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WEMBY ISN'T HUMAN! San Antonio Spurs vs New York Knicks Final Minutes ! 2023-24 NBA Season

Jun 01, 2024
Like I said, the only way to stop him is to prevent him from catching the ball. It's been absolutely phenomenal. One of the best nights we've seen Victor rebound short to New York almost as soon as he gets a rebound for the Knicks. get up and deny the ball to Brunson, don't let him catch it for three Victor with the rebound 215 to pop and pick up the pace a little here chimp penny get back to Vel, attack and score a good decision by Deon to not do it. just settling for the three ball made the defense move use their momentum against them great decision to attack the basket that has 23 150 and counting here in the fourth Brunson sounds very high out of bounds and a foul will be called on Kellin Johnson and Hart oh Hart another double double for Josh Hart is in 28th place 12 points 11 rebounds Spurs lost two 133 to go no timeouts left for San Antonio Victor tips it, he's 33 and we're tied at 119, that's a great touch from Victor the pass is right on the money and Hardenstein played that play perfectly, split the difference and then came back to Victor, but he didn't have enough length to disrupt that line.
wemby isn t human san antonio spurs vs new york knicks final minutes 2023 24 nba season
Brunson 59, get his shoulder P, you're not going to stop him. He has been a master tonight using that glass. He's 38 in the second half, back to Victor by three too strong and the Knicks with less than a minute left leading by two, yes, a long time, but don't let Thron get the. ball back here 10 on the shot clock rebound champion penni to the cell jump again wed to pick up the pace there don't let the defense set up wemy and he got fouled that's Hardenstein, he's done, yeah, Victor just held the ball out there, Hardenstein doesn't I don't have the length to block that catch shot.
wemby isn t human san antonio spurs vs new york knicks final minutes 2023 24 nba season

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wemby isn t human san antonio spurs vs new york knicks final minutes 2023 24 nba season...

Next, he makes one shutout number three to score in a single game in franchise history. I don't like that Brunson was able to catch the ball so easily and let's not forget Bernard. King, I think he had back-to-back 60 point games, sure, now pop is asking to go in there and double team him. Brunson gives up. McBride not Victor, yes, and we have extra time in San Antonio. Mel, the tip is. Victor Wey's score


for four that he just extended and that looked like an easy bunny. Poor Devin just got a little too happy, a little too hard on the glass, but Vic was there to clean up the mess with that length of 37 one away.
wemby isn t human san antonio spurs vs new york knicks final minutes 2023 24 nba season
Brunson, career high, goes back three Robinson gets a smart foul because Robinson has tired two down looking for six doesn't stay in Five Points oh Spurs almost puts him away 228 and scoring here Jones beats Johnson hard on him with a step of steel ahead of wiby and Brunson mcbryant for three the lead in Robinson's count. I'm going to say it was on the cylinder offensive interference. The Spurs now a little Victor will probably get that rebound or if you get the offensive rebound, It's going to be difficult to put the ball back on the gel swings, if Johnson traveled, they just can't get caught with these turnovers.
wemby isn t human san antonio spurs vs new york knicks final minutes 2023 24 nba season
Bill Jaylen Brunson recovers it and Brunson has 61 points as soon as he puts his shoulder over his body again. He uses that blocky body just to keep you off the plate. He loves that glass. I mean, it made her want to say half his drinks per glass tonight. Wy Fires for three got it, oh M, when the Y drives everyone for four, now that he's got it. 40 we knew it was coming back night for Victor the tip Robinson again great effort there two point game 128 126 53 seconds to go it's a great rebound there from Mitchell Robinson excellent putback with Victor lurking downed The Spurs left 10 seconds after the clock Launch here is Víctor's triple, he released this one.
He wasn't sure if he was going to get who. 41 seconds left. 10 on the shot clock. Julian to Víctor on the ground. I think at that point the Spurs were almost hopeful. for a correct jump, he could have gotten the triad of turnovers. I don't know if he tripped over the touch. Oh, he stole the touch. Yes, it will be Spurs basketball. Yes, go immediately. Vel oh, no, no, you have time. Wy with a screen. Devin Victor last hit the clock all the way down when you're down Brunson oh a little foul by Trey Jones Brunson played 43


here it's for auua back to Brunson 10 seconds Brunson for the lead aoua out of bounds SPS will get it with 3.1 remaining 128 126 out Spurs will take a timeout here good timeout good timeout over there Jones champ pit and a foul in the entry L it trck that doesn't even breathe for anyone McBride Spurs win and overtime 130 126 nights on the run by Víctor Wanyama and Jaylen Brunson and the Spurs achieve victory in overtime 130 126 which in one game the Spurs had a 21-point lead in the second quarter and ended up winning it in overtime

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