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We Gave Up Our Bad Spending Habits ᛫ Ladylike

May 30, 2021
It's weird to talk about money in general, especially on the Internet, but it has to be done at some point, so this week Freddy and I are doing a budget boot camp. Let's really look at our



and try to go from this to this in a week. I think I spend the most money on Rogue online shopping. Amazon is a good friend of mine. Etsy is my best friend. I know without a doubt that I spend the most money simply on eating out. I just get lazy and don't enjoy it much. cooking what a healthy relationship with money looks like just recognizing that you need money and that it's okay to want money and I think a lot of people do too, the way you feel about money has a lot to do with how you were raised, my mom was always very smart with her money, she was very frugal when my mom shopped a couple times a year, watching her perk up when she treated herself was something I really loved and enjoyed watching and I think that translates into the way I view money and the way I see how I treat myself.
we gave up our bad spending habits ladylike
I feel like I'm growing. They taught me to save money for a rainy day. Saving money because you don't know what's going to happen. It's very fear-based and I want it to just be knowledge-based. One of my goals this week is to spend money only on groceries. I'm also going to challenge myself to not go out to eat, that means no Postmates and I love Postmates. I'll only allow myself $15 a day to spend on emergencies, so that's gas, maybe deodorant, if I run out it'll be a test of strength. I just had to see how well I'm going to do, so the week starts now and it's time for economic boot camp, so it's officially the first day of economic boot camp.
we gave up our bad spending habits ladylike

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we gave up our bad spending habits ladylike...

I haven't had a chance to go to the supermarket and I'm starving. I'm also exhausted, but I'm going to the grocery store tomorrow, so I didn't spend any money on food today, not even buying food or anything I spent, I think it was $12.99 buying the Dark Knight on Amazon Prime, but that was it when I started at BuzzFeed. I was an intern, you know, I didn't make the salary I have now. I knew I really wanted to buy a property as soon as I could so I put together a full budget for myself and was able to purchase a condo that I now live in and since then it has been very difficult to get everything back under control.
we gave up our bad spending habits ladylike
Here we are. I finally made it to the supermarket. I'm challenging myself to look at the prices, try to find the best deals, what are the needs, you know your car rental note, your insurance, the food, those are basically the big items, everything else. can adjust. There was a time when I had to live on very little and I was doing an internship in New York City. I usually had to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches if I wanted to do anything other than go to my internship and go home, that's how it was. great budgeting lesson, but it was just out of necessity, not because I was choosing a brownie, chocolate, brownie shake budget, what is Ashley doing?
we gave up our bad spending habits ladylike
Postmates and all that rude stuff. I just wanted to get Postmates. I got home I was tired so I finished doing my first run at the grocery store so I have a lot of stuff so I spent $20 and I have food for the next 3 days cooking the store. The first night of cooking is happening. We are making some pasta before this week. I knew I was


