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Wearing Online Dollar Store Makeup For A Week

May 30, 2021
*Intro song* Hello friends and welcome to another video. This


, I'm


a full face of


from the




. I heard about this website "Shop Missa" which is an




where everything costs a


. From primer to foundation to eyeliner, everything costs a dollar. Now they say that the reason their costs are so low is because they have a direct relationship with the manufacturers. but every time I see something super low cost combined with the fact that it's online, my spidey senses tingle. I recently tried dollar store makeup from the Japanese dollar store "Daiso" and was pleasantly surprised at how many things ended up looking pretty good.
wearing online dollar store makeup for a week
But the lingering question I had, and many of you also had, is how well this very low-cost makeup would work throughout the day, or even, say, a


. So I thought "why not do both?" Try dollar store makeup online for a week. We'll see how long it lasts, and also how long my skin lasts. *Voiceover* Alright, let's start shopping. It seems like it might not actually be "Buy Missa", but rather "Buy Miss A". But I think I like "Shop Missa" better, sorry. Tyler, sing the song. *Tyler, off-screen* Buy Missa Yeah, look, it wouldn't work with "Buy Miss A." *Tyler, off-screen* Shop Miss A *laughs* I'm going to try replacing everything in my daily makeup routine, like skin, cheek, eye, and lip products.
wearing online dollar store makeup for a week

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wearing online dollar store makeup for a week...

