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What if Orochimaru Took Sasuke's Body?

Jun 01, 2021


training or possibly you already know. superior versions of the shared weapon, I don't really see it going anywhere, I mean, we know it can take out guys like you, you know the gay raika,


would it be like around that area because he was already, you know, around that area of anyway without




so you know and then he also likes the saucer that's interesting because they have a bit of a rivalry there like imagine witchcraft just becoming like bodies with


oh that's funny I mean heat. and the Caucasus might be in trouble, but I mean, we'll talk about that like another video, I don't know, yeah, I think Orochi Maru takes out like all of them, like almost all of them, except Obito Payne and Hitachi, who are handled like all of them the kage ended up um, yeah, obviously, like Naruto Kakashi and they were like, who cares? like all the blood like the phobia thing but like she still lost to kabuto so just like that's still on the disk its not like she was affected yeah she was like nerfed but like she was still lost to kabuto's minions


like i think


with a sasuke amp It would be cool come on bro she screamed that mumble and lived to tell about it man her face against the moderates is crazy but like uh I just, yeah I don't see it um, right, um, okay, okay, seriously, we can, we can talk about that too.
what if orochimaru took sasuke s body
Jariah also, like many people, sees Orochimaru and Jaraya as rivals. um, realistically, I think Orochimaru is stronger because, like I've talked about this before and I talked to mj about it before we started filming, he says that he almost got killed by his front tail. Naruto and then as Orochimaru just fights an older version of Naruto himself and does well, it's like you even assume that both versions of Four-Tails Naruto are the same. Rochi Maru's performance is simply superior to Jurais here, so she is now entitled to a like. sage mode but I don't know something tells me that orochimaru won't let him go into sage mode um well not to mention in the first part I know the whole thing with zeraya and all that stuff it's like it's not even like it was thought when they're like oh yeah , the rochimo is like coming after the students and you know they are like only if minato was here like only if no one wants to say hi jaraya like go find your friend, you know, but yeah like Jariah was there like training Naruto and they're like oh man, if Minato is here, yeah, we're like you know, okay, we're a few years younger you know or something, but it's just yeah, like he's not even. thinking about the equation to fight as orochimoro and this you don't even mention to get rid of the sound barrier four, I don't know, that's kind of like yeah, I guess I'll have to take care of this myself, yeah, like jerry's . like hey man, no, oh, if I just had a little help and he's like oh, okay, okay, okay, jaraya aside, let's go back to Hitachi because one thing I would have to mention is that Hitachi wasn't necessarily going all out against Sasuke when he was sick, so the idea is that he was most likely bloodthirsty, ready to go, so yeah, I think that's how he taught that she'd probably take the sorochimaru to the city, um and it's not like a situation where he's fighting with a group of people. right away and his stamina depletes like he really just has to kill hirochimaru so um like he knows totsuko blade gg is like annoying it's kind of yeah but I think it actually applies here and with pain it Chewbacca himself 10 says gg. um right, it gets a little more interesting, I think when you give him the shared mangekyo because that's like a big amp, like a big big amp, um, just having the shared mangakyo made Sasuke at his base equal to no stronger. which according to karine um his cursed seal two states which is um according to jarobo uh 10 times amp right, I think more than 10 times amp if I remember correctly and uh kimimaro and sasuke have the strongest cursed seals, so this, of course, it means uh sasuke has an um unquantifiably greater than 10 times amp uh just from being like base sharing after unlocking the mangekyo that is shown that's huge for arochimaru right now the question is how could he do it because I don't I don't know if he would like it .
what if orochimaru took sasuke s body

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what if orochimaru took sasuke s body...

