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What if ANTS colonized The Moon?

Jun 23, 2024
quickly. down here, let's see if we can find a male, yeah, look Green Green Green, okay, we've eliminated him, we've eliminated him, which means we can start a new generation. I'm going to leave this planet so yeah we have the green ones so now if we do this you can see our genotypes change quite a bit so out of the cream we got a blue one so health or armor I mean , armor increases by 25%, while health is much lower, so go with armor, I guess then with the green ones, I mean, maybe dodge is a good idea 5% of the time dodge ignores 80% of damage so that's good and finally some attack power or maybe speed because that's 20%. increase, yes, sure, anyway, we can return to this planet that we were halfway to destroying.
what if ants colonized the moon
We can add a load of acid throwers and then look because we've leveled up our Queen again, we can unlock a new class and we have access. to the green ones, so two new classes are scary dreadlocks, oh, they have 500% intimidation, which makes enemies more likely to like to run away, alternatively, we have, oh, just another mortar spitter, okay, I am intrigued by the terrifying. so let's add them so now they're unlocked


six costs, let's engage one of them and then look we need this planet's fuel so we're going to go get it down here. there's a millipede or a centipede which is probably a centipede, in Actually, can I scare you with my scary scene?
what if ants colonized the moon

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what if ants colonized the moon...

I'm going to get some acid throwers too, but yeah, that scares me pretty bad. I'm not going to lie, oh look, that's it. he's gone straight for it, he's gone straight for it, oh he's killed us instantly, right attack, attack everyone, attack, wait, we're not even attacking him, he's just killing us or we've destroyed him, no, no we have destroyed it, get out of there, get. out of there go back to the ship go back to the ship oh, everyone's being wiped out oh no, okay, that planet was too dangerous, we'll do a short range scan to see


we're aiming for, so over there moderate threat moderate threat okay , we have to do it, we will go to this here we are, let's land on the


