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What Happens When You REGROW Vegetables From Kitchen SCRAPS in the Garden?

May 30, 2021
Good morning, I'm Mark from self-sufficient and three months ago I planted a bunch of different



that I rescued from the


instead of throwing them in the compost, I thought I'd plant them and see if we can grow something and In this video, I'll show you the results. Let's get into this now before we talk about


I planted. Let's see a little context. You may have seen it on YouTube. There are many viral videos about growing things like onions with garlic. lettuce and celery put in glasses and left to photograph people often think that this is incredible, although it is a trick, the simple fact is that you cannot hold a plant with water alone in a glass in the kitchen or on a bench the kitchen.
what happens when you regrow vegetables from kitchen scraps in the garden
Indoors it will grow for a while, but then it will honestly wither if you really want to re-grow any type of vegetable from kitchen


, whether it's something you've rescued from supermarket produce you brought in or even your own.


you should really replant it in an environment where it can have the best chance of growing back somewhere like in a


bed or hydroponically if you have a good hydroponic setup that can deliver nutrients to that plant then


are leftovers kitchen? I ended up planting here in the garden. I selected the ones that were quite common.
what happens when you regrow vegetables from kitchen scraps in the garden

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what happens when you regrow vegetables from kitchen scraps in the garden...

I planted a cabbage with the bottom cut off obviously because we ate the top. A lettuce base. A celery base. An onion that had sprouted. Also an onion base. several carrot bases, plus I cut off the base of a tomato and buried it in the garden, as well as a potato that had turned green and I buried that doll deep in the bed right here, so what we're going to do is check and see . how did it go at six weeks i revisited this bed and i have to admit that one problem i had was that i underestimated the space it would need.
what happens when you regrow vegetables from kitchen scraps in the garden
I didn't realize the potato plant here would grow so big and provide so much shade. a lot of stuff and I didn't want to waste that half of the bed so I planted potatoes on that side that was separated from this experiment and they started to invade and I had to fix that and try to pull these potato plants out. They grew so well that they almost took over the entire bed, so that had some impact on the experiment, so keep that in mind as we go through this. Well, it's been seven weeks since I planted these kitchen scraps to see how they would grow. and as you can see, it's hard to see that this potato I planted has completely taken up at least a quarter of this round raised bed.
what happens when you regrow vegetables from kitchen scraps in the garden
We also planted a lettuce and check it out, it's huge, it has a couple of heads. so not only has it grown back one head, but it has grown several types of heads, one two, about three four, which is interesting in itself and the celery is not growing back nice and big with big stalks , but they are small stems. however, the onion that has grown several healthy looking stems is coming out of the top and middle, and the onion that I just cut off the base and planted is starting to sprout and the carrots that have sprouted are not as good as expected.
It's probably because they've been shaded, the tomato hasn't sprouted at all. I have a suspicion that that tomato is sterile, but anyway, let's try some of these, especially the lettuce and celery, and see if they taste good. because it is one thing to grow very well and another thing to be edible, take a look, let's try first with a tender and young one, yes, quite good, it is nice, pleasant and sweet. That's because I know we're going to try some of the older leaves that aren't as tender, I think that's better. almost sweeter, let's try the celery, let's break off a little piece, let's try the stem first, yes, it tastes like celery to me, it's the stems that I like to cut, they have leaks and that kind of thing, the leaves are a little bitter, but they are still growing.
On the way back we will continue with this experiment and see how the onions turn out, I don't know if we will get much use out of that onion base, but the old onion here that was already sprouting well probably has a way of Wow, but if I were just harvesting it for the tops, which I could do, let's just break one off and give it a good taste, it has a very mild strong onion smell, a nice, sweet, strong onion smell, so imagine that chopped sprinkled over some roast. potatoes or something well, that's good, yeah, it's not spring onion, I really like it though, so if you're growing it just for the top, it's worth it.
I'm going to harvest more of this because just because, why not? and we will have that for the dendins, so that was after seven weeks of planting and you could see that it has changed considerably since then, several weeks later, now the potato plant has died, the lettuce has gone to seed, the Celery has gotten considerably larger and the onions are probably starting to set seed as well. You could also start now from the front of the bed and work backwards. You can see the end of this potato harvest. Here there are several on top of the surface.
There are a lot of beetles here. Well I wonder if they are feeding on the potatoes, look at all the beetles, it's almost like compost beetles, yeah, little roly-poly things anyway, this one is a good size, ah, there you go, the beetles are starting to eat the potatoes I'm leaving. anyway, that's not it, it's not my fault for growing back, it's my fault for leaving it out too long and not harvesting, let's dig this up a little, cool, that's good, another big one, a potato, that's all what I planted and they are brightening up quite a bit, that's another good size one, we're getting a pretty good crop, here are some smaller ones, so here goes that potato, we have seven good size potatoes, one two, three, four , five, six, seven, you know, seven or eight if you count all these little ones together and we would have had more if it wasn't for me leaving it too long and letting the bugs start attacking those potatoes, so we lost two of those I think which is a really good result, you know, remember, this is turning a supermarket potato that had turned green into a bunch of potatoes grown organically and without pesticides, it's probably worth about five dollars, but it's not the money, it's not just money, it's health, it's growing again, it's less. waste is rejuvenation, you know, it's all those things together, it's the exercises, it's being in the garden, it's the experimentation, it's fun, so there's a lot of things grouped together and it's a topic of conversation at the kitchen table


