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What Is the Best Food for Betta Fish?

Apr 13, 2024
So you have your first Betta


, but there are like a million types of


to choose from which is the


. Keep watching as I cover my favorite


s to keep a Betta


happy and healthy. Hello, this is a gamer's wife here with practical and proven methods. tips to help fish enthusiasts like you and for my first pair of


fish I had, I bought a random jar of


flakes and fed them the same thing for their whole lives, poor things, then I found out on the internet that there was all. of treats that a responsible owner should feed their betta fish, so I started buying and trying everything because nothing is too good for my baby, seriously, I think my fish eat much healthier than me anyway to save him time , money and refrigerator space.
what is the best food for betta fish
Let me share with you some delicious and nutritious foods that my betta fish can't resist. Comment below to share your suggestions as well. Well, first of all,


do these bugs eat in the wild? Well, they are mainly insectivores. They eat any old insects that fall into the water, as well as zooplankton crustaceans, etc., so in the aquarium world that means they mostly prefer small-sized, protein-rich floating foods, their mouths are raised and shaped. to eat from the surface of the water and yes, they will. They spit out their food if the pieces are too big, that doesn't mean they won't go after the sinking algae of your catfish.
what is the best food for betta fish

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what is the best food for betta fish...

Wafers because some bettas are like little goldfish, they will just inhale anything vaguely digestible to me. I think variety is key, there is no magic food that contains all the nutrients and minerals that fish need; However, some betta fish are very picky and may not like new foods unless you mix it with their favorite snack or if you simply don't feed them for a few days. so that they are hungry enough to try something else, just remember that when you try some of these new foods that I'm about to mention, make sure to eliminate the uneaten foods after I don't know 15 minutes to an hour so that they don't rot and make the water toxic, which could be potentially lethal to your Betta fish.
what is the best food for betta fish
Additionally, you should avoid dirty or microscopic foods if your Betta fish is like mine and can't stand the thought of roommates or cleaning crews. Stay away from certain flake foods, definitely powdered foods meant for frying fish and rapachi gel foods. Many times these dirty foods will get into the substrate and foul the water faster because your Betta can't find or reach them. Good moment for me. favorites list first of all let's talk about prepared foods, sure they are not exactly the most natural option but they are like an all in one breakfast smoothie that contains many proteins and essential vitamins.
what is the best food for betta fish
Floating betta pellets are my favorite because they are very clean, float on the surface of the water for easy access, and are great for measuring exactly how much you want to feed in case you have to leave instructions with a pet sitter. Some people like to pre-soak the pellets to avoid causing bloat in their betta fish, but I usually don't bother. Some high-quality brands that are popular right now include Hikari Ocean Nutrition Northland and New Life Spectrum for smaller and younger bettas. Try Hakari pellets because they are very small compared to these fish. I also have nutritional granules.
Personally, I don't follow any strict rules like only feeding X amount of pellets per day because as you just saw, pellets can really vary in size and bettas also vary in size and activity level. Stay until the end of my video for my guidelines for determining how much and how often to feed my Betta fish. Another prepared food I've tried is Fluval Bug Bites. I like the concept because they are made from black soldier fly larvae which is perfect for our little insectivores, unfortunately the pellets are small and sink quite quickly which is not ideal for most betta fish but that It doesn't deter my better food motivated sound wave, it's like enrichment for him to hunt down every morsel he can find.
So maybe there is another brand of floating insect food that someone can tell me about. Quick note on prepared foods. Don't let them expire as it could make the fish sick and honestly some people say the food is the freshest and most nutritious between the first month and maybe six months after unpacking it so that's why I keep mine in the refrigerator and label them with the date they were opened. Next are freeze-dried foods, very similar to prepared foods in that they come dry. Typically a jar lasts a long time, but the difference is that these are whole foods that are much less processed and are generally free of bacteria and parasites, unlike certain live foods.
So far I have only bought freeze dried bloodworms and fish. Go crazy for them, they flow which is great and they are like a tasty treat to feed once a week or so. Other freeze dried options include tube worms, brine shrimp, daphnia, really anything that is small enough to fit in their mouths, just be careful. the smaller pieces that crumble don't dirty the water too much. I really love the next category of frozen foods, they are like my second favorite food to feed fish and would be closer to number one if they could be easily purchased online and didn't go bad so quickly.
Once you thaw them, they usually come in cubes or frozen sheets, but for me a cube is too much food for one feeding unless you have other fish to feed, so I prefer frozen sheets so I can break off smaller pieces. I would like to thaw them in a small plastic container with a lid. Use a baby spoon to drain excess liquid and feed a few worms and then refrigerate the rest for the next few days. Make sure you don't refreeze anything because the food will have bacteria. growth in it, ew, don't accidentally leave this stuff on the counter either because it will stink like hell.
My favorites are frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. There is also a special brine shrimp that has been fed spirulina algae, which sounds like a good preventive measure against bloating or constipation because it is similar to how people often recommend feeding a cooked shelled pea to help the The fish's digestive system moves again and then we have live food. This should be the perfect choice, right? It is the closest thing to


a betta fish is. splendens would be eaten in the wild and provides excellent enrichment, so why don't I feed them as often? Two reasons they could be disease carriers and are difficult to keep, but there are many people who swear by them, especially for conditioning a breeding pair or raising fries, so let's look at common suggestions I've heard that include live black worms. , microworms that can be grown, flightless fruit flies, and even pinhead crickets personally, although I have only fed live brine babies because I happen to be raising some. little honey gouramis and, although they are practically microscopic, they swim with these irresistible staccato movements and are a great enrichment.
My betta fish somehow caught them all, even though they are tiny. I also added some shrimp embers to the top tank, yes I know, I know that might be a little off putting to some people but I knew they were disease free. He didn't want them to breed any more and Soundwave had a great time chasing them, however, you'll be glad to know that due to his old age, he has become very weak and has kindly decided to do without them for now. Well, let's talk about a very popular question. I get how much and how often I should feed my Betta fish, especially all of these different types of foods.
Seriously, it's very easy. Overfeeding is beneficial in captivity because they always act hungry and beg for food like the adorable little water pups they are, so I have several aquariums to feed as well as several humans in my family to cook with, so I only had time to feed Sound Wave once. one day six days a week some people believe that fasting one day a week can prevent bloating so I'm sure some days are rest days; In fact, adult betta fish can go about a week without eating, so there's no need for that pet sitter. If you're going to be away for the weekend now, I don't like to follow the quote-everything rule.
They can eat in two minutes because my betta can gorge himself to death in that amount of time, so when I first got them I started feeding them four pellets a day for a week and then increased to five pellets a day the next week. and then to six granules the next. You can see the pattern here if my betta started getting a little strong. where her abdomen was not a smooth slope but protruded like a pregnant belly, so I lowered her one pill every week until she reached a healthy weight or you can simply skip one or two doses to help rebalance them a little faster, this system works. with frozen or freeze dried foods as well because you can start to estimate how much volume your daily portion should be and again if you start to get fat just reduce the amount and you should see immediate results now if you have the opposite problem where you are not eating anything you may If you are sick, take a closer look at your surroundings, check for any symptoms, and maybe get rid of some expired foods.
If you have more questions about Betta fish care, otherwise, you may have the perfect video about it in this playlist. Comment below to suggest the next


tutorial I should cover. Take the time to enjoy your aquariums and we'll see you in the next video.

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