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WEIRDEST Pre-Game Rituals In NBA History

Jun 08, 2021
one player eats plastic before


s while another has to use the girls' bathroom. These are the strangest pre



in NBA


and there's no better player to start them off with than Kawhi Leonard. I mean, his pregame routine is illegal. Look, when was Kawhi? the raptors, he had a pretty normal routine, kawhi would get dressed, listen to music and just get ready for the night, but in 2019 when he signed with the clippers, things took a really strange turn before every game, kawhi kicked out all the girls. the women's bathroom so he can have it all to himself, but it gets even stranger.
weirdest pre game rituals in nba history
Kawhi is so secretive about whatever he's doing there that he gathers the team's entire training staff to guard the door so he doesn't get bothered in the girls' bathroom, just thinking about how no girl was allowed to use the bathroom unless Kawhi gave him the thumbs up, man. He knew it was weird, but he didn't know he rolled like that and yes, his teammates and coaches all thought this was really weird, but the Clippers already signed Kawhi. 103 million dollars, is someone going to tell him to stop? No, and apparently this remains his pregame ritual to this day.
weirdest pre game rituals in nba history

More Interesting Facts About,

weirdest pre game rituals in nba history...

Okay, Kawhi is sitting in the women's bathroom, that's really weird, but at least his pregame ritual wasn't deadly. Quran Butler's since Butler was a teenager he has been addicted to soda and absolutely needed it to play basketball before every game. Butler drank an entire 2-liter bottle of Mountain Dew. I'm talking about the bottles that look like this. party size bottles, oh wait, I actually left out one detail: he drank two of those two-liter bottles of Mountain Dew before every game, this guy drank 15 times the amount of sugar the American Heart Association considered safe on a daily basis, and he was doing that in just a few minutes, it was so much sugar it could kill him, but it wasn't until Butler joined the wizards that he got the wake up call he needed.
weirdest pre game rituals in nba history
I mean, the man was losing friends, family, and sleep because of this. a monster taking control of his life couldn't get out of bed exercise, most importantly play basketball things were going crazy the man admitted that he has six refrigerators at home, all filled only with soda if he had continued this horrible habit that could have taken him to the end of his career or, worse, his life, so the Wizards had to put an end to it, officially banning Butler from drinking Mountain Dew in 2007. Yes, that really happened and after this, he talked about how bad the problem really was and said, "I was honestly going through withdrawals those first two weeks without a dew with the hardest two weeks of my life.
weirdest pre game rituals in nba history
I'm talking about headaches, sweats and everything fine. Look, I like a dew or two, you know, I get it, but this guy was literally a crackhead. I can't relate to that man, sorry, the big butler solved his Mountain Dew problems and lived happily ever after. No, this guy had to adopt an even crazier pregame ritual to replace it, like just listening to this before every game I start at the nearest Burger King McDonald's, grab straws, grab a handful of straws and come to the game, start and start solving something I do, I just calm my nerves before I get into the game and I prefer to chew straws than gum, now there is a specific straw that you like, right, you will only choose McDonald's straws, why is that the taste, the texture, everything works perfect?
Wait, imagine you walk into the locker room and your teammate is literally eating straws in front of you. Apparently Butler would do this ritual every day to calm himself down and on average chewed 12 straws a day before games during games and after, so I guess his teammates got pretty used to it? You know, it's daily routine, so don't worry about him like he's choking on a straw or something, if he doesn't choke you on that, he's not going to drown. I guess he's fine, did you want to try one? I have a bunch of them if you want to try to chew one or something no, I'm fine, you're fine, just weapons, but in 2010 the league came knocking, they can't have an NBA player with massive influence running around with plastic on the mouth, you know that children are going to make any role model. does and the NBA isn't trying to make an entire generation of kids choke on straws, so the league ordered Butler to stop and explain that it was a serious health and safety issue, but hey, at least the strange things he was doing were prohibited.
I can't say the same about Rajon Rondo. His crazy pregame ritual began during his time with the Celtics. It was there where he met his mentor. Kevin Garnett. Kevin took his own