you're cooking these guys and you're eating something, whether they're friends or just family.
You know what I mean. This lettuce here has done its job. Yes, there are flowers here that I could keep, but I have many other lettuces in our garden that are blooming now. Right now and I have a lot of lettuce seeds this is a great demonstration of what you can do and because the lettuce is true to type you can save the seeds and you can have lettuce year after year or sometimes the whole year. year, depending on where you are. alive, so let's get rid of this lettuce plant because I want you to look at the rest of this bed.
What I forgot to mention in a row here is the cabbage I planted. This is something that didn't work. I'm a bit stumped, it seemed to have rotted pretty quickly and I can't find any sign of that head of cabbage, I don't know, maybe a possum or a cockatoo came and stole it from me or something, but it just disappeared, it probably just rotted, but I have a backup plan for a cabbage I just ripped the head off and it's not the same, it's not a piece of kitchen I replanted, I know, but it gives an indication of whether it can be had. that basis of growing cabbage, you can have a secondary crop to give you an idea, let's take a look here in the other garden about eight weeks ago I harvested a cabbage from this plant here and now we have three of these.
It won't grow any more, so I'm going to harvest them now anyway and see what's underneath. That's a nice head of cabbage. That's the first one, the second one, something very interesting here and the third one, which is quite small, but still. I mean, it looks like a Brussels sprout, a big one underneath. Here you can see how it regenerates. In fact, there are two more heads that probably won't develop. These are mini cabbages anyway, they are not full size cabbages so if you are thinking about them. They're not very big, they're meant to be small, they're a mini variety of cabbage, but yeah, in this case it didn't work for me, but it can work, so believe me


I say that, so let's talk about the carrots that I had planted here the carrots grew fine for a while and again it's one of those things where I never expected those carrots to grow new bases that just won't happen, that's a myth and if people tell you that on the internet you can do it. grow a new carrot root from a piece of carrot, well that's not true, but what you can grow are the tops and those tops can become seeds, then you can plant and get carrots, so that's what was trying to do there, but because those crops grew so well that they smothered the carrots and the carrots lost energy and eventually died out, but you already have guests, if you were going to plant them well for seeds, that might work out pretty well now, Now let's move on to the onion.
I planted a whole onion that is branded, that is common in the kitchen. You have an onion that ages and sprouts. What can you do with it? Well, you can plant them again now. I haven't had many. Success with this one here before, it grew pretty well, but now let's just take it out, take a look, see how it's all separated, see that, almost like a clove of garlic, those bulbs can grow a lot bigger when you plant one of those especially. Those varieties of brown onions that have sprouted, what can often happen is they grow like shallots, this could spread eight inches or more and in the end, if I planted this a little late in the season, that's probably the reason and it's putting too much.
It's hot now but if I had planted them earlier then I think I would have had a much better result now the celery here's another one that actually surprised me a bit, it grew very well, not bad, the stalks are not that big. like what they were from the supermarket, but it still grew back well enough, this is totally edible, totally good for cooking soups or whatever, celery sticks and, uh, it worked, it actually worked, look at the root ball, I want That is, it must be equally resistant. like anything that grows this back, this is another keeper and it will continue to grow as well, as it would have if I hadn't taken it out for scientific purposes, of course, I'm going to cut this off and we'll take it inside.
I'll eat it, but yeah, fantastic, there's so many things you can do with this, it was once a little piece of kitchen stuff that was going to go to the chickens or compost, but now it's a fully grown plant that's fully used in the kitchen and The last thing I wanted to talk about is this tomato, I planted it right there so it should be here somewhere, it's probably completely composted and eaten by worms. No, I didn't bury it that deep. Yes, it turned out absolutely fine, but never. I made this tomato because it could have rotted and the seeds didn't come up or the tomato was sterile because often the ones you get in the store are sterile or if you can grow them, they are not true. write anyway and they are a cross and the plant you get may be quite common and not very good for diseases and probably just rotted or whatever little seedlings sprouted probably couldn't survive for some reason but sometimes you get big hits with supermarket tomatoes in the garden and obviously if they are heirloom tomatoes from the supermarket they can generally be grown quite well in the garden and are generally true to type.
I'm very happy with these results and I'm glad I was able to show you what can happen when you plant kitchen scraps in the garden this way. I thought it was an interesting experiment and I hope you found it interesting if you make sure to give it a big feedback. thumbs up grow that thumb back, it was half a thumb, it was the base of a thumb and then you grow it back into a big thumbs up and you share the video. Sharing this video would help me a lot. Sharing and thumbs up really helps the channel. so it is very important to subscribe, I have almost reached my million subscribers.
It would be great to spend it soon. Well, thank you very much for watching, bye for now. Yes, no, I'm happy with that. I would have liked. for the tomatoes to grow, that was the vision. I wish the carrots had seeds, that was the vision, but it gives you an idea anyway, yes it's worth experimenting, but that's gardening, like I said, it doesn't always go as planned, but you have to prove it . the good and the bad applause

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