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What is the MAXIMUM Possible Damage in Breath of the Wild?? [ALL Damage Stats!!]

Jun 06, 2021
Breath of the Wild's combat mechanics can often feel truly limitless. There are so many different approaches a player can take, using a huge variety of different weapons, abilities and power-ups to conjure up some unique combat possibilities. But regardless of your current skill with this combat system,


's the point of being a great swordsman if you don't understand the theory behind the weapons you use? Just like in this game, there are dozens of unique ways to increase a player's


output OUTSIDE of simply using the base weapon, through stat boosts, elemental effects, critical hits, and even weapons with SECRET


capabilities, all of which are crucial to understand.
what is the maximum possible damage in breath of the wild all damage stats
But the problem is that the game is reluctant to inform the player how exactly most of these attributes can affect damage output, since the only damage statistics that are available to the player are the base damage of the weapons themselves. So, in an attempt to decipher all of this information, I decided to test each of these damage altering properties, to decode how exactly these things can affect a player's damage output. And the results are... surprising to say the least, as not only was I able to discover the exact


behind each method of dealing damage in this game, but I even discovered how all of these attributes can stack on top of each other. allowing me to push the damage numbers into the upper three digits and sometimes even go over 1000, which is absolutely insane for this game.
what is the maximum possible damage in breath of the wild all damage stats

More Interesting Facts About,

what is the maximum possible damage in breath of the wild all damage stats...

So, using this research, I thought it would be helpful to go over the hidden


behind EVERY damage-boosting property in the game, explain how each of them can stack with each other to maximize damage output, to finally discover the MAXIMUM. How much damage can a player cause in this game!! So, without further delay, let's get into Breath of the Wild's hidden damage stats. To begin, let's start by explaining some of the most used damage increasing attributes in the game, which are damage buffs. This will be a short summary of a previous video, with some additional details added.
what is the maximum possible damage in breath of the wild all damage stats
So the standard attack buff, which can be obtained through food, armor, or a combination of the two, comes in 3 different power levels, with each level of this buff increasing almost ALL forms of damage output by a established percentage level. a level one buff increases it by 20%, level 2 by 30%, and level 3 increases it by 50%. There are also two other main damage buffs that can be found in this set, which are Ancient Proficiency, the set bonus for Ancient equipment, and Bone Attack Up, the set bonus for the Radiant and Phantom Ganon sets. Ancient Mastery increases the damage output of all Ancient and Guardian Weapons by 80%, and Bone Attack increases the damage output of all Bone Weapons and Dragon Bones by the same 80%.
what is the maximum possible damage in breath of the wild all damage stats
And just like the standard attack buff, they are allowed to stack on top of almost every other buff in the game, even including the base attack buff! So, for example, if we use an ancient sword that has a base damage of 40 while we have both attack and ancient proficiency upgrades activated, 50% of the attack onwards will be added to the 40 to create 60, and the 80! % will be added to 60 to create a final damage of 108!! What's interesting about the way this is calculated is that each buff is taken into account in addition to the last for higher damage, rather than simply applying both to the base value of the weapon and adding them together, which net results in lower output. .
This means that all damage boosts stack multiplicatively with each other, allowing for higher damage output numbers the more boosts you have applied. With this in mind, let's go over another type of attack boost found in this game, which is critical hits. A critical hit is now defined as a move that increases damage and is usually achieved by performing a special action, as opposed to an upgrade, which is tied to the player themselves. And in this game, there are a total of 4 main ways that allow a player to execute a standard critical hit: 1, break your weapon against an enemy, either by throwing it or just using the last hit, 2, getting a headshot with the bow and arrow, 3, hit an enemy with a weapon while on horseback or on the master bike, and finally 4, get the last hit in a combo with the critical hit modifier applied to your weapon.
Each of these moves multiplies the player's damage output by 2, which stacks with many other damage-boosting attributes, like the buffs we mentioned above. So with that ancient sword combo we were using in the previous example, if we were to, say, attack with it on horseback with the other 2 upgrades applied, the critical modifier doubles our damage output from 108 to 216! But beyond the main types of critical attacks, there are MANY other unique ways a player can score a critical hit depending on the weapon or circumstances, although they sometimes feature a different damage modifier. Boomerangs, for example, always deal 50% more damage when thrown at an enemy rather than hitting them directly, and hammer-type weapons, such as the rock breaker and stone breaker, deal double damage when used against enemies. by Talus.
The only exception is the standard Iron Sledgehammer, which instead deals 4x the normal damage... which is super nice if you're trying to defeat these bad guys early in the game. There's even a special damage modifier when headshotting enemies that spawn in archery towers, which increases the damage output by up to 10 times, basically guaranteeing a one-shot KO of any enemy in this position. And just like the others, they can stack with any of the other buffs or critical hits we mentioned above!! So actually, all of these damage boosts should be pretty simple to understand, because as long as you know the values ​​of the boosts, calculating them together to calculate the damage output is really simple.
However, there are some types of critical attacks that do not work as normally as you would expect and feature slightly modified rules for how they can be combined with other boosts. One of them is to smash a frozen enemy, which multiplies the damage output by 3, and another is to perform a sneak attack, which multiplies the damage output by 8. What makes them so unique, besides their high multipliers, is that They nullify each and every critic. hits that would otherwise be applied, so shattering a frozen enemy with a headshot or breaking a weapon during a stealth attack will not deal any additional damage, but can still be stacked with all damage buffs such as attack or old competition.
Aside from that, these critical hits are still a great way to dramatically increase the damage output of a weapon, and understanding them will bring us one step closer to discovering the


