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What Happens in Fear & Hunger 2: Termina - Full Story Analysis

Mar 10, 2024
Foreigner, let's talk about Termina In my


of the first game I was able to use the events of Terminus Canon as guides, it is established for example that Enki Moonless and Ragnavalder survive their trips to the dungeon and that Legard returned a changed man, this means that certain events couldn't be canon and others had to happen one way or another. The Sermon is a new game and part 3 is several years away, so this time we will be working without the benefit of the established Canon. We only know


can happen, not


must happen. So in this


, I will present the


as it is received by the player and, where appropriate, look for and explain possible alternatives.
what happens in fear hunger 2 termina   full story analysis
I will also occasionally delve into some theorizing based on the limited evidence we have, but if this is so. To be an analysis of the work itself, I will try to stick to the facts. The famine abroad is intentionally told in a vague way. We are often given contradictory facts and can suspect that almost everything is the product of an unreliable narrative. It's also a The main theme of the series is that two seemingly mutually exclusive facts can be simultaneously true and false, it's a Schrodinger Canon, friends, and whenever you spot an apparent contradiction, consider it care


y, the most important thing is to remember That this analysis is my own and while I've certainly done my homework, it doesn't mean I'm right, ultimately what the


means to you is yours to decide with that outside of the way we first want to orient ourselves


and famine take place on an alternate version of Earth, many places and people are similar, but one important difference is that gods and monsters visibly exist in the world or at least were accustomed to the mythology of


and famine claims that the god Sylvian created the world, her husband is the god Grover Garoth, who seeks to destroy everything, not out of malice but only to give Sylvian room to create more, who became the god of nature, there was also the trickster God of the Moon, strange whose light reveals truths that cannot be seen during the day and the god of deaths who dominates the desperate, the rotten and all things.
what happens in fear hunger 2 termina   full story analysis

More Interesting Facts About,

what happens in fear hunger 2 termina full story analysis...

Dwelling in darkness, these beings form a group known as the ancient gods. On a clock in the


l we can see a collection of their sigils and notice that some are missing. We will return to this later, there are three other entities that are a little more obscure, the first is igagetsu, said to be an eastern deity sought by warriors who have lost their purpose. Getsu is the Japanese word for moon, but that could be a coincidence, in any case, not much else is said about it. Vitruvia is a little more interesting, she is called the architect of the human body and is referred to mainly for some abilities that allow the user to sacrifice limbs or organs to the goddess to perform feats of medicine through the principle of equivalent exchange. two entities could be ancient gods, but if so, this is never confirmed and we don't really get any further explanation about them.
what happens in fear hunger 2 termina   full story analysis
The unassigned clock symbols could belong to them, but without confirmation it's impossible to say for sure, at least they tell us that we don't have the


picture, there could be many more divine beings that the game just doesn't tell us about, especially among the other cultures. of the world, the ancient gods are unknowable almighty entities on a scale that the human mind could never conceive of their living Concepts that are always present in the world and at the same time infinitely remote. Anushka is not just some powerful guy who makes nature exist, he is nature itself etc., the second group of deities are known as New Gods.
what happens in fear hunger 2 termina   full story analysis
The New Gods are Mortals who have made a pilgrimage to the lost city of Mahab and have sat on its Golden Throne, thus ascending to godhood unlike the ancient gods. The new gods generally appear more or less human and are active in the world as individuals, have amazing powers, and appear to exist partially outside. from the normal boundaries of time and space, but they are not omnipotent or indestructible, they are more like superheroes capable of conquering kingdoms and uniting people, but ultimately the new temporary and fallible gods are classified according to the soul they have, which is something similar to a sign of the zodiac. every living human being has one of these souls.
Olivia's backstory tells us that she was born just after midnight and therefore, in a different month than her twin sister, she caused the two to have different soul types. Henrik mentions his soul to the player in the same casual message. Cadence that could be said to have been Sagittarius the criticism of the Kaiser a document found in


makes it clear that the world of fear and


uses the same months as ours if we refer to the clock in termina again we can see 24 unknown symbols that can suggest that there are 24 signs, two for each month, so it would seem that there is no particular order, the known souls are the old decrepit, latent, irradiated, illuminated, endless, dominating, tormented, solitary, contaminated, blank, without heart, mornings, chaotic, caressing, smothered and changing, if the clock theory is correct, this would leave six other souls unknown, as with the signs of the zodiac, a person's soul is said to influence their personality throughout of their life, but ultimately, people have free will.
When a human being becomes a new God, they almost always feel overwhelmed and enslaved by the power they receive to some extent, they lose their previous individuality and become an avatar of whatever Soul they incarnate with fear and


