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What is the Greatest Evil on this Planet?

May 30, 2021
Since we arrived and sat here, you are half an hour closer to your grave. You should go and volunteer at a hospice or a hospital ward where people die. When the last moment comes, when they die, they are simply bewildered. Mohnish: My question is, assuming humanity overcomes


very tumultuous phase we are in now,


would we do if we reach an ideal society where everyone is peaceful and together? What would be our ending? What would we strive toward? (Applauds) Sadhguru: Is


a deal between you and these guys? (Laughs) Look at it this way because you really can't understand


all these people want.
what is the greatest evil on this planet
Look at you, right now you're thinking you want to be an engineer. Let's say I make you an engineer right now, right now. So you're thinking you need a job, I got your job. So you're thinking you need a promotion, I got you. So you think you need a treat, I got it for you. So you think you need wealth, I have you right now. Everything you can dream of I have for you right now. What do you want now? (Laughter), I can do that for you (Laughter, applause and applause). Mohnish: Let's say I want a job.
what is the greatest evil on this planet

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what is the greatest evil on this planet...

I was struggling to get a job right now (Applause). Sadhguru: Yes. Now we are seeing the end game, right? (Laughter and applause). You have everything you wanted now, things you can imagine, things you can't imagine now, everything you have now. What do you want right now? Mohnish: I wouldn't know what to do. Sadhguru: Look at it (laughs). When you say this, what it means is that all you want in your life, what you are looking for is struggle. To get a job you have to take three years, then you will feel amazing, I got a job.
what is the greatest evil on this planet
Look at all the people who have good jobs. Look at them walking down the street, are they happy, dripping with ecstasy? Hello? Miserable guys, you're making blood pressure work. They are suffering from all kinds of ailments, they are going crazy. Yeah? Then what do you want? Is there a girl here? (Laughter and applause) What do you want? Mohnish: Don't you already know? (Laughs) Sadhguru: That's good. “I don't know”, I like that (Laughs). Because you don't really know. Everyone keeps fooling themselves at every step of their life, thinking, "I want to be an engineer, I want to be an engineer," that will keep you busy for five or seven years.
what is the greatest evil on this planet
Then, “I want a job, job,” keeps you busy for another year or two. So I want this kind of job, that kind of job, that will keep you busy for another eight or ten years. I want so much money, so much wealth, that it will keep you busy for another twenty-five years. I want this kind of girl, that kind of girl, that kind of boy, to keep you busy for a few years. Then children will come, I want my child to be this, this, this, well, we are preparing for his funeral (Laughter and Applause). You need to understand.
You need to understand precisely this. You may be giving all kinds of context to your life right now, but essentially what you call my life right now is just a certain combination of time and energy. Yeah? As you sit here, time passes for all of us. Can you reverse it? You're an engineer. Can you reverse it? Yesterday was not fruitful, so I will revert it. Can? He is moving away from all of us. As we sit here, what is ticking here is not the clock. What happens is our life, right? Since we arrived and sat here, you are half an hour closer to your grave.
It doesn't matter how young you are. You're getting there, aren't you? Yes or no? So, it's a certain amount of time. And no one can manage that time because it goes at the same pace for everyone. You do something, you do nothing, you sleep, you are awake, you are happy, you are unhappy. Do what you want and it will keep rolling mercilessly, right? So there is energy that they call life. You can launch this at different levels. If you're like that, I mean the classroom expression, you know? (Laughter and Applause). If you are like that, twenty-four hours seem like a thousand years to you (Laughter and Applause).
But have you seen on a certain day that you are very happy? The twenty-four hours of the blow passed like a moment. Yes or no? So time is a very relative experience in individual subjective experiences. If you are joyful, if you live a hundred years, it feels as if in a few moments it is gone. Only miserable people will have a very long life (Laughs). Because if you are miserable, you will always feel that life is too long and you will want to shorten it. But if you rejoice in the possibility that a human being has before looking around, it's really over.
What possibilities does this entail? So what you need to manage are your energies. Because life is a certain amount of energy. It is not unlimited, but it can be improved. If you function at one energy level, which you will do in ten years, if you function at a different energy level, you will be able to do the same thing in one year. So if both people live a hundred years in terms of impact and depth of experience, one has lived a thousand years, the other has lived a miserable hundred years. So this is all you can do.
Maybe you're thinking right now about designing this or that one. These are all limited contexts that you are establishing yourself. Fundamentally like life, it's just time and energy, isn't it? The question is what is gained from that. Do you want to do something with it? There is no obligation to do anything with it. When I say make something out of it, it's not a social phenomenon, I'm talking. What should you become in society? That's not what I'm talking about. Fundamentally, the reason you have come here in terms of life is because you want to experience life.
The question is how deeply. Right now, if people want to experience life, what are they experimenting with? You will experience, not this, this. Yes Yes. I know. I know you guys (Laughter and Applause). Either you will experience this or you will experience something else, what you will experience is how to diminish your faculties. You know, the United States has legalized marijuana in some states. So when I went to some colleges or universities they asked me, “Sadhguru, why don't you throw? Someone like you should legalize marijuana for us.” I told him, “No problem, we will legalize marijuana, cocaine and methamphetamine.
What is the problem? No problem." The only question is, why do you want to make it legal so you can smoke and come to college, right? Okay. But let's say you want to fly a small plane and the pilot comes in stoned. Do you want to fly with him? (Laughter) Because the guy is already flying without the plane (Laughter and Applause). Okay, you miss the point (laughter). You need major surgery and the surgeon comes in angry. "Oh, no." you will clearly understand that this diminishes your faculties. I want all of you to see this. Do you think you can improve life by diminishing your faculties, hello?
If you want to enhance this life, you must superpower your faculties. That is the only way to improve this life. You can diminish your faculties and think that your life is getting better. What kind of stupid is that? Just because it makes you feel like that all the time. How is that? Without substance I'm always like that. In the eyes, I'm drugged (Laughter and applause). Yes. I never touched a substance but I was completely high all the time. Because I want you to understand this, the largest chemical factory on the


