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We Make a Courtyard, Campsite, Gym, & Nature Trail in Animal Crossing New Horizons

Jun 01, 2021
Hey guys, let me talk to you for a second. I started this series three weeks ago. We are now on episode number 22. I have enjoyed every step of the way, however, we have a little problem here. The problem is that we are. getting a steady amount of views for each episode, but 52 percent of the people watching this video right now are not subscribed and there's a good chance they've seen my previous videos in this series. I have a simple question, why not? Enjoy my videos and if they recommend them to you, why don't you hit the subscribe button?
we make a courtyard campsite gym nature trail in animal crossing new horizons
It won't change how much I'm featured, it will literally have no impact on your life, however it will be added to my subscriber number and it will mean the world to me and let me know that you really appreciate the series and enjoy watching it just like that, okay I'm done to speak I won't bother you for the rest of the episode. Excellent, good afternoon players, welcome back. Animal Crossing episode 22 Thursday afternoon I wanted to start development on the area behind and above the museum. The first step is to choose the right fence that will be visible from ground level, so when I'm sitting in my Zen garden with Sebastian.
we make a courtyard campsite gym nature trail in animal crossing new horizons

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we make a courtyard campsite gym nature trail in animal crossing new horizons...

I'm hanging out and I pick up my camera. I want there to be good contrast and good visibility. As I sit in the zen garden, the short fences are really dwarfed by the huge fossils in front of them, plus the colors are a bit similar so they don't explode, they don't stand out, so I ended up settling on cedar trees to along the entire side of the cliff and maybe like a thin rope fence that is not very visible. One of the things is that I don't have a There are a lot of cedar trees all over my island so that's why I only go to 10 of them and all 10 are guaranteed to drop me the amount of coins and the amount of wasps and the amount of furniture which I get for the day because the rest of the trees on my island are just fruit trees and those don't drop those things while I was at it, it was actually a little difficult to navigate around here so I decided to plot a simple path to


my way . through the trees and then I decided, hey, we can do this on some kind of hiking


and the hiking


could have a place where campers can hang out.
we make a courtyard campsite gym nature trail in animal crossing new horizons
We've got the whole camp thing going. We just received that Pocket Edition sign, so I added some picks. Fences along the route are interchanged with the rope fence. I use the camp sign to decorate the small camp area and once the camp location moves here I will delve into this a little more, but for now I'll leave these two mountain bikes. in their little parking area because, well, we're on a mountain and you've got some bikes, someone's mountain biking and do it. I made a small patch of dirt for the campfire on the stove. I set up some tiki torches to keep the mosquitoes away. and I marked a 4x4, a


that I will probably move into tomorrow or start moving into tomorrow.
we make a courtyard campsite gym nature trail in animal crossing new horizons
One area I passed by every day that I had no idea what I wanted to do is the small cliff overhanging between the Zen Bridge and the new camping trail and I've seen a few things online. I've played around with a few ideas, whether it's someone called Sloth Crossing on Instagram and they have a beautiful cafe on top of a cliff and I decided I wanted to sit outside of that, but unfortunately where my ladder is currently, I can't really do much and I think This looks horrible so after I move my camp I'll destroy this ladder and then I can build a new ladder so we have proper level management here and then we could take another look at our cafe at the top of the cliff and for those who asked in my previous videos, I also added the Pac-man road lines and fruit to my Creator code so you can download it once you unlock the capable sister store, my creator code appears on the screen and I could turn it into a comment pin.
I don't know while we're talking about patterns, someone tagged me in a post on Twitter if someone who made a tacky play floor and I love it, when you look at this and say, okay, this is exactly what a game floor, so if you want it, just pause the video and copy the Creator code overnight. Paula's house is I'm going to move and the goose house exercise area will be able to expand a little bit, so for now I just want to format a. I decided that the exercise area should be a community area and not just a goose yard, so I'm going to


