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We went to Clarkson's Farm (ft ItalianBach & George Clarkey)

Jun 09, 2024
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this morning and they're making a lot of noise, we just sat down and batted, we just pressed a bunch of buttons, turn it down and made a lot of noise, okay, okay, we're influencers, we need quiet and the lot doesn't. He is not the only one who has already made a big mistake. By the way, I


to lunch with the largest possible bag of chips with cheese and onion flavors. Yeah, look, by the way, the front row seats, the coach is pretty empty. It's party time and look, he just arrived, surprise, he's vlogging, why did you make a landscape?
we went to clarkson s farm ft italianbach george clarkey
Because I'm vlogging for YouTube, you think people are watching me again, can't I be doing this all day? Just go, oh, that was a good time, then do it again, redo it, do it. Wait, say what you just said. I said Arthur looks really cute because he just came. I'm doing it for YouTube. He says oh no, what's wrong? Brothers, what did you think was funny? What the hell is going on? I hate this, thanks vog. That? I found it funny what George said George hit him there was one last one so they were laughing because there was four cheeses that's all George said four cheeses no less he said four cheeses Jeremy that's crazy no he told them 1 two three four I didn't say that he tells why you still feel like telling that joke again oh my god you've got to be kidding me right wait what were you saying about the water bottle?
we went to clarkson s farm ft italianbach george clarkey

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we went to clarkson s farm ft italianbach george clarkey...

I actually hate this, wait, you're filming me and I'm filming you. I do not do it. I want to be, you're just a script at this point, the next two hours, yeah, what's up? Youtube. Welcome to the first Arthur TV Vlog. Arthur Frederick Vlog. I'm G. Say that again. What's happening? Youtube. What do you mean? Wait. Welcome to arth frck's first vlog with me Italian and no don't stop everyone and my boy move from lockdown come on here it is today we're going to Amazon Prime Farm wait where are we going? Come on. Jeremy Clarkson's


we went to clarkson s farm ft italianbach george clarkey
Jeremy Clarkson. Farm, we're not afraid to be silly and eat on camera, it's the kind of thing you can expect on this channel and in these Vlogs, and tonight we'll be sleeping on piglets, yes, yes, we're into them, be sure. You see us there, what does that mean? It's time for the first game of the video. We are playing a bittersweet lot. You have to greet someone if they greet you back. You win. Go ahead, just go through the emergency exit. Who? you're greeting a lovely gentleman, no one, no one really wants to prepare for faure.
we went to clarkson s farm ft italianbach george clarkey
Can we try going to a more rural area? rural go to rural to eat sweets and salads PCH time is running well, the challenge counts down to hello stop saying hello to the people you are not looking at there is no one looking follow these two these two these two come back you have on your right to your right I give him the thumbs up he wants it I think he is dividing the G is busy angry brother is watching your movie please look at them, they are coming, why are you coming to meau a cheeks?
Go on, give them a little wave, they're looking up now like a birthday, please give them a wave, they're looking at us, no. I wonder if I hit my head. I was going to say neither nor return the greeting. The windows are darkened. You can't see anything. What do you mean? Hey, something funny for the vlogger and then bro it's not blood, but by choice, what the hell? Who's next? he's in my fight, I'm not going to be able to monetize this video now he ruined who makes a sandwich like that, that's sick, it's so embarrassing to smell your hands, he just