. This is revealed to be a trap set by the Old Gods to prevent ambitious Mortals from rising higher; However, while we, the players, learn this, it remains unknown. In most of the world, the oldest known new God appears to have rained sometime after year zero. It was better who had the Great Library of Mahab built and the other New Gods of his time would eventually be deposed in the 5th century by a group that included a mortal wizard named Nasra and the Divinity of Beta would be quickly forgotten.
This would seem to be the fate of most of the other New Gods, as the phenomenon is referenced a few other times. Future Generations only seem to remember them as Kings or mythological figures, not as real deities. He had power in the world Nasra is a recurring figure in both games who best represents mortal ambition in the face of divine power as a new god Nasra was extremely brutal He conquered the eastern sanctuaries This world's version of the Ottoman Empire and let it be the dominant force in the world, however, he ultimately remained dissatisfied and quickly realized the limits of his new power as God Emperor.
The other New Gods sitting in a hall that essentially serves the retirement home once his term ends complained that he behaved in an extreme and cruel manner. forms unbecoming of a season, although he is certainly that type of person, this probably speaks to the frustration he felt when he discovered the Divine glass ceiling as a child bored with cheating in Grand Theft Auto, he had all the power but no satisfaction. The final Divine group is known as the ascended. History tells us that a man named Almer was born in ancient times, the son of someone known only as the false god and a mortal virgin.
He traveled to eastern sanctuaries helping the oppressed and exposing corruption anywhere. He went, became very popular among the poor and the sultans eventually took offense and crucified him, but when he died they buried him in the city of Mahab, soon after he returned as a God and led his apostles to overthrow their evil rulers. he established a new faith and, like Christianity in the real world, this would largely replace the worship of the old gods in the West. This marked the beginning of year zero of the Common Era on the calendar. This is a point that many people seem to overlook.
These games take place in places where the Old Gods are unusually active, but outside of places like the backwater city of Prehevius and the dungeons of fear and hunger, the religion of Almer is so successful that it has basically pushed the Old Faith to the sidelines. , we meet characters who follow them certainly, but these are strange and special people at the time Thurman occurs, most people in the world have never heard of the old gods, if they have, they consider them obsolete. Superstition or its understanding is very limited. The famous Stark priest, Enki Ankarian, claims that he witnessed the death of the god of the deep and that vinushka, the ancient god of nature, waged a long and brutal war against human civilization and was eventually tamed and killed, but What is death to a being that is not dead and that can lie eternally and As long as the downward trace of a concept exists in the Mortal mind, it has power, but the power is less than it was or at least less present, even the old gods who still live have left to the world the pure Concepts they represent. deceived when humans came to understand them better, the idea of ​​absolute and total destruction of no person is exactly the same as that of any other person, therefore grogaroth cannot exist in the world in its true pure form, the same happened with all the other old gods, but although their primary beings have Far from the world, the trail left by the old gods are still able to affect reality by carrying out their residual will and granting magic to those who learn their secrets.
The Stark priests of the Vatican would continue to silently follow the old gods as well as publicly. Their worship spread to Almer and certain secret cults still exist that worship them, but by 1942 the old gods have been largely forgotten, while Alma remains relevant to most common people. Almer brought renewed peace and prosperity to the Western world, but this began to falter over the centuries and by the year 809 Europe had fallen under a Dark Age, the community a group of four from the continent of Europe ventured into mahab beheaded to Nasra and claimed the now reinforced throne with the help of four New Gods, this allowed the kingdoms of Europe to finally claim victory in their war against the Eastern Sanctuaries, thus the Western world was brought into a prosperous medieval era, although this It would also eventually fall apart as All Things Must and the cycle would continue in 1590, a man named Lagarde was prophesied to bring a new era and he ventured to Mahab to try to find a way to surpass the new gods once he got there and there will be more on this later.
He or she managed to become a new god with greater power than normal or died and was resurrected. like anything else, put a pin in that, we'll come back to that later, whatever the case, the guard was a Machiavellian figure for the one who always ends up He justified the means and in his blind rush to power he did many terrible things massacring people innocents in Oldegaard on purpose. sacrificing his mercenary company in a doomed assault on his own country and lying to her most trusted lieutenant leading her into the jaws of Torment along the way he fathered a child with one of the new gods Neil Von this would prove to be his undoing. .
Neil Phan, who had the last laugh, harnessed the weight of the guard's prophecy to ensure that his child became something even greater. His plan was rejected by the Rare Moon God, so he hid the girl underground in the dungeons and arranged for her to be taken to the Heart of Darkness, a black pit located in the bowels of the gigantic corpse that was once the god of the depths, there the girl would ascend, facing the Divinity of the Dead God and becoming the same type of being as a suit of armor, a deity on par with the ancient gods. the god of fear and hunger did not drive the people away from Almer, but rather propelled them to advance socially and technologically into the Modern Age, while Almer was once human who was perfect in his divinity, something no mortal could ever have. fear and hunger, on the other hand.
The hand knew what it meant to be helpless and afraid and the people took comfort in seeing a god share their struggles, they learned to accept hardship and let it take them to greater heights of innovation and industry, this left the garden as lofty aspirations in the dust His way was the old way and the old way was no longer going to work. He became known as a bloodthirsty madman who experienced only failures and spread only misery in a doomed campaign to unite the world under a single flag. Eventually he disappeared from the story and where his name is written, he is called The Mad Yellow King, we are never shown what kind of worship is given to the god of fear and hunger or if she is worshiped at all.
The gods in this setting do not seem to rely on worship in the same way that they do, for example, in Dungeons and Dragons and their influence extends far beyond any religious practices associated with them for the next 350 years. Western civilization would experience the eracruel through industrialization, market economics, mass production and the formation of the modern nation state. improve the lives of many these advances just as often led to new horrors Urban poverty new diseases violations of human rights and, above all, war the first Great War killed millions of people across Europe and the Eastern sanctuaries now united with Voronian In the East they formed the Eastern Union that we can roughly equivalent to the USSR, the continent was left in ruins, leaving thousands of orphans and casting a bitter shadow of resentment over the Western world.
During that time, a mysterious figure would take power in the country of Bremen and under a black and yellow flag rebuild Gremlin is this world's version of Germany and the sudden rise of a dictator after this world's version of the First War. World Cup should sound the alarm. Bells, the dictator would rarely be seen in public and always hidden under a yellow cloak people would whisper that he was the crazy yellow king or even a god Finland, the version of America that fears and hungers, is sparsely colonized in 1942 and not can offer support in the war, this is because until recently the continent was invaded by magical darkness and infested with monsters, its current state seems to be somewhat safer, but this is not explored very well, just know that There aren't many people living there.
As times change with fear and hunger, so does the nature of the supernatural. By traveling back in time to ancient times, the first game's cast of mahab are able to discover what they call a Mythological Beast, implying that they did not know such creatures actually existed. In the 16th century, our dragons were more like this, still terrible, but greatly diminished by humanity's understanding and mastery of its environment. We know from the text that at one point there were witch and vampire hunts in the 17th century. We will delve deeper into this. later, but it suggests that the more obvious monsters had been slain and that the Western world was now turning inward for the monsters watching among them.
This is analogous to a setting like the World of Darkness, where monsters operated with relative impunity in the Middle Ages, but had to retreat through the shadows once human society organized enough to turn the hunter into The hunted without a United States to attack and help against the Bremen army things go very badly for the rest of Europe when the Second Great War breaks out the unbridled expansion of Bremen. threatens the entire Western world and, like the mad yellow king of the past, Kaiser and his forces become infamous for committing terrible atrocities wherever they go, but suddenly, in the midst of what seemed like an unstoppable conquest, Kaiser stopped his armies and agreed to engage in peace talks now.
As the war is coming to an end, a train runs through the bohemian countryside on its way to the past, but there is a city in the middle of nowhere, it is the world's analogue of Prague, which in 1942 was located in Czechoslovakia and still does not exist. It had become the tourist center. The destination that is today until recently this country was part of the Eastern Union, but now it has been captured by the Kaiser's army, regardless of who is in charge of ending hostilities, it should be safe for civilians to enter and leave , so 14 people fall asleep in total. immediately, as they approach the outskirts of the city, the third begins by choosing a character from a considerable list, we will choose Marina, the occultist, for now Marina nods, she often experiences a strange nightmare: an unpleasant looking man with paint blue on the body forces her to work. her creating cubes in a strange workshop made of warped wood.
Finally, a young woman in a pink dress motions for him to come over to her. She tries to run away from it and is quickly beaten and punished. She rips off both of his legs and tells him to get back to work. ignoring their cries of agony, he eventually crawls down a dark corridor towards a strange hall full of giants sitting silently in the darkness, of course we recognize the cubes and we recognize the giants, the cubes appear to be facsimiles of the cube of the deep, an artifact. she that she granted passage to mohabbat in the first game and this is the Hall of the Gods where the new Gods retire after completing their mandate.
Most of the characters have no idea what this place is or who these figures are, but we do and it's certainly strange. way to start after a static hiss, which is something we need to keep in mind. Marina is transported to the top of a tall tower beneath a deformed version of the Moon who looks at her with a lascivious smile, her legs have somehow been healed and a man dressed as a jester greets her in a monotone voice this is perkola says being a servant of the old strange God the trickster Luna tells Marina that he is here and that she must look for the tower that 14 must become one of his words are cryptic but it seems that she has been pushed into a kind of Battle Royale the dream ends and finds the train stopped and empty outside a group of people discuss the situation it seems that everyone had the same dream and no one can understand what is happening with the train or where the conductor is a strange lady the landscape flashes and everyone is nervous some of the passengers They left immediately and at least one is hiding the rest are debating whether to walk the rest of the way to the city or wait for help Karen, a journalist for the midnight newspaper, postulates that they have been subjected to some type of chemical attack by the army of Bremen and experience the shared hallucination.
This starts an argument with Don, a doctor, who assures him that hallucinogens don't work that way, although he doesn't seem to offer a better explanation, what we learn immediately is that almost no one here knows or believes in the old gods and the The idea of ​​a magical dream is so disturbing and strange to people of modern times that they cannot understand it. His heads surround him, but Marina knows that the old powers never left and that magic and mystery still lurk behind the facade of the secular world. Marina's family has deep ties to the Vatican.
It is a tradition that each firstborn son of his line must go through a life of study and suffering to become a dark priest a clerical man who follows both Almer and the ancient gods life is cruel for dark priests who receive a great power at a greater cost the old gods are evil and capricious and the men who are bound must harden their hearts against the suffering of themselves and others, there is no place for human morality among people like Sylvia and Grogaroth, so When Mourinho was born, her mother simply told everyone that she had had a daughter instead of a son and raised her as a girl to save her from the priesthood, this worked and perhaps most surprising was that Marina grew up enough to understand what was going on, she decided she was happier as a girl anyway, it just felt natural to her, this may be because Marina has the Shifter Soul than we do.
It is not specifically stated what this means, but in European folklore a shifter is a fairy creature that is left behind as a decoy or as an exchange when the righteous kidnap a human baby, in a sense, that is what Marina's mother did by exchanging one future for another, although she avoided the priesthood Marina still received an education in occultism, she proved to have an unusual talent and was eventually sent to the Vatican to study the ancient gods and the principles of magic, becoming something of a dark Catholic schoolgirl, her studies teaching her the ability to engrave divine sigils. carve them into allies faces to grant permanent stat boosts and necromancy the ability to lift certain corpses like zombies to fight for her Marina is too weak to wield two-handed weapons and initially lacks magical offensive, she is a support character of sorts, although he has the right equipment that can become very dangerous not long ago Marina received a letter from her father Father Domac the man had always been distant and cold Marina was never sure if he knew her origins or if he was simply jealous of her talent for what hidden and the hidden.
The carefree lifestyle that her gender afforded her, regardless of the fact that the two had never gotten along and, as soon as she could, Marina simply cut off contact with him, the letter explaining in cold, emotionless terms that her mother was dead. and he didn't say anything else when Marina tried to call home. She discovered that the telephone operator could not connect any calls in the vicinity of you, this could be explained by the war, but still something was wrong. Marina knows her father, knows his obsession with blood magic and that certain rituals require the blood of a loved one, she immediately suspects that he might have done something terrible, so she has come to the prehevil to confront Father Domek and discover the truth.
Henrik is around the cat calling for Abella while she tries to fix the train, she responds by telling him to be useful. so he just says that Henrik is a bit weird, originally from Rondón, he's quite cagey about his background and his reasons for being able to have you, eventually he'll tell us that he's a failed artist who has since become a cook and is quite the Good , seems quite interested in pre-Habilian cuisine, but Marina, a local, says the food here is terrible. This could be due to a difference of opinion, but it leaves some room to doubt Henrik's story, especially since this is probably the worst possible time to come here. ignoring ends, which few could have predicted, Kaiser's army has just taken the city and it seems unlikely that the fighting is truly over, so why is Henrik now one of the non-playable contestants?
He tells us that his soul is suffocated and, even though the cat calls him. Overall, he seems like a pretty nice guy. If the player kills him and acquires his soul, they can obtain some of his talent, which will allow them to cook superior food. He is also especially skilled in hand-to-hand combat, which is never adequately explained. Henrik wanders off to try to find some food. Heading north towards the old town, several of the contestants are still waiting by the train and if he can feed everyone, no one will be able to say that he isn't helping.
Abella ends up going in the other direction, deeper into the forest, she discovers why the train is not working. But if she can get more tools or spare parts, maybe she can come up with some kind of solution. Abella comes from Oldegaard 27. she has lived her entire life under the shadow of war, which has devoured thousands of young people who leave the cities. and cities across Europe and deprived of workers who wanted to make her part of her Abella took up a trade and became an engineer living a life of hard but satisfying work that has left her physically fit and capable in all types of situations .
One day she came across a wounded man. man who turned out to be a member of an underground resistance group The Unnamed Liberty Underground or nlu the nou is an international organization of Freedom Fighters determined to fight the totalitarian regimes of both the Bremen Empire and the Eastern Union. These groups carry out espionage and sabotage. missions across Europe trying to ruin Gears of War and end authoritarian regimes by returning power to the people Abella is here on a mission for the nlu when the Bremen army took prehevio a group of nlu agents were sent to the city to see the operation, but quickly lost contact with his managers.
Abella was sent to find them and offer whatever help she could. She was told that she would recognize the leader of the Bohemian branch of the resistance by his red shoes. There is definitely a girl in the dream who fit the description but it was really her. On the way he passes a scary place, a ruined hut with dismembered bodies nailed to the wall. Did the Bremen army do this? Another passenger arrives moments later and they both stare In shock and horror, Kira Taraka is a businessman from Edo who has come to Prehevil to meet with some of the locals and secure business deals that his family's company can take advantage of. postwar chaos.
Tanaka's latent soul is really holding him back. Those welcome family connections should open all kinds of doors for you. The man lacked confidence and he feared he had not met his father's expectations. He is currently not a playable character, but if the player acquires his soul, he can unlock it. Various stat updates suggest that Tanaka could one day reach his true potential, although the kind and polite Santa Claus is completely unlucky and will die under various circumstances. Staying alive requires careful routing. Karen Sauer storms off frustrated with Don's distant attitude and casual dismissal that she has been informed by a contact in a local resistance group that Kaiser had a very specific reason for coming here and although she can't talk about it with a stranger given the Under the circumstances, her suspicions of a plot are not as far-fetched as they may seem.
Karen was born in apromising family in the Bremen Empire at a young age saw the rise of populist factions after the first Great War and eventually the elites, from the Sour Family to the Wolves Riots, began to warm up and when it seemed that their home could be a target, the family's nanny, a woman named Dahlia sheltered young Karen and ran away with her, taking the girl to her hometown of Jataya in Eastern Union. Dahlia assured the girl that she had been paid to take her. She took her to safety, but Karen always suspected that she had actually been kidnapped.
The oppressive Eastern Union government was harsh on the people and although Karen had a relatively comfortable life, she could not sit still and watch. While others suffered, she joined a group. civil rights group and she began attending protests that ultimately led to her being hospitalized by police. By chance she was caught on film at the protest and noticed by female authorities who had been searching for the missing girl. He returned to his home country to find a location where his father was murdered when an angry mob attacked his home, but things had calmed down since a mysterious man known only as Kaiser became Chancellor of the Empire despite of having no apparent involvement in politics before Karen became a journalist and over the course of her career spent much time trying to decipher this mysterious figure along the way who uncovered conspiracy theories about a secret society known as the new gods who had been manipulating global politics to orchestrate first a Great War and then a second Kaiser. having some kind of connection with this group seemed like crazy theories, but the more Karen Doug, the weirder things started to look despite being from Bremen.
Karen is strongly opposed to war and permanent expansionism and knowing that Kaiser is here in the prehevil has given her the perfect opportunity to discover the truth behind the war, unmasking Kaiser and shedding light on the atrocities he has committed in name of your country. Karen is an interesting character like Kahara from the first game. She has infinite soul and similarly she can learn to pick locks and improve escape ability. She doesn't have any particularly good attacking abilities, but she can start playing around with a pistol that can soften up or even kill targets before a fight like Kahara.