. a lot of money to go out to eat, but I didn't realize how much it really was until I stopped spending it, so it's Sunday morning and my typical emmo would walk down the street to Starbucks and have a fun drink. actually using the coffee machine I have a big improvement this week was how little I went to Starbucks, minimizing those unnecessary little trips to Starbucks that just feel like something to do, they really started to feel unnecessary, now it's Sunday dinner the night.
It is hot here. I have the luxury of having a nice kitchen and now I'm using it for what it's worth. I'm also generating a lot less waste. What are you doing? You just read carefully and don't buy anything. I feel that the main difference. between this week and any other week is simply having to fight my urge to shop online. This is how much I shop online. What I'm learning is that there's a difference between treating yourself and then going a little overboard because you're not. you really treat yourself if you treat yourself all the time that's just shopping all the time so it's Monday morning and I forgot our missus likes dinner tonight.
I'm trying to get what I have together, so today has been going pretty well for Mondays. and on Wednesdays we have lunch provided by work. I decided that today was going to be one of the days where I would try to spend 0 on anything. How much of my salary should I put in a savings account? I would say between 10 and 15%. but you have to be very comfortable with your budget if you can't make your 10%, what are some areas you can cut back? That's where the budget comes in, so now here we are at this lady-like dinner party. um make my little plate and I still haven't spent any dollars today today is a new day we don't have lunch at work so I'll probably eat something from the kitchen.
I can't even act like I would. I wouldn't be eating ramen noodles if it weren't for this challenge. I'd be eating ramen noodles anyway. It's now 4:00 and around 4:00 is when I start to feel like eating. I want chocolate, yes, buzfeed is probably the easiest place to do this. challenge because we have a well-stocked canteen at all times for me to have any kind of problem during this week. It's just nonsense. There was a really cool event tonight that I was supposed to go to with my friend Kane and the tickets were $25. and I had to back out because $25 is more than my $115 per day allowance.
I thought online shopping was going to be the biggest hurdle and then I realized that I get sadder and more upset when I'm missing out on real activities. and experiences with my friends that cost money, what percentage of each paycheck should I set aside for non-needs? I don't think it's a fixed percentage, it's all based on if we're putting money aside for our emergency, but if you have that it's like a bonus and now you can treat yourself, you know, I'm not saying don't treat yourself at all because that It's not realistic. I feel like I'm missing out on a really cool social event that I think I'm spending money on. events and experiences that are definitely worth it, so I went to Starbucks because I remember I had a gift card that Freddy


me for Christmas, but then I had a balance of 165 and I had to spend my own money on my breakfast sandwich with the Except for some things like very small things, I have not spent money, however, I will spend money today because I have a need that is really important.
I need to buy some razors. I have to shave my armpits. We eat lunch at BuzzFeed, whenever that is. now pasta is also a round of boiling pasta for dinner. I was probably saving about 4 or $50. I was also able to change what it feels like to go out to eat, so every time I go out to eat it feels special again. so I had an appointment downtown after work, which means a lot of traffic and also no parking downtown. I opted to raise the pool lift and that cost $10 and I have to raise it again. I'm going over my daily budget but I haven't spent any money in the last few days so I think it's okay, I avoided the crazy parking fees which would have been a lot more than that so I'm just trying to budget, let's chiple .
I would like it to be known that I go to Chipotle very often and every time I ask someone to go, they say no and then this week, the only week I can't go, literally everyone decides to go. I lean towards the PB&J. Maybe I can prepare a barbecue. cheese with a little string cheese and bread. I can't say I'm angry. I haven't had PB&J in a long time and I've really saved a lot of money this week, which has been really rewarding and amazing. I'm trying to find a free lamp for my living room.
I managed to go to Craigslist. I didn't find a free lamp, but I did find a lamp that was $15. If it hadn't been for this experiment, I would have gone on Amazon or Ikea and bought it. like a $50 lamp, but I was able to find something much cheaper and that also means that my needs this week mean I'm cooking more. I've been more active doing other things besides going to restaurants so tonight I went to the gym, it's crazy to see how easy it is to spend money, having to be really intentional about where my money goes, it's definitely been a kick in the ass. butt and it's gotten me back into shape, so I'm definitely going to They'll be things I hope to take with me, so it's the end of the budget boot camp week and I feel accomplished.
Having days or weeks like this can be really helpful for unexpected situations that may arise. I was very close to getting into a car accident and if it had really happened now I would have been much better equipped with money my goal is to move forward I want to grow my savings account and I really want to save for a really amazing vacation I definitely don't think I want to spend days or not, spending weeks built into something like my months or different timelines because it felt like a money detox, everyone saw that t-shirt, the future is absolutely feminine, if we're going to rule the world, I think it's time to really start to take control of ourselves and our situations and our bank accounts, if we want women to continue being powerful women and rise to power, we have to take control, so a month later, my mom and I are going to St Thomas, so I'm very, very excited, you know, after you did this challenge, we didn't like the message.
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