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We built this...? Minecraft Build Battle Challenge!

May 29, 2021


is to


food for him. I'm in the master chair, so our idea is guys, first we'll


the hamburger bun and then we'll build a food fortress around it, making it the ultimate fortress. Yes, now. build the burger in front of the bun you yes, the bun of goodness is not too big because we know we are going to fail with big builds mm-hmm


shape of bun your button is looking how about, oh, we should make a sad burger,


is good? The shape of the bun is fine, so when we have our coat a shoe marks what we need, okay, put the empanada wrong, this empanada was grilled by the best person, Drago is a hamburger.
we built this minecraft build battle challenge
You wouldn't eat another bagel, would you? because it's a messy burger. This bun won't be as big as the other bunny. Oh, make sure you have a hole in the burger, it kind of covers itself like that. You put some veggies on your burger, yeah Drock, oh this is just meat so we should make the burger. on top super big you put all the vegetables on top of the burger now you say so let's fill it let's fill it with a little more meat Rocco it's not enough meat yeah okay that's perfect so now we need some lettuce because the vegetables right, that looks like poison no, it seems like you know we can mix it, don't mix it guys, it looks like moldy vegetables.
we built this minecraft build battle challenge

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we built this minecraft build battle challenge...

I love a very toxic disgusting burger. Looks great. Wow, I would definitely eat this. Oh, and we definitely need some ketchup or tomato sauce. and then you know what it needs, it needs another patty, well, Wow Drock, oh that's too much, yeah, oh you said you were making a big mac, well I've got some red tomato ketchup. I guess there's ketchup here and then last but not least. I think we got the bun guys good achi oh yeah we are yeah you can't have a burger without why the top is cheese this is cheese. Dracco can have him tearing the cheese is the top, but he's too tall, it changes everything. this cheese is going to look epic good drippy cheese helps top this off and there's our epic looks rubbish we're forgetting about the beautiful sesame seeds on the bun and obviously you can't eat this burger without a fork in the middle oh yeah yeah everything time this looks very good, a sesame, sesame, here, no, the bottom is not enough for us today in an artist who stands out with an illegal chisel, a beautiful and magnificent cheeto, you will want to complete a circle, do we want this cheeto?
we built this minecraft build battle challenge
I don't know, you can try it here, you press the line to a bam bam, oh yeah, BAM, okay, it's the cheeto, yeah, making a circle, no, no, we're made to go around, whoa, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, Bam, fast forward, guest, no, we are. I'm not going too fast, I think it's a circular track, oh, one more layer, oh, there it is, well, the beautiful, magnificent Cheeto boys, look, now you can be Latin, while Luna and Rainbow work on the fortress around Dracco and Golds. As we enter, we're going to build the hamburger brain. Oh, I don't think there's room there.
we built this minecraft build battle challenge
No, we just need to put a torch in our hands. We can't let the outside see what we are doing. Oh no. wow, what a poorly made burger, so inside our fortress we need fortress things, you know we need cannons, we need a weapons store, well a weapons rack, oh oh wait, this is the fortress just a monument, no this is the fortress you have a problem it's kind of squishy the cheese is falling ignore the cheese please rooibos how perfect this is good the ladder will go up here and we will have a layer of hamburgers or the floor targets you build a gun here Upstairs okay, I've got it good, we have a weapons room, yes it's a weapons room with Spears chips and this is our trapdoor so intruders can't get in to keep our shape the floor still has to be a bun to let people know that they are inside a beautiful and beautiful and in every fortress there is a dormitory that we are in I'm going to need how many beds I don't know how many people could sleep here although we don't need to sleep, we need to protect our burger.
Hey, you lay down here, another one right here that looks pretty good, an old stove right here, some firewood. near this a broom so our place can stay tidy and maybe some tools for the fireplace this looks great you know what this place is missing a toilet right here oh so they just wake up and use the bathroom right there. I should put it here, the bathroom is not one. Okay, that's pretty gross, but they are realistic goals. How come your gun has an airy spot that forces you to stop? It's those kitchen knives. You want to ask why there are kitchen knives here because they are more powerful than real swords.
Okay, Jack, I wouldn't do it. mess with your man, yeah, I think our weapons area, the cabin, is ready while the tents cool down, what does our cheeto fortress look like? God, yes, phone waiting all your life, you've been waiting for this one moment to build a gay and we're going to get some trees over here, this fort looks pretty basic, we're going to have to put out more food, a pot of soup yeah, No, honey, honey and Cheetos, that's the way to do it, no, I'm kidding, no, coke and Cheetos are the best, honey, you can't have a door without a grocery bag, that's cool, I mean, You don't want a store, this is a port.
Yes, Eva port where we fight, do these doors work? Drock oh, there is a design flaw, it's really broken. Wow, okay, Dracco to test the food fortress, we must invade it, we must vehicles, yes ma'am, vehicle, okay, first mistake of the fortress, the lever is. Outside there was no protection in this whole area, so nice, although I hold the knife, I married Angeline Burger, okay, so it turns out that this fortress is full while it is a very strong night because I am dominated by the armor, you have to show us that your strength clearly it works our food fort didn't turn out very well anyway the next


