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We Tried CRAZY Old School Bodybuilding Equipment

May 30, 2021
What have we gotten ourselves into now? Fitness has been around for a long time and if there's one thing that hasn't changed, it's that people are still looking for shortcuts to burn fat and gain muscle quickly. Well, today we will continue. about some of the strangest vintage fitness


and see if any of it really works, wish us luck introducing a rocking way to get fit, it's the exerciser who spins and tones, grabs a cold beer, spins all night and melts that body fat that is exercising. With a twist, we have the twist and tone exercisers.
we tried crazy old school bodybuilding equipment
Wow, look at this, it looks like high quality sturdy plastic. I love the color and we have this weird circle with a goal. I'm not really sure what the place you put it is probably. Your feet get twisted and toned Take the work out of getting in shape and add fun Let you twist your way to a happier cut with stimulating exercises that are quick, easy and fun to do So I guess let's get the floor on, I'm going to Step on it, you're turning from side to side, right, how do I look?, yeah, yeah, oh man, I'm feeling it, it's only a couple of minutes and I'm done with my entire workout, yeah, okay, oh.
we tried crazy old school bodybuilding equipment

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we tried crazy old school bodybuilding equipment...

Yes, we should have measured my weights before doing this. Oh yes, you already look thinner. I don't feel turned on unless you say I don't think this will work that well. How about you try it so you know it's probably the transversus abdominis? Working a little bit, you feel a little bit the further you go, so I have to try so hard, but you know, obviously, there's no real resistance, you're just doing twists in your body and I have to say you'll probably use this for a couple of minutes. one day it probably won't do what they advertise uh it's easy yeah and it's fun what do you think you play the music?
we tried crazy old school bodybuilding equipment
So if you want to become a better tornado and participate in a dance competition, damn, you should buy one. of these because your turns will be precise, so overall we think it's fun, but you know, introducing a belly belt for waist watchers, it blows up in seconds, inflating the belt helps you deflate fat. It's stainless, it's fun, it's a belly belt, so what do we have? Next on the list, honey, is the belly belt. I'm already liking what I'm hearing, it smells refined, um, put it on honey, so we've got it good, it's actually kind of him, in case you're not partnered with someone. to blow, you can always blow on yourself if you don't mind, I'm about to explode right now, so dig in, you're going to blow yourself again, okay, I'm a little disappointed, oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's growing, okay . it's hard to control the camera yes you can do it hello, what can we say that we haven't already said?
we tried crazy old school bodybuilding equipment
I think the most important exercise you can do is blowing, it's true, it's true, it's a long workout and you can get this amazing. people at the gym out of your way so you can be passive-aggressive when they use weights or something, get out of here, raise your elbows, oh yeah, there we go, that's what it's called, yeah, I'm not. I'm not really enjoying it, so abdominal belt, it won't be a flex on my part to introduce you to the gym that fits in your pocket. Become an athlete in your own home. Build those 20 inch arms, that 55 inch chest and watch yourself grow easily. 230 pounds of pure pocket gym muscle is the instant gym the fun fitness exerciser instant gym now I don't know about you Brandon but that's a pretty small box for a gym in there I don't know maybe I shrunk the gym or something like that, I'm actually really scared because I'm thinking we're going to open this up and it's just going to turn into a full gym and that would be really nice, yeah, if they did that, then I'd be impressed, okay, here we go, done, here it goes.
I was a little disappointed when I saw this. How much that is not enough. Yes, and do a good job. It's almost like a child's game where you want to keep the tension going. or is it muscle contraction not much gym total i would say probably a little bit of false advertising i would say just a little bit this is the kind of thing where in the past you would look at a comic book and look at this jerry philbin then you would say I want to look like him and then you get this, you wait for that special day, you would run out to the post office and find this and cry as you present the miraculous body that is left.
It's soft, it's strange, it's a far cry from the miracle body lift, what do you think? Yeah, maybe you should try it. Actually, which direction is it going? Oh yeah, there's junk in your butt that could work, I guess in normal daily activity, the upper muscles. thigh and buttock ones are in use i feel like it works on the inner thighs i like that here we go she just got it this is how you do it introducing a machine with over 100 sensual positions yes torso trimmer shaper trimmer It is the coolest way to build a free and loving body.
Would you like it? The torso trimmer. I mean, the picture says it all. As long as I look like this guy, I'll be happy. Just wondering if the shorts come with it. the little underwear that's what I was actually expecting let's see what's in this thing you were a little disappointed the first the first reaction is to look it looks a little cheap I would say that's the theme of this episode is the disappointment it seems a little like I tied my boat to a dock with this thing, yeah, but a very small boat might not hold 220 pounds, probably not, we could try it, though yeah, let's do it, I'm getting a little bit.
I'm nervous right now, so am I if it breaks, okay, so damn, torso trimmer, can a hobbyist guy not work out I wonder? It says torso trimmer, but it basically shows the entire body working, it's not just the torso, so I think the name alone explains that they didn't really think ahead of time about what they wanted this particular exercise gadget to do or will overcome They scammed us. They scammed us big time. Yeah, one wonders how many people actually bought this. I used it or at least


to use it and uh, but I guarantee you they probably didn't get much results from sticking the die blaster in to tone those thighs and firm those butt cheeks.
It's a party between your legs. In fact, I remember when they were still selling them. I was a child like the catalogs in Poland, but maybe because Pauline is like 20 years late, maybe that's why it shows that it's like the abduction machine, yes, but you can't change the resistance, introducing a new and shocking one way to relax, it is a nice way to relax after a long day, you will have thousands of happy currents of electricity pulsing through your body, it will eliminate that stress and possibly your consciousness. Now let's see it in action. Not suitable for use in humans.
Safety is not guaranteed so we save the best for last I'm a little worried about this I feel like there could be a total gym in this I don't feel relaxed when I look at this let's look at these points through which you can shoot electrical currents to make You just relax and feel good the more you talk the more I get scared well yeah I mean and another thing you haven't really smelled this the way I'm feeling it well it smells like cigarette crotch and old man yeah. I think it's time we try this no I'm just kidding that's not all here we go we'll just do that, I hear noises and that little box contracting it really works it's definitely contracting them and it hurts a little too. because I was actually surprised, yeah, I can't really turn it off because there's a definite muscle contract here, you see you see this trap working, there you go, yeah, so the meter relaxa we have to give one of these products a shine. review I don't know exactly if I would call it brilliant but I would call it shocking very shocking shocking it still works after all these years I think so I don't think so and it smells like cigarettes and ass yeah and I just put it on my bare skin without wiping it off you should probably take a shower I'm glad I didn't have to do that that involves all the


old exercise


it's actually interesting to see all those things that I've never heard of before and just seeing them and trying them out is good, it's a good history lesson .
I had fun trying them. Yes, they don't work, but it was fun to relive some of what the past had to offer. New views. New smells. smells that you will never want to smell again no, what do you think, mikaela? I thought it was funny because I've never seen any of this before, well now you have, yeah, and now you wish you hadn't, unfortunately, so let us know if you want us to try some more weird and


fitness equipment and until next time .

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