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What Happens At The Time Of Death ? | Stages Of Death Revealed | Heartfulness Meditation

Jun 04, 2024
This young woman is about to embark on the most extraordinary journey of her life, although not in the way one would think that whoever is born will have to die. Nobody has escaped. Ashley. Sorry, I wish I had better news for you last


. The treatment we did was not as effective as we expected. The tumors have progressed further. I'm afraid we have nothing more to offer you. How much more


do I have a week? Maybe two try to keep him as comfortable as possible. I'm so sorry, thank you mom, you can call me that if you want, but how are you here?
what happens at the time of death stages of death revealed heartfulness meditation
Your funeral was years ago, you need to see me this way, you're dying Ashley, I know the doctors said I was only a week old, no. Ashley, you're dying tonight, but I can't, I'm not ready, I'm not, that's why I'm here and three other guides will help you make sure you're not alone. I am very afraid of


is happening on earth. element has been removed from your base chakra it is now in the hypogastric chakra turned into water that is why your hands and feet are so cold it is perfectly normal honey I am so tired katie I haven't seen you in forever do you know where you are?
what happens at the time of death stages of death revealed heartfulness meditation

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what happens at the time of death stages of death revealed heartfulness meditation...

I'm in a desert oh god it's hot it feels like a desert you're in the second stage of


water accumulates in the solar plexus and turns into fire the heat you feel is a dissolution of fire it's worse than those summers in arizona with your family grandpa


happened shut up dear you are perfectly safe your fire has moved up to the heart chakra to mix with the air in your heart that's why you were shaking just hold on to me near the end maybe it's not like that you're close to a new beginning the purpose of this video is to understand what really


at the moment of


there are no heavens and there is no health allowing this soul to rise higher and higher it is a state of heaven that is not the end point of our existence that is the end point of our current life existence continues yogis have imitated the process of death and have had some glimpses of what really


at the moment of death moment when death approaches the first element that is dissolves is the earth element found largely in the basal plexus maladaar chakra muladhar means fundamental support basic support when that support dissolves you start to disintegrate what happens next is this element rises and goes to the next chakra which is called hypoglycemic praxis or swadisthara chakra. a particular chakra is mainly endowed with the water element, you become shaky, you become insecure, you lose confidence, your hands and feet become colder.
what happens at the time of death stages of death revealed heartfulness meditation
The next thing that would happen is the movement of this energy from the hypogastric plexus to the navi chakra of the solar plexus, which is a fire element. The body above the navel of the navi chakra and above will be heated, so the person who undergoes this will have cold and heart feeling at the same time when this energy from the navi chakra or solar plexus reaches the cardiac plexus or anahata or the heart plexus whose predominance or The predominant element is air, the whole system, the whole body begins to tremble due to the nature of the air element, the energy moves away from this heart chakra or from the cardiac plexus to the pharyngeal plexus which is found here, which is also called kanta chakra, now the soul is. ready to come out, then the soul will come out through the mouth, through the nose, through the eyes or through the ears.
what happens at the time of death stages of death revealed heartfulness meditation
If a person has done tremendous practice and has reached a state of liberation, the soul will not come out through any of these points like the eyes. or nose, mouth or ears, but it will only come out through the brahmarandra chakra that is here in the occipital part of our brain, if that soul is so advanced in the level of consciousness, it will reach that dimension, if not, it will stay a little longer below. in the state of limbo and wait for the next birth that you

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