amount of damage that can be achieved in this game. But moving on, the next set of damage boosts we should talk about concerns a very specific type of weapon, practical for the mid to late game, which are the sheikah. We've already discussed how the Ancient Proficiency upgrade increases the damage output of all Sheikah weapons by 80%, but most of these weapons also receive plenty of boosts of their own that can stack up even further.
In this case, when facing any Guardian-type enemy, all Guardian-type weapons deal 30% more damage, and Ancient weapons, aka any of the ones you can buy at Robbie's Tech Lab, deal 50% more damage. % more damage. These 2 types of crits can stack with any type of attack or critical hit buff, with the only exception being the ice break crit we mentioned earlier, which completely negates it. And this brings us to the last type of sheikah weapon we will discuss: ancient arrows, which contain many unique and hidden properties that set them apart from most other weapons. His most obvious abilities are his ability to one-shot a Guardian when shot in the eye, three shots when shot in the body, and even his ability to instantly vaporize any non-boss-type enemy in the game, at the cost of that it does not fall. his loot.
However, when this arrow is used against any boss-type enemy, such as a Talus or Hinox, these arrows have a different effect: they increase the attack's base damage by 50%! On top of this, since Ancient Arrows are classified as a type of Ancient Weapon, you can even use the Ancient Proficiency buff to get an additional 80% power added to your attack, along with any other buffs or crits you apply with it. . Now, using them against these bosses may not be the most profitable use for this item, but by far its most practical application is when used against a Ranger Guardian, as these arrows deal an additional 30 damage to the arrow's base attack. before. receiving most of its benefits, which really helps its harmful potential.
To put all this into perspective, let's use an ancient bow, which has a base damage of 44, with the arrows and all the


damage increases, to see how much damage we can generate. First we'll add the 50% ancient arrow bonus to get 66, then the 50% attack bonus to get 99, then the 30 damage bonus from hitting a scout ward is added to get 129, then as is an ancient weapon used against a guardian we can add another 50% to get 193, and finally with the ancient proficiency upgrade we can add 80% to take this up to 346, which is crazy for a single attack in this game!
Oh, and yes, if that shot was a headshot, everything will be doubled to be 693, which is actually the second most powerful bow attack