Karen feels responsibility despite her free spirit and works as an activist who seeks to take down the powerful and corrupt for the benefit of the oppressed. She has an acid tongue and little patience for others, but despite her bristly attitude, she has learned to Using diplomacy to his advantage, he crosses a stream and walks along the shore of the lake when suddenly a gunshot rings out behind the trees, there he sees a man, one of the locals, taking a Meanwhile, in the direction Completely opposite, Abella comes across a cabin in the woods and is about to ask for help.
This is The Woodsman, an optional early game boss. The character acts and wears a black overall and nothing else, he will slowly approach. player character and tries to attack them with his axe, but that's only half the problem. What it seemed like at first. The dangling pieces can actually fall away, revealing themselves to be a monstrous parasite. He will try to attack the protagonist by forcing a coin toss. The player calls the throw. incorrectly, the parasite will attach to them like a facehugger from the alien franchise or perhaps more accurately like a Half-Life head crab in battle.
This is a death sentence. The protagonist becomes unable to act and will usually be killed immediately by the lumberjacks. Woodsman is a very difficult enemy at the beginning of the game, his actions will remove limbs when he hits similar to the guard's blades in the first, he will also hit the player with his left hand causing almost the same damage and the parasite will attack afterwards. . Only a few turns, it's best to avoid the Woodsman at first, as you can get most of the loot out of his house without fighting him and the rewards for defeating him aren't very good.
If you can handle it, you will receive a key. and his Axe, which is almost certainly a better weapon than the one you started with a note in the lumberjack's bedroom, and the grayish painting in the basement, paint a pretty clear picture. The woodcutter and his wife lived here on the outskirts of town and at some point he acquired a goat that ruined everything. The goat claimed his house. He took his wife. He took away her dignity and his faith. So Woodsman locked his wife in the basement to try to keep her away from the goat, but unfortunately she met his end. there it appears that he attempted to use his own blood to draw a Seal of the Moon God, rare in a ritual Circle, as well as some crazy notes on the walls, a note in his lap says: I will meet my lover on the other side .
It doesn't sound like she was talking about The Woodsman Foreign shortly after everyone woke up, he witnessed a short tempered man getting off the train. He was Kaligura. Captain of a rival branch of the family. Marco grew up as a street hustler in Vatican City doing anything. Life was hard and the other kids used to pick on him, but one day he realized that he was getting bigger and stronger than his bully and started to fight back. Before long, people were offering to pay him to work as he hired a muscle and he moved on to the underground boxing rings, where he caught the attention of the family, the crime syndicate that controls the underworld of Vatican City. .
Marco never had a taste for the criminal lifestyle, he stuck to his principles and rejected his offers to hire him as an enforcer. so they made him another GoPro in the ring he initially refused but finally gave in wanting to give a better life to his sister unfortunately she fell in love with the mafia captain who had gotten him into the professional circuit Ricardo Accardo so when they asked her to kill him a man in the ring refused but then they stopped asking they had a sister and he was going to do whatever they wanted or he would be her head so Marco carried out the hit by beating his opponent to death during a match and making it look like an accident The guilt tore him apart and he began to look for a way out.
There was no Accardo sensed that Marco was not going to be happy with the situation and he made sure to never see him alone but Marco is a nice simple guy, so one day he just went to the club and He punched Carter in the face and then threw him off a balcony and killed him in front of all his boys. We like Marco, now he's on the run, there's no reason the Cali girl should have been there. a random train in Bohemia but here he is Marco decides not to push his luck he stays on the train with the others keeping to himself Marco is an incredible character he has access to a number of unique feats that can make him a defensive or offensive powerhouse and with bare-handed ability, his fists are better than almost every weapon in the game despite his tough exterior and brutal reputation.
Marco has a soft side. He can't help but notice the young woman who can't stand up and smiles happily despite everything Olivia Haas has spent her entire life in the shadow of her twin sister Rayla, the couple were born just moments apart, but the blow of midnight came between them and with it the change of month, so Raila came into the world with a radiant soul and Olivia with the shadow Olivia was an excellent scholar and a kind-hearted girl, but her sister surpassed her in everything, from academics to athletics and popularity. Despite this, the two remained very close, in part due to the authoritarian strictness of her religious parents during her adolescence.
Olivia. she suffered a series of small strokes and was bedridden. Rayla tried to convince her parents to take her to a proper doctor, but her religious convictions led them to deny her daughter modern treatment in favor of religious healers and home remedies. This didn't work and Olivia finally relented and she was taken to a hospital where she was diagnosed with a vascular anomaly in her spine. She underwent an operation that corrected the problem and saved her life, but she had wasted too much time on quackery, even though she was not paralyzed. Olivia's legs now lacked the necessary strength. strength to carry her, she sought further treatment, but nothing worked, leaving her indefinitely dependent on a wheelchair.
Olivia began to feel envious of Rayla, who really looked like she was from Charmed Life, in contrast, however, the two entered college with Rayla excelling in computer science and engineering, while Olivia held her own. Botany Eventually, Raila was invited to study abroad at Eastern Union, leaving Olivia stuck in Bremen. She would travel throughout Europe working on top secret projects that she believed were for the betterment of humanity. Things seemed to be going well until the Haas family became one. The next day they reported that Rayla had been arrested by the Bremen authorities and accused of treason for months.
She rotted in a black hole somewhere where a terrorist organization called the unnamed Liberty underground had escaped her. The matter left the family in a state of shock and Olivia recalled that the group's name had emerged years earlier when Raila became involved with one of her teachers, who was later arrested and executed for the same crime by searching that teacher's office. teacher. Olivia discovered letters between the two that confirmed her involvement in something big last Raila's letter contained cryptic warnings about the Eastern Union that she was desperately trying and failing to replicate a certain Cube. This meant nothing to Olivia until in her dream she was worried that Kaiser was up to something and she put a strong emphasis on her last words in the letter saying that there is still time before. he arrives I still have time Olivia immediately came out of her prehab and has been having nightmares about the place the whole way, but they don't feel like normal dreams, especially after everything she just saw, maybe they were more like a warning.
Bolivia is a very interesting country character, she is able to collect special herbs in the forest that can be turned into incredibly powerful poisons or into powerful medicine; However, in combat she cannot attack unless she has a wheelchair equipped, many enemies will not fall to the ground, so unless she can rely on it. items or magic, she is quite vulnerable if she is your main character, you start with the wheelchair equipped, you can use C to get in and out of it, what you will have to do is the chair can't go up the stairs and Olivia needs her arms to move.
If she loses one, she becomes painfully slow, if she loses both, it's game over, this means she's a little more delicate and has a harder time avoiding enemies, but the offensive power of the poisons is something to behold. . She finds some armed guards and gets a second party member. and she becomes really powerful if she's not the main character, although it turns out Olivia doesn't have a wheelchair. Someone was supposed to find her with one of her at the train station and she's going to be stranded here until they find her. Karen points her gun at her. at The Rifleman and yells at him to stop there's something wrong with his face there's no other way he demands he croaks the stranger is Jubilee paints the town red the man is clearly crazy she calls him out telling him to think for himself and not do something alone because they have told him.
The rifleman hesitates for a moment, which is all Karen needs to escape. She heads east, towards the lake, until she is sure she is not being followed and then goes up to what the map refers to. Like Old Town, it is a Labyrinth of wooden huts filled with the smell of death and rotting fish, even by wartime standards, this is bad and there is something else. People stand outside in various states of undress, scratching at their burned skin until it tears into tattered sheets, revealing raw, bloody flesh. below he calls some of them trying to figure out what's going on but can't get a coherent answer.
Everyone he asks is delirious, muttering and crying about the light burning while he freezes and how there is something under his skin that he wants. What was discovered was mustard gas or perhaps some type of psychoactive chemical weapon. Whatever caused the shared hallucination on the train could have been deployed here as well. The Bremen Empire has become famous for these types of atrocities against civilians. And the journalist can't think of any other logical explanation. not everyone is docile a man with half his skin hanging around his waist rushes towards his outstretched arms no one should be able to survive an injury like this much less while he runs and runs karen escapes to a nearby basement the place is eerie to say at least it opens to dirt tunnels that seem to lead all over the old town with rubbish strewn about why these people have been living like rats in the dark she sees a boy, it's someone from the train, she calls him but he turns away. startles and runs away In panic, there is a strange altar here and other more worrying signs: some handcuffs screwed to the wall, a hacksaw and a severed arm, the old town isA world gone mad, the townspeople wander the streets babbling about a festival that seeks to destroy anyone it can. knives, sickles and whatever else they have at hand their faces are twisted into expressionistic grimaces of pain and rage their flesh is wrinkled and deformed Marine is a cult practitioner she knows the secrets hidden behind the veil of daily life she can even perform some feats of magic in itself, but something like this on such a massive scale in the open air for no apparent cause is unheard of the dream was fascinating even in a dream even through a mediator even at a great distance the possibility of meeting one of The ancient gods is something rare and something incredible and unheard of, but how quickly the flower is released, it is said that the green light of the rare rose burns away human filth, revealing a deeper truth.
The great Inkyankarian scholar maintains that it is the other way around that the filth of reality could be the truth and that is strange only reveals the LIE underneath, whether true or false, it is clear that something terrible has happened to these people and this does not It's a safe place to be as unsettling for changes in the population as changes in the city, it's only been a few years since Marina left and the place didn't used to be this messy. The original houses, the ones she remembered, are mostly still buried under the rickety new construction.
This was always the poor part of the city, but it was a family-oriented and provincial area where everything was done. These ugly wooden shacks come from why they are built so poorly. They don't even seem thick to be inhabited by humans. The entrance gates to the city are closed, but that doesn't stop one of the passengers, a man named August, from simply jumping over them in an impressive display of acrobatics, giving Marina a cheeky wave as he disappears down the stairs, and then He leaves, goes up to his map. Marina decides to head west, towards the virgin forest.
There may be a way around it. Now comes the thorniest part of this analysis. three different things that can happen here depending on who goes first, where these events are mutually exclusive and each illustrates an important event in the story to really understand what is happening you need to do multiple playthroughs as you can't see it all in one . run Karen makes her way through the old town evading several of the crazed locals in a muddy courtyard a Bremen soldier and his horse lie dead on the ground although no one knows what killed them the reporter pulls a diary out of a soldier's pocket mainly It's the kind of thing she's used to reading accounts of troop movements Battlefield intrigue The final entry is worrying, although the soldier describes his shock at the state of prohibition that still follows religious practices as ancient as own community.
Fixes are set in italics around the city, not the small decorative ones that people hang above their beds, but the large ones, the kind where they used to make human sacrifices, eventually Karen approaches the mayor, they may still be seen. people in charge here and if not, at least it's a good reference point to get your bearings. The place seems well decorated at first, but up close everything looks a little bad. The classical busts are examined more closely. There are rudimentary attempts to replicate Fine Arts and the paintings are all drab and gloomy. Upstairs she finds a man in a messy kitchen.
He is from the train. he is acting strangely, sniffing the air and complaining about the ticking of an invisible clock. Karen has to resort to yelling to snap him out of her stupor. This is Henrik. He says something is wrong with this place that was affecting him, that's a worrying thing for a boy, especially since he doesn't leave immediately when he realizes what's happening, but Henriks is on a mission, the Train won't go to nowhere and help won't be coming anytime soon, so the best you can do. What he must do is feed everyone, the mayor's house will surely have supplies, he just can't find them and he won't leave until he has something to show for his efforts.
Karen reluctantly decides to help in some rooms and eventually discovers a dark priest busy in prayer. someone says the father ignores her words advancing towards her with one arm outstretched now that he is closer she can see something is wrong with him too his skin is dry and cracked looking almost mummified and he doesn't respond to her words at all in the darkness The priest is like a mini boss. He has a coin flip attack that can end the fight immediately. He will wake up whipped bloody and nailed to a cross with his legs missing. Time will move forward until it is night and in August one of the other contestants will do so. he has to come and save you if you have a rifle you can take off one or both of his arms to soften him up before the fight he telegraphs the grip smiling beforehand like a guard and you will be fine his right hand hurts. various limbs and the left caster's pyromancy trick that can set you on fire.
This is a pretty deadly combo. You'll usually be too focused on getting rid of the right hand to avoid damage over time and the fact that you have to lose turns. protecting yourself from being grabbed actually allows the damage to add up. The foreign ducks turn a corner and find a trapdoor in the floor. the strange priest does not follow her down the stairs. dark priests cling to all sorts of ancient and creepy religious beliefs, but the Vatican stoned most of it over the centuries, is this guy just affected by the same madness as the rest of the city or is he into some strange hidden business?
Karen is a pragmatic woman with little love for anyone in power, but she is not. We're supposed to help people. What the hell is going on? She manages to grab a set of keys so she can search the place. The rest of the way is in disarray, but there's nothing too unusual despite the ominous presence of another Shackle in the basement. to a door that won't open hmm, there are food supplies down here, although the mayor must have stocked them up when he heard things were going wrong, there's enough to feed a family for weeks. She helps Henrik gather whatever he can and the pair head out.
Back on the train, there will be goulash for dinner, she says, a local favorite. Marina manages to fend off an attack by a pair of headless wolves who spew bile as they try to run her over. Hurt, she stumbles forward until she finds a truck. Is this? an army vehicle looks like someone tried to get in and broke the lock in the process there is a hatch in the ground nearby surrounded by barbed wire if this is some kind of military installation maybe there is someone inside who can help even get arrested for invasion would be better than being torn apart by crazy townspeople the hatch jumps into an extensive network of tunnels there are months-old newspapers left on desks suggesting that this is not a facility built by the Bremen invaders but rather one that the East The army was abandoned just as they were treated since Bohemia, but this could be a good place to hide and they might even have weapons lying around.
The idea of ​​picking one up is uncomfortable. The marine is the type of person who certainly doesn't want to kill anyone but things. as it is, it might be best to be prepared, unfortunately there are no weapons here, it makes sense, the military probably doesn't want civilians wandering around and finding that kind of thing, it's mostly old tools and clunky machinery, this hat on the ground seems out of place. Tanaka gasps and struggles desperately as the tall figure pins him down, a bone saw chews through the flesh of his neck, blood spilling everywhere until his head breaks free and his body hits the ground with a thud.
Marina pushes a box. of metal on the door blocking the figure in it she can only briefly see the smiling killer, but he looked like a clown, he's stuck where he is, at least for now, she could run, but outside it's no better and there may still be someone here below who needs help, the occultist fills him. the gas generator starts the elevator and heads further down the tunnel something somewhere is hitting the sheet metal walls oh the creature looks like a burly man with something resembling an elephant's trunk and as he screeches and trumpets snot dripping from its snout Marina feels a crushing pain in her head, she runs around the creature in the Labyrinth of tunnels until she reaches the elevator and goes down, there is a burst of static in her ears and she sees the flickering ghostly apparition of a young woman with whom he runs down the hallway.
Urging Marina to follow the beast from above, he goes through the wall to hit Chase, but this time there is nowhere to run, there is a dead soldier on the ground, but searching for a weapon only reveals a key and a card, the accomplice gives him an enchantment to make Garoth grow. over the corpse and rises born again there is an undead Ghoul at his command, he throws himself into battle with the monster, he doesn't last long under its fists, but it gives Marina enough time to escape while the Beast crushes the zombie against the Ground and destroys the fragile spell.
She can't stand up. Marina briefly sees some kind of machine with what look like blue moths fluttering around it, but there is no time to check it out. She ducks into a side chamber only to discover a ritual. room, she knows what this is all for, it's a weird circle on the floor, but why has the metal and concrete of the bunker been replaced by wood and endless darkness where the computer once stood? She now she lies a fleshy creature like a fish with a snake. In her mouth, Rare is one of the most mysterious gods who rarely shows much to mortals.
Marina has never heard of a strange seal that serves as a portal and she has no idea where it has taken her or if she has gone anywhere, it is only when she stops. To catch her breath, she is able to think about the monster that chased her here. He was big, muscular, like a man. Those monkeys, didn't they belong to the engineer? Shagnar is a terrible enemy so early in the game that he can hit you with. a debuff that will kill you in two turns but has a lot of hit points, stacks very hard and has an instant kill attack where it just grabs you and smashes your head in, the best thing you can do is retreat so this is it your only chance to meet this morning if you went to the mansion and saved Henrik, it might be worth waiting to come here until you have a full party and can fight the monster on the feet.
The Sharpener gives the player the Caressing Soul, that is because this monster is a mutated form of Abella the Engineer, unless you play as her, Bella will always come straight to this bunker if he doesn't show up at a company, she will become Shagnar the Cunning, you may recognize Shagnar as a creation of Frank Belnap for a long time, but for the developer, the name is simply a nod to a visual similarity rather than any kind of meaningful reference, so , how did this happen? Remember that The Woodsman, a conversation with the new gods in the first game, reveals that his parasitic appendage could be something that attached itself to him, instead of a part of his body, he can slide on his little Facehugger legs and attack independently from The Woodsman and once it attacks the player, it is trapped forever, the creature again for the developer is based on the head crab from Half-Life and there must be more than one of them, it seems that Abella was parasitized by one of these little creatures and then, either due to their influence or more likely some other Force, the Siamese pair mutated into the monster known as Shagnar, as to why this