very, very seriously. Just take a look at this. This man is. talking to himself and banging his head on the rim somehow, rondo saw this and thought he was a good role model, i don't know anyway, garnett told rondo that pregame rituals can make or break a player and when Garnett proved it by winning a championship rondo he had no choice but to believe him, so rondo started thinking about some pre-game routines, go for a jog, no, do some push-ups, no, listen to music, no, rondo landed In a pre-game ritual that everyone should be doing, you dropped a like and you subscribed to the channel, yes that's right we have the power to make you win, oh but we can't help you until you subscribe so what You are doing?
But not only did Rondo sign up for rebounding, he also admitted to taking five individual showers. before each game and this routine has a very strict schedule, each shower is 30 minutes apart and your final shower has to arrive 45 minutes before kickoff or else you won't even show up. I know this sounds weird, but there's actually a pretty logical reason for this rondo to carefully plan out his entire game plan and take notes on a notepad in the shower. Uh, I don't really understand how that works. What are you just taking notes on a soggy notepad? Whatever you're not trying to do. watching rondo in the shower to find out, I guess if you're a germaphobe, five showers before a game is understandable, but peeling the skin off your hands before every game, like Monte Ellis, there's no way there's one logical reason for that a long time ago.
In 2008, when Monte was playing for the Warriors, he randomly started scoring 25 points a game and no one understood why, but according to Monte, it grew out of his disturbing pregame ritual. That same year, Monte suffered an injury that changed his career forever. ligament in his finger and during his recovery he started experimenting with all kinds of treatments, rest, ice baths, cryotherapy, but none of it worked until one day he started dipping his hands in a sticky white substance. Monte has a hot hand even before he takes the field. thanks to an unusual pre-game ritual that is completely yours, it's another secret, you can't use this if you try, it won't work for you, it's my magic, just for me to warm my hands for a few years.
I had a sanitary ligament on my left ring finger a while ago, I mean, since I started doing it and this became a habit. I'm not sure what that is, but someone please remind me not to touch this man. In fact, Monte would dip his hands in wax and then peel off the layers, which removed all the dead skin from his hands. Apparently he liked it to soften his skin, so he continued to do this before every game for the rest of his career. He said his hands are as soft as a baby's butt to this day, but as weird as Jason Terry is, what's Monte Beat like?
Because Jason's routine involves sleeping with the opposing team and it all started when he was in college in Arizona, it was at night. before Terry's national championship game and decided that his skill alone wouldn't be enough to win, so that night he performed a ritual that no other player had ever done and the night before every game he slept in his shorts. of the opposing team. this man sleeping in the other team's shorts was disrespectful, he continued to do this before every game he had in the NBA, but the craziest thing is that when game day came, Terry needed very specific clothes and food on his plate, had to be tall.
I got the socks from my father. You know, seeing a picture of him in a yearbook. I have to have a headband. I have to eat some kind of chicken before every game. Yes, this guy is in one. Terry even admitted that his daughters think he's a weirdo for this, but when you. When we talk about legendary three-point shooters, you can't mention someone like Terry and not mention Stephen Curry, but how did someone like him become so great? Yes, you guessed it, some weird pregame rituals and if it wasn't for what he does before games he wouldn't be where he is today. steph has a pregame routine that is impossible for any other nba player: his tunnel shot and if it weren't for a bet he made with the warriors general manager before a game they would never have seen us in and We do it every night.
Steph said he was filming it and Pat stopped by and we made some kind of funny bet, basically on who can buy the next meal, so I've got two or three chances. If I didn't make it, I lost, if I made it, I won, and because Steph made the shot, that feeling made him do this before every game. It's hard because it's like he gave me five shots. I'll be there. all day if I'm lost but I don't know it's just a little challenge getting ready for the game it has nothing to do with playing 48 minutes of basketball but it gives me a little competition with myself before I start and I trust in that so It's obviously a show that entertains me and Curtis has good chemistry even if I miss it, it's a great little minute and a half where I can have fun and try something crazy.
Look at Curry Man, he's so inspiring now. Interestingly, another of his rituals is something we also see Lebron James do, but Curry didn't get Lebron's idea. The curry making ritual was inspired by his mother writing that my shoes started in college and something my mother challenged me to do. I first practiced my freshman year, so now it's a 13-year tradition and it once again reminds me who I'm playing for when I put on my shoes to appreciate the opportunity I have to play. Oh, I get it now if I write in my shoes. I can hit shots like Curry now all these rituals are really necessary for someone like Steph to play that well.
He said this about it. Fights and teams are important only because there are so many games that we play more than a hundred throughout the year. including the playoffs, you need those things to calm your nerves, just get your head right and be able to relax, focus and enjoy what you can do for a living. Those routines really helped me adjust, I mean, appreciate the day that Get ready for game time and no matter what game it's a playoff final 82, whatever it is, it's just another basketball game that I have to be ready to play. You know, Steph's rise to greatness has been an incredible story, but unfortunately not all NBA players.
He has it so good that there is an NBA player who was on top of the world and managed to lose everything and eventually became homeless. I'm talking about Front West, from earning millions to living on the streets. You've never seen a story like this. Believe me, you should click on this video right here because the life ahead is really a story worth listening to, so what are you doing? This video is over, click on it.

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