it a very small yard like here on the left and a much larger training area on the right and until tomorrow when Paula Go away, we'll leave this as it's another one of our construction work areas, honestly, I should buy like a bunch of those under construction signs and I just leave them on all my projects and just as I was leaving, there's a green balloon overhead, I blew it up and it was the last cherry blossom recipe I needed for the entire collection, perfect because tomorrow, well, narration, today, April 10, is the last day in the northern hemisphere for cherry blossoms to appear until next time anus.
I think you know what we're making now, so here are all the things you can do with the cherry blossom collection, the ones not pictured are the lanterns. of which we've already done four at Enbridge, there's also the grassy cherry petal floor that matches these walls and there's a pink wood wall that matches this floor and there's also a bag and a wand that I wasn't going to wear. I'm going to lie, although it's cool to see this wall shed its petals. If you are watching this video on April 10, either at midnight or 5:00 a.m. m., the cherry blossom event will end and you will not be able to access it.
But tonight you might want to put in the effort, otherwise, who knows in eight months, you may end up paying exuberant amounts to trade with someone as sad as it is that the cherry blossom event ends tomorrow, fortunately, the cherry blossom event Bunny Day ends on the 12th and it would have been so nice if these two events didn't overlap. I feel like the beautiful, calm atmosphere of cherry blossoms is ruined with Easter eggs everywhere and now that I have all the cherry blossom recipes and lots of petals in reserve it's like I'm grinding. up and I have about a hundred extra cherry petals.
I think the whole top cafe could mix this with the Zen bridge to keep the same aesthetic and I read in the comments of the previous video that to get the nuclear shopping app on your phone you have to make 100 purchases and there is also an achievement that helps mark how many purchases you've made and it turns out I've only made 25 and you're a captain ordering five things a day so it looks like it's going to be a minimum of 15 days until I get it and again just summarizing yesterday's video making the dodo blush It does absolutely nothing for you but it never hurts and I'm blushing with nuk miles so let's take some flights my first trip of the night is basic river.
I need to pick up some herbs while I'm here and there were no DIYs on the shore either, so even making him blush doesn't guarantee DIYs, it doesn't do anything again. My second island was bamboo, which is great because I need a little more. young bamboo stalks and some shoots and my third island was the same as the first and that concluded my travels at night and I was targeted by some people and I learned that if you give away items from the corner stores, your store adds up to a achievement. In theory, I don't need to wait 25 days to order things or 15 days, whatever.
Instead, I could send 74 gnomes to everyone on my friends list, correction, the cardboard box has only 120 bills. I'm sending 74 cardboard boxes to people and it turns out that mailing stuff to your friends with the new KTM also works for the popular pen pal achievement, so you can avoid the 200 Bell fee for writing a letter, automatically generates a letter for you and if making cardboard boxes then you're only spending 120 instead of 200 sounds like a win-win situation, it's like almost an hour after I've sent cardboard boxes to everyone on my list friends and I didn't tell them what I was doing, so I looked at this.
The video now is going to be like oh that's why Austen sent me two cardboard boxes last night and I finished and got the level 4 male achievement. I got the level 4 achievement without kamae and now I have the nuclear shopping app on my phone. It's fantastic any item that I cataloged throughout my entire game while you take out my phone, ask me I don't need to go to the new KTM II for that anymore. Excellent good morning everyone, so last night was the Pokémon Raiden update and I was up until 2:30 in the morning posting a video and for some reason the game audio cut out because I don't know, OBS has this weird problem that sometimes Sometimes multitrack audio is not recorded correctly, so in future Austin if all sound was lost from the content of any of these videos.
Sorry, good morning Isabel, right now in views, it's 9:55 a.m. m., there's really nothing to talk about today. Would it become the documentary program that was on television yesterday? all about the history of water skiing and it was actually quite informative to begin with, I learned that talking about water skiing puts me to sleep reading this text is putting me to sleep and I just woke up first, first I want to see if there is anything crossed. bread already crossed beautiful you're pink cool are you are you a pink rose sure are you are you pink lilies what's up with everything being pink right now yes it's a pink day everyone that's that that's all that's all that's new that I like that I can catalog all the colors I have achieved so far and I realize that I have the same flower in two places, these are almost all lilies.
How cute, oh this house looks so perfect here, I love it, it's so beautiful. quaint these guys are open my hot topic of the day is the brick kiln and gee I have a lot of clay this requires clay a little iron and a little wood but a lot more clay than anything else this may be my only chance to sell all my clay how much do they want to buy my oven the new adhesives and you carry things better things that I don't have wow 7640 bells okay, that's great what is this cream and sugar? Oh perfect that's going to go great from an amazing local cafe good morning sable you have a little gift for me it's a printed fabric that I made myself you know you can personalize the furniture by changing the parts that are made of fabric I thought maybe you want to use my fabric to make I worked really hard to make this I hope you like using them awesome is this what we've been talking about what is he able to do wow that sounds really cold no I don't mean I enjoyed talking to this skill and learning about the backstory but I know there is an end goal in quotes or something that is unlocked by speaking disabled and I'm thinking this is what I visited a friend last night and I was able to get the palm tree lamp which I think is a . one of the coolest elements in the game and eventually I want to DIY and make a bunch of these and all the colors because I like to look at these colors like ah, that just screams like put that in the basement, pump out some lo-fi fashion. -jump to study, that's what, yes, this writing chair has an option for patterns ooh, yes, you could make the bed completely, those are great, oh, I love these triangles, wait, it says natural on the upper part.
I'm going to get different categories of patterns, ah, there's a lot to unlock with this woman, but we have a mail. Oh, some etiquette. You were a big help here the other day in fitting the tickets as a thank you. You could exchange it for items of 3000 bells or less. Awesome thanks. Label. Cherry blossom petals danced on it. wind like some kind of strange battalion of ballerinas Breeze a smile adorns my face until I see the petals fall and everything was fine until one of my moms sent me mom's tissue box cute a trash can that isn't blue amazing a poster by raymond sweet I thought you could use another pinball machine, an antique clock.
I wanted to get you something weird for your birthday and I haven't seen one of these on your island yet, so enjoy. PS: one of my villagers has been talking nice about you, why is that weird? my Earth Day a raccoon figurine yeah that's definitely weird here's something for the kitchen thanks dashi not sure if you have this thanks CQ I hope you don't have one I already thought you think it's cool thanks gala question best thing for you can happen in the last few years hashtag Meal Time with Austin hashtag new video idea the last few years I mean, you know, I started YouTube here like three four years ago, so I definitely say it's one of the best things that's ever happened to me, here is a pirate.
Batman costume also happy birthday. I already have an imperial bed, but thanks Louis, so let's give me a DIY for this cool chair. Thanks squirtles, why does the chicken coop only have two doors because if he had four he would be a chicken sedan? cool, found this in a corner, hope you can find a cool place for it. Great, someone sent me a desktop computernext time austin john comes out

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