or why. would take this particular form, later Marina makes her way through the worn wooden walls of The Nightmare, the place looking exactly like the workshop's collective dream, and also reminding her of the strange constructions she saw in the old town.
There may be some connection, the monsters here are, unsurprisingly, even stranger, a large Venus flytrap that looks like things buried in smelly mounds of dirt. They emerged to reveal a second, much more suggestive Venus flytrap mouth and dangerous scythe-like arms buried in the mounds, if one cares to check. rust-colored pearls Flawless and beautiful to behold, Marina eventually climbs a ladder and finds herself back in the bunker half dazed by the impact of the incident and the toll the spell took on her sanity, she climbs the ladder and returns to the surface without breath. and shaking himself, the first thing he sees is a pair of Jack Boots in the barrel of a gun, the Bremen lieutenant who rises above his emotions to climb, is Pablo Yuden, a Voronian who found his way into the Kaiser's army, ago some lewd comments while He attacks Marina and suggests she stay very still if she doesn't want to get shot.
Luckily, it turns out that Wapov really wants to enter the city. The door is closed with two locks and he has come here to get one of the keys. but he doesn't take it from Marina, instead he orders her to get the other one and open it.the door, tells her to be a good girl and leaves unfortunately because we saved Henrich, we are stuck taking the long way, the other key is never found on this route, instead Henrick hands over a key he found in the mansion that sends the player through a very gross sewer maze if they want to enter the city, so now let's go back and review scenario B in this scenario, Karen never went. to the mansion instead of just snooping around the old town and Marina got to the bunker first while Marina opens the hatch in the floor a tall and fit red haired woman comes running up, this is the train driver, what is he doing here?
It turns out that Abella is looking for strength in search of train parts, which makes as much sense as anything else nowadays, Marina supposes, so the two women descend together into the tunnels, there they meet the clown who He kills Tanaka, who flees from him, they activate the elevator head to the shaft and find a strange machine apparently called an electroscope. Bella casually turns it on while she plays with the controls and while she boots successfully, it is unclear what she did, if anything. This time there is no Shagnar, but they find the key and a letter along with Es from the dead soldier of Bremen addressed to her girl at home.
The Alba letter confirms that Peheville was the Kaiser's target from the beginning, but it seems that the army bases do not understand why when they leave they face Pav who has just entered. The other scenario tells him to find the other key and open the door, but the women are tired and traumatized after seeing Tanaka die so horribly that they return to the train and tell the others what they saw and then sit down to rest. Marina is gone when a bell wakes up it is night and the few who still have the train are shivering from the cold no one has seen her feeling that something is wrong Abella heads to the old town the doors are still closed but an old beggar sitting Behind them strikes up a conversation, apparently still Mostly seen and somehow still alive, Kaiser's men have barricaded the city, closing all external access.
They killed the old mayor who had sided with the Eastern Army and took one of his entry keys, which Abella recovered in the bunker. The other, he says, should be. Under the new mayor we don't have elections here in the old town, but the new guy just arrived. Finally, Abella finds the mayor's manners and is cordially told that she is expected to have dinner with the owner of the house. Jeeves, the butler advises him not to mention. With his antlers, although he has the same twisted features as many of the villagers, the chief seems too cultured to engage in his senseless violence upstairs.
Abella sneaks away from the dark priest while she prays and manages to find a set of keys in the mayor's bedroom which she discovers. Marina, who is trying to act nonchalant about being kidnapped and locked up here, the two women meet. Abella goes to the kitchen to see what this dinner invitation is about, but Marina freezes in her tracks, the mayor is a big creep, she says, and she won. I won't go near him again Marina hides by the stairs while Bella boldly walks into the kitchen to see what all the fuss is about. This is the knight, a monstrous figure with twisted horns and a hideous face.
He invites a bell to sit while the couples share a meal the gentleman says he came to prehab to try the local delicacies but is disappointed with the state of the place everyone has gone crazy says no one wants to talk about art or poetry Abella looks at the food in front of her this is almost certainly human flesh fortunately the mayor does not seem to realize that she is not dining with the gentleman it is a conversation in which you must do your best to avoid angering the new mare by mentioning that her antlers are vulgar or the General rudeness is likely to spark a fight and he is terrifyingly powerful, easily suffering limbs with his knife and opening huge wounds with his fork.
Talking to him during the fight makes his motivations quite clear. A term that is the deadly festival of the Moon God and has turned against the entire city, but he is not going to do it. Instead, as he plays Rare's game, he will live out his final days indulging in whatever perverse hedonism he can, starting with kidnapping and cannibalism and, who knows where, from there. Henrik was an epicurean, a man with refined taste and a desire to share them with the world. Ask. The gentleman is a vulgar parody of his former self, sure he was a skirt catcher and maybe a bit of a food snob, but we never get any indication that he wanted to have a good time at the expense of others, the reason why that evenHe came out here was to do something good for everyone in the impressive Bella now doesn't even recognize him if he is defeated, he gives Henrik's smothered soul a worthy prize for any character that improves hand-to-hand combat skills and allows cooking superior meals. if dinner goes without problems.
The knight asks Sabella one last question if she is for Kaiser or against him, she answers sincerely against it and he gives her the missing key to the city telling her that she can't do much from her position, but she has his tacit support regarding Marina, it seems. She is unharmed when we find her but traumatized, yet there is something else here too. The villagers outside describe being infected by a green light that entered them and began the change, but Henrik was inside when he was hit and, like a beauty, he was nowhere near the three-day time limit that he met basically immediately there. a locked room in the basement acceptable only by drawing a circle venouska in the priest's room contains pulsating purple organs that appear to have been punched nearby cubes contain dark, dry mucus that clings to the Deep down, they look a lot like the hearts of the god of the deep in the first game, the green light can change a person, but plunge into darkness, it is certainly suspicious that Henrik and Abella can mutate so early in the contest, and neither has much time to match them.
He tries to participate before they become Shagnar. He finds himself in tunnel 7 with that clown while the knight seems to have been chosen by the people themselves to be the new mayor. He thinks for now, the women leave The Manor in peace and finally open the doors of the Manor. Marina's destination is the huge cathedral on the east side of the city. She's been missing too much time. She now must confront her father and find out if she is alive and sane and what really happened to her mother, but the situation in the city doesn't seem any better than outside. the women hear boots running towards them and a distorted voice saying that they are violating the high priest's curfew order.
The streets are mainly patrolled by Bobbies. These multi-armed monsters look like an abstract pastiche of a police officer catching three batons in one. The turn is enough to kill a healthy character alone, they are usually too difficult to handle, but with an ally the fight becomes much easier, their arms will regenerate two turns after being destroyed and breaking their legs does nothing to expose his head. The trick is to simply keep attacking her arms until her head finally stops spinning. A single touch usually defeats them, but your job isn't done. Examine the body and choose to hit it to kill the monster or it will reappear outside the church with gigantic fur. creature destroys Bobby with a pair of Spears before plunging into the night is a circle, what the hell is he doing here?
The circles are a fictional creature created by a furry artist, a YouTuber named Neko, the circle helped popularize the first game of his Very early on and Muto thanked them with a cameo in Fear and Hunger. World Circles are a folklore creature said to inhabit the dark continent of Vinland. Karen would lose her mind if we told her we saw one. Imagine seeing Bigfoot in Prague inside the church. effigies of their pedestals are missing from the altar, but otherwise the place is in remarkably decent order. There is a confessional in the east wing and Marina decides to go in, much to her surprise.
There is someone on the priest's side. It is not the voice of his father, but what there is no better time than the present to vent and confess his sins. She leaves the confessional at the same time as the man on the other side. He is not a priest, but Osa, the abyssonic man of the Train. Marina's face turns red when she realizes the stunt she pulled and bursts out laughing, she apologizes saying it was too good an opportunity to pass up and then she is happy to have learned something about a fellow contestant. . Osa is curious about the secrets that this land keeps beneath its surface and she doesn't have time. to walk around, he bites the women and says goodbye, offering Marina a genuine apology and walks away from the yellow.
The magi are a cult that follows the great magician Nasra in the 5th century. Nasra was a new god and ruled the eastern sanctuaries with an iron fist until the community arose. They picked him up and beheaded him. He was last seen three and a half centuries ago fighting the embodiment of Destruction. He did not fare well and since then the cult of him almost died out, but Nasra has not yet left the world. He's fried. scarred and largely powerless, but Osa has taken him to the prehevil, although he has been demoted from a member of the group to an accomplice.
Most people can't hear his whispers, but if you play as Ursa, you'll occasionally get some insightful comments from him about characters or story. Osa starts out at the opposite end of Marina's magical spectrum, where his abilities are largely passive and supportive. He is all about raw power and can modify his spells with a Forge Spice skill. About the only downside to playing is that he can't. He uses weapons, there are a couple of areas that are a huge pain without them, but otherwise he is easily one of the strongest characters in the western ladder. The women discover the mutilated remains of a worker.
It is not clear what happened to him. Basically, it's just pieces now. He left some notes mentioning where he hid his tools, and sure enough, there are a pair of bolt cutters under the floor, in the rafters, strange brutal creatures that walk back and forth like living gargoyles, their arms tied to their flat heads and open, they scream about agony. and the chorus of armor try to pull the hair from the edge the church of the filament is that one of its abs will be breathing lightly it is very easy to miss the animation you have to look very closely destroy that one and the creature will die on the next turn using Bella breaks The chain holding the large chandelier to the ceiling crashes to the floor making its way to the lower level the basement is a shocking nightmare Marina she grew up here and although there was always an old dungeon down here in her memory it was just a legacy in disused from a bygone era, it is now strewn with mangled human body parts and the stench of blood and death.
They pass a strange purple snail as they make their way down the corridor towards a gigantic, strange seal containing three smaller seals above them, a statue of a winged man bent over in shame or suffering. Above, one of the effigies upstairs, the rare seal is nothing new, but these seals require a bit of examination. These are real-world symbols taken from Arts Croatia, a part of the The Lesser Key of Solomon, a 17th-century book on demonology, is one of the three most common types of magic known to medieval Europeans and forms much of the basis of our ideas about demonic pacts and seals.
Today, witchcraft was widely considered evil and denounced by the church in society it is evil and unclean these are the Seals of three demons from that book valafar Crow cell and asteroth all three are Dukes of Hell, the second most powerful position below The task is supposed to be dedicated to armor, seeing a Sigil of an Old God down here will be one thing, but a rare symbol has been used here. to hide the signs of three demons, who is actually Beyond the Pale and whether we are invoking real world symbolism. This statue looks like a fallen angel, the father is open with a mind control attack that can easily cause a wipe.
Mind-controlled characters don't usually do much damage to party members, but having one of your characters uncontrollable and fighting an anime does a lot of damage. the damage is not ideal, general strategies to take out his night farm and then go for the other attacking the tentacles on his legs will then expose the head after a turn or two he will transform into his alternate form, going from a small hook to a monster. something coming out of the thing, it seems likely that this is what has been leaving all the chewed-up parts of the people when trying to talk to the monstrosities, reveals that they come from another world in the service of an unknown God, but little else, the basement It is a sprawling complex complete with a direct access elevatorBack in the old town, it would seem that the church has been taking advantage of the poor, kidnapping them via this elevator and using them for their evil rituals.
Finally, the two find another weird circle, as in the bunker, stepping on it transports them. To what appears to be a shoddy wooden replica of the church in an infinite void, a black girl with a black four pin stands atop an altar staring at a pulsating column of human flesh, the vague shapes of several people seem having merged under the dead. The staring of an old man's face at the top triggered the couple's gasps in Surprise Marina I knew you would come for me This is summer a young woman who went to school with Marina became obsessed with her Marina has no idea who she is He claims to know Marina and all her secrets in an increasingly scared and frustrated tone.
She insists that she has met Marina many times and that they have an intimate relationship. She says she knew all about how much Marina hated her father and that's why she came here and killed. He now the two can be together forever in this wooden world made just for them. Anxiety turns to mania when she claims to have built this world herself and says that she trapped Domek forever in this pillar, he was the last obstacle. for her love and had to be removed so the two of them can be together Karina goes crazy saying she has no idea who the other girl is and she doesn't care, she's just a psychotic monster like everyone else and she can stay here and rot for all you care. rejection sends samurai spiraling and hunching over screaming as she mutates into something horrible dysmorphia it's the 14th day of the third moon she is a very dangerous spellcaster that she can use by grazing with both arms each turn, which will quickly sever limbs and will chew up your HP, it's probably best to bring several friends and a couple of arm guards, which goes a long way to ensuring you get out of here in one piece.
Dysmorphia collapses still muttering that she is radiating before handing over the ghost, specifically the radiant soul. The Samurai's Radiant Soul is great for any spellcaster, as she has two abilities that allow you to take advantage of Divine Affinity with Sylvian and Grogar without wasting precious circles. Sylvian's magic is great for healing and crowd control, while Grogaroth offers damage and post-fight utility. Marina is a little scared, she says. She told him that her father was an arrogant, bitter man who hated the world and wondered why he didn't love him. She says he got exactly what he deserved before storming off so that what's left of him can't see her cry, but let's take a few steps back, let's say Marina and Bella never went to church, let's say they never went to the man's mansion. mayor.
Abella never fell asleep and the couple never explored Tunnel 7. This time it is the morning of the first day, everyone's contestants simply fell asleep for the first time on a walk and found that their train stopped after a brief argument Marina leaves The train passes by the lumberjack's house, finds the door closed and goes down to the bunker. Bella meets her and they go down together, but this time she immediately finds a pair of bolt cutters. This is random, but it can happen. Marina explains the situation to your brother, that she is worried about her father and that they can reach the city with them.
Abella can't quite tell that she is actually a freedom fighter. a secret Rescue Mission and there doesn't seem to be anyone else down here anyway, so they leave a Bella can always come back later and she'd hate to let something bad happen to Marina on their way into town anyway, they pass by a restaurant and decide to loot it in search of food, but that is not the only thing they find. A boy Marina's age curls up in a dark corner shivering after a moment she recognizes him from the Train. He is the soldier of the Eastern Union.
He is in bad shape and it is not difficult to guess. why is his bear arm covered in marks not only is he in shock he's an addict Levine doesn't have much to say he seems embarrassed by the state he's in but he just can't face the world in this condition not when it's like this in the Real world morphine was used widely in World War II and since doctors at the time did not understand the precautions that needed to be taken, many men went home with a monkey on their back as a result. A market quickly emerged for a cheaper, dirtier solution to meet their needs.
The same seems to be true of fear and hunger. There is no shortage of trash and pray. Do you have it stored in boxes and suitcases? Marina took a nap in case of an emergency and well. Now is a good time, as the young man seems amazed by the gift and the couple awkwardly walks away as he shoots himself in no time. Well, he's not better, but at least he feels that way. His name is Levi, he is originally from prehevil but has been in. He has been on the front lines for the last five years.
He has returned home now that the war is over, but only because he had nowhere else to go, even before things fell apart. There was no one here waiting for me to return from the front. Levi's addiction manifests a massive stat penalty that is always present unless you get a solution that satisfies your cravings, however, it gives you huge advantages, particularly in your speed, and you easily do better than any other character in terms of basic statistics. This reliance on consumables means that as a companion, he is often dead weight. They tend to want to save things for the boss fights, but you can easily fix that with Marina in Graveskill, slapping the god of fear and the seal of hunger on our guy will increase his agility to be on par with everyone else and faster than most monsters. or you can give him the Small Things Amulet and he will apply a grogroth seal that will do the same but also increase his attack as a main character.
Things are a little different depending on your choices. Levi can start without addiction and his pistol skills make his Luger hit like a 303 Rifle in the field, it's good. Marina feels bad for the poor guy and plays. The heavy aliens have to take care of each other. The young man has a lonely soul, but that is no reason for him to go alone. She invites him to accompany him. The three of them head to the church they pass the circle like in the other scenarios but this time things develop differently the summary is here and so is Father Domek she has trouble putting herself together but she finally gets his attention when she says that she is here for Marina Tomek responds angrily, confusing Marina and refusing to even say her name, mutters that she took a cowardly path instead of living as a man and entering the priesthood as she was destined to do, but says that Marina is too far away and will not be found. here the recap starts with a rehearsed speech, it really sounds like she came here to kill Domek and is psyching herself up, but when Domek hears the marines in prehevil, he loses his composure and tries to get her to explain, but she keeps going go ahead with it. but he's still family and she never wanted this tomek to be an interesting guy on the surface, he's just your average closed minded dad, but there's something else going on here.