is here. If you are a good manager of this, you can create any experience you want from within and also enhance your powers.
If you are having an experience, even to experiment, your faculty should be intensified, shouldn't it? Is this the largest chemical factory on the


and the most sophisticated, do you agree with me? Are there chemical engineers? So I ask: how do you manage your system? What have you done? We gave you such a sophisticated machine. Have you at least read the user manual? No. Do this blindly and then you'll think pumping something will make it better. No. Believe me, the only and only way you can improve this life is for your faculties to be super brilliant.
The way of seeing, the way of hearing, the way of smelling, the way of tasting and the way of touching. If this is improved, is life improved in many ways? There is much more to it. But I say this from what you know, from your experience. Suppose you could see twice as well as someone sitting next to you. Has your life improved? If you could know better than other people, would your life improve? If you could feel better, would life be better? If you could hear better, is the live performance improved? At this level, you understand this, but there are many other dimensions of human faculties, if you improve this.
If you sit here, you will feel blissful just sitting here. You won't want to touch anything because just sitting here is the best experience of your life. So what is the end game? If you had everything, what would you want? If you had everything you could dream of, it's all here. What would you like? You must think, right? I won't give an answer. If you don't think much about your life, it means you are very shortsighted. Hello? This happened to Gautama Buddha. Have you heard of Gautama the Buddha? Due to some astrological prediction, his father heard that he could become a great Emperor or a great sage, and he wanted him to become a great Emperor.
He protected this child and put him in a separate palace, where everything is luxury, everything you can dream of, everything is there. I married him to a very pretty young woman, everything included. You shouldn't see any suffering. But one day she just walked out. He saw an old man and asked, “Why is this guy like this?” You know, his driver or his charioteer would say, “Oh, everyone gets like that after a while.” He said, “What me? I am a young prince, will I become like this? He said, "Yes, we will all become like that." He shook it.
Then he saw a man who was suffering from some kind of illness, disease. He said, "Why is that guy like that?" He said: “It will happen to a lot of people. “Who will it affect, there is no prediction that anyone will get sick.” Most people think it happens to other people. No, it can happen to us. Hello? And then he saw a funeral, a corpse. "What's that?" He said: "That is inevitable, everyone will die." Do you also know that you too will die? No, because most people believe that other people die (laughs). They don't intellectually know it, but they believe they are forever.
Now you must be aware, you are mortal. Mortal means you have a limited amount of time and energy. If you are always aware of this, you decide how you organize your time and energy. If you are aware of it. If you think you are a super human being, you are not going to die, other people will die, all the best. Will come. You can realize this on your deathbed and die. Look, people may think this is extreme, but you should go and volunteer in a hospice or a hospital ward where people die, and you should see that it is very important.
Very very important. Only then do you become sensitive to life, life becomes super valuable because you know, it is a limited amount of time. If you look at this, unfortunately today in the world, more than eighty percent of people, at the last moment, when it comes, when it dies, they are not afraid, they are not in pain, they are not in something else, they are not just bewildered. They get a look of bewilderment because all their lives they only lived their thoughts and emotions, they never lived a life. This is important for you to understand, there is a psychological reality in your head and there is an existential reality that is life.
Most people confuse their psychological reality with their existential reality. Your thought and emotion have become more important than the cosmos, haven't they? Hello? What you think, what nonsense you think and feel, has it become more important than the universe or not? This means that you are making your creation more meaningful than the larger creation. This means that you must suffer. If you don't suffer, I will be disappointed. Yes, I will. Because if your ignorance doesn't make you suffer, then what? So what good is it to me? (Laughs) Because it takes a lot to get out of that trap.
What good is it for someone to make an effort to get out of the trap of ignorance? When people can live beautifully in their ignorance, what's the point? What is knowledge for? What's the use of knowing? What is the use of lighting? What is the use of realization? If people can live absolutely happily in their ignorance, what's the point? When you are ignorant, you must suffer. And I want you to know that the



that exists on the planet right now is not


, it is ignorance.

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