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We met our sister for the first time...

May 30, 2021
Hey what's up? Are you OK? So what are we going to do today? Wow, this is PJ Styles three three three turning it into a woman where the right is, we are becoming there is a woman I have my makeup here I have my eyelashes We have breasts hips buttoned in the process of making bread, we have clothes here, leggings and a wig complete, okay, you know, and about to give them a


, are you ready, no, today's video we will turn you into a beautiful beautiful lady, I'm not ready for this today, so how exactly do we do it?
we met our sister for the first time
So this will be better than your facial station. We will prepare for the 5 o'clock shadow. Get rid of your masculine traits and give you those feminine traits. Take out those patient bones. We do it like this. you've got some work done look how many people we can attract two people like this do this oh yeah I mean well technically speaking let's be honest the worst kind of capes is when you're a drag queen performing with pride yeah so This is good. I'm a little nervous because this may be one of the craziest transformations I've ever done and I'm honestly doing it to prank my siblings and my parents and possibly you guys so I want to see if they really think it's you or not.
we met our sister for the first time

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we met our sister for the first time...

I'm dressing you to the point that they won't notice, well I guess we should start before anyone wakes up, so okay, oh man, that's cold, so what are we doing right now? I'm here spraying your eyebrows so the good day is in place and I'm about to fill oh man it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, so I know right now, like you know, just as I am, I'm probably like a 5 or 6, you know, more or less, just like you. "You're trying to make me like a 9 or a 10 or everything totally. I want you to walk among women and your hat loves life and they'll just say, 'Who are they coming to?' and I'm going to come in and bring those cheeks out and this could be the craziest thing I've ever done in my life guys make sure you like it right now oh my god hey I gotta go look again look at your teeth yeah oh my god bro I look like a girl I know the point of this was probably a girl yeah maybe we still need to work on you oh my god right now you still walking around like a guy this is what I mean I know we make videos for YouTube? , but this is crazy, come on, come on.
we met our sister for the first time
Here, come on, Ariela, come on girl, come on girl, I have a FaceTime with some friends, so as you guys remember from the last video, when I had the allergic reaction, I FaceTime , my boy, and I'm sure everyone loved his answer, so let's go ahead and call him again and see his reaction, don't be mad because you're attracted to your friend, let's be brothers because I'm a girl, I knew Which today is crazy, right? I say yes, with class. Never broken as you know, nice sexy girl, thank you bro, okay, yes, yes, very high. My parents rarely just come home.
we met our sister for the first time
You can see it driving right now. Yes, they literally only visit you a couple of


s a week. Yes. I know the hallways early. in the morning it was that for about yes, so go ahead and get my parents' reaction right now my mom I see my mom no, yeah, she has the goat. I'm the impeccable show, yes, I need to see the war. you're the goat the goat doesn't even know it's me because she's not headbutting me right yeah mom can you help me? I think he knows it's me, still daddy's coming in, no, no way to sleep, hello monster, I need your help, okay, obviously, start. at their house the twin, okay, I say let's play a prank on them by making them think they have a