He only confuses Marina when she talks to a stranger about church matters and has to keep correcting himself to do so. We know from Marina's backstory that the church was for her. being a cleric and that she is part of a long tradition of very powerful dark priests. Here we find out that Domek always knew and despite her disapproval he never stopped her, he didn't even mention it before, now Asila is dying, he talks to her. name and the last thing he says is that you know better, stupid girl, anything else you can say about the man who cared about his daughter, the letter he sent to Marina was meant to keep her away from what I have, you redeemed , no, no, after all those things that we.
I saw it in the basement, but this moment shows the strength of Haber Island's writing. In the midst of all this unconscionable horror and chaos, there is a small story about a terrible person that shows enormous depth: the man knew what was coming and One of his last acts was to try to save his daughter from the festival that tore him to pieces and then it melts to the floor. The pair follow the summary to the locked basement breaking up the floors before but this time they find her cowering and sobbing in a corner instead of bragging about what she has done when they confront her she becomes hysterical at one point saying she did it all for Marina, in another says that she didn't want to kill anyone, she says that everything is due to him, the demon from above refers, of course. to our friend Parcella, losing Simón for killing a person who has had quite an effect on this unstable young woman, as annoying as Marina, her heads prevail as an orange woman, who does not hate her and urges her to return to the train where it is safe.
Summary rejects him at first, but finally Marina convinces her to return on the train. Things become a little clearer, although Summary's verbal tics don't help. Samurai and Marina attended school at the Vatican, but while Marina was an occultist, Samurai was a member of The Ninth. A secret organization circulates that unites children with the ancient gods with barbaric rituals that inevitably kill them. Samurai is essentially a living human sacrifice. A walking dead woman made a nefarious attempt to bring the dead and distant ancient gods back to the world. Her trauma left her unstable and there's Another problem: she reads minds while Marina was busy being the popular girl at the Ministry of Darkness.
Samurai watched her from the Shadows of her. Poor social skills, a fractured ego, and a complete lack of boundaries are a recipe for disaster, even under normal circumstances. She enters the mix and you're in for an awkward moment. The summary seems to have internalized many of Marina's thoughts, even the intrusive ones she would never do, like the motion that Marina hated her father enough to want him dead. Samurai became obsessed with Marina and fell in love with her. he was in love with her, but what he didn't realize about her was that they had never actually met, it's a tragedy for everyone involved.
Summary is now aware that she did wrong, but he can't seem to understand how she got to this point, worse than she is. She won't have long to live. Whatever they did to the Vatican has drastically shortened her life. The summary did not make the world of wood. She didn't trap Domic in a pillar. Those things were already there. All she did was stab Domek and it doesn't look like she's going to stab anyone who will listen because La ruined the only chance at happiness in her short life now she just asks Marina to understand that she loves her and collapses in their seats in the back of the train summarizes the sad story ends here she has no more motivation to participate in ends once she realizes how deluded she has been now she is just a solitary caterpillar, she says, awaiting her metamorphosis.
Abella Marina and Levi head to the mayor's mansion and find Henrik, who is in the process of losing his mind. He snaps him out of this and returns to the train with his cooking supplies. From now on, Henrik will provide free food to the party to satisfy their hunger whenever they come to visit him during the night, if they tell him about the restaurant, he will move there. and he offers meals 24 hours a day. Don frowns as he assesses the moon-scorched villager. His injuries don't make sense. It looks like a combination of radiation sickness and frostbite, but in some places the man's flesh is charred and it's even stranger when the rotting skin peels off the muscle. underneath it's hard as boiled leather, even burnt crispy in places where the man shouldn't be alive or at least should be bleeding everywhere Karen finds him and although the two have done nothing but argue since they arrived, it's clear that both They are trying to help, they discuss matters, they try to interview the villagers who are still awake and about the residents of the old town when they can talk coherently, ranting and raving about a green light in the sky that burns like ice, the fact that everyone They say more or less the same thing.
It is especially worrying. Don is familiar enough with hallucinogens to understand that different people at the same time would probably see very different things. The Western Coalition led by the kingdom of Rondon has developed a new weapon that uses atomic energy. to create a massive explosion, this bomb called project bow and arrow was intended to change the course of the war before it ended and the explosion and subsequent radioactive fallout from said device could explain the light that people saw and some of the symptoms Karen smiles forcing Don to admit that yes, he has considered that the military might be behind all of this, but radiation doesn't cause massive mutations on this scale and there are no reports of such a notable weapon being used on the continent, it's a theory he's considered, but it doesn't seem likely that Don isn't a real doctor.
He served as a doctor in the Eastern Army and before that received private tutoring from his father-in-law, Baron Einer Von Dutch, but his interest inmedicine dates back to his In childhood, Don's parents were Sylvian cultists, although the practices have largely disappeared, there are still groups of believers who mask themselves with the Dawn bunny and go out to get lost in secret. Alia at first was just an occasional thing, but over time they became more and more obsessed with their goddess of love, she became more and more distant from their daily lives. One day they went out into the forest and never returned.
Don found himself on the street, just another orphan in Rondón. He tried this and that to stay fed but finally found minor success performing traditional medicine. One day the Bear and Einer Von Dutch stopped by his store. He was a dilettante interested in the occult that his Nobles sometimes are and he struck up a friendship with Don, taking him under his wing. his protection and making him teach about modern medicine in exchange for sharing. Her secrets about Sylvia the Baron also taught Don about an otherworldly being known as Vitruvia, as mentioned above, in Legends trivia is referred to as the architect of the human body, she is the one who created the soul at the behest of Sylvian, the stars are blurred, but it's not clear what A species of Vitruvia is that she has no stealth and no affinity is needed to use her powers, but if she is a new God, she is never clearly depicted as such.
The Vitruvian powers known as doctors operate on the principle of equivalent exchange. Don can collect organs from defeated enemies and offer them to remove the status effects of allies from him in case of emergency. He can also use the medical ability Magna which allows him to offer parts of his own body to keep a recently deceased person alive despite his charming origins. Don eventually married Von. Dutch's daughter Elise soon after the Second Great War began and Don was called to the front to serve as a medic. When he finally arrived home, he found the baron's house quiet and unlit.
He finally headed to the basement where he discovered the baron standing. In the middle of an unknown seal on the floor, covered in self-inflicted wounds, the man was dead, held only by an invisible force and scattered around the room where the remains of his final sacrifice Elise Don did everything she could to save her wife sewing it. Together and sacrificing every part of himself he could to repair his broken body, he acted beyond all reason to preserve his life, but his efforts were futile. Elise was dead, her own father had fallen into madness and killed her in the service of some dark and nameless one. power Dawn searched the Baron's writings and found the same seal she had seen on the ground in references to a city in Bohemia called prehevil.
Something big was going to happen there soon and Von Dutch wanted to be there, so Dawn traveled east and finally arrived here. searching for the truth behind her wife's death and her father-in-law's spiral into madness, it's clear she's onto something, at least unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything the couple can do for these people. Marco stares at the ceiling he's been haunting. His brain trying to think of a way to help, he tried to walk back along the tracks to find a way out of the city, but somehow he just turned around in the fog even though he had been following the directions.
Now that he's back in the old town catching a nap at the mayor's mansion he's been looking for a wheelchair for Olivia she's been putting on a brave face but he realizes that it's really annoying for her to be stuck in a place during an emergency he is half asleep when he feels a presence nearby and sits down. Until the mother, the Captain waxed the bed frame threateningly with his pipe demanding to know why Marcos followed him to the prehevio. Marco's pretty sure he could rip this guy in half, but he plays along, Caligura, since it turns out he's paranoid that his rival is coming after him.
Since Marco just killed the man, that's not likely, but it doesn't seem like a productive thing to say, even if Kaliguro wasn't in the mood to believe him. Marco explains that he is running away from the family and just took the first train. the caligoro people are suspicious but accept the answer and back away what is never explained is what kaligura is doing here a mafia captain from Vatican City Fairview is on the other side of Europe and until a week ago there was a war If you are playing Isabella and you sleep here on the first day, the Kelly girl will attack for a different reason, she is a terrible person, perhaps because of her decrepit soul, also known as Counter Ghoul, Kaligura has risen through the ranks of the family to become Captain. but the organized crime nature couple has really worn him down now he is so angry and paranoid that he can hardly deal with anyone, we don't see much of caligura otherwise he can attack levi or confront henrik and both instances appear.
In the event that he is a nasty little jerk, killing him gives you access to some criminal skills, particularly the ability to make homemade bombs which are really good in combat if left too long until the night of the second day the alligator will transform in the monster, a horrible creature. who lives in the sewer appears to be a reduction of caligora to its most basic form a vile degradation of a man who can only think of violence caligar is a mystery he is clearly intended to serve as a minor antagonist and he plays the good role but no It's clear why he's here and what exactly he's doing.
Henrik accuses him of trying to turn people against others and Levi can be seen reading the book that bears his name, but we get a little more than that, it seems clear that his goal to win ends and he is one of the only participants who actually try to do it. I suspect future content will expand on his role for now, he's just a really unpleasant guy. The Ruins side of town is especially daunting for Marina and Levi. Marina had many happy memories of this place that Levi does not know, but it was the only home he knew.
They evade some strange sewn monstrosities that float around like strange little parachutes and find themselves in a department store, which seems normal except for all the screaming near the top. The architecture of the place becomes decidedly Asherian and in the Apex the source of the screams is discovered: a group of men and a woman tied and hung with hooks and chains; It's a disconcerting place for the trio and, worst of all, Levi is left wondering if they actually didn't go up there willingly for those familiar with the first game. They resemble the chains of Torment, but the tormented is dead in almost all interpretations of the game's events, so while raiding the shelves, the player may randomly find a book titled Ron's New Poems of Love and Torment Shambara, supposedly written in the 16th century, which mentions a dead Raven, the player can find said object and offer it in a circle dedicated to the new gods will summon man, myth, legend, the new God himself, Ron Shambara, the Tormented, it is a brutal fight designed for the end of the game and to win. grants access to the chains of the Torment spell.
New Gods who have completed their 10 years do not actually die as we have seen, but are instead relegated to the Hall of the Gods where they sit and converse and occasionally dispense wisdom, but we have seen at least one New God escape this fate as he used to. be Nasara and is somehow still alive in the world even though the community killed him and probably took his soul. He will not be found in the Hall of the New Gods in any game, the tormented must have avoided his fate. What exactly he is doing now is here, but the New Gods seemed to come in groups of four.
Tainted One is the new main God that players will interact with; can be summoned by offering severed heads which she will exchange for soul stones The game's version of experience points speaks of the agony that burns from within but does not have much to say the player can also find a photograph of a 19th century man with the scraped face offering it to the The circle summons the radiant who implores the player to appreciate their own imperfections and love the Distortion. He doesn't say much else, but he will trade those rust-colored pearls found in the wooden world for powerful elements.
Finally, the player can find the Heartless One by taking an especially circuitous route through the sewers to reach the church basement without cutting down the chandelier. There is a key in one of the cells that triggers it and is found in the wooden world if the player draws a second rare seal on the church. This is the Heartless, a cruel female figure who wears a shroud of pure darkness and wields the strongest sword in the game. It seems to have inspired a movie in the game's world, Heartless Angel, and what little we hear of it suggests that the name is completely Karen's backstory suggests that the new gods are some kind of shadowy Illuminati puppet masters behind the scenes who most people don't even know.
There are wild theories that Kaiser has been working with these for whom they have orchestrated major wars. been directing the course of human development and that everything is culminating here and now in whatever has happened, please Karen, this all sounded like nonsense, but it is clear that these four are present here. A jazz club located on the northwest side of the town's Marina, Bob loves the place and even Levi seems to relax a little when the three stop for a break, taking a spot near the piano, prompting the occultist to ask him if touches and admits that he doesn't Once upon a time his mother wanted to teach him, but that was before his father killed her and he ended up living in the orphanage.
He was sent to the front as a child soldier when he was only 13 years old and that's really all he's ever known. Turns out he's only 18 years old. To find out Marina's age, the two really are from opposite sides of the tracks. Abella pulls something out of the corner of her eye, a blue mop, but she disappears a moment later, she carries it to what she discovers to be a trapdoor in a speakeasy below, it's an unnamed Liberty. underground hideout plus an arsenal of weapons and ammunition Abella sees a map with several locations marked on it the missing team must have come down to check it out what a stroke of luck that the three of them find someone relatively sane who is an old fortune teller and for a shilling she will read the cards, it seems that you are looking for or desperately need a few select relics of importance, the self-filtering man, the one that symbolizes the fall of man, the primordial weakness, the one that you can find in the musty prison that houses the disgusting and tired, the enormous hunger, the one who symbolizes endless hunger and endless discontent, which can be found where one begins his long journey on the path to that same discontent, the Martyr, the one who symbolizes the need for Idols, the need of dreams for Look up the need to blame the culprits in The Darkest Hour, naturally you may find that one in the house of the Three Rivers Saints there seems to be another path hidden in plain sight.
The Three Rivers take him to the promised land, a man-made creation. The conflict hides a stream of consciousness. A stone fortress rising in the deep green tracking stream. A hidden treasure behind a waterfall. I hope you got your shillings. She must be talking about the Markers and it sounds like the Marker of Hunger is nearby in the orphanage. Levi has a sinking feeling, he's been unconsciously heading in that direction all day, it's the only place he knows and the last place he wants to see for Marina too, it's a painful thought that his father founded Saint's Orphanage.
Dominic. He is named after him and his portrait hangs in the At first, the end of him seems quite normal, at least for the time and place. The first Great War left many orphaned and the second did not help, so the church stepped up to help the unfortunate ones who had no one else to support them. The place is a bit spartan and the school's prayer schedules seem strict, but at least the children had someone to look after them, but Levi's stomach turns when he enters, he can smell the floral perfume that the nuns used to wear and It gives him goosebumps. this is the institution that handed him over to the state to be used as a child soldier and while it was once his home, it was never a very pleasant place, some of the children still wander the halls now transformed into horrible little cherubs with sharp claws .
It is best to use the pistol here as it knocks them out in one shot if a melee attack is made in groups of three and will very quickly deal a lot of damage. The rotted floor breaks, throwing the group into the basement. Here it becomes evident the A disturbing feeling on the surface hidden the true Darkness beneath the shackles. Blood and evidence of something horrible are scattered everywhere. The three finally find the principal's office where Father Donovan Hugo awaits them with a beatific smile. Marina knows this man or at least knows about him. She says he is a scoundrel and there are rumors that he isa kind of ancient vampire who bathes in the blood of babies.
He once seemed exaggerated, but after seeing the basement, without saying a word, he reaches out to hug Levi, but the former soldiers have now found a new God. and so the battle begins, Father Hugo can be a very difficult boss, he casts Scorched Earth, which makes everyone vulnerable to fire. The trick here is to set him on fire with an ornament, a lantern pyromancy trick or a cloudy flask and then try to remove his arms so he can't cast spells, the vulnerability to fire also applies to him so he ends up suffering. tons of damage, he dies without having said a word, his body looks unusually fit and robust, but he doesn't seem to be mutating like everyone else.
Were the priests of this town doing it? Levi steals a key from his corpse and the three blades cutting through the courtyard which inexplicably has a gallows. History says that this place used to be a prison, but Marina notices that in the old photos. The Gallows were in the front, not the back here, that shed looks a little strange, the freestanding post in the trenches of the big battlefield, all mud and barbed wire with what look like petrified soldiers he made on the ground. Levi starts to panic saying that he can't be here. that he left the front but Marina is able to calm him down by assuring him that it's not real it has to be some kind of magic there are more of Ron's teals here and in the center another statue of a fallen angel clutching an effigy this is Hunger carved in the likeness of the lower half of the god of fear and hunger and representing want and discontent, his position coincides with The Gallows in the royal schoolyard and there is an obvious connection: the battlefield sends the children to the orphanage and the orphanage sends children to the battlefield the the modern world cooperates the natural cycle of life and death by grinding millions into dust in the gears of industry the three The return of the real world through the magic circle have two effigies Now, what will happen when they find the third one?
Karen finds a group of Scorched Moons living like moles beneath the city, it's unclear if they came here to hide from the moonlight monsters or if their condition forced them to be mostly hostile, but she gets an interview. with a boy, he tells her that the tournament has been For a while now, it first came to town involving everyone in Prejeville, but it didn't stop there when Kaiser's men arrived, another festival started and everyone got absorbed. Karen and her group are at the third festival in a row. He is not extremely. sane, but the way she talks about this suggests that it is a local custom that


