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What Backhanded Compliment Have You Received?

May 02, 2020
nothing hurts more than the slap from someone who pays you a



, it leaves you stunned and wondering how someone can praise you and insult you at the same time, turns out you're not the only one wondering why the reddit user asked readers. to share the worst



they've ever


, like this guy who said his ex-girlfriend told him, "you're not the best-looking guy I've ever dated, but you're the nicest guy I've ever dated." And to a lady who was told that you don't


to be smart, that you're pretty, ladies,


's the worst backhanded compliment you've ever been given? until one day and then the lady who delivered my food and she told me: "you are so pretty", when will we do it?
what backhanded compliment have you received
I always get this, you're so, oh, you're so pretty in person, yeah, I always get that, I always get, Oh, for a dark girl, you're pretty, she's supposed to show where her mind is, yeah, that tells you


that they really think, but you know, they really, they don't really think they're saying something bad, they really think they're saying something bad. you're saying that they're letting you know, like giving you a compliment, it's so nice for a Latina who is a Korean person. I want people to meet me, they'll say, "Oh my gosh, you've lost a lot of weight," and then I say no.
what backhanded compliment have you received

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what backhanded compliment have you received...

The same weight that you saw me on television, but it will be as if you saw yourself much bigger, as if you knew that she will appear on television with more weight. It's true, guys, I'm ten pounds lighter when you see me in person. I also think it's awkward when saying you compliment someone and they hear the backhanded compliment in their mind from you, so say, for example, if you say to them, "Oh my gosh, I love your hair today, why didn't I like it?" my hair yesterday?", you don't want to congratulate them anymore. because they are so caught up in what they tell themselves that they wanted to hear something rude, yes, yes, you know, remember someone painted us and they thought they really were, we


a lot of fan art and we love it, but there was love.
what backhanded compliment have you received
If we don't do it, we do what we open, everyone else is like white and then the guy just pointed like it was a black dot, it was like it was me, I was really thinking that was yeah, but he really thought I was like improvising and I was. like, thank you, like he was mine, you thought he was selling us something, oh this is horrible, but do you ever have people who are like, oh my god, you look like my daughter and then you're obsessed with this man, come on? Instagram page and they'll be like, "Oh my God," or they'll be like, "You see you look like her in this photo." I swear, he has a whole folder of photos of other people's Instagrams and thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
what backhanded compliment have you received
They never look anything alike. Hello, many times they are not cute. No, I know that moment. You don't know how many women were told that I looked so much like you. I click on the profile, although the compliment someone said that sometimes we look a lot alike I think so I don't see it my curly hair at school people told me you look like T and Tamara I look alike, says my brother Tosh, why not there was time, a lie, he said that you know who to marry you look like that cheetah girl that cheetah girl oh and it was you I think my twins will not be chosen

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