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What Happens If You FLOOD Your Island In Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Apr 09, 2020
So you're probably wondering how I ended up in this mess. As soon as the collective


class and community saw the ability to terraform in New Horizons, the internet exploded with all kinds of creative and awesome ideas about


everyone was going to do with their


s. and while most people almost everyone was thinking about making nice house purchases in residential districts and were excited about the idea of ​​I don't know creating dedicated areas but cafes and things like that, myself,


I've realized , is definitely a desperate Cry for help during these socially isolated times. I decided to take it upon myself to come see what would happen if I used these new tools to




, home to our poor and unsuspecting villagers, so we signed up.
what happens if you flood your island in animal crossing new horizons
Fern looked scared. One package gave me a really dodgy topper that definitely doesn't fit me. I thought it would fit better than I thought and I got worried. I fixed it later and we arrived at our desolate island with our new friends scoot and frog. I was immediately happy to see that we had a duck villager, it's nice to know we'll have a survivor I guess and apparently according to my Google search, horses can swim so hypothetically they should be fine. I'm not sure how long horses can swim, though I guess We'll Find Out Later, we learn all our necessary evans and are given the chance to name our island, which I actually suggest Flint's ville, expecting raised eyebrows and amused looks.
what happens if you flood your island in animal crossing new horizons

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what happens if you flood your island in animal crossing new horizons...

I didn't think they would accept it, they would do it and our silent mission. Destroying our island from the inside is an opportunity, now the ability to terraform a feature within the island designer's permission is something that is locked until the end of the game's narrative story, in quotes, and because the game is new and could take two Three weeks to finish. I'm not going to show that whole journey. I don't want to spoil it and, frankly, we're all here to see what


when we


our island. I'm not bad. I'm desperate for this video to be ten minutes long.
what happens if you flood your island in animal crossing new horizons
This video requires time travel, which I normally do, but for the content and masochistic torture on fictional


s we will do it. I can't believe that in the script was really wrong with me. I'm very sorry Peter, one thing I will say is that any houses or points of interest such as sharp objects are located on the beach or as close to the beach as physically possible and we are just going to avoid them as there is nowhere . Otherwise we might be able to locate them, so one thing that's going to be really hard to emphasize is how long this whole process takes and when I planned this video I didn't realize how big the island was going to be and how many objects like trees. and things like that I would have to eliminate in order to start this whole process.
what happens if you flood your island in animal crossing new horizons
Of course, there are three levels up to the base island. The top two levels of cliffs we have to completely destroy to even begin flooding that part which requires the removal of each tree flower piece of furniture and then the long and arduous process of removing each of the blocks from the top layer of the cliff and then the base layer of the cliff, this took hours, if I have to estimate it took me around six hours. To make up in total what you are seeing on the screen is simply a small segment that has been sped up four times;
However, once we're done, removing every tree blossom and disappearing piece from the base layer of the island, that's when we can begin. a big flood flood fills up, so let's take a look at a standard map of a basic island that you'll get in the Nooks Island Getaway Pack. There are 20 full acres that you must individually and painstakingly fill by hand with water to completely flood


island on every acre. It probably takes about an hour or two to flood, being conservative with my estimates here, time was very slow during this so it felt more like five hours per acre and surprisingly you were given a lot of freedom on where you are allowed. add water.
Do not add water in front of doors or immediate entrances to buildings for obvious reasons. The game doesn't want you to be locked out of stores by leaving items in front of them, except for any grass you see on the island. practically free to shape and destroy exactly how you want, which is really amazing. I thought the game would limit you a lot. I can't block the airport, for example. I think this is because you still can't move around


island using the beach on whichever side of the island you are on, but this is a level of freedom we've never been given before in an animal fashion game and that makes me very happy.
I'm not going to lie, it made me feel amazing. It is bad to trap numerous islanders in small areas such as a corner entrance. Sorry bird, Timmy and Tommy are the only friends you'll have until your eventual death by the god of hunger. These videos get dark and there are some funny moments. like a scoot walking, reflecting on existence, wondering why the elected representative of the island is destroying the ecosystem and making everyone's life hell. He finally asked if we could leave the islands, which brings up multiple Marvel problems, like your friends are literally going to die and you'll just have to get on a plane and leave the island forever as such, you're the earth and you can swim home. safely and two, you're a duck and you can fly, so you could hypothetically save each villager one by one. and take them to the beach, take them to a safe place, I don't know, it really bothered me, like some kind of snake movement there, made worse by seeing each island going about its day happily, Naruto running back and forth and getting into a fight. conversation with one. another as they slowly become trapped in Town Hall Square with each other with no means of getting out unaware of their imminent watery demise as a man.
I love Animal Crossing. I've waited years for this game and this is what I decide to do first. I'm happy to say that there is a happy conclusion to all of this, or at least in my Canon head there is, so I wanted to see what would happen if I once flooded certain islanders out of civilization, if upon reset they would still be trapped in their areas of evacuation of the dead and drum roll please, they magically managed to return home safely, somehow other islanders gathered at the town hall the next day, I have no idea how they got there, I imagine and again my main cannon is that the island rescue service is absolutely booming because of my super natural landscaping decisions, they all just set Rossetti's helicopter on fire, so there is a silver lining to this story, I guess at least they talk about economies miles booming right now, Tom Boy can count his big wads of cash on his floating plaza.
The most disappointing thing is that this didn't even bring out more fish. I guess the game has bad luck determining that a fish is available at the same time. That's fair. I doubt the developers took into account that someone flooded their entire island, so what


if you flood? your island in Animal Crossing new


, you waste 70 hours of your precious, fleeting life and make thousands of people on the internet wonder what the hell is wrong with you, thanks for watching

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