from time to time, but this time it is quite depopulated and destroyed the city.
Much of the damage at the top turns out to have been done long before the nightmen arrived. Karen can't understand any of these ancient gods or the idea that this is really all the moon does, but the notion that a barbaric but long-standing local custom has become so corrupted that it has completely destroyed a modern city. It's something to chew on, there are leaflets all over the city telling people to report if they dream of perkala. These must have been put up a couple of weeks ago, probably by the church. The mutated police officers keep saying that the high priest issued a curfew order. church trying to contain the damage if they were working with Kaiser or against them Abella leads the group south towards the maidens' forest Marina says that they used to sacrifice temple maidens here in the old days, since the three have seen, perhaps They still do it with strange men and owls.
The disguises attack them with poison darts and summon strange ghost birds, but the three manage to make their way deeper and deeper into the forest, where they come across a lonely bunker guarded by a horrible abomination. Centauro appears to be a human fused with a horse, but the body is twisted, distorted and covered in bandages, the creature tries its best to trample the three, but they are able to escape. In the bunker, here's a hint, don't fight, it sucks, you can deal massive AOE damage if the legs are intact. then it still hits hard even if you break some of them, it counters attacks to its heads with poisonous vomit and is usually deadly, it doesn't even drop anything, the bunker leads to a set of tunnels similar to where Abella and Marina met.
The moss encroaches here as the forest tries to reclaim the concrete in the depths, they see another Ghost, the woman with the red shoes, who hisses and flickers with static before disappearing. Worryingly, there are some severed limbs here and half finished, so work, someone is making them as they progress through the tunnel complex and find out who is still alive. Drops of flesh, probably the remains of the Bremenites who captured this place, are stitched together in strange and impossible combinations. One group forms what could only be called a human centipede. A girlish giggle spills out from the sewn closure. lips of her creator and tormentor a sewn woman brandishing a needle in thread blue paint covers her chin and throat and it's hard to tell exactly where her clothes end and her body begins lol fighting the stitches isn't a particularly good idea as it hits hard and She is easy to avoid if you lose to her you will end up as part of the human centipede so you know it's fun if the player plays as Dawn she will discover another disturbing lair: this is his late wife Elise or at least it is her body. and the face, she never speaks and shows no signs of recognizing him, but he would recognize his dead wife's face anywhere the group can lose her in the tunnels and take the elevator deeper into the complex, there they meet another figure, it's Osa, they shot him. with a cursed Green Arrow that is sealing away some of his magical power, but he is alive, he seems cautious and distant, but a persistently helpful Abella manages to convince him to join her group.
Osa came here in search of secrets, possibly because she has the enlightened soul that she is. about her motivations and who shot her, but playing as Osaw reveals that she is previewing Nasra's direction. The great magician predicted the term and it would happen and instructed his people to participate and claim whatever price they could at its culmination, but both Osa and nasra. I know there's something else going on here Thurman is a known phenomenon that just happens sometimes, but it seems like a huge conspiracy surrounds this and the most powerful people in the world have a vested interest in it.
Behind Osa there is a large machine. the other older one asks if Bella knows what she's doing and she just presses a button that turns it on, that she did something he also asks her if she knows what she's doing, she just shrugs her shoulders, the sun is setting so her forehead back to the train for some rest and free goulash Karen hid in a bookstore last night, but now the sun is out and she can take some photos or at least that was the plan. She is interrupted when she hears a bottle breaking. The city he is closing she adopted into a nearby apartment building. escape only for the door to close behind her uh the place is covered in a white crust that almost looks like mold and there is a strange atmosphere of stillness and silence as if the entire building is sleeping but it is not completely silent the sound of the Static spills down the hallway accompanied by a flickering light.
She approaches slowly with a gun in her hand in the middle of an open apartment. A television is inexplicably on despite Bruno's power. Thank you for commenting on the events.Here in Prague, Bohemia, I am Karen Sauer, good afternoon. A murder so heinous and baffling in all its details has never been committed in the city of Pohavior. The tragedy on 28th Street. This extraordinary and terrifying matter that occurred here in the heart of the city, baffles everyone. Residents of the endless apartment building are said that the person accused of this crime has never been a suspect.
All residents described him as a calm individual who would like to keep to himself most of the time, regardless of his outer and inner personality. this man was a monster the residents of apartments 2 6 11 and 13 were murdered in the most gruesome way Karen watches and stuns silences the broadcast ends who certainly looked like her on television but has never recorded a report on Princeville in her life He finds a set of keys in the manager's office and is able to use them to explore the apartments. At one point he sees a disgusting monster wandering the hallways. It looks like a worm or an intestine with huge fists like potato sacks of a disgusting little tongue shooting out. one nostril like a sniffer Sierra this is a neighbor they are difficult enemies to deal with alone their arms can hit for a lot of damage and they have a life training tongue attack it is best to disable them with a rifle before moving or just use a shotgun to get them out without getting close, the neighbors also populate the sewers and their clothing suggests that they were once humans, which is a rather unpleasant fate for these unfortunates in one of the apartments on the upper floors that Don, the man, encounters. , has collapsed in a chair looking even more tired and defeated than usual on the floor next to him is a strange seal.
He asks her if she recognizes him and she says no. The journalist recognizes the shock when she sees it and offers Don a lifeline. "Come with me," he says. he can't muster a good argument against the idea, so he joins her. There's a diary in the room full of a crazy man's scribblings. It appears to describe the serial murders mentioned in the strange television broadcast. The murderer has dedicated something to his Lord. The newspaper mentions a washing machine in the basement. He's dripping blood and steel with a combination lock, but between the transmission and the diary, the pair have enough clues to figure out the combo.
They open the washing machine, only to discover a tunnel and have nowhere else to go. Inside Karen and Don have not seen the wooden world outside of their dream and they are both terrified not knowing what to do with the place they move through and discover that it is a twisted reflection of the apartment building, but here all the rooms look like prison cells. prison. They find decapitated bodies with bombs that drain them of a strange purple liquid. The whole place is patrolled by neighbors who look almost like prison guards, although they show no real intelligence.
In the alternate version of the Assassin's room, they discover a statue of a fallen man. angel cradling a strange effigy of a small king sitting on a huge throne, it seems important and there is nothing else here so they Grab it and return when they come out of the washing machine with their prize, the door opens freeing them from their moldy prison. Don is Even on a normal trip to Proheal he would have been miserable, but now he's worried about losing him completely once he finishes his last cigarette. Karen tries to anchor him in the here and now as they head east in search of other survivors.
So when the couple is attacked by a clown, all you can do is laugh, he will appear all over the city and slowly chase you down on his own. It's usually not a big deal, but he has a habit of showing up in the worst case scenario. On possible occasions, finding him in the city before entering Tunnel 7 means that he won't kill Tanaka, but if left alone, he will track down and start killing other contestants that you haven't recruited yet, leaving Bruce and the cadres to deal with him. you find. He deals moderate damage with his needle whip and can poison characters to add damage over time.
The main problem is that he is quite beefy and can really wear you down for several turns. You may be tempted to cut off one of his arms, but don't. The strategy is easy to avoid him, but you can also throw glass at his head to tie him up, break his legs, and take his head off. The dawn looks at the body. He has blue face paint and is remarkably fit, but otherwise this appears to be nothing. more than an ordinary human, except that the doctor realizes that the face looking at him is none other than that of his father-in-law, Einer Von Dutch, the man who killed his wife.
The last Don saw the man who was dead having sacrificed himself in some unknown ritual, he thought that was the end, but somehow a dead man rose and fulfilled his intentions to visit prehevium. This is where Karen would normally call him delusional, but after everything she's seen, why don't they leave the dead clown behind to make sure? This time the job is done and then head to the other side of town. Marina places the Effigies of Famine and Martyrs on her pedestals, but one of them is still missing, until she walks through the door carried by Dan and Karen, the group reintroduces themselves and exchanges stories. of what they have seen as Karen places hers on the pedestal ladder and the floor opens up, lean into the unknown, osaw feels a God in this church, but it sure is an Almer, whatever the priests were doing Here, all the abominable things that happen in the basement were done in the name of some other unknown God.
His words send a shiver up Don's spine.The stairs lead to a tunnel containing more snail monsters and some pillars, and the contestants eventually reach a hidden chapel where there is a huge statue. of Almer has been built only that's not Almer everything is wrong something is watching them from a scaffold without warning jump down and attack ranting the circle is not the hardest boss in the game mainly because you only have to break one of its limbs It attacks twice to deal big damage with Spears, so it's best to try to get one of its arms down before it can kill anyone.
If you do, you'll get one of the spears and it's a pretty decent weapon that the Beast pulls back roaring that the contestants aren't the ones he's after cursing Humanity that they've been meddling in things they shouldn't and that's causing everything. kind of problems in the world despite his fearsome stale attitude he seems to be interested in ending the current chaos and restoring the world to its usual balance, he mentions some interesting things that are easy to overlook: one, the doubles are coming back to exist, two, the dead gods are being resurrected and three, that the source of all this trouble is people misappropriating the power of the Moon and then taking it leaving the group bleeding and bewildered, the exit leads to the temple district, a place where normally only the city's clergy are allowed, it is patrolled by bell ends, suggestively shaped monsters wielding iron spears, villains can quickly cause damage by strangling people with their free hand and such.
You should always aim first, it can also increase your defense in combat. My preferred strategy is to shoot them or spend the first turn destroying their dangerous arm and then retreat to reset their stats. The advantages attack again, destroying the other arm and then destroying the torso. In their free time, the great tower rises to the north, but it is giving Marina a bad feeling. Karen wants to take a look, so the groups decide to split up. Bella heads west with her crew and Don and Karen are left with two again, oh, lieutenant. Pablo Yuden pulls out his pistol looking towards the sights of a pale man in a yellow robe this is the ruling Kaiser of the Bremen Empire and pav has come here Rising through the ranks of the Bremen army trying for years to get so close to the foreign man that they shares some words from Taurus and pav pulls the trigger, nothing happens i.e. the gun fires but the bullet doesn't seem to do anything to Kaiser who casually draws his sword and cuts off the paw with a fierce counterattack that the lieutenant drops . like a rock and Kaiser keeps walking Karen and Don ran to the injured man's side.
He is still alive and Don is able to stop the bleeding, although he will need hospital care if it is to last more than a day or two. There is nothing at the moment. tower but a pile of impaled corpses and it is giving the couple the most terrible feeling riding the statues flanking the tower makes it clear that, as Perkala said, the path up will only appear when all but one of the 14 are dead , no one is eager for that to happen. This happens, so they pick up the lieutenant and cautiously drag him back to the train track.
He was born in Voronia, now part of the Eastern Union. Years ago, the Bremen army invaded his homeland and lost his family in the fighting, so Pop dedicated his life to finding revenge. His way to Bremen he joined the army and waited for his chance to kill Kaiser, but there is a danger in playing the role that Pop couldn't get to where he is today without becoming an active member of the war machine he hated and who alone you can contemplate. the abyss for so long before you too become a war criminal there is a house on the road and Marina has the feeling that they should stop, the walls are painted a strange shade of blue inside and it is full of replicas of Priceless Antiques This is the house of Father Donovan Hugo, who Levi and company left scattered throughout the orphanage because Marina suspected that a man knew something.
There are notes scattered on the floor at first they seem incoherent, but as you put them together they begin to tell a somewhat crazy story that Donovan visited. the legendary city of mohabbat in his dreams and he was desperate to return there mahab was not originally the domain of the new gods he writes nor of men, it had a king who ruled over it like the sun and all the people were under that same sun. In unity, it also speaks of a different son, one who now burns cold in an underground well. He seems to believe that one day the original sun will return and so will that legendary king.
Unfortunately, Donovan's plans were thwarted when he had the dream. term in a dream and writes as if he knew what it was father domick knew what was coming he may have even had something to do with it but in the end it was destroyed so thousands of people are dead but there is at least a little bit of Justice in the world Marco and Tanika returned to the train with a gift for Olivia: a wheelchair, now she can move around and see for herself what is happening. Marco refuses to let her go alone and Tanaka decides to keep an eye on Samurai and pop Karen. and Don Tagawong and the four of them decide to visit the jazz club that Marina mentioned.