, they didn't even know what I should do mom, I just want you to know, hide and just make an appearance, okay? maybe go behind a corner and just walk around and see what she does.
I thought a lady was coming. Hey, I can't talk like a girl like me and then the baby went right at her and I thought why him in it? Good job, do you think it's real? Yes, he heard my voice. Did your heart drop? Yes, who saw well the whole month of the door and didn't go. Go get it, go get it, go get it, Sarah girl, what are you doing? You know it's you. I know my pigeon is over, right, oh damn mom, your mom is here, that's my grandmother, you say no, let's go outside, please, I'm just not going to say anything because I think my voice gives it away, thank you, it's okay , that's what you can call.
Cyrus right now and tell him to cover the main house there, yeah, just wait to tell him like that or you can call, it's ringing, it's ringing, okay Cyrus, you have to come to the main house, we have something really important to tell you, yeah , come here, right? away, please, okay, everything is great, come, come here, I would like to talk to you about something important, can you come up right now? Yeah, come on, because I have to go to work, Steve, sure, maybe you can go wake up Lucas and Marcus. Hide, okay, oh, and then I'll try to listen when they say they want to meet up or they can come find me, yeah, and walk me to you guys, okay, yeah, so you guys will stay away and then leave us. what do we do oh my god, sighs, oh my god, I'm sorry, wait, we would, oh my god, the big bad, well that's a surprise, we'll tell you we have someone we want to kill. you know, no, yeah, so Lucas and Marcus are still sleeping, we have to wake them up and basically mom and my daughter told me I want to tell you later, hide, they know what they're good, oh, this is, yes, you have features, there is no way to look. that's how we should do it I think we're a little loud right now, let's all sit down, it's a serious meeting, yeah, and then unless you give up, mera, mera, Christina, let's see your license is up, so you have heels on top of us.
No, show me your walker, I'm sorry, I'm not a real girl, maybe we should have a competition on who could be the best girl, oh God, that's great, you're awake, what do you have? You have to pray with you, some bookmarks, have a family. meeting now okay and then Olson Dory comes in, come in, okay babies, wake up Lucas Marcus mom is here, your dad is here I think they want to have a chat with Family Talk I don't know what it is in the morning, you know, they said they would like to meet you guys from the litter, yeah, video, okay, it's a good topic, a bad topic, what is this?
It's a good talk, but have you ever seen it, yeah, okay, so I've been keeping a secret from you for a long


and we decided today was the best time. to tell you the truth and you have a sister you have a sister when Dan and I were very young like teenagers and we had a dollar and unfortunately we are not responsible enough to not be able to take care of her, well, yeah, I couldn't take responsibility like if she would have been living abroad and her grandmother would have been raising her and she is actually here today and she is very excited to meet them.
Make sure that when you meet her you are nice to her because she has been through a lot. and make sure you are very nice to her because she is a very nice girl and show your love, she already made you like her, that has to surprise abroad. Speak English? I love you guys, I just want to let you know that she is a little shy. and she doesn't speak much english so you just have to be patient with her and understand her and don't embarrass her because like i said she's shy and she just came to this country and she's embracing the culture and she's patient and showing. you love, that's all


, can you, she's fine, sister, are you ready to meet her?
Yes, I want to meet her. Oh, her name is Olympia, so let me go find her. It's strange that they talk about it for so long. Well, sometimes. We are not telling it because you have to be emotionally prepared, we are not ready to tell you guys, but now that you have grown up as a man, you have your own life without diseases. It's time to let them know why she said she, why she wears she? to hide yes, when she was in Europe she had good food there, the food is organic and can help you rise yes, this is Cyrus yes, why don't you get the height?
She's like a basketball player. Hey, this is Christina, your sister. -law, let's meet you, it's my wife, like I told you guys, she's shy, make her feel good, make her feel comfortable, you want to sit down, sit down and let me know, you want it, okay, so how do we Do you like the United States? So far, yeah, you don't see it right, so give it a little time to adjust? Yeah, the things you guys are going to back up would make it awkward, although I get that we'd like to know which one is the older brother and Lucas and Marcus are 20 and then Darius, where's that?
He now he's 23. She just called Dory like it was big news. Yes, I'm going to call him, but she's going to get something to eat. I don't worry, my daughter, I will call you. Yo, dari, you have to come home right now, bro, no, buddy, mom and dad are here, it's important, just come to me. It seems that Dora's tone is identical, she is fine, so we have to introduce her to Dari and then to you, Misha. Stay calm, don't surprise him because I mean, when he comes in, you see he seems to be sitting here and there's no Lucas sitting here.
The situation and you guys have been very supportive and everything, so my mom's mom, Lily, has been away this whole time. While we were filming, she has no idea, so can you total where you can get emotional? I just said that relative sit down, he said stay very Maya, maybe you should come in from the corner, don't let her see you sitting here because then she can tell by this he has a little alsalam and then she just can't be prepared to I'm Maya, she said she didn't know carefully what it is, she said she didn't know carefully, she wasn't sure who was right, this was a crazy adventure, thank you all so much for seeing Darrius, anything else you want to tell them, yeah if you enjoyed the video make sure to like it we post every friday and saturday be sure to subscribe to lucas. and Marcus, don't forget your baby brother, you have a little brother you don't forget, please tell your friends about us.
Thank you very much for your love and care. The video will get even crazier. Peace. I love it.

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