very competitive field of business because it's like, oh, here we go again, another Cat Williams, you know? interview on BL, but you know what I think Cam is, is that for me, the moment that cat started doing what he was doing, I immediately called a team and said, now you know we're not going to try to replicate this , TRUE? this is our Michael Jackson Thriller off the beaten path was a great album Bad was a great album dangerous was a great album This is one time this is Haley's comment every 75 to 79 years it comes this was ours let's make great content let's get people who We think they're entertaining, they have a story and our fan base listens and sees the audience wants to listen, but people like, well, he's trying, no, no, I've made it very clear.
I remember calling the team and saying we're not trying to replicate this again because the likelihood of someone doing this isn't going to happen and I'm not going to hit my head. I'm not going to think that I'm less of a conversation because I don't get 70 million views and once you look at it That's how we do it very well and we did it when C when C did the Netflix special. I remember we came back and I was talking to him and he put his arm around me and said, "You know what I'm most proud of," he tells you.
You have continued with what you did with me he said I see everything you do he said that's what I'm most proud of there have been no dropouts and that's what I tell the team all the time I say I'm you, you know yourself look at the views we made with Charles Barkley, look what we did with Gary Owens, look what we did with lvll Crawford, look what we did with Glow, look, we've been solid and that's what I did. What I'm most proud of about my team is that they do a great job of trying to find entertaining people who have a story to tell and I try to extract as much information as possible.
Say it's complicated, I'll try because that's the way to try to understand what I'm really doing right, but that won't stop me. Club sh sh come on, let's keep going, say less, uh, would you ever act, huh? act, yes, I could do it, I mean, considering thatYou know, I play three characters when I'm on TV now, uh, yeah, I would, that would be, yeah, I would, I would, I could do that, I could do that, I see. I mean they tried to put Dwayne Johnson in the box, yeah. obviously before him there was Arnold Schwarz, your bill, you know, and seeing that whole transition to him being the most followed personality globally and he's him mhm and I remember seeing an interview about The Rock where he was like man, I don't want anyone to tell me what.
I can't do it if I want to go fight. I'm going to go fight, right? You know what I'm saying, it's just one of those things now too and I see you doing the same thing and what's next for Shannon. To be honest with you, Cam, I don't do a great job of multitasking, so right now with this media thing I'm kind of focused on how to make Club sh Shay better, how to make the night cap better, how I make sure Stephen A and First Take are bringing out the best in Shannon and I'm kind of focused on that.
I have my eyes on other things. What I love most is that I have a team. Shelly takes care of what she does. handle CJ with Club Shay handle what he handles Ash handle what he needs she needs to handle the team I've put together a team, we put together a team here and I think everyone does a great job of allowing me to focus on what I need focus on a given moment and that is the most important thing is a team that allows the individual because you look, look at the guys who are hu look at the tremendous Rock MH team look at whoever you want look at LeBron, tremendous guys on the team that does great things that They have a team around them that allows them to focus on what they need to focus on at any given time and that's where I am.
I just want to keep trying to create the best content I can. sh media makes sure that ESPN and First Take are getting the best out of me that I can give them when I'm and uh, but that's where I focus. I could act. Yes, I have the opportunity to do it. present it itself. I've had the opportunity to do some cameos in some TV shows, but right now I'm very busy with this. I'm traveling. I just got off the road after about 11 days. I'm about to do it. I'm back on the road for about 16 days, so I don't know when I'll have time to do it.
Actually, when I said the guy was booked and busy, the guy is booked and busy and no content will be suspended during that time. So I thank you any time brother, thanks man, since we have anything here, funky Friday, we will do it in unison, we will start with this camera and then we will go to that camera and then we will finish with this camera. Understand what I'm saying and when I say all together let's say one love okay it makes sense to you it makes sense here we go one finger one finger one pinky one pinky one thumb one thumb all together one love yes sir I appreciate you Shannon sh ladies and gentlemen , thanks, hey, what's up, brother?
How are you? That is what it is. I have lamb chop, macaroni and cheese, rib tacos, check them out every time I come. Look at this every time I come. I receive the same. uh lamb chops, I get baked mac and cheese and I get short tacos, this is a great place, look, you want to socialize, you want to meet and greet, whatever the case may be, but I promise you the food here finds somewhere else that have the ambience of what Fellowship has combined with food and drink. I'm not saying this CU because he already knows how I feel because every time I come to town I call his dad and tell her to get me the place upstairs, look, hey. and I'm going to give you that $20 for that ad read, but man I'm surprised I didn't bring you your Grits, you feel me, I love the G oh man and I don't even, I don't even rock with These I like, you know what I'm saying, but, man, I've tried to create a space here at Fellowship that really embodies three things, great food, mhm, I have that great socializing that I have and just the experience that I don't want to.
I wanted a steakhouse with a club atmosphere or socializing atmosphere, not necessarily a club, but you know what I'm saying and there you have it.

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