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Were the Azores home to an ancient civilisation? – BBC REEL

May 25, 2024
These are puzzling structures, because they shouldn't be here. 'Here' is literally in the middle of the Atlantic, the Azores Islands. Officially, Portuguese navigators found the Azores uninhabited in the early 15th century. However, physicist Dr. Félix Rodrigues has been researching and dating buildings that are believed to be much older. Dr. Rodrigues' quest to find answers began 10 years ago on Terceira Island, where he lives. These are the oldest structures he has found so far. Dr. Rodrigues believes that these are dolmens used by prehistoric cultures to place the remains of the dead. These cylindrical cavities would be indicators of human presence, showing intentional work on the rocks.
were the azores home to an ancient civilisation bbc reel
It has been dated that the material accumulated inside the cavities is at least two thousand five hundred years old. It is believed that the ceramic pieces found in the area are even older, more than 4,000 years old. By the sea, there are some intriguing clues to this supposed arrival. This other structure also does not appear to have been built by 15th century Portuguese. For Dr. Rodrigues, these two structures are part of the same ritual complex, which is completed with a kind of basin in the ground in the center of the Columbarium. It appears to be connected to the outside by a conduit.
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Similar basins are found elsewhere on Terceira Island, inside perfectly carved volcanic rocks. Next to it there is a flooded cave. But not everyone is convinced that this complex is so old. Some say they could be stables from a 16th century fortress. Inside, the origin of these strange footprints is also controversial. Locally called 'relheiras', they are popularly associated with loading carts. Some questions are easier to answer than others. But we are still far from knowing with certainty who this civilization was.
were the azores home to an ancient civilisation bbc reel

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