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Welding on Ruby's GIANT New 88mm Turbo!!! + Immediately Testing the Spool Time! (many freedoms)

Mar 18, 2020
Guys I know these in no way go together but we just added straw hats and sweatshirts for the first


to the website so two of the opposite polar items but they are available now please calm down grab some later of the vigil. oh yeah brother you're in the please check out on YouTube Cheney. Oh, what kind of Burnout, come on, this little guy, this little guy, he's little, why does little Jeremy like half a tire rotation, come on, buddy, oh, come on, Jeremy? just a little bit, I just love the peer pressure pointing at the store, yeah he just went to the side of the store, thanks buddy, now my video has an action start, courting, live action, how does that sound, man, the acoustics here are great, look down. in these Corvettes, brother, what a collection the guys have, take everyone to buy their new


day, brothers.
welding on ruby s giant new 88mm turbo immediately testing the spool time many freedoms
Oh, I turned it on, look at that


back there, ready to be mounted, so two things you should know about Ruby One, its starter motor is going out. This thing has been tired for a while, that's combined with my bad starter adjustment, it's not the smoothest starter, it starts if it ain't broke, don't fix it while I take it to the other shop to get a bigger turbo. Now I think okay guys, so we've got this fancy piece of kit here, they all have the same pipe size, so it's two and a half, which is two and a half on the existing turbo kit, so essentially I need to cut it in there .
welding on ruby s giant new 88mm turbo immediately testing the spool time many freedoms

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welding on ruby s giant new 88mm turbo immediately testing the spool time many freedoms...

I need to, well, I'm not going to cut it here. I'm just going to keep that V man there, we have a new V band here that we had already connected on eBay to this with a little extension. I'll try. lower the back of the turbo so it's flat and then everything else should be welded together so you can use this discharge tube and everything just cut it off right there and it shouldn't be that bad alright guys as well as you can see on this turbo ski. I'm going to see what this is. We have a 5 inch entry right into this turps.
welding on ruby s giant new 88mm turbo immediately testing the spool time many freedoms
Wait, we have a 6-inch interior. Well, you see, that's juicy, so we need a bigger turbo. guard but also on the outlet side we have a 5 inch outlet versus here this is just a 4 inch outlet so I need a bigger exhaust pipe and I need an incredibly bigger tractor flap and then I need a new plug for the O2 sensor and I also need a new flange for the oil feed and a new flange for the oil outlet. In fact, wait, it has a flange for the well. I just need one fitting otherwise we'll be on our way to having an


but your turkey, it's actually Another way you can run your turbo if you don't want to around the front housing just run your nitrous line too on this and it works exactly the same way James always works, so I tell you to eliminate this symptom


