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We found a Woodland Mansion and Blew it up! - Minecraft

Jun 04, 2021
meet me at the beacon meet me at the beacon beacons at least go to Baker he'll go crazy agreement disco he has a new trick I'm going fast there's a creeper bees ready you ready ready every what are you no no no way are you what the skeleton ready are you ready you're ready you're ready looking looking with the power of Thor oh I didn't kill him wait I summon the power of Odin from my father I'm a practical medium blow I supercharged him I give you the power to attack oh really now Wow, okay guys, I don't I knew, I didn't know, holy ghosts, look at my head, trihard, like you, you guys are so bad, what is he doing, what is this guy doing, what is so creepy?
we found a woodland mansion and blew it up   minecraft
Reload your explosives, we can. 5% bigger, okay let's look at this, why isn't it exploding? I'm a lawyer if you, if you love him, if you let a creature fly, you can get the head, where is the zombie? I want head, wait, wait, wait, bring another vine. for him and then he can pop another vine Marcel what oh you oh you moron oh you're so I showed it to everyone except Evan Evan you're welcome look at my house yeah let's show you my amazing crib. Bryan saw her Nova. I've seen it moose you haven't seen it everyone else has done it I'm not the only person here who doesn't see the only refrigerator for me up here this is where we create all the things that make all this magic op, since all the magic everything happens you know just the basic things there we have the bedroom we have the heads that I have collected from my victims oh damn you killed a creeper and a zombie did you put them on your head?
we found a woodland mansion and blew it up   minecraft

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we found a woodland mansion and blew it up minecraft...

Get out of me now this was the house you guys so rudely interrupted and none of you are invited back and then it's okay and then down here okay no this is working interesting read the sign this is where it gets really strange . if you hit a villager or a golem you will die okay you have been warned follow me welcome to the workshop wake up your slaves yes a black in our group yes make the slave buy and sell literally anything you want you want, anything, yes. yeah they're slaves with jobs yeah you sure want full carbon armor talk to this guy you want diamond weight why am I talking to this guy you want a pair of Nike shoes come here we got some kids here , no I don't need small hands to make cool laces.
we found a woodland mansion and blew it up   minecraft
Oh, thanks for taking me to the red light district in Minecraft. I appreciate it. Sex slaves. So check out these guys here. Evan. These are slaves who have no work. These guys here make a new slave I come on shows make a new sale your bangs oh I'm going to have to delete this oh oh had a fight they had a fight you she's tough he broke her heart yeah they broke up they're incompatible okay it I don't see what you mean by they're making love I don't see this is true go to sleep go to sleep sack man what do you have dog with my dogs? well where are my dogs?
we found a woodland mansion and blew it up   minecraft
I woke up and I'm still out here. I'm not sure what class we're doing, the music thing. I'll get a boat, everyone will get a boat, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Cirque de Latour everywhere. I can't think of anything I got them today by making a young English girl's parrot dance. I present to you Mozart's piece, Symphony Number Four, now we'll try to give it a little flavor, like where are they? Wow, I wonder what direction that's headed, is that your ease of looking around your house, this house here is that Bryon's cream pies, people tweeted me about the dogs, right?
Okay, we'll probably have to take boats in the dark, yeah, no more to my dock. I love how Marcel knows because I'm right oh yeah donate it when they went exploring today and I was like wait let me get this free stand for their dogs and why would they lie to you about how sweet and beautiful it is. money, what white Peter, this is Peter Peter, prisoner number two, why are you positive? The crimes they have committed against Peter are animals, didn't you see my business card? I should tell you why this has happened. They are all dildos, yes.
I stumbled upon these pillows. How would you say to be fair I gave them shelter? I made sure they were safe. I could have done much worse things with these dogs. Yes, you could have done much worse things than a dildo dripping onto his heads. put them away, okay, it's a bit of a crazy idea here, but yeah, right before me, will you teleport to me? Oh no, my dogs, before you teleport to me, it's only if someone else kills your dog. Oh, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh. Oh my God, oh my God, let it, let it come, let me come here, give me, follow me, follow me, follow me, fill me, wait, what's the way I am, follow me, what's going on, where am I? rock rock I'm breaking your name tag.
I'm bringing your name tag, come on buddy, this happened, my chance, yeah it's time to update the sign, wait what happened, dare you, why do you care about me? Evan. I've been asking that question about your YouTube career for years. Oh Harry, God, yes, the comments section would love you. To do so, simply release the activation code, just shoot, man. Rock Rage left a single punch. They never die in one hit and they never die once. The usage code has been killed. He was going to father anyway. map of a


