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We Saw Jesus | Alaska Grizzly Bear, Caribou, and Wolverine Hunting Adventure

May 14, 2024
just look at those Wild Bill mountains, that's God looking us right in the face, here they come. He wanted to give her an experience that was unambiguous. This is going to be good, yes, it's me. She doesn't know who's calling her, yeah, can you? Listen to me shut up that wasn't funny are you ready Barry oh yeah I'm ready we're in a good place here to move if he moves so there's a


up here in the snow all these rocks are covered in ice and they move with a purpose. However, they're coming in like pigs to let themselves fall back now one looking at it, take it, hit it Barry it didn't work as planned but it worked anyway it was worth it it's already started no, this is living, it's calling this Our Last Supper a movie of


s in front of you develop and you don't know the ending we had to make a clue.
we saw jesus alaska grizzly bear caribou and wolverine hunting adventure
I'm ready to get out of here. I was going to get home. Oh, shoot. And I told this to Kurt. I told him Kurt changed all of our lives today. I need in my life this movie this hunt took place in 2014. It's hard to believe it's been that long, but I was excited to release this movie, we recently produced it in 2023, but I'm excited to release it since then. It happened and although I am excited to release the film, I am sorry with a heavy heart, these are not the circumstances under which I imagine we would release it.
we saw jesus alaska grizzly bear caribou and wolverine hunting adventure

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we saw jesus alaska grizzly bear caribou and wolverine hunting adventure...

Our plan was to put this movie on YouTube when we reached 100,000 subscribers, but it was only 5 days ago. The family of Isaac and Renee Bingfield, who you will meet in this film, experienced a tragedy in their family where they lost their home. Everyone was safe, but it was a total loss. They live off the grid and this farm has been in their family for three generations. It was totally crushed and the betting camp family has been a great blessing to me more than any pastor, maybe, and anyone else. Isaac and Kurt in the betting field are responsible for leading me to the Lord, perhaps more than anyone else in my entire life, not by giving me scriptures or doing anything for me or telling me anything other than that I have known them for over 20 years and I see how they live and that's exactly what you're going to see in this movie and I feel like it's written here in the The roof of my Guide Shack is uh Proverbs 3:27 do not withhold good from those to whom it is due when it is in your power to act. , the betting fields are perhaps they are definitely largely responsible for what my content is and therefore if you have ever felt compelled to support me in any way.
we saw jesus alaska grizzly bear caribou and wolverine hunting adventure
I'd rather you support Isaac and Renee in the betting field. I don't know anyone who is more trustworthy and obedient to any support you feel obligated to offer them and in this description of it. movie you will find a website called The Dwelling Place and there will be a link for which you can donate through Pat Donaldson is his name, he is a web guru, he lives in Alaska, we are mutual friends in the betting fields, for I will use their platform if you wish to support him electronically and I will also have Isaac's personal PO box that you could send a check to if you wish.
we saw jesus alaska grizzly bear caribou and wolverine hunting adventure
And as you watch this movie, you will see the heart and the character of Isaac Bingfield that changed my life that day and changed the lives of everyone on this hunt and that's what this movie is about and I want to thank you for your support, thank you for commenting on this movie . uh for subscribing to this channel and if you're not in a position to offer financial support just for watching this movie, you're supporting them because I feel led to do so, it's the least I can do with all the advertising revenue. generated from this film during the first year, we have it on YouTube.
I am going to donate it to the betting camp family, apart from the day I was born again, August 17, 2011, when I was in the Brooks range, this day ranks second among the most critical and transformative days in my life you will see it at the end of this movie you watch this movie you will see it you will know it when you see it it changed my life forever so I hope you enjoy this movie I hope you enjoy seeing how powerful and life-changing the Alaskan wilderness is and how harsh it can be and I also hope to believe that the body of Christ will move in the life of the betting field.
I believe the Lord is going to use this tragedy. I have complete confidence. I don't believe it as I know it. I know that the Lord is going to work in your lives in ways you have never seen before and never imagined because that is what God does that is who he is, he works all things for the good of those who love him and are called. according to your purpose and I can't think of a better initiative, a better ministry opportunity than to support the betting camp family in their time of need and I just want to personally thank each and every one of you for your support and it is very humiliating to have the opportunity to help a family like the betting field, so no more blabbering from me, enjoy this movie, just look at those mountains Wild Bill, that's God looking us right in the face if the betting field of Kurt would not have walked into my life and said those words to me almost 20 years ago as we were flying towards Brooks Range, I honestly don't know where I would have known today by his actions, his words, his words, his character, his humility, that he was a man worth paying attention to, and I guarantee I've repeated those words in my mind 10,000 times throughout my years in the Alaskan wilderness.
Just look. those mountains that's God looking me right in the face and that's exactly what we all saw on this hunt we saw Jesus looking us right in the face it seems like he has a very wide Landing GE I love


in Alaska because it takes me to a place where I can enjoy of Solitude. I like Soledad because I can go there. Not just to see things, not just to witness Alaska. It is the peace, the serenity that you get away from all the artificial noise that the mountains make and I think that the mountains are what gives you that look because we are not used to seeing them.
I mean, we're not used to being in the middle of mountains like that around here, but the view can't be beat. The important thing is how far away you are. you have to go to get from point A to point B is what you don't think is that far what you think is 15 minutes is an hour it felt like you were flying at the beginning of Jurassic Park almost every time you are flying through the valleys and all it really reminded me of was that it was inspiring to walk through there and see the stream and you can look down the stream and see the fish in the stream and everything and the water runs and there's There's snow over here and there's no snow over here. here.
You can see a