first, maybe the


is a little safer than the planet, so here we are, we go to the Exploration Tower, we only have one worker, I should probably do it. give birth to more of them, oh just lots and lots of mess.
what if ants colonized the moon
I mean, I really need food. I guess we can earn some metal for now because metal is needed to repair our ship and of course to upgrade it I can increase my cargo. I probably should. save it for repair, although to be honest, we have those aphids I talked about earlier. Look, can you see that our food bars actually increase, so the aphids produce 0.1 food per second? Our colony size of five only eats 0.025, therefore we can continue to gain workers, which means we can extract more from this planet, so thank you because now we are almost at the limit of old metal, which means we can repair our ship.
what if ants colonized the moon
I mean, I could actually, yeah, let's improve the resource load that we can push. that there costs 15 but now we can hold 30, which means we can mine the rest of this planet basically, so we've gained all that metal, we've also gained that extra food. I might be scared, oh I don't know. did that job the millipede wasn't scared at all they're meant to be intimidating i'm not sure they were i think i might throw some acid on it before we head to another planet so we'll head back to the ship that will then launch it from the moon to the real planet and I just hope it's not bad.
I'm going to repair the ship too, so I got 25 so I can spend 24 for some reason I use them all, but yeah, sure. We are on this planet, we have to be careful here, we have to be very careful, so let's take that gold, there is oh look, there are more little aphids, okay, I think if we win those aphids we will get five foods each, so they are really good. Well, we have gone up to the Scout Tower, it seems that oh, it's like there is nothing here, but there is a Blue Man and we can go down there, there is a lot of food and yes, look, the aphid has become food, so it's amazing that we can. rebuilding our colony had a couple more workers and acid throwers, so we can just mine this place from looking like this to looking like this and then we also gain the blue ant, so let's go back to our ship. and look, time is running out to meet, so we can meet.
In fact, it could scan the planet first. Oh look, a prominent threat. I'm not going there. There are a couple of moderates around here, so we'll push. but button up and launch in this direction, oh my god, space termites. Dodge the ones I landed on the moon. I think I might mate first, so yeah, this one, oh, it's another rare one, so we get three points and we can charge into the fight. We have a critical chance of 25%, that means that one out of every four hits we make a double attack. I could increase my attack speed and power, just improve overall attack, then our last one is yellow, which are sensors so we can see further, we can dig better or we.
It can be more intimidating unless there are centipedes because they have so many legs that nothing terrifies them. uh let's get the intimidation right and then we'll check out this Moon so I think the first thing is to add a load of workers. Then I'll go to the Scout Tower and then oh this planet has a lot of fuel okay that's good now we've also leveled up our Queen again so we can unlock a new class now that we're stuck with the ones we have , so maybe instead I could just upgrade my queen, he gains additional XP for each egg spawned and also gains more HP.
I think that's probably the best I can do right now and with that fuel up to Seven fuel, let's go back to the ship, then we'll launch to the next planet like this, press that button and we'll see what awaits us here. Now we have 32 foods, so I'm going to get some acid throwers, some more. workers. I can see there's food there, there's fuel on that side too, so we'll do that. There is a tower in the middle. I can see there's some kind of creature there so I don't want to go in too early until I'm like my oh no we're already attacking we're already attacking oh no right send the intimidated and then another acid okay can we beat them?
Yes, the champion has joined us and look, it's a bright red one. I don't think we've had red yet, there's also all this food we can pick up, so we'll take it back to the Colony and add more workers. Oh look, there's another mutagen there and we'll win all that. I wouldn't mind an ant going up the Scout Tower too just to see what's on the rest of this planet now, though look how much food we'll bring, let's feast, get some more acid throwers and then just workers, we've gone up level to the queen. Again, by the way, I think it could wait until we make food with the green one.
Oh, there is so much food here, although it is not good, I think we will level up the queen. Give it XP for now because then every egg we hatch, yeah, look at the XP flying anyway, we'll kill everything, there's also a ton of aphids so that'll give us a ton of food. This was a good planet to go to. The visit should probably strengthen my cologne, let's add another scary smell and maybe another acid thrower or two. Well look, if I go that way, there are some more aphids from MIT, sorry, that's really offensive to aphids, but that's like 10 foods, okay, decent return. to the ship everyone and then we'll do a quick scan and then we'll launch around here to make sure we don't hit the moon, although we'll miss it.
I also need to repair the ship, so we have 22 iron. use sorry, which means I can only use 21 for some reason, but the ship repairs itself every time we launch. I think we lose 10 HP so we need to follow the iron trail anyway on this planet, oh it's just a small planet that We have some gold there, we go up to the Scout Tower, come on son, you have a lot of food , we have a lot of metal again. There's something, oh, there's a blue Queen and because she was blue. I thought it was me, but no.
Up here, remember, anyway, we've taken them down and then we take the queen a body back to the base, which will be a lot of delicious food and then, yes, a lot of metal, which is what we need. We can also mate. However, I'm wondering if I level up again, literally just looking for extra XP, then I think we can probably generate enough workers to be able to level up again, so if I mate before leveling up before building more workers, we should be good. For now, we'll take all of this to our colony, by the way, our colony is so big that we're losing 0.1 food per second, so we have to be kind of quick to get to the next planet and find each other, so.
We'll meet the red one oh it's a legend it's a legend it's four points okay so we have blue that's armor and health so the armor again will increase a lot we'll do the other one for health. I guess we can do it then if I make a critical shot. another 5% which seems pretty good and then the body point maybe just more acid damage again and then from the queen I guess a little bit of attack power to then launch us to the Moon. I hope there is a load of iron there that I can do. with the storage of more resources, look how much food we have 91, so we will disembark.
I think I probably need to spend those 91 to get some intimidating units and then some acid throwers. Then I can level up my queen and now I can unlock a new one. class that includes these red ones, the Reapers, so we can get a stronger big worker and fuck, that means bigger but slower jobs and fights, or we can get some big workers then or just the Reapers keep them weak, for They usually won't fight, oh they. they only cost half what my others cost and look at her digging skill 400. I mean that would be really good for leveling up the queen, in fact I could unlock them, yeah they only cost two and I leveled up almost immediately so I can then actually unlock the big worker class almost instantly too, yeah it looks like this planet only has gold, a little annoying.
Oh, that champion joined us? A yellow champion. Yes, it worked amazing on the ship. We'll all do another scan and then we'll be done. That way, 8000 m is another planet, so we will head here, as long as there are no termites in the weight, we are all fine, yes, we do not have STIs, we go to the planet first, then we will do the moon, better repair. the ship too, so I hope to find a lot of iron here, man, these workers are very fast, oh no, look, there are those things, let's get some acid throwers because yeah, oh, we smash them, the acid throwers are really good against them because mostly they are like they just have good good health, oh look there is a rose, a rose queen, the champion has joined our forces, our


are destroying everyone, it's beautiful anyway, add a lots of heart The gatherers add one or two big workers by the way if I want to level up my queen again look how much experience I need I guess it's like the level cap oh that's our big worker look his size is huge that's what She said anyway someone go up to the Exploration Tower please there you go someone has gone Up so we can see what's on the rest of the planet.
I have some food down there. A little gold there. I don't think I really need the gold. I'll just grab the food and we'll be on our way to the Moon, I guess then I could, I could, I'm getting cocky, but I could take a look at that high threat planet, what's in the month, oh yeah, a lot of fuel, I think we have to go to that planet, so this is like a sign. Anyway, this amount of fuel is all ours. Everyone on board will do a quick scan and then try to find. I don't know where the high threat one was.
I think it went in this direction. Maybe I have to do another one. I scanned a bit when I'm out here to know that there don't seem to be any planets around here. Am I going to get lost here? Oh yeah, let's go back, let's go back, we're heading into deep space, right? Avoid those planets because we've been to those, we're using fuel while flying, there's a high threat level there. Might as well do these two planets first since we're here, so first the moon just a little more fuel, that's good because I was flying for years, so on to the main planet, oh no, there's a bunch of termites, there's a Lots of termites we have to fight, we have to fight down there, what do we need?
What do we need? Acid throwers. I think they are termites. oh my god right we are taking them down we have taken down most of them good job ANS game on whatWhat happened, my queen died, no, I didn't even see that, oh, she's doing so well, a naughty little creature snuck up on my queen, oh. things were going great anyway, it was space ant, a very fun game, I enjoyed it anyway, for now I'll say peace, love and space


, bye.

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