It turns out Don makes a great cocktail and it's the first time any of them have felt comfortable in a long time. Thon's cocktails are so good they fill your mouth. Keep in mind whenever you order one with Hendrick at the restaurant and Don, here HP is really your only resource to manage and even that goes away if you learn a healing spell, just don't tell Henrik about this place or he will poison the food. and kill everyone, after all, this is a real battle. Olivia notices the flickering of blue moths around the half-open trapdoor and gets up from her chair to check.
Karen follows her and discovers what must be an nlu hideout. The name jumps out at Olivia. She really feels like her sister has been getting close to her in some way trying to take her somewhere, but how and why Karen notices the map on the board and suggests that the group check out whatever the nlu was interested in, these They're the good guys, he says, if the group can find any of them, they could be a big help and that's how they all ended up in the sewer following dirty hallways that the NLU must have used to sneak around in hiding.
Past a series of bombs, they find a staircase that goes very far down. into natural caverns beneath the city, if you bring Belle this way she will comment that the complicated layout of the sewers suggests that they could be very old and could once have been catacombs which will look familiar if you've played the first one. game as the group heads deeper into the depths, the smell of sewage is replaced by something else, sulfur, a stench like rotten eggs, but Olivia can still see the butterflies carrying them down a side passage and into a huge open cavern, something is approaching in the darkness. something big is a gigantic three-eyed wolf with teeth that protrude from its mother growling and snapping when it approaches it has no moon it has grown a lot in the last 350 years and now that's our problem it attacks with its front legs so it might be worth it Break him up Those, but don't forget the poison and burn his torso from the front and while you do, attack the katana on his back until he falls off.
You can't get miasma from it, but you can get black steel, which is a really nice melee combat. weapon and don't worry despite the battle Graphics the contestants haven't really listened to her once she takes enough damage August, while he's alive, takes him to save the day, manages to calm the Beast and she backs away, refers to without moon. as a friend of the family and says that the contestants are not the ones who then also offers some medical supplies as an apology, so what the hell was that about the contestants not having a clue, but this is the point where we, the Players, can we draw some inferences?
When we last saw Moonless emerging from the dungeons of fear and hunger with Ragna Balder, who wielded black steel and must have gotten my asthma too, August called her a family friend, hinting that the man has some connection to the killer. of medieval monsters. There is a concrete passageway here that leads. to a pair of elevators, both are authorized, but it is possible to go up or down their cables at the lowest level. They find some kind of military installation that must have been built by the Eastern Union, the Bremen army wouldn't have had time to erect something like this and then there's Danica, dude, uh, double, it's a pretty easy fight, there's a few. doppelgangers scattered throughout the game and serve more as lesser Specters than anything rancid, said to be the product of people who landed on the moon and that the forces of the universe are trying to make amends for all the shenanigans that have happened here in prehevil, but They look a little undercooked In any case there is a selectroscope here no one knows exactly what it is but Olivia has a feeling that the moths would not have let her hear in vain she activates the machine the other elevator is a long climb up and leads to another bunker entrance here the group discovers what turns out to be the base of the church there is a book by father Hugo here that takes some photos of enki suggesting a schism in modern theology the practical understanding of enki on the one hand and that of Donovan An interpretation more flexible and transcendental that the other catacombs are ancient, if Marine is lowered here, it will indicate that they could be around 2,000 years old and date from the oldest settlement in this area.
There is also an elevator that goes up to the basement of the church, which means that Hugo and tomek must have been involved in whatever Eastern Union was doing with that machine. Karen can barely contain herself. Concrete proof of a conspiracy. She has it. The group encounters Father Crimson while trying to leave the church and, against all advice, Karen tries. to interview him he cannot speak but his bottomless green eyes stare at her she feels his presence invading her mind he shows her images in an impossible way an unknown God trapped in a pit of burning sulfur almost drives her crazy but Olivia shoots him dead thing and the four can escape Olivia by the way she feels surprisingly comfortable with a firearm while others see them as tools she feels a strange affinity for them it's almost sensual maybe it's because they restore the power that our body has been stolen or maybe it's something Since Abella and her group find themselves in August in the Maiden's Forest, there is still a point of interest here to investigate and the city is still extremely dangerous, so now is a good time for a break, after the smell of smoke, they discover the man resting in a small camp Abella is an old guardian and they share a few words about their home country before he decides to tell them a story 350 years ago, the world was in a terrible state, the powers that had left it come out of the Darkness.
The centuries had sunk into corruption and decay, but there was a prophecy that a certain man would bring a new era of prosperity and peace, that the man would emerge becoming a hero to the people as he fought against the kingdoms of his time, but He realized that he had to comply. his prophecy would need more power so he took a very dark path sacrificing everyone and everything he had to achieve it, but in the process he inadvertently created the conditions for a different power to emerge: the god of fear and hunger and his influence on LED people.
To sweep away the old order, man finally found strength in the darkness, but it cost him everything and when he emerged ready to wield it, the opportunity had eluded him and that did not stop him from trying, he raised an army and wreaked havoc. Europa became known as a monster and a villain, the yellow king of Madness, in the end he returned to darkness, but there was a problem, the prophecy was never fulfilled and so the story continues in his Madness, his belief in the prophecy led him prevents you from finding rest. To this day he continues to wander the Earth in search of the greater good of himself.
The group leaves the camp and returns to Tunnel 7 where Marina and Abella initially met. This time there is nothing to fear down here. They turn on the computer and return to the city, both groups arrive at the last of the marked destinations, the museum here, a deformed butler named Jeeves tells them that they are invited to join the festivities, as expected, something is wrong. terribly wrong here the attendees dressed in elaborate costumes appear to be pants imitating a party their mouths and hands move but make no sound and robotically perform the movements of a high class celebration.
There are several artifacts here and if you are playing as Osa Nasra will comment on them filling in a bit more backstory, most importantly here we get an answer asked of the original inhabitants of Mahab. The place appears to have been looted by archaeologists today. Their artifacts are now fodder for museums like this one. The carving on the wall that Donovan was obsessed with that he had seen in his dreams of the ancient city is here, but. It looks quite different, it dates back twenty thousand years, it represents reptilian beings,non-humans, and a helpful sign explains that these are the nine chromatic plagues.
The original inhabitants of mahab were the lizardmen seen in the first game who became creatures called lights instead of new ones. The gods at some point in prehistory Humanity conquered Mahab overthrew its king and expelled its people to languish and eventually die the new gods have always failed because that role was never intended for Humanity we stole our place in the Great Hall we tore down The reptilian idols and erect our own sense of failure, it has been a failure of the human race to live up to its predecessors, there is more, although we learned that an abyssonia worshiped with the ancient gods was taboo until recently, the song Hai Empire He always saw them as extraterrestrial beings from the Beyond. the blue sky there are no easy answers here everything we learned only raises more questions all we can do is keep going the goal of the party is to find the attendees you exclude from the group and talk to them they repeat phrases about the date and the time is 1 35 in the month of sulfur apparently and by entering that information into this clock we can proceed.
Eastern Union tried to bury the logical project when they brought out the logic it was considered expendable if it meant the end of the war and that is why it handed prehevio to Kaiser on a silver platter considering it a cheap price for peace what the nlu found when they arrived was that the invaders from Bremen had immediately taken over the tunnels and started digging this place the white bunker Abella inspects the terminal the three selectroscopes are now online she says the vault door opens now they decide who will go Olivia is adamant if reva is there he has to go see her Marco won't let Olivia go It Alone also came here to find out the truth and it seems there is no better place Abella has the mission of completing the goodbyes that are made in the four Venture into the bunker.
The Thor Vault closes behind them and will not open again. The takedown here is up to you, of course, but it's a difficult path, so you may want to come prepared. Bremen elites everywhere and they are very powerful. The fire soldiers could even kill you instantly if you're not careful. There's something strange about these guys like Stranger than usual for Bremen soldiers. If Dawn is present, she will comment that there is something strange about them. but she can't put her finger on it, of course Kaiser, being the boss of our substitute Germany in the Second Great War, has come up with some kind of outlandish super soldier program.
These are probably marriages in the right conditions, sometimes Sylvian will do it. find two beings showing each other an act of physical love and you will fuse them into a Gestalt being stronger than any of their constituent parts, it is better to shoot them, there is plenty of ammo down here and it turns what could be hard work into something like a La victory lap Olivia does not allow herself to be played with logic, according to the documentation scattered throughout the bunker, she uses the lucid dreams of its occupant to unite a collective unconscious that unites all those who are within the range of the telectroscopes, the papers seem to describe something halfway between a home computer and a machine God's creation that will solve the human dilemma.
There are many strange sights in the bunker. Here they find a strange attempt at making a chimera complete with hooves and a snake tail. There a huge arm gently extends towards the sky as if it had just awakened from the depths. part of the pit they encounter a Sylvian soldier and the platoon's platoon is a human hydra, a kind of mass marriage of intermingled human flesh. Normally, such creatures can't do much, but whether through hidden expertise or some mechanical innovation, Kaiser's forces have managed to make a group of people into a tank complete with a built-in artillery cannon, Private Sylvian explains that this It is the last hurray of the men who march from day to night who will soon no longer be needed and that all this is just one last chance to enjoy the senseless destruction of the cruel era this is a tough fight, the best you can do is to take out the Sylvian Trooper by attacking your torso, as she will order the squad to fire every time she does, you are almost always forced to flip a coin.
It means death unless you have tough, hardened gear and the guard won't protect you here through a combination of guts, poison magic and sheer firepower, the force broke through now to get to the bottom of this, well, it's done. They find themselves in the Hall of Giants of their dream their minds are almost overwhelmed by what they see but they hear a chorus of Whispers finally the climax death of Innocence birth of the true God Humanity sheds its skin these are the new Gods whose long and controversial history has been building towards this moment the statists again in the deepest four here they find the man behind it all Kaiser the yellow king Lagarde the guard was forced to abandon his ego in what he calls the dark green and learn to embrace chaos Now that he has made a plan that will allow humanity to break the cycle they have been trapped in by ignoring the gods completely by using logic, a divine machine that will unite the collective unconscious of the species and take it To the next stage, Nasara is forced to admit that the idea might actually work where the last two ascensions and all the attempts by the new gods have failed, but she'll be damned if she's going to let a jerk like Legard take care of it. but the guard is not in charge, it was assumed. but for the second time in his long existence he was defeated by blows.
Olivia's sister Rayla, head of the bohemian chapter of the unnamed underground group Liberty, infiltrated the white bunker and activated logic to prevent Kaiser from getting his hands on it. He is here. now alone as his Guardian, the project will succeed regardless of who is in charge and he has made peace with the situation, but the Machine God is still weak while he is connected and any interference could have unintended consequences. The four contestants can't be here, so he raises his sword and begins the battle. Kaiser superficially looks like the Yellow King from the first game and apparently the resemblance was enough for many people to call him there but the Yellow King only rises to a finale.
C from the first game the happy ending the ending where everything goes well in the ending C, the guard survived, defeated all the new gods, took all their souls, which would have prevented them from making their endings in the process and sat on the throne where he became a super powerful being who is better than all the new gods and he is. to be able to return and save the world from Evil and establish a perfect Kingdom forever fear and hunger is not that story this is a world where the greatest plans of mice and men end up broken and bleeding in the mud this is a story about shame and suffering and perseverance despite it, Legard died in The Dungeons and a wrong DARS and Love Struck performed a dark ritual that brought him back as a skinless abomination, a creature that would come to be known as a vampire, the guard obtained the power I wanted, but no. the way he wanted it, instead of ascending the throne and entering the green light, he died and his soul went to a much worse place.