running around. It was really great. It was really great. Flying all my motivation to take the kids there was what I thought a lot about. I wanted to give them an experience that was unequivocal and the next time I pray about it I am going to be very careful what I pray because this was much more than unequivocal, my sons were grown men but they had never experienced anything like this. Alaska and I knew about it because I had been there many times in the Southeast and I thought this is something that would really give them something in the first part of their lives that they will never forget.
We probably had a half hour flight and we probably had 15 more minutes left, if maybe a little more, and we had seen maybe two or three camps along the way and you really start to feel isolated every time it says there's one last camp we'll see. and we have approximately half left. There's an hour left to get there, uh, on a plane, in half an hour, it's a long way and you think you know there's nothing else here except us and the animals, oh, I was a little, I was also a little apprehensive because of some about your past experiences and some of the things that you guys have been through, but I was more excited than anything else, I mean, I was pretty comfortable with it, my wife was a little more apprehensive than I was. but he was ready to go and the boy did well, he did very well, oh fresh kibou poop, good sign, oh there goes our spoilsport, there's a


right there.
I haven't seen many caribou this year so I see one is encouraging, it has never been to this camp. Before it was always nice to see a new country and that is just what we are going to do. We have a beautiful little campground. Some water. View the property already selected. BR said it is good water. He said that he always gets water whenever he lands here. It's like a small and beautiful. The place is going to set up the tent before it rains. It's been raining most of the night and all morning it's almost noon and it's just starting to clear up.
It's quite nice to see a little blue sky above burying its children. Brian and Todd should be seen in a couple of hours. some, well there's a couple of caribou right there, I saw some this morning when I got up for breakfast, it was raining pretty hard, but few caribou roam around, not many, but anyway we're only looking for three, three caribou and three Grizzly


s are what we are looking for. You're just trying to keep a very low profile while we're here. You never want a passing caribou to have a snot because then others passing by will leave a scent behind or somehow a lot of times the other caribou following you will know.
As long as you can keep the ones you see nice and calm, usually the others that come will stay nice and calm and many times follow exactly the same trail as everyone else, which is why we only see a few sporadic ones here and there like we did. last night maybe we saw 20 30 Caribou pass by turning out to be a nice midday day the rain just stopped having a little snow in the High Country The sky is lifting a little blue sky was right on the deck when I woke up This morning a few How many caribou on the hill wandering around the camp.
Nice day. It seems so, it was very cold. Last night we went to bed. It would have been a very hard freeze if these clouds hadn't moved, but as it is, it looks the part. You should get in today and get this


going, yes the fall colors are just beautiful right now, that's my favorite time of year here in the Arctic, late August and early September, it usually starts snowing, you'll get a good amount of snow, you can get it at any time. It's August, for that matter, but the caribou start polishing their antlers, the moose start moving, kind of an amazing time of year to be here, they come cutting down some bushes, yeah, where's that?
Yes, he's eating hiss, he's getting into it somewhere, right? The guys had a bit of a crosswind, a difficult angle to understand when you first land and get out of the plane and look, you think everything is a lot closer than it is, for example, when we were sitting there the first day and the caribou passed by and some of those caribou were 3,400 yards away and they didn't seem that far away, they seemed to be a lot closer than that, well, you made her do that every day, all day long, yeah, yeah, this is A Pretty cool little valley and the colors are just Primo after it rained all night last night before the sun came up.
Luckily I took a photo about 5 seconds after the sun came up, but before they were ready for the prop wash there. This will be buried on my fourth and fourth Alaska hunts together so I'm looking forward to it, he's a great guy, he's got his guys with him, Brian on the left and Todd. I know you've been looking forward to this hunt for a long time. And I also have that big smile. This is going to be a good driver and crew chief, Isaac Bingfield. Whatever we can, is fine. I think he will live to fly another day here.
That's ok. Well, we'll see you later, Isaac. Thank you. What are you saying? This is like everything. This is not a tent. What are you doing? Put up a tent like this. It's a skyscraper. Barry. I can stand there. We only put out that store for very important clients like Brian and Todd. Yes, when you are there. Here I throw them in a small sardine can like the one I have there and no, that's a little smaller than normal. I want to stay in this one, no, no, all set, it may not make a poop, but it will get it out. his own t and the train is just B yes L The mark of a good guide is being able to cook complete meals without using dishes Barry, you mean a grace, yes, our dear heavenly father, come before you, Lord, thank you, I couple.
I guess in this giveaway you call them medium sized bowls, you'll have to rain them back. I think it turns out that there are four bowls in this Valley, all about the same size, not exactly what we're looking for for the first day, anyway, of course, they were pretty. Close just saw a Grizzly. The whole hunt started with Brian and I had to choose who was going to shoot first. Brian chose Caribou first and said he could shoot a bear first. It probably wasn't half an hour after we did it. decision Dad approaches the telescope and says look, I'm going to look here and there will be a bear and he looked there and, sure enough, a bear is coming, it's 10, the first day of


he saw a Few Caribou Barry saw this


bear working in the creek right now.
The thermals seem to be changing, so we'll cross the Canyon once we get to the valley floor, see what the wind is doing, and figure out our approach from there. spinning above us the current has been going down now that we are at the bottom of the CRP, it is going up acorners of your Dynam DC. Unique presentations that a master storyteller Billy presents at corporate events, schools, universities, conservation organizations. Dinners with wild games. Christian Outreach and much more. Like Alaskan Wilderness, no one leaves Billy Mol's presentation the same person who enters, logs in, or calls for more information.

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