I think let's start with the face products, so I'll click on face and body and go down to concealer. It seems like we have a few different things. Clean Color, Santee *Voiceover* Oooh, I remember that Daiso brand. It seems like this brand, AOA, could be like their in-house brand and they have many different colors of this "Wonder Cover" concealer. Let me click on this "classic ivory." Not that it's like Grammar Police, but they misspelled porcelain as "porcelain." So, Shop Missa, just letting you know. Classic ivory seems too pink to me, but beige and light ivory seem like colors that would work.
wearing online dollar store makeup for a week
We open light ivory, which is what I want. Interesting! There is a different customer review star, although it is like the same product but in a different color. Someone says "Yellow and too dark." Danielle says it's great. I'm going to follow Danielle on this one and hope Danielle is right. So I'm going to add this one to the cart and I'm also going to add beige to the cart. They're both only $1 and I feel like, you know, getting two will ensure that one of them matches. I'm also purchasing this peach colored concealer for my under eye bags.
wearing online dollar store makeup for a week
So let's also take a base while we're at it. These seem kind of exciting. It seems like anything close to my color is already sold out. So it doesn't matter. How about this? Oh just kidding, those seem to be out of stock too. It's available in "medium bisque" but based on the swatches, I'm not sure it will work. That's what I was thinking. Clam soup. So let's take a look at these down here. THE. Colors Foundation has three and a half stars based on 13 reviews. Ofelia says he's an amazing "heart," but Thalía, Brenda, and Allison don't like him.
Let's try it. Let's go with this one, creamy beige, and then I'll go "natural" too. The positive thing is that both are in stock. But again, on the negative side, maybe the things people like are out of stock and this is what's left behind. So why don't we look for other expensive things? I would say loose setting powder is something pretty vital to my routine because I'm like an oily/combo girl so I really bake everything. Wait, is this it? They don't seem to have any loose setting powder. Which is sad. How about this, “Kleanista Compact Powder”?
I think people are literally using this as a powder foundation, but it's powder and we need something to set it. So I think maybe we should continue with this. Let's look at some outline. Interesting, it says it's on sale for $1, but it was originally listed at $39. I'm not sure I'd buy that, but I can buy this. 79 reviews and 4 stars: That's actually pretty promising. Alright, I'm going to add this to my cart and call it our contour product. I'm also going to buy a bronzer while I'm at it. Alright, let's move on to the eyes. Currently, my liquid eyeliner is the only product that feels like a "holy grail" to me, so we'll see how this eyeliner compares.
So I'm specifically looking for a matte black liquid eyeliner. It's hard to tell if this right here is like a brush or just a stick because the liquid eyeliner I used from Daiso ended up looking pretty good, but it had kind of a sharp stick at the end. Like a feather. I mean, I feel like for this, we just have to pick one and move on. This one looks as good as any of them and seems to have pretty good reviews, especially from Megan. So, Megan, take me to the light. I'm going to add this to cart.
And I'm also going to grab this mascara that Sariah seems to like. She says, "It's normal, like any other mascara." That sounds like a winner. So next let's apply eye primer just to help the eyeliner stay where it's supposed to be. It seems like they only have a listing for an eye primer. They have 2 options, matte and glossy. I feel like I usually prefer matte, so let's do that. And it's sold out. So it doesn't matter. So let's go for the frost. I suposs you are well. Alright, let's find some eyebrow pencils that I normally use, one of the easier ones, like the beginner ones where you just go "merr, merp." It looks like we have some gels, some powders, some stencils, and a product called "Santee Eyebrow Sword." That sounds like something I want.
So I'm going to get black, brown and black, like mixing them together, I feel like that makes sense. Honestly, the fact that it's called a sword, *clicks* is enough to add it to cart right now. I guess really all we have left now are the lips. So I want to try a liquid lipstick. I feel like, you know, $1 lipsticks are a danger zone for me. Looks like a nice color! Yeah, look, it's like a purple-pink nude. Like a little everyday but a little exciting at the same time. Oh, and people seem to really like this one.
Cristina says "very, very good" with an extra "o," so it's "good." So let's take this and try it. Well, I think that's a complete range of makeup products. Honestly, from what I've seen from online swatches and reviews, I'm excited about some of these products, a couple of them had more mixed reviews, but I feel like we'll find some gems. I have a good feeling about it. Alright, here are all my $1 makeup items. These are my own brushes, but the rest is my new daily makeup routine. For next week. So what I usually do to start is eyebrows, so let's take my eyebrow swords, which unfortunately aren't called eyebrow swords on the actual packaging.
On one side we have a spool and on the other side we have the triangular pencil. Alright, I'm going to dive right in. Roll it up, brush it and then let's see how the sword does. That looks pretty good. Yeah, I mean it looks a little bit almost like a mix of gel and pencil. It seems to feel very soft. That's an eyebrow, I think. What do you think? *Tyler, off-screen* I mean, you had an eyebrow before, but yeah. To be honest, I can never tell with my eyebrows. This is the one I made in black and this one is in black brown.
On camera, you can't really see the difference, so I guess you could go with either. But I actually think the black, in person, suits me a little more. But overall, it's definitely a usable brow pencil. Or sword. I want an eyebrow sword, a shield and a jousting staff, please. So next I'm going to try the eye primer. It's one of those things where I feel like I wouldn't necessarily want my eyelids to glow every day of my life, but it looks nice. Alright, now I'll move on to the skin products. Let's open this up and get into the bags.
Pack your bags, let's wake up your face. Well, that seems to be the right color. It's a little greasy, almost like Ben Nye's stage makeup. But I feel like the coverage is pretty good. I mean, the interesting thing is that it almost becomes more orange and spreads more the more I touch it with my finger. So over the course of the week, I feel like I'm going to use this one sparingly. Alright, then let's use another concealer. This is light ivory. Let's see what beige looks like. They look pretty similar to be honest. I think light ivory will probably be the best match.
This also feels a little greasy, but seems a little less pigmented. I feel like peach was like "I'M HERE." It's not the easiest, nor the easiest to blend, but it's definitely doable. Alright, that's concealer. So next I think we'll tackle the base, which I also have two of. Oh, I also already put primer on it. So don't worry. This one is creamy beige. and this is natural. I think the creamy beige is a little closer to the concealer color, so I think let's go with the creamy beige for now, but I feel like we can substitute both.
It smells a lot like Coppertone Sunscreen and looks like I'm going to opt to go through it pretty quickly. It looks good, actually on the face, but it looks quite watery. But for a dollar, I feel like we can definitely make it work. Alright, I think this will conclude my part of the base. I think I'm maybe a little orange compared to my double chin, but I think the concealer is skewing it that way and also the peachy concealer that kind of migrated across my face. Next I'm going to set everything with our pressed powder. I'm a little bright at the moment so I hope this helps me.
I mean, I'm not sure what to say exactly because it looks like a fine powder foundation, I'm just worried that it's a setting powder. Alright, let's do the outline next. My contour kit looks pretty legit. From the looks of it, I'll probably use this one on the bottom right. I'm just going to get something there. Suck like a fish and go to town. It's a little red. Maybe I should try this cooler toned color. Oh yeah, I think that one will be better. So we'll use the middle one for the rest of the week. Before I mix that in, I'll also add my shimmery sun shimmer bronzer.
Oh, that's kind of nice. Definitely brilliant. And then mix it with a little more of that pressed powder foundation. So we are left with eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. So I'm going to go in with my eyeliner. It looks a bit like the pen I was describing; It looks more like a stick than a brush. It almost feels rubbery. So it doesn't feel as sharp as the one I tried in Daiso's video. Okay, let me dive back in. Here we go. I would say that from my first impressions, it seems that if I put the product on my eye, it actually looks pretty good.
But if I try to draw with the tip, it's actually difficult to remove the product. It's actually much easier to get the product off the sides of the tip. So now that I'm done with my second eyeliner, I'm going to put on my mascara real quick. They say comb your hair to get longer eyelashes, but I don't really understand how you're supposed to comb your hair. But first I'll use the regular brush on my lashes. I think the mascara is actually pretty good. You know, it looks like I covered my eyelashes with something black, so that's always good.
Oh, that can't be right. That seems stupid-oh! Ooooh. *Tyler, off-screen* It looks like you're just moving your eyelid. *Safiya* Yes, that's how it feels. This seems to have caused a couple of my lashes to stick in the air, but I like mascara. Alright, the last thing we need to do is the lips. Well, it definitely looks like I'm going to need a couple of coats to give it a full, opaque lip color. But I like how it feels. Also, it seems like the anus coverage is pretty good. And that is always a priority for me. Alright, I think with the completion of the lipstick, this is our finished Shop Missa makeup look.
I will be