in this game, right behind shooting a normal Guardian in the eye! ! In fact, this exact combo is so powerful that the developers even applied a hidden nerf to it: reducing ice breaking multiplayer with an old arrow hit from 3 to 2, so it's best not to use ice with this combo. But enough about




amount of bow damage is in this game... because what about the maximum amount of melee damage? This information may come as a big surprise...
So to calculate the maximum possible melee damage in Botw, let's first try to figure out which weapons have the highest damage. In terms of raw attack power, the most powerful weapon anyone can find is the attack-powered Royal Guards Claymore, which can deal up to 116 damage at maximum modifier. Using everything we discussed about crit buffs earlier in this video, there are 2 buffs we can use together to maximize the damage potential of these weapons: the attack buff and the sneak critical hit, which deals 8x more damage. . Using this combo, we are able to deal a total of 1392 damage while sneak hitting, which can basically one-shot almost any normal enemy in the game.
However, considering that Royal Guard Claymores are rare and weak in terms of durability, a much more realistic option would be to use the Savage Lynel Crusher, which is much more common in the late game and has much higher durability. . Although the base damage of this weapon is only 108 instead of 116, with the above 2 buffs applied we can still deal 1296 damage, which is enough to eliminate any normal enemy in this game, except for the golden moblin, which has a craziness. 1620 HP. So the question is: is there a way we can deal even more damage to a possible shot from this type of enemy?
Fortunately, there is one more weapon we can try: the Guardian++ Axe, which has up to 75 base damage at maximum modifier. Although this damage is significantly weaker than the other 2, there is a VERY important buff that this weapon can use that the others cannot (Ancient Proficiency), giving a crucial 80% buff that adds to the other 2. So, when it comes down to it, if we use this weapon to sneak attack the moblin with both buffs applied, we will deal exactly 1616 damage to it, which is actually the maximum damage possible in this game!! It's unfortunate that this number is only 4 short of being able to get one shot off this type of enemy, but at least it reduces it enough to ensure that your next hit kills it.
So now that we know how to create the most damaging combos in the game, keep in mind that many of these builds are rather situational, but a great understanding of all the different buffs and critiques we've gone over so far, along with How accumulate will allow you to increase your combat efficiency by drastic levels!! But beyond the typical melee and ranged weapons, there are many other ways a player can deal damage to an enemy, through things like bombs, elemental effects, and powers, which are viable means of attack, despite never display a proper damage indicator. like the other weapons.
Although none of these attackscan be boosted with any kind of buff or crit, I thought I'd take a minute to go over some of these hidden stats. One of the most important is Urbosa's Fury, which deals 150 damage to any enemy under the influence of it regardless of type. The only exceptions are Taluses and Hinoxes, who are dealt 300, and Lynels, Moldugas, and Guardians, who are dealt 500 each when under one's influence. The Remote Bombs each deal 12 damage, with the upgraded variants dealing 24. The shield spin and swim spin only deal only 5 damage, so these attacks aren't really viable at all.
Trampling an enemy with a horse always deals a flat 30 damage, and running over an enemy with Master Cycle deals 5, Master Sword Beams deal 10 damage in their base state, or 20 when on, each of which can be increased by 50% with the lightning buff. And last but not least, the Lynel shields deal damage while parrying in multiples of 7: the basic variant deals 7 damage, the powerful deals 14, and the


deals 21. The only additional stats we don't cover today are the elementals, as we already made a great video on them and multi-shot bows from a few months ago, which I highly recommend you watch after this one!!
The only reason that information wasn't covered today is because the statistics behind them are MUCH more complex and time consuming than anything we've discussed in this video, but I'll leave a card in the top right corner if you want to increase your knowledge. on this topic more!! But with that being said, thank you all so much for watching! I'm very proud to announce that my channel recently reached 25,000 subscribers on Youtube, which is honestly... amazing!! I would never have expected to get this far on the platform, and all thanks to your wonderful support over the past few years, and especially these past few months.
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