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We make Miriam Margolyes' favourite ever dessert! | Dish Podcast | Waitrose

Jun 25, 2024
one. I love it so much. After dinner I said, can I go to the kitchens and congratulate you? Yes, she said, oh yes, I think I'll be delighted, so I did. I was. I returned to Singh's kitchen. Yes, because you know he brings his own chefs with him. Yes, travel. Yes. What do you mean when he goes? he rents, he rented the castle, Singham rented it, although it is his mother's, yes, it was his mother's, but when he takes over, he brings


ything, all the


es, the servants and


ything, oh wow, they are not her things, they are hers, they are hers, what does she do? like because you cooked for royalty, right?
we make miriam margolyes favourite ever dessert dish podcast waitrose
I have cooked for Queen Camilla many times, oh, isn't she spectacular? She is one of the most charming people, yes, she loves dogs, she loves people and is always conscious. of you don't know, you don't know, I don't think she's talking to the most important person in the room. I have seen her in a room, she talks to everyone and yes, she likes simple but well-made food and, as you say, organic, they like it. It's fresh, you know, they don't want it too fussy, no, she's fantastic, I think they're smashing, I really like them, I love the word smash, smash, well, it's a bit old-fashioned, I like it, yeah, what's left for you? ?, We have not made it. desert too Miriam oh, yes, well, you never know, you do, sometimes you know well.
we make miriam margolyes favourite ever dessert dish podcast waitrose

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we make miriam margolyes favourite ever dessert dish podcast waitrose...

I'm very glad you understood it. What is it? Let me know. uh tatan t tatan t tatan that's my absolute favorite, let's hope it comes out crossed it looks good yes exactly you've been cooking for so many years you know how I've cooked it yes I've cooked it over the years yes and you like it I love it because I don't I don't have a sweet tooth, but I like CU I like the dough, the texture, that text exactly, let's talk about sweet things while Angela prepares


, do you have a sweet tooth? Miriam, would you like a


we make miriam margolyes favourite ever dessert dish podcast waitrose
I, yeah, um, no. I'm still diabetic mhm not yet, not yet good, it could be this dessert, well it probably would be, but I love fudge, oh fudge, I like Cadbury's chocolate, yes, but I will never eat a Hershey's bar Oh no, have you? I took a bite of Hershey's. I had a seizure of revulsion and I spat it out and I've never dealt with it since Cabri is the one, but you were the Cabri bunny that I was. I love you, C's bunny and look at that, look at this, that's an achievement. that's fantastic and it's also very rare that Angela