this makeup look all day and then for the rest of the week as well. So I'll check back in a couple of hours. Alright, I'm back. I've been sitting in the other room editing and I think I've hit some fat levels. I'm Sandra Dee. The biggest problem from the beginning was the gunpowder situation. Everything else seems fine, so I think the problem starts, and probably ends, with the fact that I tried to use that pressed powder foundation as a setting powder. I'm getting close to the time when I normally remove my makeup and I think I've re-powdered my face so many times that it looks like I only have one layer of powder on.
So after that first day, I decided to introduce a real setting powder just to give everything a chance. Well, I've been wearing makeup for a couple of hours now and I think it definitely works better with a little setting powder. and I think everything seems to have a bit more of a satiny look than straight wet. Over the course of the week, I almost completely eliminated color concealer and concealer from my routine. Only because they seemed to be quite oil-based and I didn't really like it staying on my skin. These adjustments definitely helped keep the oil lowercontrol and, later in the week, we tried it a little with some spicy curry sweats.
Well, we just finished dinner which was a little spicier than necessary. But I think overall my makeup is still creepy. I will say, however, that my nose runs. In addition to the liquid skin products, I had a couple of products that I really liked. This week's big winner was the eyebrow pencil. It's actually quite similar to the one I currently use, which is this one. I definitely go through the formula a little faster because it's gentler, but in application, they're pretty similar. And this one is like 20 times cheaper. So I am very satisfied with this. A couple more things I really liked included the eyeliner and lipstick.
In the case of eyeliner, once you apply it to your face, it doesn't really come off or fade. It almost becomes a little layer unto itself. The only thing I don't like is that you have to dip the tip into the liquid a few times to get enough for the entire wing, but once you put it in, it's fine. The lipstick was pretty good too. It dries down a little wrinkled, but it's quite comfortable and seems to be a good choice for a couple of my favorite lipsticks. In this lighting they don't appear to be perfect color copies, plus I really messed up that sample.
But they are in the same color family and I would say that this lipstick is decidedly not worse than those. You know, it only takes a couple of layers and I feel like I'm pretty good for most of the day. I see nothing. Smooth. Without stains. It's not bulletproof, it comes off a little when you eat, but you can put it back on. Just layer it and you'll be fine. So besides how the makeup looked, the other big test this week was how my skin would look. Most of my skin issues have occurred while I'm wearing makeup and how much oil I've been producing.
But in terms of outbreaks, I think we're doing pretty well. Maybe I have some kind of pimple here that's just forming like it's nothing, too bad or catastrophic. Overall I don't think I would recommend skincare products like concealer or foundation, that being said I've only tried one type of concealer and one type of foundation so if you could do a little more trial and error and maybe visit the site when things weren't as out of stock as when I bought things, you might be able to find something that works. I would say the contour kit, bronzer, and eyeshadow primer were in the middle.
Oh, and the mascara. Alright. I think it's mostly cute. Products I would definitely recommend are eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, and lipstick. All in all, I think I would shop at Shop Missa again. I probably won't go for any more face products, but I'm interested to see what other lipsticks they have. Because I saw some other colors on their website and this one was $1. And it had pretty good coverage of the anus. And that is priceless. Thank you all so much for watching, if you liked the video be sure to hit the like button. And if you want to see more videos like this, be sure to hit the subscribe button.
A big thanks to Amburly for watching. Thanks for watching Amburly and I'll see you next time.

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