to take a little break.
Ironically, I saw them, was it the dry one and the guy next to me was saying I should P my hands and cheing cheesy don't worry, it's just cheese Where's my water P in George's ass? Oh, that goes on Patreon just you, you can't just FL my body for money, yeah. I can, yes, that's happening. Why are you holding the phone? You keep leaning it towards people. Hope he doesn't even look at me. Wait for them to say something. Don't scroll down we're not in a relationship yet not what I said was oh look at you no wait don't pretend this is the first time okay oh Jud mdonalds well yeah that's how you eat it gimme that, give me that.
I'm joking why are you explaining to me what the hell you're doing look look these are the works of this place he has been those that's you that's you adult that's you adult but he's laughing right now stop documentary about life yeah what is it ? pesto I looked at the menu what is pesto greetings T oh Farm Life to the farm life the cows mmm good Lord that is strong how good Lord that is strong guys good Lord smell that how strong that so we just arrived I thought I would give a little room tour i have never been in here it's called piget apparently very nice tv radio sofa bed it's a hotel room for sure what i'm supposed to point out go to the bathroom it's very cozy why?
You want me to take a fish, that interesting, nice, nice wet room, it's separate and a toilet, separate wet room, any wet room, it's great, this is the kind of thing where, if I were a chip, I would say: let's stay in the same room overall it's a perfect 9 out of 10 score clue so that's my house that's Bach's house and what is this we've noticed that there's a door between the two is this Bach's room George come out George let's go see your room if you want check out the Bach room tour check it out on social media what check it out on social media if you want to see the room oh I have to film it now we're in a little bike ride by the pond what a majestic day this is.
Even though I turned the corner back there and there was a guy riding with me, he got face to face with me, I hit the brakes and he went to eat, I like that, it's such a reaction strange, he said this time. George just asked me to film it, but can you blame him? Look, how do you build something like that as a man without going to Brazil? B. You have a small wet spot on the yes. That was from the box. no, it's not, it's Messi and Ronaldo, the two goats, although which one is the black one, look how adorable these guys are, hey, look at this in your vog.
I would have loved for someone to be having a little battle with my bike, I really don't know. What's going on here? What a beautiful animal. Alright. Q. I have to get home with that one. We just cycled to the bar and everything worked out. Oh, we forgot our bracelets. They give us free drinks all day long. Do they read to pigs? It's free access to see the pigs tomorrow BR bruh put a brush sound effect. I'm not even kidding right now. I don't know the code for this so I didn't block it and Bach or George have it and I have no idea what the code is and all my clothes are here, do you know why I called you here?
You have no clothes, one of you locked my suitcase, yes, yes, yes, I don't know the code. That's what I do and to win him over do you actually have to give George a rimming? I just do you really know? Please tell me you really know because I don't know. Oh, I was going crazy. This is the best. trip counter price up there that's so funny they freaked out guys hey thank god I thought they left it and it was like the default code that was in there was 0 if0 you guys are so dumb no I started on Triple 9.
I was working on what 9998 9997 no there's only three so it was 999 being here for hours just well guys panic be sure to subscribe for more dramas like that this is so cute how small and sweet date night. Mo is enjoying life every minute of this he's just a happy guy green line test who is Fe who is kicking and laughing whether I take my shoes off or not, you love taking the dogs out. I like to breathe, they don't smell, so you like to breathe. My dogs like it. to breathe this, by the way, it's the cute little setup just three kids on a couch having fun you're too old your thumb your thumb was one of the trio wait wrong what the hell is happening what the hell is happening exactly where is the vein my goodness, You can arrive without falling in love, what did you say?
I'm falling in love. I had a very nice dinner. I will never forget my first day in P. Believe me. Now I'm T-Rex, how do you manage? Come on, go blow your broken leg off on a bike a zombie I forgot you had a broken leg too George, what are you doing? I felt help. You can get up? I can't, that thing is ridiculous, stuck, sweet, CH's phone back by The way he's been doing this all day, the bottom of his phone flashes like crazy, even worse, although it's permanently white now that we're in his house and obviously you can't get the cameras out and this guy came out and he was.
Like there were no pictures, there were no pictures, he was like, I can't help it, he's just blinking in my face. I'm not taking selfies, what's up guys? So today we're reacting to the 10 most offensive moments from Family Guy. The family is doing well. It's exactly what it sounds like, oh my god, really, we picked up a traveler, yeah, yeah, you guys are like over there, I heard something in the woods and I was like, no, no, I'm sorry, I'm black, what does that mean? ? That means I'm actually a black, which I didn't take at any point, I didn't even do it, look, look at you, I'm telling you that lack of melanin makes you not go there, hey, turn around, oh, it has the wet ass.
Wait, a spooky ghost was heard. I'm not kidding, the lid was inside. I'm not kidding. I swear on both of our lives. I swear on the life of my entire family. There are no crossings that were open and I was thinking, oh they're going to get stale because this was inside, that's just Good Housekeeping, why are you mad at housekeeping? Yeah, they sealed your open food Willies, they walked in, they saw this and they thought H, I'm going to put this cap on their Pringles, they've G. I've thought I think their Pringles are going to go away.
I'm going to put the lid on it and before I leave, I'm going to close this curtain so that no one there has privacy. That's really weird, that's really weird and involved. wait what have we discovered they have been inside your house at the nearest curtain you know I'm not going to go they left your wellies outside someone has been here wait where are your Pringles this is worth more than we thought if there is anyone here I come on , you scared me and I'll see you tomorrow morning from 5 to 8, good night bat, see you in the morning with fresh orange juice.
There are two types of people on the farm this morning and they are making a lot of money. of noisy horses, so after our delicious breakfast of sausages and bacon I didn't eat pork, save it for later, I didn't eat anything when it's fresh, he'll be nibbling on his leg, Pat, we're here to feed them, not eat them. straight up, uh, we're off to feed the pigs, getting ready to go to the front seats again, ready for our friends on the side, where are the people from the store? So our mate what and George already have my hand in a little pig, oh my gosh. our timeline ends at I don't know what I'm laughing at if it's not EAS, just push it back, but I'm sorry look at this guy's foot, well that's it for today, I'll see you in another video that we've gotten to. diddly squat farm, what do we believe?
I didn't have a chance to think before you pulled that thing out. Sorry, I thought I'd get up. Wait if I'm David, dri, who are you? I'm Jeff, wit, I'm just waiting to get out. from here man, that means you're Trisha pus hey, I'm Trisha pus here, okay, that's a good investment, look at the size of the oh wait, AR people are going to, can you put your head next to one, for Of course, can people see? I said. Actually, you have pretty big heads, so they look normal size. Do they look big? Actually, you're not very likely to put that bottle down.
Okay, don't give me time please, I'll have to load. Do that to me. I've always loved pigs and thought it would be fun to have them and then they just died in alarming numbers and it was very heartbreaking. I had never seen Lisa cry even once until everything started to unfold, it did. It was just terrible, we finally got to the pigsty, let's see this, oh it's a little pig, I don't want brothers and sisters. WrestleMania has no different references there. WrestleMania in one, you have it. the shisha thing, right, shisha shisha, different worlds, different world, what do you mean by that?
I could get out, so what can you tell us about these pigs? P, as insightful as ever, I respond to you in the studio. I have a bowl of frozen cow juice. whatever, that's hell, yeah, you're not even a main character in this Vlog. I barely show up, oh my God, it's the end and I've had about three appearances in my that goat stood like Ronaldo about to take a free kick, that's why Ronaldo is the real goat, the giri of all time, okay, we're on coach, we've had the time of our lives and make sure to subscribe so you can watch the next Arthur Frederick Vlog, bye.

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