. and then it's


to start cutting, gotta give it to Ruby og turbo, ok guys, this thing has been killing it for a while, God, but with the paint, watch out for the paint out of there, everything What we have to do is keep this going. on this and not be fully leaning forward, although the forward leaning turbo boy worked quite well at test level, so can you get a thicker stainless steel tube so you know his turbo waist is significantly larger than the other's?
welding on ruby s giant new 88mm turbo immediately testing the spool time many freedoms
The other thing is Thor's thicker wool, since you could burn it in four to make, oh yeah, valves or not, you like to move, that'll be fine, so yeah, that'll work, so how much are you going to get? ? I'm just single, pakka in the middle, thanks, she's going to destroy Nelly, well, oh, she still has a little forward lean, anything, I just send it, I have to turn, so I think I'm going to attack this Just One More. time and then I want to set up the turbo, make sure everything is kosher with that right thing.
Looking to get a Gil, I can burn it all, buddy. The HTP welder is breaking down, although even my spot welds are looking prettier these days, guys, so be it. about where it is, oh dude that's not going to work, oh shit I put it too close to the entrance, well you got something good, I didn't finish the soldering, your soldering skills have come a long way, you want me to build the documents burden. Are you saying I think I needed to just take out the turbo a little more? Honestly, I could just get rid of this thing here and have the thing come right out, okay, it's so big somewhere around here, yeah, get this, sketchy guys, okay, back. to the drawing board, so wait for that girl, Shadi is dumb, though yeah, try that here.
I put the pipe on to see what a good friend, okay, that's not going to work, oh, well, a little, oh man, it would be really good if it did. I didn't have to go oh that's close enough and if you cut it I think you'll make it yeah okay that looks terrible it just looks ridiculous dude yeah Ruby she's going to a whole new level of ridiculousness this looks bad, breaks, fantastic people, looks like when you like, you know, this leg jump day memes like the little lights on just plug in I'm pretty sure it doesn't, it's pretty level, a little bit down shows more level , it's more love, just leave it nice guys, it looks good, so I'll finish soldering this side and then start on the other tube, the other tube should be pretty simple, it may even be closed already, so it looks really good , it's pretty close, but I don't think it's much closer than it was, it might melt away the pain a little each time. time we do the turbo, get this, it's coming, yes sir, we have that tape that he recorded for me, we can sing a little, look, old plant, that turbo there brother, it's in that box, so the boys tilted it a lot more now it's not completely welded, but everything is attached and then I have to do the finishing tube and this is okay, well, yeah, I really understand how it looks, it's still slanted, it's slanted, but you don't see it, if you had to put a nut in there, it would be much better. oh yeah, it's holding it's tilted, but it's not what it was, dude, it looks so crazy, it looks so ridiculous, the V-band that's going to keep it tight, the whole body has full rent, we're good limiters. head delimiter Robin, okay, here he is sponsoring your combustion truck what was happening here oh, it's like he's your manager, okay, so the pine bees are pretty close.
I got a trim just to remove a little bit and then we were ready to go, but it's another day. It's time to go to the drag race and we have to finish this okay James wanted us to wake up today so he wants to start his truck with zoomies for the first time buddy those are fancy wait let me get here. I'm in ear protection mode, they're not mounted now so they'll probably move and that's not their final resting place, that's cool, straighten them out, never that close, oh my gosh, those are the only four, once everyone, Alex James.
Trying to loudly compete with the mystery machine, it's coming out, yeah, Justin's going to fall behind on the volume scale, okay guys, I've got a pretty significant gap on one side of this, but I'm about to make it, finish well then. We'll be ready to taxi, so guys, don't listen to the judgment zone, you know what I mean? I made these fat babies so they can hopefully hold this 88 millimeter turbo, but I mean, I had to figure out the gun here. I kind of started to get it, but I mean, once I got here I started hooking them up and I'm not going to lie, they're not the prettiest welds I've ever made.
In fact, I controlled it well when I did it. That was the last time, but I haven't soldered in a long time. I will say I got a little rowdy. We think the games will stay at 88. What's the worst that could happen? It applies, man, I made them thick to fill that space. Also it just had a few spots and I thought I might as well double hit it because if they can hold this turbo that's what we're going to need here look there's a baby on that side the welds may not be pretty but look at that alignment the one that thing is on, it didn't even need a V pickup, it'll probably just hold the boost, that's fine, damn I forgot about the oil feed again every time, damn it's Allah, it's got great oil pressure , this car has Now there is oil all over the front of the car on the belt, but I cleaned everything.
We think about that unity. This is pretty big. I'm doing a five inch downpipe on my rig. Yeah, I haven't bought the fight yet. Oh. well, we'll have, you'll have about half of this, I'm just going to cut that right in the middle, okay, so on our back, guys, I'm soldering in Aviv and so we don't have to use a Precision one. v-band clamps using a regular one and my chicken is not as bad as I thought. He's going through a bit of a learning curve. I'm no professional, but as long as she holds up and doesn't leak, we're good, James.
I just won the Darwin Prize Darwin Prize Oh, did you use any moment? No, this is it - uh no, this is V forbidden by that thing, are you sure? Oh oh yeah, like a cow with a needle back casing, you've got to be kidding me. I'm doing all this to finish this right now and I soldered the damn ban V on the wrong side, hey you know what you just did yourself, you fucking paperweight, there's no way I have to be able to cut this into dollars, I know why it's here , friend. I'm an idiot, no way.
Oh guys, you know I was trying to add a V band because I didn't want to wait for the precision B band to come in. Guess what folks, I soldered it on the wrong side of the back. house because I just hit it on the table and made it so it was physical on this side. I put it on that side. I was acting like my welds were great and all I want to say is amazing for only taking like two other times in my entire life. I didn't do that at all, as you see, your heat range on both sides of the V-band is like it's perfectly penetrated, it looks great, but now I have to buy, oh, how much does it cost?
Oh come on, about three dollars, haha. like you've done this before, it seems like I'm part of a new club, very good, thank you brother, I appreciate it, the OL neighbors for the performance helped and everything was fine, it doesn't touch any edges, it's perfect. We're, we're back in business folks, so now I have to solder it on this side, we also have a new V-band, so we really crush it. James put some new tires on for tonight and Ruby will be complete, you know, I'm glad. you're getting all this practice, you really have a lot of experience, but they maybe protect themselves, yeah, well, but when we do it right, you think I should go back to the middle or whatever I say, I tell you just you.
I know rock for you, buddy, might create a little more back pressure. I would probably cut like four inches off that important one, just shorten it a little bit. I'm thinking that instead of having an escape, listen to me. Okay, guys. Everything is complete. We just put. on some new plugs, the plugs that were on this thing we are a little dry, yes, completely cooked from being a little rusty, but here James has taken over the soldering while I do the plugs, he is pinching the exhaust pipe How does it look, brother? Tryin' to weld me dude try to get there, don't even try, you can if you get hit, anything is possible, it's a oh man I should do it, those tractor pops are worth at least 100, this is some serious stuff, some resistance, yeah, what do you think?
Yeah, I mean, you can always turn it to the side she wants you to squeeze the turbo flaps if you want to run it, that'll break the windshield guys, I don't know if we're going seven tonight, perfect, put that on the exhaust. An absolute gift soldier, we got there, we left the scene very quickly, have the oils in good order, the oil feed is on, be careful with that turbo, James, yes, there you go, it's a completely different sound, it's well, I get the news about that man. since that's a good question, okay, let's see how long it takes to get up to Toulouse here.
I saw going here now, it's already quite old, when the tractor hatch is open, there it is, yes, almost the same night. Alright, guys ran to the track to test Ruby racially. Hector's word, race to the bones, enacted a late one.

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