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We built a CANDY Mansion in Minecraft!

May 30, 2021
some things, okay, we need more paints and these chairs should stay like this and we should just color them. I have a pink palette, a pink palette rack, oh this is to hang your coats on. I think you should go to the door then and I have a lollipop clock, does it actually look like a lollipop? Let's see, oh, that's cool, let's make a grandfather clock. Make it big, make it big, big, big, big, make it extra big. And what else do I have there? I still have an ice. cream colored trash can. I will have trash cans in this game.
we built a candy mansion in minecraft
I guess you could go to the corner, it looks like a decoration, draco, make it huge, this is all the furniture I have left to place, oh my god, that's great, wait, we forgot about the cooking, the most important part, the cooking right here, Draco does that. ice cream refrigerator, okay, put that on, oreo refrigerator, oh my god, oh my god, it's twinkie, twinkie, go to the couch, I keep forgetting to use gravity, draco, gravity and I'll put this beautiful


cane candle on, right? Where did the twinkie go? He fell on the couch, he left. perfect positioning yes, okay, put on the waffle pillows and I think we're done, all we have to do is fix the outside a little and, as you know, give it a little beauty, time's up, don't touch or a single block. don't touch donut touch you won't touch um okay rainbow you are the judge where we should go who wants to go first what are you?
we built a candy mansion in minecraft

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we built a candy mansion in minecraft...

I don't know stop being so Canadian you're the judge it should be us you're the giant okay wait what's that over there okay I guess we're going this way no no no no I want to go to this one she she's so indecisive okay draco go to this one welcome to lava you drive me crazy chocolate cake strawberry yeah licorice every cake flavor in the rainbow world just did it oh for ours and not for yours no there's step back step back whatever let you in no no no before we let you in just go back go back very quickly appreciate the scenery draco and I looked ooh sweet corn trees with licorice stems trunks licorice it's a cheeto hot tub it's a pool of hot lava nice take a bath I thought you could have coffee after eating tons of chocolate all day do you just want to take a bath in this hot lava jacuzzi?
we built a candy mansion in minecraft
You're really kind, you're right about burning the sugar, yeah, yeah, that's how it works. Okay, here, come to the extravagant


blah, blah, blah, oh, and look, look at the details that Draco made right here, look at that, yeah, look at these details. I like it I like it I don't get it, but I like stepping on the rainbow fencing Wow, you bought more surprise, that was very rude 35 yeah, look at these ceiling lights, you're not appreciating our effort anyway, that's a little crazy, as? what hey you're not a judge tell a roomba you're not a judge okay drago this is the extremely giant super king size extra bouncy donut bed what flavor is this?
we built a candy mansion in minecraft
It looks like it's a poisonous berry, oh, and this is the bathtub with the shower head, oh, a turtle shower head, your guys house looks like if someone were how things last, this is the toilet, the toilet, I don't know what this reminds me of, it reminds me of a furniture display store, a display case, yeah, I was trying to get something. vibes no, it's a gorgeous open area, yes this is the kitchen with the appliances open, they are very open right and lastly this is our proudest place, look it's the living room with a pillow sofa, I like it, did you even bother to color coordinate the furniture? be chocolate what I did then everything came let me break my house I like the color the corn made it gold that's why I told you this is like a furniture display store those are the vibes I'm getting good well what do you rate about the sweets um? come on don't be shy how about no ratings until the end come on ok rainbow wait but we


something off screen just for you hey draco for the people who don't give us a good score, right, Draco, yes, this is just a bribe. get down back mail get down no wait I can't pretend you fail but get off your ass you failed oh this is so hard to get right you know what there isn't any this is what happened to you gummy bears this is what me and Draco do rainbow this doesn't belong in a land of


no bribery or blackmail um okay i rate this as a scary furniture store let's move on to the next build no escape but i really appreciate the exterior. looks like a delicious pie house a witch would probably live in thank you thank you I agreed I'll take it as points draco high five bam now let's get to the masterpiece everyone is it a masterpiece let's leave it at that trust.
Let's not change the day, change it today please, it's just a movie, it's still nice during the dark because we have lights. Wow okay rainbow so Luna and I know you love trying things so this is the multi luxe parfait teardrop look. strawberry raspberry delicious dutch fudge chocolate fudge vanilla wow rainbow it's going to spill ok it's so you can see it more oh oh there's such a creative pop oh actually it's pretty thanks come to the top take a look this looks delicious draco I hope your furniture skills are as good as ours, yeah, it probably isn't, what did you call your frame, what did you say, what did you call your belt?
It might sound fancy, we call it uh, they don't even taste fancy, um, top-tier parfait, yeah, that's it. the name is proof here I like pink stairs, thank you, they're not even stairs, why do I have to carry cake stairs? Welcome to your area, this is Rainbow's cute chocolate chair with her little computer and her pink lamp, and this is her kitchen, okay? They're tough, Jacko, they did it well. Wow, and this is a strawberry milk rug. Do you see that the clock is like on the ground? Yes, that's a fail, this place looks delicious and if you don't believe it, you're lying to yourself. the details you saw the apartment you don't have a refrigerator full of details there is no refrigerator there is no refrigerator rainbow rainbow be careful with that there is no refrigerator in the kitchen we repeat there is no refrigerator if there is no refrigerator no problem these are just sweets exactly aha can' I don't I will eat your house, yes, and your house is illegal.
Beautiful rainbow. You have to pay attention to the stairs. They are handmade stairs. how cute this is the rainbow phone your strawberry bed pink ipad why are all these things on the frozen floor tv don't have to use gravity like these um dude this tv is so cute how do I get one in my house? you eat it oh this is your house this is your house wow that's silly it's funny not only does it have a secret room that tortures people we have a secret balcony that you fly through this hatch you see the chocolate hatch just climb it oh wow, it's so delicious up here it makes me want to vomit this is not a secret balcony this is just your cookie oh yes and this is our yes it is it is our delicious good limited edition chocolate sprinkled colors wow wow we know rainbow doesn't like them both cherries, so we made a chocolate with strawberry.
Wow, okay, can you guess who guesses who's going to win? I'm pretty sure Draco Knives makes me and Draco stronger, yeah, we did pretty well and went faster, okay? I am the judge and I am the result. I love this rainbow parfait. This is the winner. Okay, okay, but I'm also a judge and I vote. That's funny and Draco's beautiful lava cake is the real winner, but you know who the final vote is. Yes, that's right, we see you, it's your time to choose the real winner, who is he? Is it the drake and the fun lava cake?

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