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we found delirious' secret evil lair on our server... Minecraft ep 8 (HORRIFYING)

Feb 27, 2020
Well, then what are we doing Brian? Just a very quick summary again. You


this little


railway system. Yeah, I'm going to soak it and I think I


the crazy water layer. What I can't hear. Said. Oh, she will. be it his sheep shearing yeah he has so much wool I'm taking some what is he doing he literally did this it's horrible he's a monster the sheep above this is horrible he stole her llamas he called her Mom calls and Lamborghinis the other. oh this will play on our


, never say a word to us, never play with us, but do all this work.
we found delirious secret evil lair on our server minecraft ep 8 horrifying
She has a terrifying sheep Holocaust machine. What's going on? You are literally recycling the same sheep over and over again. It's the hidden sheep that walks around. a circle like I don't even know how to start doing something like that what is this block I don't know - you broke it is you what is ob


oh it's called observer I don't know what that does I mean the corner can't be seen here. I'm just making this a raving video, it's an


den and a sex dungeon. Yes, better job. I'm better at the end of this.
we found delirious secret evil lair on our server minecraft ep 8 horrifying

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we found delirious secret evil lair on our server minecraft ep 8 horrifying...

He guaranteed it to me. I think he's stingy. They have seen. the eyes on that you know he's seen a delusional idiot Scotty you have to join right now and then Brian teleports him to the delusional



it even sounds evil there's thunder outside you have to see you have to see what these sheep are doing to him here this of him is a sexy sexual circle shearing the sheep go around again and again this is his whole life I don't know how his body returns until he grows wool he's going to get angry what is it? carries I'm doing anything on this server besides this creepy thing, but imagine I'm trying to put them in a chest like you can't stack them.
we found delirious secret evil lair on our server minecraft ep 8 horrifying
Just a yellow single bed here, yes that was his bed, yes that is his real bed. fix that maybe now it has spares I mean, a good sign, we noticed you were saving a lot of wool to make vents, so we thought, we hope you have a good time, oh no, I'm sleeping, I'm going to go get more wood. You'll come back, you know, you'll be able to tell there are beds up here. Something will give you a clue as to how much wool we just burned. Each bed is three and there are around 400 beds detained because we have made it nice and cozy.
we found delirious secret evil lair on our server minecraft ep 8 horrifying
Now he has plenty of room for all his teddy bears, you see, the ceiling is made entirely of, you know, okay, IKEA, a wife, but all the walls are the floor and you know what's out there, the cream of the crop. cream, the pen. bit, the best part of all this remember what your initial bed was yellow mmm yellow a yes machine, although again as if the machine still worked, we should fill its chest with beds so that it would have to put a spotter positioned similarly to a The piston will observe the block it is placed against, since observers can detect the state of other observers.
Placing two adjacent observers washing each other can make a compact and fast redstone clock which makes sense, doesn't it? Tyler is Minecraft's mad scientist device. What's going on? What does he know about everything? Apparently I feel like it's a bad idea to be with him like this because he knows how to create some fear. He's going to get into the server. He will get angry and take Austin's side. This gadget will share it. our testicles I'm going to make a Persian rug out of our ball sack hair while he runs us through this machine over and over again I want to go home guys, it's only been a few hours since we left surgery, nap time It's a delirium. it's ready, we'll add them back to the server any time Bryan, I'm excited, yeah, yeah.
I'm keeping an eye on the discord in Casey tonight. I'm ready to go into spectator mode, okay, oh yeah, what's up? I didn't think he was going to be around Oh Bryan, he's around, he's always around, you want to play mini games, Minecraft is his life now, I have to be here to make my way, where all the beds on the floor, oh, they're not here for me. I know he has a lot of wool, he helped you take out a bunch of delusional PETA, isn't that beautiful? It looks much more famous, how this evil contraption works, it's worth it.
We stumbled upon the Holocaust sheep that's happening here and we were mortified, so you found this. play at random, yes, fork, fork, the railway to your house,


, your real bed was yellow if you look inside with the sheep, explain this situation, how does this work?, there is no elevator and they go up, they eat the grant, they get their wound down and then I have an auto clip, so come here, come back here, how does it show? Oh, and this is my auto picture back here, as you can, yeah, yeah, we had all that, Sammy, we ate what's in Auto, I'm choking, I'm dying.
It's called YouTube Auto Show Auto Fisher Question, yes a question, are you the original owner of these as well as the baby trout? I opened the door, he just walked in, walked over here and I didn't know who the hell he was any product. and i lit the flames and then he went away and let the flame sir. I was left with the flames. Oh, still, probable story, yes, yes, yes, where is he, what is his name, where is his corpse, I don't know, until the mine shaft, the noise of the Angels, come here, we ? made you better stairs your other stairs stink all the stairs yes, let's destroy these hundreds keep going there's still more in case you get tired while mine in your video no, no, you don't understand how it was the creamiest, we found it, TRUE?
I had no idea and there was my rock, your story or outside all the time, what makes you think you're with mine? No, guys, we're not smart enough. We've been on this server for a month and we haven't seen you once. I have seen it. in I've seen it in it no, it hasn't Anton with us you saw your gigantic mobs appear in the sky, it took forever to do it, yeah, well, so did these beds, so the time, I don't know how to use your thing from the mob generator, yeah, I stayed there for about five minutes, another single mom ball, yeah, it doesn't really work that well.
I find that auto fishing is much faster when leveling the gun. I don't know how to autocast right click and then you put your ridiculous in the note block and the note block is what makes you autocast so if you find some way to keep your budget down you'll just go away and be efficient forever, how long does it take? Catching something, usually when the door comes back down is when I catch. I'm not using a good fishing rod right now, I'm just looking at New Jersey, the word nerd is in the crazy world. I'm so proud of you, it was all the game could do.
Don't get me, book, at what level you died. I died three times at level 30, where do you enchant? You go and use our when we're not looking. This creepy little guy has been like running behind our backs, like sneaking around a little. Mouse like when I was blonde I thought I was like in some kind of prison if you are it's a madhouse we use it all you can sleep wherever you want that doesn't make this room too comfortable is the room in this funny us We were just looking and wondering what is doing with all this wool and someone says it's making a lot of beds.
I say no, you can make a lot of beds right now.

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