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What happens during an MRI examination?

May 30, 2024
Welcome! In this video, we would like to tell you a little about your upcoming MRI exam. MRI, also called magnetic resonance imaging or magnetic resonance imaging, is especially suitable for providing images of internal organs. Unlike other imaging methods, such as CT scans or X-rays, MRI does not expose you to harmful radiation. The MRI scanner works with a strong magnetic field, so you will be asked to remove all metal objects from the locker room. These include glasses and jewelry. But remember, there may also be metal objects in the clothes you are wearing, such as zippers or bra wires.
what happens during an mri examination
Some metal objects may be located inside your body and therefore cannot be removed. These include implants, pacemakers and prostheses which, depending on the material they are made of, can be affected by the magnetic field. As soon as you have changed, you will be taken to the preparation room. For some exams, it is necessary to administer contrast dye to distinguish some structures more clearly. If this has been planned for you, you will have an IV or port placed. Depending on the region of the body being examined, you will be placed head first or feet first on the patient table.
what happens during an mri examination

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what happens during an mri examination...

Typically, you will lie on your back. The medical staff will make you feel as comfortable as possible. Don't hesitate to ask for more cushions or blankets if you find the lying position uncomfortable. When the dye enters your body, the area may feel a little cold or warm. You may also feel an increased need to urinate. Some patients have also reported a metallic taste in the mouth. All of these sensations are completely normal and will disappear after a short time. Before the staff leaves the room, a ball will be placed in their hand. You can squeeze the ball to make contact with medical staff via intercom any time you feel you need to stop the exam.
what happens during an mri examination
You will receive headphones or special earplugs to protect your hearing during noisy phases. The medical staff will select a coil relevant to your


and place it on the part of the body to be examined. As soon as you are ready for the exam, you will be moved to the MRI scanner and the exam can begin. Staff will leave the room while the exam is being performed, but will constantly monitor you from the control room where they perform the exam and check if your images are clear. Staff may also contact you via intercom, for example to give you instructions.
what happens during an mri examination
During some parts of the exam you will have to hold your breath for a few seconds or breathe very shallowly. If this is necessary for your exam, you will be informed in due course. It is very important that you remain still during the entire exam. As soon as you move, the images become blurry, just like when you take pictures with a camera. Blurred images cannot be interpreted and the exam will need to be repeated. The MRI scanner makes a noise that can be heard in the scanning room, even when it is not actively scanning. Depending on the type of MRI, the sound, rhythm, and frequency will change throughout the different phases of the exam.
The exam is now over and you can get dressed again. The radiologist will then evaluate your MRI images and transmit the report. Now you know


to expect when you undergo an MRI exam, and hopefully you'll feel well prepared. Please feel free to speak to the medical staff if you have any further questions. Good luck with your test!

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