s a dessert she doesn't love a dessert even at home you don't


a dessert much you prefer a little cheese yes well I like it but that you like a tatan or I like a vanilla cake , also tell us about tatan cake, so it's sugar and butter in a thick bottom mold, you peel the apples and place them on top of the sugar and butter at the bottom of the mold, you caramelize them and then the puff pastry. on the top of the oven for about 40 minutes that sounds simple it's not simple it's not simple because I made two because I know sometimes it happens that a little bit caramelizes a little bit more so there's one behind it that's a little bit too much dark, while this one cannot be anything. too dark, well, you can take it home, Mar, you're fine, you don't.
we make miriam margolyes favourite ever dessert dish podcast waitrose
You ice love, you don't. So how do you not mess this up? How do you do this? It's practical. It is very difficult to do it. It really is. Oh wow. It looks like that Del, it's also very hot, which I love, so you have to be careful not to scold your mou. I'm going to give Nick and me half each. I'm going to give half to you, you can help, it's too much for you, no. of course it's not Miry and I are looking at this cake like when you're about to feed the dogs we're both kind of zoned in on the action of cutting the cake, it's a pleasure to have, wow, this is wonderful, oh my goodness, well .
And this is a gift, to be fair, I did. We have it on the menu at one of the restaurants, so I called him yesterday and told him to do all the prep for me. I'll stop by at 6:30 to pick up everything. upstairs they said like she's coming and then I said sure and then you actually have restaurants yeah yeah where are they in London? You have to come, we will give you a whole tatan Miriam, I won't come for anything. payment but I want to know where it is yes we have one in Mayfir Morano and then we have three cafes around London Buray Covent Garden and St James how wonderful yes do you ever go there?
Yes, I was there last night picking up lift your tatan, do you have a favorite restaurant? Miriam well it used to be brasser zel mhm oh yeah because I like the two guys that had it oh Chris and Jerem Chris and Jeremy, but you know Jeremy is about to open another place in the old Caprice site. Oh, I'm excited and he can't take the name Caprice, but I think he'll have it because it's Arlington Street, so I think he'll call it Arlington, so you'll have to keep an eye out for Jeremy to open. because it was a proper restaurant, yes, why was Capri so famous and so adored?
What was it? I think it was so iconic because in the '60s and '70s everyone went there, didn't you know? Princess Diana went there. Mick Jagger went there. Brian Ferry. I know it was just the place where they saw you more than the ivy. I think you know that the ivy was more of a theater. People went there. He's in front of the ambassadors and that's right, Miriam. I have to ask these questions to the followers who were excited for you. Come on, Chris I would like to know the best way to be myself.
I'm dumb and silly, but I'm still taken seriously at work. What is the best way to be myself? Yes, either, live the minute, live the moment. mhm just listen to your heart listen to your F you know just be yourself be yourself just be yourself Chris don't worry 'cause I'm being myself right? Yes, very much, I mean, you feel relaxed with me, don't you? How should I? Hazel would like to know the best food to enjoy with a lover. Oo, what do you think is the best food to enjoy with a lover? Vaseline. I don't take toast, yes, yes.
I don't know what you want with a lover. They both enjoy what you enjoy, Hazel, yes, people are fun, aren't they? When they ask questions, people don't ask you or they come and tell you a lot about their sex life or they tell you random things that you would never tell anyone else. They do it and I'm flattered although, as I said in my book, they rarely excite me. Yes, someone called the Soledad Society would like to know. Miriam, you are so authentically yourself. How did that happen? Or were you born like this? Have you always done it? confidence in being who you are like when you were younger or it is something that you have become.
I have never had complete confidence. I've always felt like people like me because I know I'm a good person. I don't want to hurt or confuse anyone, I just want to relax people, but sometimes I like to surprise them, so I say things that are a little naughty, yeah, because then you see people's reactions and you're getting closer. a little bit for them, yes, we have reached the end of the program question, are you ready for your final question? Okay, I'm really enjoying this. Okay, question from the end of the show for you. Miriam is Miriam, thank you for taking the time to come to our


We value your honest feedback. What did you really think of your time here on the


? Oh, I enjoyed my time on the podcast. I liked the breast better than the other. The tatan is totally perfect. I could not. improve I've never had a better one than this oh wow thank you this is really special oh thank you and I'm enjoying it so I'm taking a little while and I should probably finish but no, no, you can time Okay, you know, we have a secondary one that you can take home, you can take it home later, delicious, yes, and Miriam we've also got you a gift bag from Waitrose, oh how lovely, then we've got you. lots of delicious snacks, food, jams and very cute things, you didn't need to do that, don't worry, we have it for free.
I'm glad, thank you very much for coming, we loved it, it was a lot of fun, I write. in your book oh my god please we both have our books we want you to sign them if you don't have Miriam's book go get it oh Miriam you can read it you can listen to the audiobook In fact I'm doing both because I also love your voice so much, especially because of the night, when I'm just focusing on your voice and doing all my Maggie Smith impressions. I'll do one, please, well, my favorite is when, um, I had to ask her if she.
She would go back to school and open it because years ago she and she said no, she hated school. I'm not going back there for anything, but you'd like to, wouldn't you? Why do not you go? I love it. it's the book it's already out it's so funny and so brilliant so don't you say so funny that's bad grammar is it bad grammar so funny oh I always say so funny Miranda see I tried to teach you things please I've been listening too, the book is so funny , it's funny, we are Miriam Marg, everyone

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