I feel like he's a pretty sociopathic and emotionally distant guy. I don't know


could drive him to wake up, maybe just the joy of finally achieving his goal and shining from him would be so great. It's strong that he just likes to get ms immediately after getting Sasuke's body, I don't know, but other than that, you have to use your imagination to think of how he gets it, uh, but let's assume he has it, so I still I have it. I don't know if he'd like to be like a full power hitachi, but I don't think hitting like a sikitachi is out of the question anymore, especially with all the likes of him, especially when you like, he's not like ms sasuke like five.
what if orochimaru took sasuke s body
Kage Summit Sasuke versus Hitachi at this point is like Orochi Maru with five powers from Kage Summit Sasuke versus Hitachi and that's like poison resistance plus yeah, crazy resistance training, you know, yeah, and like he doesn't have to deal with the kakashi thing where like oh he's not an uchiha trying to share because technically he is but he's in sasuke's body he's not a transplant so you know he's fine and yeah we talked about this before too , but even if you want to give the right. kange every benefit of the doubt possible um after his fight with sasuke where sasuke was ambushed because of the way he was completely taken by surprise that fight was going to end with a death because he jumped right into the amaterasu um yeah I don't know if he would have gotten through to Susano or not, but even if you say he would have, he would still have died, so like Sasuke, he would have been tied with the right Kage and as we already explained why the Orochi Maru in the base is stronger than that. like you gave him all of sasuke's tools and it's like, like now he's not even on the same level, like he's not even on the kage's radar anymore, i should say the kage's not on his radar anymore, It's actually just a question. whether or not he can deal with these very high level members like the Akatsuki ones and I think he probably could be right because he has something like that and now he's up in the air again, but now he has Susano, can he?
what if orochimaru took sasuke s body
TRUE? like he has uh like sasuke's as a base amp um he has all his other stuff like I imagine edo tensei would be usable now um he could probably use every chakra nature if he wants, but we know he can at least use lightning and fire pretty easily um , just thought of something, yeah, imagine Itachi as sikkitashi coughing up blood with a small handkerchief hanging from his chest, facing orochimaru with ms like five kage peak sasuke powers with the susano on him protecting him and then he has like toby ram and hashirama in front of the suits, yeah, yeah, like if you give it like edo tensei, there's like, yeah, like, I don't know what, like, it's, like sushi is completely evolved, yeah, like, I think Hitachi no longer exists.
The pain is iffy, but I'm pretty sure if you give Orochimaru Edo Tensei, he can definitely do it, uh, like with Noedo Tensei, it's questionable, but like with them there or with other people he wants to revive, they say, yes, now. I don't think he has to worry about Ikotsky anymore so if he gets more I actually think Orochimaru just wins the game and takes over the world because who does he have to worry about after that, like oh toe I guess and I'm like like. It depends on how strong you think Obito is at that moment, I guess if you look at Sasuke's fight with Danzo, Sasuke is fighting, but he is able to win in the end, but Obito is sitting there, like, I could leave. at any time and as a finale in whatever um yeah he has all these crazy feats like ginchurki or being immune to genjutsu, we specify like the first time we learn about this like it was specifically in response to an exchange about genjutsu and obito like he controls yagura for years, no one knows, he's so convincing and thorough that I don't even know what jutsu he used, I guess it was just normal mangekyo genjutsu, it's like controlling the mind and I mean that's the most important thing too. right, it's like the part of the community like him, how do you hit him?
I don't think Orochi Mario would even like to harm him. This is said several times, I think once after the fight against pain and once after the summit of the five kage, Arc Obito. mentions that he likes Zetsu like if sasuke gets out of control I'd just like to take him down or something so we know he's not afraid to take on any version of sasuke at that point with the susano, the arrow and the modests rods after the five kage summit too that means i was fine dealing with ems sasuke without pentagons so yeah i would be buddy i know we're talking about maybe here obito could lose depending on what you give to rochimura.
At the end of the day, Dawg Obito was someone who showed up and started fighting like they were multiple versions of Casey from Naruto. uh, alliance by itself because there are a lot of scenes, especially in the anime, where it's modern, like watching, yeah, yeah, like watching Obito do all the work, like hmm, this guy is just getting like fights, Kakashi gets stabbed multiple times, gets his body like Zetsu, the weird thing that happens is the durability is off the charts, yeah, like him, so you know, that thing like Aldrin the turkey dies if they have an account you


from him Obito had nine taken away at the same time, well, no, I guess not. nine, I guess he didn't actually have yuki and karama in him, so technically they only


