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Apr 22, 2024
Get out of here, brother, where is it? I don't see it anywhere to go right here oh it's here look I see it oh my gosh. I see it, oh where it's going, here, here, it's there, grab it, grab it, I'm not going to touch it, grab it, we see a turtle right now living in the flesh, it's a turtle, I don't know where it


. I'm afraid. Is it a snapping turtle? I'm coming I'm afraid he's gone right here here you see you're not going to grab him you're not going to grab him oh my God are you going to grab him or not I'll try, where is he?
we went to the craziest water park in the world
I don't see it going guys, these waves are getting crazier and crazier. I don't know what to do, we're looking for the turtle, we need help, we can't see it, DJ, will you? come help us come here friend come help don't tell me get it I don't see it you don't see it you have to go further out come take my hand I'm going to now come on man come on come on Come on you got it buddy my man swimming in the ocean for first time. You see, Janelle, I don't know where it


, guys, we lost, we lost the turtle, you feel it, yeah, where are the waves, oh oh, oh my God.
we went to the craziest water park in the world

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we went to the craziest water park in the world...

There's more waves coming DJ, be careful, oh my gosh, what's a good one, it's a good one, oh my gosh, I can't even imagine what it's going to be like here when, like hurricane season or something. I wouldn't recommend being here, man, because oh god. God tsunami or whatever is crazy oh my god D Kyrie you're having fun boy yeah you're having fun hey you wanna come out here and see the turtle I wanna see the turtle I wanna see the turtle Kyri that's it what do you say DJ a shark where a sharks there the sharks where where they in point them where they in is all them there the sharks yeah, let's go there man we have to get come on, get off of me, get off of me you want to keep the sharks, yeah why I like them you like them yeah come on DJ come on DJ no the sharks can't be here.
we went to the craziest water park in the world
Sharks will swim around here, but it's not, oh, we're standing, that's weird, so check this out, guys. it was like deep there but then we're here and it's like we can oh my god we can stand up right here this is crazy this is actually on come on DJ you're standing but yeah easy eh Oh, oh, they gave me good


. I didn't know anything right K, you okay, oh Kyrie, oh my hand, man, come on man, oh oh, the waves are getting too crazy out here, Kyrie, we might have to come from here, man, oh, oh Oh my God, oh my God, the wave is coming. like crazy, come on Kai, oh my god, do you want to come back Kyrie, I can walk here, you can walk now, it's okay, be careful, this


is going crazy, yeah, it's okay, but oh DJ DJ, I'm standing, Yeah. you stand up we stand up hey we stand up right here come here me we all fall down you okay freedom I literally have my hat in the ocean I hope he doesn't Whether he likes falling or nothing like that, damn it, we go crazy. yeah we can get up oh it's a hill right here weird yeah we can get up right here come on it's getting real out here guys tryna stay up with the waves though I don't know if you can do it or I can't .
we went to the craziest water park in the world
I don't know DJ Kyrie could do it, although Kyrie is struggling. I'm standing backwards. I don't know how long I can stay out here with this. These waves keep coming and continue. Oh my God, oh my God, the waves are another, me. I don't know how long I can keep doing this man, the waves keep coming and for some reason they don't stop. I haven't even gone out yet. I'm easy, yeah guys, I haven't gone out. The challenge continues right now. The last Le Bianca lost. Nova lost. She lost. You came in. Did you still lose or not. he took DJ away DJ you okay bro, did you lose yet?
You can see? Yes, I feel something sharp in my a I feel it too Kyrie, did you lose it? Oh, down there, I bet isep, that water just hit the mess. my back brother ah, I think that hurt my back What a DJ, be careful, DJ, I'm, I'm not trying to get out of these waves, DJ, they're trying to warn us who the wave is, yeah, he says back, I never knew the waves they could be this strong man now this is crazy oh are you okay d b are you okay bro come on this is crazy hey I guess we should do another challenge try not to fall try not to fall try to fall try not to fall Try not to fall, try not to fall, try not to fall, try not to fall, try not to fall, try not to fall, try not to fall, try not to fall? don't fall challenge some big waves coming around oh my gosh you gotta turn around yeah okay everyone gotta come here and line up you gotta turn oh that means no these waves turn every time tougher, I'm not.
Sure, I'm scared, that was easy, man, that was easy, that means I can't hold your hand anymore. Kim, that was easy, okay. Kim got to oh oh, are you okay, are you okay, did you step on something sharp where? What is that about your foot? Okay, you're okay, I think you're okay, it was something sharp, it was something sharp in the ocean, oh, I think the big thing was coming, I know the big thing was coming, oh my God, okay, okay. How are you? fall I'm about to give up guys I'm about to give up I don't know how long I can do this my back starting to hurt guys I might have to give up on the waves just keep coming the waves keep coming Kyrie , who's going to give up on you, are you going to give up or what, no, why not, come on, man, oh, oh, my God, oh, my God, my hat just got wet, my hat is literally dripping, oh, and this is air, oh well, I ruined it, oh well, that really.
It sucks DJ, did you fall yet? You're lying? No you fell, no you didn't fall, did you fall, don't lie, man? I saw them all fall. I saw them fall when I saw DJ fall, oh guys, I think we're going. too deep now Kyrie oh Kyrie did you see Kyrie fall or no yes you fell no oh Kyrie you fell yet no I think you fell guys I think Kyrie fell man they took him by the way did you fall yet? I saw you fall Kim why are you lying I li oh what is this my rock that's your rock okay all of you I think I'm starting to get a little sick now I think my stomach is starting to hurt I'm getting dizzy guys the waves making my I feel sick to my stomach right now the waves keep running against my stomach are they getting sick already or not?
No, Kyrie, why are you there? Kyrie, oh come here buddy, how did you get here? Hey, the waves, the waves? Don't know. how are you here, come on buddy, oh come on, come on Kyrie, I got you bro, come on. God, Kyrie is on, behind me, Kyrie, we can't see you, wait, wait, wait, wait, it's getting deep in here, oh God, I have a light jacket hey, I don't have a light jacket Carrie Carri Carri carries, carries , go, go, ah my god, come on, come on, DJ, come on, hey, it's getting dangerous now, it's getting dangerous now, come on, we gotta get out of here I don't know how we got here it's getting dangerous oh my and my nose I'm getting dangerous doing this challenge now finally the ocean the water is going crazy Kyrie you're okay I'm on your back you're going to save me thank you K this challenge is getting too dangerous DJ come here , okay Kyrie Kyrie, go to grandma, come on, go to grandma, hey M, get Kyrie this challenge, dangerous type of man, these waves are going crazy, go to grandma K, that gave me very scared, literally, I almost went underwater, and I can't really swim, are you okay?
Oh my gosh, there, so my S is like the pool. I know I dove in, it got in my eye, come on, come on. alright come on let's get out of here guys this challenge got dangerous come on come on guys you had fun out there you did it it was deep it was deep uh yeah I know DJ you had fun man , yes, who won the challenge, everyone, everyone won. 'cause we had to get out of there, huh, yeah, I'm glad you had fun, man, you wanna get back to the beach soon, yeah, okay bro, you had fun, girl, huh, you had fun, yeah, you did, huh , you had fun.
K Kai when I want to come back here, man, tomorrow, tomorrow, that's too soon, brother, we gotta calm down. Nova H, did you have fun today? Yeah, so do you want to come back or not? uh, do you want to come back here. No, no, why not?

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