is to build a potato with power but the most important thing is what powers are we going to give our potato my right to make a wand how about spraying ketchup on his hands oh no? find chicken nuggets potatoes how about a fart potato that's our city's pumpkin sauce drizzle sauce peel tomato Super Saiyan powers our potato will be in the trees oh why does this texture look so disgusting?
It's actually pretty realistic about what potatoes look like don't say I don't want potatoes anymore, our super potato years, our potato, oh, he looks so disgusting, I know, okay, why does he look like a cockroach? ? Drago Drago, that's not a joke, what I do, what I'm going to do. To make super potato eyes, a potato needs to be strong. Hado, pull, those are the eyes, boom, there you go, our dad looks very angry, I think she's fine, come on, I'm sailing, yeah, perfect, does this look a little familiar? It's not? Sir. Potato Head, we're not going to steal, it's bad, don't worry, we're making our own superhero potato, it's okay, potato, now when they remove his mouth, there's our potato mouth, he even has superhero hair, that's cool .
Wow, and last but not least, I think he deserves it. a beautiful red cape because we all know that if you don't have a red cape, are you really? Oh, Kinkaid, don't laugh, there's a limit to being gross, okay, this is his cape, the cape will be tied like this and then we'll have to make a tape, guys, this looks pretty good, it looks amazing, there you go the tape, oh we need to make his arms in a different space, there you will have the chubby potato arms from that house, those are yours, yes, our super potato is completely in focus, oh.
There is lightning, yes, he is clearly very powerful and what is the power of him. What is the power of this potato? I don't know, can you say it in her style oh poor thing? I look like cheese spread on her line. I would say lightning, but I don't really know. You know, guys, this is our latest bill challenge, rainbow, are you holding it? Hey, put that away, why are you threatening our dad, what have I been an evil villain, show me your powers, okay, our last build is, can you build a pizza, baby, these are probably? the strangest one suggests you whatever, but okay, yeah, let's just get on with it: a baby pizza, what's a baby pizza?
Oh, can we make a really big pizza and then make small pieces? No, no, I'd rather just build, oh. you just make a nice pizza, that's the face, make a baby devouring pizza, how about we make a crib like a crib with a baby? Pizza Lane, yeah, that's the one, yeah, that's the one okay, who knows how to build a crib reference? Do we have some really cool cribs here? Yes, well, but we have that crib. Build this. No, no, we are building the crib. Okay, who wants to start? Nobody is building a necklace. Let's do it in blue because the blue crib will just do this and then this. and then we need two small hooks.
No, there is no heat. He sends his men. You could change the color of these centers. There are two hooks and then the weight. I don't even know what we're building. Let me take it out. This is a giant crib. The way I don't even think this is a baby right now, this is a huge diet crib for a giant baby, okay Drago, you could fix the legs on that side. Objective, we are building a platform around it. Now we have to start with the walls. little baby roof, yeah, it looks pretty good, so I think a Lunar installs the wheels, you don't know anything, that's not how we work, no, you don't know what you know, that's how the wheels are used.
I wouldn't trust my baby in this crib. They are so bad at building cribs, no, don't come to our store if we ever do a craft store, boy, pizza, we have crust, we have water, you know, you don't want bad wheels, guys, they're not cars, we love cribs. , don't leave the food. floor they know they know no no Joey is just ready so he looks crazy he's a baby yes he is and where is his face although the baby's eyes have to be like jelly bean eyes because he's a baby you know oh man I'm the cutest baby of the world Look at that, are you laughing?
Who laughs? Wait, can we go out like this? Take a distant photo of this. It looks like a caterpillar or not. I'm just laughing because Luna thinks you can push a wheel. That? Okay, little one, no, baby, oh, we created it. a monster and a little baby have some cute eyebrows and then some hair for the little baby, okay wait jackal you'll be my baby Morag oh okay whatever and the baby gets a lot of exercise because he's a muscular baby and he has little dumbbells in his crib, there you go, what are you guys building?
What is this? A race track. Yeah, let's call this. Let's make a messy font right here and call this bed. This is me. Say hello everyone to Bab in the comments section. This is bad. I don't know about the pizza Luna or if I'm terrified hey what are you doing to my pizza like that Las Vegas is prettier like this and our pizza has to have some vegetables because vegetables, I know it looks disgusting in the pavement game and the bevit knows that Bev is fine, look at it bro. Pizza babba is ready, hey why would you make my pizza cry better?
Who is crying? Well guys, that's it for our invoice challenge. This was from our previous invoice challenge. I don't know we have clowns here and now we have a pizza, look, but if you know, we asked you to leave a comment below about what we should build next, we're looking for the strangest comments like that. Babies, yes, they like pizza, baby or potato with powers or food, that doesn't make sense, but we love it. If you enjoyed the video, be sure to hit the like button below and we'll give you a free banana. Don't forget to do it.
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