seven out of him at once eight if you also count the ten tails as a separate entity, but the point is that this guy was a pretty devastating procedure.
I'm not dying bro, no matter what it took to kill him or something, yeah, I had to shoot him with it like an instant attack that disintegrates you for him to die. What's interesting about this is if you like this version of rochimuru. kill the tachi sekitachi take his eyes you know you have a rochimoro with hitachi hitachi eyes you know all these user training mods for body sharing disappeared that's the other thing I guess we don't talk, we don't even talk about ems right, like he has ems and it's like ems sasuke level i think that's true like wait like with ado hitachi yeah obito is like oh that's it yeah like low ms uh orochimaro without eddos fight obito, but yes, as if in reality it already was.
Murdered Hitachi Opito is having a very difficult time and by a very difficult time I mean he loses, but this is where we are about to go, it's even crazier than that, so yeah, I'll let you continue with my evil, I just felt like oh no yeah you're okay because we should talk about it but you know Itachi's eyes everything I just said and an interesting statement from Kabuto is the fact that when he talks to Madra right before the scene of the shinobi alliance versus the moderate one, he says I am simply testing a hypothesis like that of many years of experiments carried out by Lordo Rochimorio and me and what they are talking about is the night and how he woke her up and how the fact of that the moderate being there, what Mata does, confirmed his experiments. arochimaru has years of renagon, you know, experimentation and training and stuff like that, so if he had done it, if he got rid of god brother, if he woke him up, and the thing is, he might be able to because it's like he doesn't have to like it steal it from Nagato, which he could do, but it's not like that's the only way he has, because, if he gets Sasuke's body, he summons himself like this, falls into his lap like he's the luckiest guy ever, but you just get the body. of indra's reincarnation and yeah, all he needs is some hashirama cells and they're like boom, right, and that's it, yeah, because it's like he made Yamato, he gave Danzo Izanagi's arm, so it's well all you have to do is just inject some hashirama chakra into his face like you don't even have to do the wood style surgery because you know maybe there are some people who are going to say well why don't you use the wood style?
We know the procedure kills people or whatever, maybe he doesn't even have to do it, maybe he just likes to inject some of Hashirama's chakra into his body or whatever, but boom, he's got the rinigon and he doesn't have . any of the stamet and stamina issues that obito had he can use them both well because those are now his rinnegan like in his eyes so I think even if he has like the rinnegan I legit still see how Prime Modera and Hashirama probably being able to get it out, but where are they, like they're gone, like no one has brought them back and like, who, who, Orochimaru's certainty, certainly not, he doesn't need help and, at this point, of anyway, um orochimaru. he probably knows not to try to get Hashirama out of the womb of death so he wouldn't do that, like there's really no chance, I mean, kill it's like maybe arochimaru would do it, but I don't know and I think.
Edo moderate could probably still drive like I don't know, no because this road tomorrow is very strong and yes, I wantI mean, as much as I like moderated, I don't think Edo's moderator can do it. It's like he has a perfect susano, so yeah, I think that's gg for everyone, yeah, that's true, I mean, at that point you might need and I think people might hate me for saying this, but you might need characters like Tin Tails, Jin Turkey or like six previous characters to remove them, not directly, because I think the best way to say it is like you You would imagine, like the wise Kabuto, how strong he was, and then imagine that he is even stronger to begin with. with and then you give him a rinagon and say he likes that his renate is gone, you know what's a good way to look at it, yeah, you take Jerusalem, which probably had one of the best displays in the whole war, like next door from Naruto. in them, yes, you have like kuruzen, right, old man who rules at 100 maximum power, he does not stop, give him the perfect suicide, give him all the renegade skills, give him the sage mode and give him the ems amplifier, yes, and as if He was also thirsty for blood. all the time and he doesn't have a moral compass and he doesn't have um he doesn't have the edo tensei nerve but he also probably still has unlimited chakra anyway because he has crazy stamina because he's a rochimaru, need we say more?
Should we stop? Should we say no? Yes, this is all just a straw. so it's like yeah, I mean also like you mentioned before we started recording this, that Kabuto's statement about the entire nation bowing down to him may not even be limited because that Kabuto at that moment should have knowledge of the rebirth because they mentioned years of experimentation so I think what would happen is he would try to play with Hashirama's chakra and then boom the rinnegan would just happen yeah I mean like you mentioned before a lot of this is due to itachi's motive , like Whatever Hitachi's course of action is formed like this, what if because Arochimuru hides in seclusion and is able to train?
You know, it modifies Sasuke's body. You know, Hashima's chakra injection, etc. it's correct? o Itachi appears directly as soon as he does. he takes sasuke's body and then roshimoro gets slapped so he doesn't get a chance to do everything you know so it really depends on haji's course of action because he can get to his hideout and just do whatever he wants. Even though he liked Kabuto, immediately activate him as Susan and just say, "Come on, you know," so I think the only thing that's really iffy is whether or not he can get sage mode. No, no, I don't think it's that scandalous. but if you want to rule that out, I guess you can.
I still think it's borderline unstoppable, like if you give it wise mode. I think that's where you need the characters from previous six pads, I don't know, maybe it's like you. I could probably still handle him with full power hashirama and stuff, but once you give him sage mode that's when he's completely untouchable, like you know the normal characters yeah, and I think also at this point if Orochimaru gets the wise mode, he is probably going to gather the remaining jewels because what stops him from running towards Naruto and getting the nine tails in the Mazzo ghetto because now he has a rinnegan so he can summon it, so what stops him from stealing the eight tails. and the nine tails and they get omazo and they get six powers of their own and they're literally unstoppable, I mean, I guess we've talked about this enough, the idea here is that realistically, I guess realistically, if you don't count renagon .
If you don't count the stage mode, you know that Mangekyo Sharingan Orochimoro is probably like Sikitachi's level, maybe a little higher, so yeah, I think it's the realistic level, but if you want to give them the Renegade stage mode, then yes that's right, you could crank them up to full moderate power like Chanelle's obito, I guess so, and I hope they have fun or have fun. I've misspoke many times in this video, oh bye everyone, yes, but by the way, I'll keep this a secret. no later foreigner

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