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Jun 05, 2021
go get that dough, ah no, this is on, yeah, put it in the art, welcome back to the Dover house, as you see, these are my cars, all these, this is all me, photocopier merch, It's a fireball that tells you what number of shots the communications make. Don't forget, let's go in, come on, no, Ramon, where are you going, oh so random, what is he doing here and why is he using my merchandise? Make sure that the merchants have purchased by communication, store number, communication, also, do not forget that we are in about twenty cities. tour, we are most likely near you or in your city, make sure you get your tickets on don't break down or calm down, it doesn't matter, hey bro, what's up, are you doing, are you a youtuber now or what?
we froze his wife s ring in ice
I can tell the birds are singing the sun is about to rise it's early in the morning today we have a very very smart plan we are putting something out like always oh my god let's go to a different place and do this we are the dobro brothers we have a The dumb brothers are the door brothers where the door runs and we do backflips like I said, a smart idea today, as you know, my girl and I got engaged recently, today I'm going to steal the wedding


and what we are going Let's do Darius we're going to freeze him we're going to put him in a big ice cube we're going to take his wedding


and we're going to freeze him in a big bowl of ice and we're not even a melter, she's going to have to get herself out, she's sleeping right now usually when she sleeps she takes off the ring just in case so don't you understand she scratches me at night or she scratches herself at night or something in case she's tossing and turning at night. maybe something else is happening and the ring slips.
we froze his wife s ring in ice

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we froze his wife s ring in ice...

I don't know, that's none of my business, but we should probably start because we don't want him to wake up. She's sleeping over there. She's a very heavy sleeper, so we have to sneak away. Come into my house and get the ring, let's go, there's a lot of meth here guys, this is how we keep doing this. Everyone says: what are you doing? There are a lot of bugs here, how is this a note every time someone comes, dog, have I been? I was wondering where my dog ​​was. He was in the pool, but yeah, I thought about it this time: there is no dog inside the house, so when we sneak in everything will be quiet, make sure they get their merchandise store.
we froze his wife s ring in ice
Toba, calm down. Doughboy, come see us on tour. You know, you turned it all on, you're going to miss the guys, I don't want you to miss the best ones, obviously, keep your common sense about a diamond ring freeze that's called real ice, ice dude, she's going to scare the guys. , you know, I was thinking if we should. freeze it in an ice cube or just give it to the dog and poop on it, are you kidding me bro? Yeah, I don't think it'll be forever, hell, no one, but it would be funny, not this ring, even though people love comedy, yeah, we have to find something like that. a bucket a bucket a container to put the water in and I said well just the water because we're going to put it in the freezer I know, I've really texted my life guys oh no this one or this one what do you do You, not this, right? that's huge like a big ice that's perfect well you bought the ring so do the honor wait oh my god so you're going to put water in and then I said I can't believe I'm doing this guys the moment of the truth.
we froze his wife s ring in ice
Is this ring made of real metal? Will it sink to the bottom? Let's just wait, think it's good, guys, and now we watch SpongeBob SquarePants. It's been three hours since we left the ring in the water in the freezer. We have set the temperature to negative five degrees. Now let's check the ring and see if it has


n. I just got back from working out. You know, I thought I'd better use my time wisely, so yeah, Lucas Marcus, do the honors and bring the ice bucket. Oh, no, it's cracked, buddy, it's cracked, bro? I swear, if that broke my ring, I can't do that, man, I can't do that, I can't do that, I don't know where the ring is, wait. it was at the bottom huh are you serious buddy that ring was expensive bro it's there oh yeah it's not so join the ring for the thumbnail okay buddy she'll be mad cause you don't You called me all day, text me, baby?
I can't find my ring I can't find my ring and I wouldn't be surprised if she came here alone, oh my God, okay, so I mean, do you want to call her or what do you want to do on her leg, how are you? Baby, I found your ring, she's fine, but she'll probably be mad. Yes, she loves those rings and she never wants to take them off. Feel like she doesn't like herself for that, baby. I have good news, yeah baby. I found it. your ring, let's get to it now, yeah, I found out you want to come, you'll have to come see for yourself, baby, I don't know how to explain it, maybe a baby, baby, baby, yeah, I'm in the main house.
Do you want to come I see, yeah, okay, but how are we going to do this, baby? Here is your ring, how do we present it? Let her find it. No, you guys just came, she's running over, bro, she's definitely happy that we found it. Yo, they're on their way, it's uh, I found your ring, baby prayers, acting sketch, where there's no snow? Look closely, that's crazy, who did that? Yeah, if we take it out of your phone, your ring, a little bit of a crack, yeah, sorry, this is it. I'm going to have to hold on, it's only going to take me exactly five years, six hundred and fifty-five days, to melt into this.
I have no explanation why I did this. I just thought it would be funny. Actually, I don't know what stupidity. I'm sorry. In fact, I have more, I guess your idea you bought the ring and you sound like freezing it, oh yeah, I mean, no, just for my


, though true, honey, if she doesn't have a ring, she stole it from me, do it, okay? , I will give it back to you. I'll give her that, yes, it was dear, now, let me know, look, that's great, you can decide how you want to take out the ring.
Yeah, I guess she's going to melt. I know she's upset if I think it's funny, but that will close this video that we post every Friday and Saturday. Like, please subscribe and also subscribe to Cyrus's new Christina YouTube channel that I post every Monday, so we'll have another one coming up soon. We love you guys, make sure you get it. Your march is very calm and with every word I transmit her 20 cities to us, hey, hey she.

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