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What If You Explode An Antimatter Bomb On Earth?

Jun 04, 2021
Is there anything in the world more powerful than nuclear weapons? Perhaps a substance that in just a microscopic amount could cause unimaginable destruction. The destructive potential of


is simply incredible. Only half a gram of


would be enough to create a


like the one that destroyed Hiroshima and one and a half kilos of antimatter would beat the record set by the tsar's thermonuclear


tested on the island of Novaya Zemlya in 1961. A substance with fantastic destructive power already exists in 1928, the British physicist Paul Dirac suspected the presence of antiparticles. with an opposite electric charge after five years Dirac received the Nobel Prize for his prediction the first antiparticle was discovered by the American physicist Carl Anderson in 1932 thus humanity recognized the positron a copy of the electron with a positive charge this mysterious mirror reflection of matter excites the minds of humanity with its capabilities if antimatter collides with particles of the appropriate matter, they completely annihilate each other, that is, they cancel each other out while emitting powerful radiation.
what if you explode an antimatter bomb on earth
Professor Frank Close of the University of Oxford, who specializes in particle physics, wrote in his book Antimatter that the annihilation of one kilogram of antimatter will produce about 10 billion times more energy than the explosion of one kilogram of tea substance. . Antimatter reactions are 1,000 times more powerful than the nuclear fission of uranium in nuclear power plants, but


does the nuclear explosion in the Japanese city mean in practice? The city of Hiroshima had a capacity of approximately 13 to 18 kilotons of TNT and the death toll was approximately 70 to 80 thousand people. An explosion of such force causes profound devastation in a radius of approximately one mile and less than half a gram. of antimatter would be enough to reproduce it later, the number of victims of this Japanese tragedy increased to 140,000 due to the effects of radiation sickness, but unlike traditional nuclear explosions, after the explosion of an antimatter bomb there will be no radiation left. residual.
what if you explode an antimatter bomb on earth

More Interesting Facts About,

what if you explode an antimatter bomb on earth...

Calculations show that in an explosion with a capacity of 100 megatons the zone of absolute destruction will extend to 35 kilometers from the epicenter and the zone of severe destruction will cover a radius of up to 50 kilometers such a force can destroy any of the largest cities of our planet and for this only a few kilograms of antimatter are needed exactly 100 megatons was the design capacity of a Tsar bomb that was tested in a lighter version that was almost half of this but even the weakened version of the bomb is terrifying the The measured power of the explosion was equal to up to 50.6 megatons of TNT, this energy can be released during the interaction of about 1.5 kilograms of antimatter and 1.5 kilograms of substance.
what if you explode an antimatter bomb on earth
Witnesses felt the blow and were able to describe the explosion thousands of kilometers from its center with radiation, even at a distance of up to 100 kilometers it caused third-degree burns. The shock wave went around the world three times, the first time in 36 hours. and 27 minutes but


happens if you


10 kilograms of antimatter, about the same amount as the Indian Ocean


quake of December 26, 2004? whose epicenter was located off the northwest coast of Sumatra in Indonesia caused the deadliest tsunami in modern history the magnitude of the


quake was approximately 9.2 the movement of the lithospheric plates created waves with a height of more than 15 meters the tsunami reached the shores of Indonesia Sri Lanka, South India, Thailand and many other countries, according to various estimates, between 225 and 300,000 people died.
what if you explode an antimatter bomb on earth
Many people were swept away by the receding water into the ocean. The exact number of dead and missing is unknown until the day the shock wave of this earthquake passed through the entire planet. The islands located near the epicenter moved tens of meters, according to theoretical models, the change in mass and the enormous release of Energy equivalent to 480 megatons of TNT slowed the speed of Earth's rotation, slightly reducing the length of our day by approximately two point six eight microseconds. Similar force can be expected from an explosion of just 10 kilograms of antimatter. This energy is enough to boil 150 liters of water for every person on Earth.
Humanity remembers another natural disaster that struck Indonesia in 1815: the eruption of the Tambora volcano on the island of Sumbawa. the most powerful in recent centuries, for three days the area within a radius of 500 kilometers of the volcano was hidden from the sun by enormous masses of volcanic ash that subsequently spread to more than 1000 kilometers from the site of the eruption, causing serious changes in the climate. global of the planet. the entire northern hemisphere experienced a cooling the year 1816 was nicknamed the year without a summer the total energy of the eruption is estimated at 20 Giga tons in terms of TNT the same amount of energy would be released during the explosion of an antimatter bomb that weighs barely 500 kilograms you want to see the apocalypse and then detonate 2.5 kilotons of antimatter an energy release of 100,000 giga tons of TNT would trigger the start of a new ice age.
This already happened on Earth 65 million years ago, when an asteroid larger than Mount Everest fell. In the Mexican peninsula called Yucatán, hot debris rose into the atmosphere and, beyond falling back, this debris heated the air to the temperature of the inside of an oven, a large amount of dust fell into the atmosphere, which during several years it blocked the Earth's surface from the sun. An almost nuclear winter had arrived, most scientists believe that this event caused the death of the dinosaurs. Fortunately, the creation of an antimatter bomb is only erratic. In practice, obtaining antiparticles is a complex and expensive task that consumes a lot of time.
European Center for Nuclear Research or CERN uses the Large Hadron Collider, a charged particle accelerator, to create and study antiprotons. The physicist employed by CERN Ralph LAN Dua assures that the low efficiency of the process of obtaining antimatter is the key to security and the inability in the near future to create serious weapons based According to LAN Dua, the synthesis of one gram of antimatter with the Current technology would cost around $1,000 trillion compared to annual US spending. The budget would be enough to create just a few micrograms of antimatter, but it is not enough to simply create antimatter.
Even so, it is necessary to preserve it because if it comes into contact with normal matter it will be instantly destroyed and disappear to avoid this suicide that scientists have invented. traps of a very strong and complex magnetic field configuration to date the best result that has been achieved is the preservation of antimatter for about 1,000 seconds and, however, the creation of weapons that can fire an antimatter is no longer fiction, physicists at the University of Michigan under the leadership of Carl Crucial Neck designed an ultracompact accelerator. A gun that fits on a normal table compared to the Large Hadron Collider.
This thing almost looks like a toy. It works based on particle acceleration techniques discovered by American scientists in the early 1980s. A laser beam passing through a jet of helium forms a stream of electrons and a thin sheet of metal blocks its path when the electrons collide with the sheet, positrons are formed in the flow, then a magnet comes into play that scatters positrons and electrons in different directions, antimatter is formed. Furthermore, an ideal super-efficient fuel, an antimatter engine, would be the most efficient ever created because 100% of the mass of the substance and antimatter is converted to energy.
About 10 grams of antiprotons would be enough to take a manned spacecraft to Mars in just a month. Today it takes almost a year for an unmanned spacecraft to reach Mars. The only obstacle to the creation of mega-powerful weapons or fuel is the inability to synthesize antimatter in large volumes. During all the time dedicated to these efforts, people have only created a negligible and small amount. A 19 nanogram dose of antiparticles is barely enough to boil a cup of coffee, but what if we learn to capture antimatter from space? So an antimatter bomb will become a reality in the near future.
What are the consequences of such technology in our hands? say criminals, is it possible to prevent the creation of such a weapon or are we doomed? Will antimatter one day destroy our civilization or become the strongest energy catalyst for its development? If you like my video, write your thoughts in the comments and be sure to give us a subscribe to the channel and click the bell so as not to miss notifications of new releases and invite your friends, it is always much more interesting to discuss all these fascinating topics together.

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