in the woods me and brock rock and we will if i had a map where the magic is it looks like this oh let me see it oh i see it we actually can't find it find it we've recruited you idiots to help us find it , find us, yeah, listen according to my map, that Brock and I are trying to go, we have to go northeast, we are going to make an arch, the lyricist's house first, I just want to say that we are already here, wait, where is home? here this part on the server for months hey, how about we make a threat?
We make an open threat before we leave, fill it with TNT and say rave if you don't play with us in the next few days. Let's go yeah I know but we can still okay oh yeah blow something on the skin because I know he watches the violence video so look oh what the hell and then where's the jump to that thing here? Have it down here, let's fill this with TNT and give it an oppa in the morning, yeah I'm here, what are we doing? We'll just fill this place with TNT and then leave like he'll give him a thread if he doesn't.
You won't be playing with us again in the next few days or whatever, we're just going to blow this place up here. You have good new friends. The zoo is not finished. You say he won't come back if you do this. No no. No we won't, the point is we'll let him know he's showing up, which we've been talking about literally all day if he doesn't come back here again, all this TNT has your name on it. Actually we have to go out, okay, don't chase yourself, why did I think of that? Why didn't I think of that?
I mean, I am, are you coming back? I don't know how to reset the SERP, you don't know. how to reset this new server I know that all you are still inactive there is delirious is the house down there - some of that no, it is not the same as the kingdom I did not know my bad do you think I would do that if I did not know I knew you couldn't have done, so I still see it destroyed. Yes, I am before the time machine. I did it. Yes. I created a new server and I still don't know how to roll back the server.
I'm delirious. I'm sorry. Okay guys, keep going. this way there is a distracted friend, bring the bunny, he is cursed, what is this. Oh, madam. Shenton Brown, where's the pivot? See if there is a railway from who what what what wait wait for the phone wait for the phone here some of the things are crazy Oh Oh red sand white terracotta or sericata like children and then if you cook It looks like this pretty stained glass window oh this is what makes you feel when they're in poop Thanks oh no no no blood it looks much cooler I wanted to see if anyone had wood because I was going to smell it real quick, it looks sick, I got that's DX, yeah no, I need wood, we need make a craft table, wait, you have a craft, damn, what's the use, I'm Kent, oh, I didn't listen selectively, there's the call, put it in any color, in any color.
Oh, any car, yellow, yellow guys, check it out, that's what yellow looks like, yellow terracotta, what's a terracotta, yeah, we've been standing this whole time, make that little one, put that one down, look at Brian, look this boom, some don't. -reaction yes I like it a lot wait to pause stop moving stop moving where he's moving vanoss oh great I was following Evan how did you get lost hey what do we mean a look where you are Mia come on oh I was following how are you following me are you the first in line no, he wasn't there yet Marcel is still there holy he's almost almost there he's almost almost there I'm getting really dark I'm almost touching him pass the chicken if you pass the chicken you take the right route where Brock is these places happen when you weren't chasing a cat oh my god, what is this up there?
They're guys, they wouldn't wait, where's Brock? Wait, I can't get past this, do you know whose house this is? come in here delirious it's not here it's nice a nice noise to make it work we're here for our visit interested in buying the open house how's it going? Welcome to the open house here guys, Mr. Mr. Snow Kuwait, okay if you gentlemen want, okay, I'm sorry, the boys will show that it was the terror of the house, so are there any traps here? I have no idea what it is, I have no idea and I'm terrified, come on, let's make it we're going to go down here In this area here we're going to look to the left, you'll see a nice, there's a farm, the girl, yeah, up here and some bad people from Portland, yeah, some vegans, okay, move down the aisle, okay, everyone listen up, so early today.
We ported our kingdom to a server because we want to help with the lag and all that, but some things went wrong, so something went right, nothing, no, everything went wrong, yeah, like for some reason we were in passive mode for the last few three hours. I don't think we need to label them as bugs, they're fine and in order, so now we're going to reset the whole forest


in the kingdom we've been playing in and that's it, we'll just do it. Because I've been recording for four hours looking for a mansion in the middle of nowhere, okay everyone, so this mansion sucks, okay, we didn't find it.


a chest that is some TNT. It was great, it sucked so much we decided to ruin it. aside, well, we, we put a couple of TNT in there, as you can see, yes, it's just a few, we'll deliver our nice cart with a little more TNT and we'll blow with the flow up, okay, not that, there won't be lag it's going to be nice and smooth right guys honestly honestly what we're trying to do is break the server that's how we feel about this mansion guys ready I can put it up I can put it up no no no , once there is a dent.
It shouldn't move up, up, don't touch it, don't touch it, don't touch it. You will be the one who destroys another house. I will do my specialty. I want you to push it in three. Are you ready, yes, three two. a push to the car Marty's Marty is like Rockets for Smarties our chocolate hours are different yes, yes, no, they are Smarties, they are like England, smart, yes, we are Suárez and England, yes, they are the best Smarties in the United States, they are lawyers. In England, if you get a tube like the Irish and English Smarties, you shove the whole tube down your throat, they're amazing, yeah, I get the point, you're calling me gay, right?
I'll teleport you to me now it looks like I'm just a stripper, yeah you're not really doing it, that's the smallest river pool in the world, you put multiples on top, crouch down and click on the top of the TV. Oh, that's a bigger rave, ladies and gentlemen, make some noise for the sweet tiramisu.

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