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May 30, 2021
No. well super


that's awesome guys no wonder raccoons love to talk about raccoons so much yeah one of the reasons we decided to start


ing we were going to try to wait another week even though we thought it was al


Ok, we thought maybe we should wait another week and see if the kernels grow, which I don't think is necessary, but one of our neighbors let us know that they lost their entire



patch, every single stock, two raccoons. just a couple of nights ago, so that made me think, you know, I'm not going to put it off anymore, we're going to be busy


ing. because you don't know we're growing enough that it's not a one day process, it's going to be over the course of the next week that we're going to be able to pick all of this up and get it


for winter, so I've learned that lesson. in the past where you procrastinate, you think, oh, maybe I'll wait a little longer and then all of a sudden the raccoons get them, yeah, and that happened to us with peaches in one piece, last year we had our first peach on our tree that we planted our trees about four years ago and I had the first peach that we had that reached maturity and the gentleman and I looked at it and thought, you know what, we'll leave it one more day and I'll pick it tomorrow the morning, we went out the next morning, it was lying on the ground and like half of it had been eaten by a raccoon and we thought we should have brought it into the house and let it ripen. the counter we learned our lesson we learned our lesson we sure did from now on no more procrastinating look at this beautiful


you this is amazing so next week of our lives we will be picking, throwing and canning corn eating


I have been showing on Instagram all the tomatoes we've been harvesting and the girls and I have been canning so we're busy here on the farm but you know this is what it's all about for us and it's all the hard stuff.
we were completely shocked the watermelon and sweet corn are ready for harvest
The work is paying off and we can reap what we have sown. We are very blessed, we are very grateful, and we are very happy to be busy. We would love to hear from you, how are you? doing your gardens, are you starting to put in a lot of things for the winter? I know this is the time of year when you feel very overwhelmed, but in December and January, when you open those cans and think, Oh my God, this grew, it's a very rewarding feeling, guys, thank you so much for spending time with us. again today as we harvest and taste some of the first fruits of


and corn.
we were completely shocked the watermelon and sweet corn are ready for harvest

More Interesting Facts About,

we were completely shocked the watermelon and sweet corn are ready for harvest...

We hope you enjoyed it. Be sure to share our videos on everyone. your social networks because it is the best way you can help us and until next time thank you very much for stopping by our farm take care of yourself and God bless you God bless you
we were completely shocked the watermelon and sweet corn are ready for harvest

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