The ritual that brought him back was successful, but he was no longer the same when humanity broke into the ancient city of Mohabbat. the throne of the lizards fractured the world an ape with the power of a God is still just an ape still a slave to his basic survival instincts and so Millennia of infighting, corruption, decay and war plagued the world until the Ascension of one man called Almer Almer was perfect and men are not for Almer to reach that state of divinity he had to lose an equal part of himself, the other side of the coin, but the lost half was not destroyed, it was simply thrown into the pits of sulfur where it still lies. bound and broken, hating everyone and everything and, above all, longing for freedom, so when the Western world united around Almer, his counterpart, the God of Sulfur boiled in the frozen fire of his cage, gnawing at the roots of goodness and order that had been denied him.
The love of humanity that saw him as one of them, but nothing could be further from the truth, was not the broken and hateful counterpart, helpless in his prison, far more human than the remote perfection of Almer, so some , knowing the truth, they silently turned away from their worship of Almer's grace. To the Brimstone God shedding blood and spreading chaos in his name, the guard similarly divided and the bloody creature that emerged from his skin had abandoned its ego in the dark green becoming something more and less than human in the process, but he maintained his ambition and for his plans he would still need the support of the people, so he simply posed as the God he had not been able to become, dressed in yellow with a fake skin wielding the sword and the snake that would symbolize his power he desperately tried to fulfill. the prophecy he still believed and once again failed, the people had a new God to worship and he was no worse, he gained a reputation as a monster, so he retreated into the Shadows, infiltrating governments and churches across Europe, spreading his influence wherever he could. and he would seem to share the secrets of his immortality with a select few, at some point he even began collaborating with the last generation of New Gods and may have even sealed the heartless one for opposing him from the beginning.
The general public was not unaware of complete this: the Sabbath of the Sword was designed by the Vatican to defend the church from vampire hunters in the 17th century, while the hunters never caught their man, they at least seem to have managed to force him to operate more quietly. As he and the New Gods fade from history after that, only briefly mentioned by flamboyant fringe theorists, from time to time, the End Festival arrives during this Festival, the God of the Rare Moon shows his face reflecting the green light from the Void towards the earth to force a set. of contestants to fight each other whether they want it or not, but this green light does more than mutate people's bodies; he seemingly warps reality wherever he goes; enters the cult of sulfur, although their God is locked away and appears to exercise no power they have learned to To extract the Divine energy from others, Kaiser and the new Gods spent centuries inventing logic and orchestrating global politics to bring the project towards their ending.
The cult of sulfur would be the key to making everything work by predicting and taking advantage of the reality-deforming effects of the terminals. They could go beyond the limits of technology to merge man and machine and give birth to the gods of the collective unconscious of Millions and that is why they put dark rituals, war machines and men of science to work throughout the world. Europe, whether they knew it or not, was a working day or night to see it through their efforts reflected in the wooden world a manifestation of the new collective unconscious Kaiser is not a difficult fight he draws a sword in his arm throws a few stitches in his torso already you know the drill once defeated the guard collapses forward and melts into goo just like domek roll that beautiful being footage nasra is furious once again the guard ran away now he's probably regenerating into a pillar of flesh of his own an anchor of the soul probably made of what's left of DARS the woman who loved him along with all the unfortunates that have been added to the pile over the centuries but the way forward is open there's nothing left to do but drink a few blue vials equip your best magic gear and go in set this thing on fire immediately it's immune to poison but burning it will help you chew through its gigantic HP total very quickly there are also these coolant capsules at the bottom every time they appear destroy them it makes sense , unleash an attack in a few turns if they're still up and it hurts, other than that you just have to do it. worry about the red bow and the swarm of moths to deal decent damage but you should be able to heal him from the stim pill vials, use everything you have here, this is what he has, he has a second form if you take too long and it's quite more difficult. the right hand will cast destruction magic while the left hand heals.
The logic seems like she could be set to replace Sylveon and Grogar. Eventually victory will come and when it does, the case will open up a bit and we will finally see Rayla reborn as the machine goddess. Logic this whole time she's been leading us here if that little blue faced moron perkola hadn't interrupted our sleep the game would have been over in the first five minutes she calls out to her twin join me she says I found a way for us to be always together Olivia can only crawl forward and hug her sister the botanist finds floating in the artificial green a new Divine Force by and for Humanity instead of crawling to the feet of old indifferent gods or taking any remnant of power left by an ancient race Humanity finally, through its ownefforts, you have achieved a form of divinity and that is ending.
Everyone still alive outside the bunker is shown escaping to have you on the train. They will surely be marked by what we saw here, but with the online consensus. Rare's influence may not last for you, but who can say what happens next is a mystery that will surely be explored with fear and hunger 3. At the time of this recording only the endings A B and C exist, the other two They're pretty straight forward, but getting them can be tricky to achieve Ending B, just do what Perkola asks and kill all the other contestants that are moving and tracking them down can be difficult, but the fights themselves are usually pretty easy, some of them will actually die or kill each other without your help people lend a hand in this regard by eliminating some of them as time goes by when all 14 have become one simply head to the tower and climb up barcala greet the player and tells him what we already know is strange.
He was gone a long time ago, what remains is simply an echo that still has great power, so Parkala and his fellow sulfur cultists decided to use it by searching for the most vicious and thirsty people. of blood they could to join their ranks for the B. In the route, the player must reject their recruitment offer or not kill all the contestants before the third day. Failing to live up to Pedicola's expectations means that the only prize left for the final contestant is her freedom, and the parkale is the last obstacle that can reflect magic. when his wings are folded, but other than that, he's not that bad, he doesn't have a ton of hit points, just keep hitting him once he's dead, the contestant officially wins, drawing the attention of what's left of the old God himself , rare has a tremendous amount of hit points and will hammer you with attack magic every turn, while so many eyes drain your sanity, you will need all your upgrades and it is still better to go for the eyes first so as not to get completely destroyed.
Herrera will not die when you defeat him, in fact you probably weren't even fighting him as your character appears to simply have an attack on the top of the tower as the sun rises in the preview after the ending you will be treated . to a reminder that no one other than your character made it out of the position in front of you in one piece, and then you'll get a short photo and an epilogue detailing the return to the mundane world. Personally, I find these endings interesting to develop an understanding of the character. but they all sound a little hollow to me, at least the happy ones do.
It's hard to swallow a feel-good or even neutral epilogue after murdering a baker's dozen of these cute characters. Ending C is almost identical to ending B, all that is required. is that all the contestants die before day three, in particular he will praise your cruelty and invite you to join the sulfur cult. How do you bond well? You die and are thrown into the sulfur pit, of course, there is direct exposure to the infinite hatred of the Sulfur God. He will burn away everything that weakens you and one day you will be able to claw your way out of the pit and be reborn as a superman freed from the shackles of guilt and morality.
You will join the ranks of the blue-painted murderous villains stalking Europe. Ham on people for fun if you agree to let the fight continue as before, but victory leaves both sides bleeding to death at the top of the tower while your character escapes, we are given a brief glimpse of oneself or God , a helpless, limbless piece of meat, tortured forever. In a prison of Frozen Flame, the final logic was a project that would be impossible without Divine intercession and in the cruel era the gods are almost gone, even if they were not, the date when a green light was given is doubtful. project designed to make them obsolete.
The guard needed sulfur to perform the disorientation necessary to be able to siphon the power of the rarer remains without it being noted that the sulfur is even the original source of the guard's power. The same ritual that brought him back to life is practiced by the church, who have turned to Worshiping the Fallen, Parkella and her cronies, however, seem determined to prevent logic from being activated. Tunnels 1 and 7 are guarded by sulfur cultists who have killed or captured the Bremen soldiers there and all selectroscopes have been disabled if the contestants do not defeat them. them and reactivate the Machinery logic will not connect or will be severely affected the answer probably lies in the competing issues of work logic obviously represents an extreme form of benevolent collectivism by networking everyone's minds and serving as a only place to store The entire logic of knowledge in the world seeks to create a paradise, but at the cost of individual freedom and identity.
Sulfur, on the other hand, is deeply malevolent but represents the highest form of individualism. We humans are held back by our sense of morality, shame and fear, while these things are what make polite society possible, isn't it true that those in power tend to simply ignore them and step over others? often while preaching the values ​​they lack? The cult of sulfur is the kind of Nietzschean Superman that has stripped away everything. these concerns and have the freedom and power to do what they want when they want without regrets or hesitation. Needles and perkola are monsters, yes, but every second of every day they do exactly what makes them happy because they are strong enough to do it.
It's not that paradise for them what seems to have happened it's a schism in the sulfur cult or maybe that's not the right word when it's always been every man for himself Kaiser and the prehabil priests would seem to be interested in the Major Well, they are fully willing to slaughter thousands or even millions to achieve this and judging by Father Hugo, they may even be enjoying their terrible actions, but their ultimate goal would seem to be to put logic in line for profit. of people who are still alive. I even have the janitor directly involved in the project, but these three idiots have other ideas, they probably can't hijack something weird if logic makes them obsolete in human consciousness, so they stormed the tunnels and shut everything down.
It seems that Kaiser had been aware that the contestants would show up and he may have counted on them to get the electroscopes back online. The game is filled with references to other media. Chrono Trigger Bloodborne Marilyn Manson Persona JoJo Castlevania Metal Gear Silent Hill Majora's Mask Lovecraft I could go on. and these references aren't just there to make you point out TV like DiCaprio, they're a useful tool for signing off on thematic elements of posts without having to explain them like, say, why is there a blood lamp here? It's because Bloodborne is a story. about the rulers of their society who embrace corruption for the greater good and cause almost everyone they try to help to suffer and die in the process, which is why the lamp is there.
Metamorphosis is the most important theme shown in the terminal everywhere, everyone and everything is changing. What if allusions to Marilyn Manson can't help but be reminiscent of Antichrist Superstar? The concept often tells the story of the worm child who is abused and mistreated in a world that sees an inappropriate trauma of a situation causing them to metamorphose and he becomes a superhuman figure who takes over the world and triggers an apocalypse applauded by all the worm boys and girls in the world and wouldn't you know it? Everywhere we look in the game, we find a roundup of worms that calls itself a lonely caterpillar waiting to shed its skin the neighbors are all full of worms look at the soul for God's little worm-filled tongue here are these half-cocoon guys wow look at the scorched shape of Marina's Moon it's called a cocoon then there's the book about the pocket cat filled with similarly warm images, many of the characters carry around a trauma that threatens to take them to very dark places, the The world is also on the verge of a metamorphosis, the age of cruelty is ending and the information age looms in the future with all the trauma it took to get here, is it really going to happen? be better or the guard just started something even worse this game is everything the first wasn't brings all the charming character interactions and high polish that was missing and presents a much more accessible product.
I love all these little fools. I've never been a fandom person, but I've been devouring fan art of these characters and it's so cute to imagine Karen Force giving Dan some antidepressants or Marina carving a stamp into Levi's face on their first date, You know, normal things, the scenario has changed. drastically and the endings take the series in a very different direction, but there is a consistent thematic throughline in both games that smoothes out any stylistic inconsistencies if you've suffered in your life and whoever you are, you have a home in the Havre Island work. There's a lot more to delve into of course, I've had some fascinating discussions about chemical and thermal symbolism with the fear and hunger people on Discord and I'm personally looking forward to seeing how future additions to the game will expand or change the history.
My understanding as to which ending I prefer, I think A is the strongest by far, but it's the least schedule, so I'm torn. I'm sure the next game will feature a lot of logic and the Brimstone God, but how will it play out? Since no one knows, I showed all the surviving characters here, but it's doubtful that will be the case once a sequel establishes some kind of Canon, for now I'll cover the expanded content as it's released and I may post one or two more videos. about specific aspects of the games, but I hope I've done a decent job of roughly explaining what happens in Fear and Hunger as well.

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